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Travel Advisory September 9, 2024

Bahrain - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued after periodic review without changes.

Exercise increased caution in Bahrain due to  terrorism .

Country Summary:  Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Bahrain. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning. Targets may include tourist sites, transportation hubs, markets, shopping malls, and government facilities.

Read the  country information page   for additional information on travel to Bahrain.

If you decide to travel to Bahrain:

  • Enroll in the   Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists/Westerners.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Follow the Department of State on   Facebook   and  X/Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report   for Bahrain.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information related to your travel.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Embassy Messages

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Quick Facts

1 page per entry stamp

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Manama

Building No. 979 Road 3119, Block 331 Zinj District Manama Kingdom of Bahrain Telephone: +(973) 1724-2700 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(973) 1727-5126 Fax: +(973) 1727-2594; 1725-6242 (Consular Section) The workweek in Bahrain is Sunday through Thursday. [email protected]

Destination Description

See the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Bahrain for information on U.S.– Bahrain relations.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Requirements for Entry: 

  • Passport valid for at least six months

Types of visas: 

  • Tourist Visas : Apply for two-week tourist visas at the  Bahrain eVisa website  or upon arrival. Ask for ten-year multiple entry visas if applying through the Bahrain embassy.  
  • U.S. Diplomatic and Official Passport Holders:   Diplomatic passport holders should coordinate their arrival with Embassy Manama. Official passport holders should follow their chain-of-command for DoD specific guidance.
  • Journalism Visas:  Journalists must have a journalism visa. Please apply for a visa in advance of your travel.

Be prepared to answer questions regarding your purpose of travel. Be sure to leave Bahrain before your visa expires; otherwise, you will face heavy fines, possible arrest, and/or deportation. A visa extension to stay beyond the original expiration date is possible.An extension request must be submitted via the Bahrain e-Visa website . Your visa must be valid for the duration of your stay in Bahrain. 

To work in Bahrain you must have: 

  • a valid work visa
  • a residency permit
  • a local identification card 

Consult  Bahrain’s Labor Market Regulatory Authority  for complete details. 

Obtain a valid work permit and signed employment contract before arriving in Bahrain. The contract should clearly state: 

  • Provisions related to relocation expenses
  • Type of housing and number of occupants
  • Any visa fees to be paid by the employee
  • Salary payment schedule and any salary penalties
  • Terms of probation period
  • Who pays transportation expenses, should the contract be terminated 
  • Local tax obligations, if any
  • Benefits offered including final settlement

Do not work in Bahrain on a tourist visa.  Even if employers advise you otherwise, Bahraini authorities will hold you personally liable if you do not have a valid work permit.  

Have all documents required for your employment permit authenticated before arriving . The U.S. Embassy in Manama cannot provide this service. For information on authentication of U.S.-issued documents, see  Authentication of American Academic Credentials for Use Abroad  and contact our  Office of Authentications . 

Do not allow your employer to retain your U.S. passport.  It is illegal, but a common practice, for Bahraini employers to retain your passport. Such retention could delay your travel or grant undue leverage to your employer in case of a dispute.

While many U.S. citizens have a positive experience working in Bahrain, some employed in the education sector have complained about lack of private accommodations, delay in payment of salary, withholding of passports, delay in issuance of residency, and a debt-related travel ban on leaving the country if the employee breaks a contract and the sponsor requires repayment of travel costs.

Exit Restrictions:  If you have unpaid debt or are involved in legal proceedings, authorities may not allow you to leave Bahrain until the issue is resolved.  Resolution may take several years. Additionally, this could force you to stay in Bahrain beyond the validity of your visa, at which point you would begin to accrue daily fines. The U.S. Embassy cannot pay your debt, fines, tickets, legal expenses or living expenses. 

Residents intending to return to Bahrain should   obtain a re-entry permit  valid for at least six months before leaving. Renew visas and residency permits through the  General Directorate of Nationality, Passports, and Residence (GDNPR) . 

HIV/AIDS Restrictions:  Some HIV/AIDS entry restrictions exist for visitors to and foreign residents of Bahrain. All declared HIV-positive foreigners risk immediate deportation. Although you are not required to declare HIV status upon arrival, the government may revoke visas of non-Bahrainis who are HIV positive. There may be a risk of getting tested for HIV without consent during a hospital visit. Please verify this information with the  Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain  before traveling.  

Travelers with HIV:  arry enough medication to cover your intended stay. Pharmacies reportedly will not sell HIV/AIDS medication to non-Bahraini citizens without a permit from the Ministry of Health. Health facilities and pharmacies are required to report HIV-positive foreigners to the Ministry of Health, which could lead to deportation. 

Bahrain does not recognize dual nationality, though some exceptions are made. Bahraini dual nationals are required to declare and register their second nationality with the government.

If you are eligible for Bahraini citizenship, authorities will not issue you a Bahraini passport unless you renounce your U.S. citizenship. Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs regulations   on our websites.

Safety and Security

Terrorism:  Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad.  Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, and vehicles – to more effectively target crowds.  Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as: 

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.) 
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists 
  • Places of worship 
  • Schools 
  • Parks 
  • Shopping malls and markets 
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and scheduled commercial flights)  

For more information, see our Terrorism page.  

Crime : The crime rate in Bahrain is low, and violent crime is rare. Thieves and pickpockets are known to operate in the old market area. Common sense security precautions are effective in countering the threat of crime.

Demonstrations  occur regularly in specific areas and are usually peaceful and not disruptive to public order. They may take place in response to political or economic issues, on politically significant holidays, during international events, at night and on weekends.  

  • Demonstrations can be unpredictable. Avoid areas around protests and demonstrations. 
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.

Demonstrations sometimes result in temporary road closures.  Demonstrators occasionally burn tires, throw rocks, or lob Molotov cocktails in specific neighborhoods at night.  In the past, they have used improvised explosive devices and shotgun-like projectile launchers against government security forces.  The Ministry of Interior maintains official checkpoints and will deploy crowd control agents against demonstrators if it is determined that the protest is becoming unruly or could impact public security.  In recent years, dialogue and community policing elements have been used to lower tensions and crowd control measures have been deployed as a last resort.

No U.S. citizens have been specifically targeted during protest activity. Local media outlets have sometimes expressed anti-U.S. sentiment, and demonstrators have occasionally burned U.S. flags. 

Remain alert to local security developments. For assistance, call the local police at 999.

Restricted travel:  The U.S. Embassy restricts its employees from traveling to specific areas where protest activity is more likely and advises all U.S. citizens to do the same. 

See the Embassy’s website for travel restrictions and security updates .  

International Financial Scams : See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information.

Technology Usage Abroad: Mobile devices are vulnerable to compromise, theft, and physical damage anywhere in the world. Best practices prior to traveling abroad are keeping all software (operating system and apps) updated, and using virtual private network and encrypted voice over IP (VoIP) applications if possible. Make sure that all VPN/VoIP are reputable, and U.S. based.  Do not connect to unknown open Wi-Fi.

GPS Navigation Apps are helpful in getting U.S. citizens around in a foreign country. Prior to using GPS apps, make sure you research the route to make sure it is safe. GPS navigation apps may give you the shortest route without safety considerations.

Be cautious of using dating apps/online dating websites abroad as U.S. citizens can be targeted by scammers. Make sure to inform your friends and family of your whereabouts, meet at a well-known public location, and do not consume suspicious food or drinks. Avoid traveling alone to bars or nightclubs.

Victims of Crime:  U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance. Report crimes to the local police at 999 and contact the U.S. Embassy at +(973) 1724-2700 (business hours) or +(973) 1727-5126 (after hours).  Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crime.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Help you find appropriate medical care
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation   and following its conclusion
  • Provide a list of local attorneys
  • Provide our information on  victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance.

Tourism : The tourism industry is generally regulated, and safety inspections are regularly enforced. Hazardous areas/activities are identified with appropriate signage and professional staff is typically on hand in support of organized activities. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is widely available throughout the country. Outside of a major metropolitan center, it may take more time for first responders and medical professionals to stabilize a patient and provide life-saving assistance. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more  information on insurance providers for overseas coverage . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the U.S., regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. Embassy officials can more readily visit you while you are still being detained at a police station than after you have been transferred to a prison. See our  webpage  for further information and our embassy website for a  list of local lawyers.

Extra-marital sexual relations are a criminal offense.  If a child is born out of wedlock, obtaining a civil birth certificate is extremely difficult and, while rare, may lead to the deportation of the mother and the child. Without a birth certificate, obtaining a passport for the child can be difficult. Additionally, transmission of citizenship is typically through the father which could lead to the child being stateless. In the case of U.S. citizen mothers, the embassy may be able to document such children as U.S. citizens or may be able to process an immigrant visa petition. Consult the embassy for options, but it is advisable to depart the country before giving birth.

Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking illegal drugs are severe , including long jail sentences and heavy fines. You can be arrested for public drunkenness and disorderly behavior.

Penalties for driving under the influence include imprisonment and/or heavy fines. Any sign of alcohol consumption may be taken as evidence of driving under the influence.

Using vulgar language or hand gestures can result in heavy fines or criminal charges.

It is illegal to photograph certain buildings in Bahrain.

Always carry a form of identification with you , such as a passport, local ID card (CPR card), or driver’s license.

Child Abduction and Custody Cases:  There are no treaties in force between Bahrain and the United States concerning international parental child abduction and custody cases. Bahraini courts may ignore child custody decrees issued in the United States. 

Sharia law generally controls custody issues. Decisions are often based on age and gender of the children rather than the U.S. “best interest of the child” standard.

Social Services:  Information concerning family and child services can be found on the  Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Social Development websites.

Divorce:  Seek legal counsel and ascertain your rights in Bahrain before visiting the country if you are a U.S. citizen divorced from/in the process of divorcing a Bahraini citizen. This is particularly important regarding child custody issues. See our website on  Bahrain and international child abduction  for additional information. 

Faith-Based Travelers :  See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information  
  • International Religious Freedom Report – see country reports 
  • Human Rights Report – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers   

International Volunteers:

  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ Travelers : While there are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations between people 21 and over, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender activities are not accepted by many Bahrainis. Some LGBTQI+ travelers have reported difficulties entering Bahrain on a passport bearing a name and photo that do not correspond to their gender identity. See our  LGBTQI+ Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights Report  for further details.

Travelers with Disabilities:  The law in Bahrain prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual or mental disabilities, and the law is enforced. Social acceptance of persons with disabilities in public is not as prevalent as in the United States. Expect accessibility to be limited in public transportation, lodging, communication/information, and general infrastructure. Sidewalks and crosswalks—even in large cities—are not accessible. There are very few accessible restaurants, shops, or historical sites. Accessible bathrooms, even in major hospitals, are generally not available.

Students: See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers:  Women traveling alone should maintain vigilance. Review our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

For emergency services in Bahrain, dial 999.

Ambulance services are:

  • Widely available but training and availability of emergency responders may be below U.S. standards.
  • Not equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment. 
  • Injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance. 

We highly recommend that all travelers review the U.S. Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention’s Travelers’ Health webpage and general Traveler Advice

for Bahrain.

  • Review all sub-sections including the Travel Health Notices, Vaccines and Medicines, Non-Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, Stay Healthy and Safe, Healthy Travel Packing List, and After Your Trip.
  • Reasons for Travel (for example: Adventure Travel, Spring Break Travel)
  • Travelers with Special Considerations (for example: Allergies, Long-Term Travelers and Expatriates)
  • General Tips (for example: Traveling with Medications, Travel Vaccines)

The Department of State, U.S. embassies and U.S. consulates do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments See  our webpage  for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

Payment at all medical facilities is due at the time of service. Some hospitals have very limited direct billing capability for certain insurance carriers. Billing and insurance practices vary.

The Department of State strongly recommends supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Check with  Customs Affairs of Bahrain  to ensure the medication is legal in Bahrain. Most narcotic painkillers, stimulants, and controlled sedatives/hypnotics are not easily available, and may be illegal. Do not bring CBD oil or products to Bahrain.

Basic medical care is available  through public and private hospitals, as well as private clinics. In some facilities, the care is below U.S. standards. Public hospitals have trauma and Intensive Care Units. Most postoperative and trauma centers do not provide adequate pain management. People with chronic general medical or mental health conditions and HIV-related health issues may not be able to obtain U.S standards of emergency care in Bahrain. U.S. privacy and confidentiality laws may not apply to Bahraini medical providers.

Infectious Disease Considerations: The Kingdom of Bahrain has strict rules on persons in country with HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B or C. Treatment for these conditions is not available locally. Expatriates are subject to deportation or expulsion from Bahrain if medical authorities discover evidence of their status, even if they are well controlled on medication or do not require treatment.

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Air Quality:  Visit  AirNow Department of State  for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

The U.S. Embassy maintains a  list of doctors and hospitals . We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety :  Road travel is generally safe. Highways and major roads in northern Bahrain are wide and well maintained. Roads in villages and older parts of Manama and Muharraq are narrow, congested and twisting.

Traffic Laws:

  • Traffic moves on the right.
  • At roundabouts (traffic circles), cars within the traffic circle have right of way over those attempting to enter.
  • Drivers frequently speed despite stiff penalties, including fines and possible imprisonment.
  • Police can detain drivers for traffic violations.
  • It is illegal to use a cell phone while driving, though it is very common.
  • Drivers are required to wear seat belts.
  • Traffic is more congested on the weekends with an influx of vehicles from neighboring countries.

Traffic Accidents:   Except for minor accidents, do not move the vehicle until you have filed a report with the traffic police. This applies to single-car accidents as well. If you move the car, insurance companies may deny coverage.

For minor accidents with no injuries, move your vehicle off the road to avoid further accidents. You do not have to wait at the scene for the police.

Filing Accident Reports :  You must file a report within 24 hours of the accident.

  • For minor accidents with no injuries, call 199. 
  • For accidents involving injury, call 999.
  • For the traffic department’s main switchboard, call 1787-2222. 

If an accident results in legal proceedings, both drivers may be prohibited from leaving the country until the matter is resolved. The traffic police will ask you to provide an identity card/document (passport), a driver’s license and a mobile number to assist with completing the accident report.

See to our  Road Safety page  for more information.

Visit the website of Bahrain’s  Tourism Authority  and  Ministry of Transportation . 

Public Transportation:  Bahrain has a newly expanded public bus system that extends throughout most of the country. A car is still needed to access most locations.

Taxis are available in Bahrain and are typically arranged by phone. Some rideshare apps also operate in Bahrain.

Aviation Safety Oversight : As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Bahrain, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed the government of Bahrain’s Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page . 

Maritime Travel: Mariners planning travel to Bahrain should also check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts . Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the  NGA broadcast warnings . 

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on X (formerly known as "Twitter") and Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Bahrain .  For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA )  report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, bahrain map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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Your Complete Guide to Bahrain Visa Requirements

Looking to get a visa for bahrain here's everything you need to know. bahrain offers various types of visas, including tourist, business, and work visas. the process typically involves completing an online application, providing necessary documentation, and paying the applicable fees. remember to check specific requirements and eligibility criteria based on your country of citizenship before starting the application process..

Your Complete Guide to Bahrain Visa Requirements

Quick Glance:

Get a straightforward guide to understanding Bahrain’s visa process, including types of visas, e-visa applications, visa on arrival, and travel tips. Apply online or obtain a visa on arrival at Bahrain International Airport. Stay informed and check Bahrain’s official government website for eligibility and requirements. Are you planning a trip to the beautiful Kingdom of Bahrain? Whether you’re visiting for business, sightseeing, or to catch up with family and friends, understanding the visa process is essential. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you navigate the steps for obtaining a visa to this fascinating island nation.

Understanding Bahrain’s Visa Requirements :

First things first, you’ll need to figure out which type of visa is right for you. Bahrain offers various visa types, including:

  • Tourist visas
  • Business visas
  • Family visit visas

The requirements for these visas may vary, but generally, you’ll need to provide some standard documents such as a valid passport, proof of accommodation (like hotel bookings), and in some cases, an invitation letter from a host in Bahrain.

E-Visas: Applying Made Simple:

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Bahrain has streamlined its visa application process by implementing an e-Visa system. This means you can apply for your visa online from the comfort of your home. Here’s how it works:

  • Visit the official Bahrain e-Visa website.
  • Complete the online application form.
  • Upload the necessary documents.
  • Pay the processing fee.


Once approved, you’ll receive your visa electronically. Print it out and keep it on hand when you travel to Bahrain. The convenience of this process makes planning your trip a breeze.

Visa on Arrival: A Flexible Option:

For many travelers, Bahrain offers the comfort of obtaining a visa upon arrival. This means you can get your visa at the immigration counter when you land at Bahrain International Airport. However, eligibility for a visa on arrival depends on your nationality, so it’s a good idea to check the latest information on Bahrain’s official government website to confirm whether you can avail of this option.

Duration and Validity:

Keep an eye on the duration and validity of your visa. Tourist visas typically allow for a stay of up to two weeks, which can often be extended for an additional two weeks. Make sure to apply for your visa well in advance of your travel dates to avoid any last-minute issues.

Costs to Consider:

The cost of obtaining a Bahraini visa can vary based on your country of origin and the type of visa you’re applying for. It’s important to factor these fees into your travel budget. Keep in mind that online applications usually incur an additional service charge.

Travel Tips and Etiquette:

Before you jet off to Bahrain, keep these travel tips in mind:

  • Respect local customs and dress codes.
  • Understand the cultural dos and don’ts to ensure a pleasant stay.
  • Always have your travel documents and visa details accessible while in Bahrain.

Family and Friends in Bahrain:

If you’re visiting family or friends in Bahrain, they might need to sponsor your visa. This typically involves them submitting additional documentation to vouch for your visit.

In essence, getting a visa for Bahrain is a straightforward process that facilitates enjoyable travel experiences. Whether applying online or obtaining your visa on arrival, the key is to be well-informed and prepared.

Remember to visit the official Bahrain e-Visa website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge of Bahrain’s visa process, you can look forward to exploring the country’s rich cultural tapestry, historic landmarks, and warm hospitality. Safe travels!

So there you have it, the lowdown on Bahrain’s visa process. Whether you apply online or opt for the visa on arrival, just remember to pack your sense of adventure and a big smile. But hey, don’t just take my word for it! For more visa tips and tricks, head on over to visaverge.com and unlock a world of travel possibilities. Happy exploring, my friend!

FAQ’s to know:

FAQ 1: What are the different types of visas available for visiting Bahrain?

  • Bahrain offers various types of visas, including tourist visas, business visas, and family visit visas. The requirements for each visa may vary, but generally, you’ll need documents like a valid passport, proof of accommodation, and in some cases, an invitation letter from a host in Bahrain.

FAQ 2: Can I apply for a Bahrain visa online?

  • Yes, Bahrain has implemented an e-Visa system, allowing you to apply online from the comfort of your home. Simply visit the official Bahrain e-Visa website, complete the online application form, upload the necessary documents, and pay the processing fee. Once approved, your visa will be sent electronically, which you can print and keep with you when traveling to Bahrain.

FAQ 3: Is the visa on arrival option available in Bahrain?

  • Yes, Bahrain offers a visa on arrival option for many travelers. However, eligibility for this option depends on your nationality. To confirm whether you can avail of the visa on arrival, it’s recommended to check the latest information on Bahrain’s official government website.

What did you learn? Answer below to know:

  • What are the three main types of visas available for travelers visiting Bahrain? a) Work visas, student visas, and transit visas b) Tourist visas, business visas, and family visit visas c) Schengen visas, student visas, and investor visas d) Diplomatic visas, humanitarian visas, and refugee visas
  • True or False: Bahrain offers an e-Visa system that allows travelers to apply for a visa online. a) True b) False
  • How long can a tourist visa allow for a stay in Bahrain? a) Up to one week b) Up to two weeks c) Up to three weeks d) Up to one month


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Whether you are visiting the Kingdom of Bahrain, for tourism or business purposes, you can easily find out your eligibility to receive an entry visa through the eVisa platform provided be the Nationality, Passport and Residence Affairs (NPRA) . The platform also enables you to check the status of your visa, pay for the application, correct your visa application, and even extend your visa if you choose to extend your visit.

The requirements to obtain an entry visa for the Kingdom of Bahrain vary based on the nationality, and it is always advisable to check the regulations before traveling. Currently, every nationality entering the Kingdom of Bahrain needs an entry visa, except for the Gulf Cooperation Council nationals (Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar).

Visa Applications

eVisas are available for visitors from more than 200 countries. If you are from a country that is not eligible for an on-arrival visa, an entry visa must be issued in advance via a Bahrain embassy in your country of residence, a Bahraini sponsor, or a travel agency. View the nationalities that are required to obtain eVisas prior to arrival in the Kingdom.

Golden Residency Visa

The Golden Residency Visa  can be issued based on certain criteria. The Golden Residency offers the opportunity to live permanently in the Kingdom of Bahrain to you and your family (spouse, children, and parents), it also allows employment in the Kingdom, as well as multiple entries to the Kingdom of Bahrain without restrictions.

The following categories can apply for a Golden Residency should they meet the standards:

  • Property Owners
  • Residents (Employees and Retirees)
  • Highly Talented Individuals (within the standards and regulations applied in the Kingdom of Bahrain).

Visit the Golden Residency Visa Services for more information on the guidelines and requirements.

On-arrival Visas

Visitors from more than 60 countries can receive visas upon arrival at Bahrain International Airport . The visa is issued for a specific fee and covers the issuance of a first time visa or an extension (if eligible). Visitors from the following countries are eligible for on-arrival visas.

Tourist Visas

The Kingdom welcomes tourists from around the world to enjoy its warm hospitality and many attractions. To visit the Kingdom, you must have one of the following visas issued depending on the duration of your stay:

Visit visas: issued for individuals invited by companies in Bahrain, and for visitors. Transit visas: issued at the request of licensed companies such as hotels or other authorised commercial entities.

To benefit from the online visa services, visit the Visa Services , and for more information, visit the eVisa  platform.

If you are not a Bahraini citizen and plan to work in Bahrain, your sponsor can submit a work visa application for you via the  Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) .

If you are coming to Bahrain for a new job, head to LMRA ’s  offices at the  Bahrain International Airport for fingerprint scanning and visa issuance. 

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Visitors from 69 countries can receive visas upon arrival as soon as they enter Bahrain International Airport . The visa is issued for a specific fee, and covers the issuance of a first time visa or an extension (if eligible). To enquire about the countries eligible for on-arrival visas, click here .

eVisa application

eVisas are available for visitors from 209 countries. All visitors from the remaining countries must have an entry visa issued prior to arriving in the Kingdom via a Bahrain embassy in their country, a Bahraini sponsor, or a travel agency. To learn which nationalities are required to obtain eVisas prior to arrival in the Kingdom, click here .

Tourist visas

The Kingdom of Bahrain welcomes tourists and invites them to enjoy its hotels, malls, and other attractions. If you are visiting the Kingdom, you must have one of the following visas issued depending on the duration of your stay:

Visit visas: issued for individuals invited by companies in Bahrain

Transit visas: issued at the request of licensed companies such as hotels or other authorized commercial entities

For more information on how to obtain eVisas, visit the NPRA website.

Sponsors can submit applications to have work visas issued for expatriate workers via the services offered by the LMRA .

If you are coming to Bahrain for a new job, head to the LMRA offices at Bahrain International Airport for fingerprint scanning and visa issuance.

Bahrain Tourist Visa - The Definitive Guide

Bahrain, located in the Persian Gulf, is a tourist favourite spot because of its deep culture, historic places, and modern features. With the Bahrain eVisa , applying online is easy and fast, and it often takes just a few days to decide. Once approved, tourists can enjoy Bahrain's sights, like the old Qal'at al-Bahrain fortress, the big Al Fateh Grand Mosque, and the busy Manama souk. Plus, Bahrain's lovely beaches and fun nightlife mean there's something for everyone.

What is a tourist eVisa for Bahrain?

A Bahrain tourist eVisa is a digital visa that enables you to enter Bahrain for tourism. This electronic visa provides a more straightforward and quicker option than traditional visas, allowing you to apply and receive it online. It's an ideal choice for those seeking a hassle-free way to secure a visa for a brief tourist stay in Bahrain.

Who needs to apply for an eVisa for tourism in Bahrain?

You should apply for a Bahrain Tourist eVisa if you meet the following criteria:

  • Planning a short-term visit for tourism purposes: This eVisa is specifically designed for individuals wanting to visit Bahrain for leisure, sightseeing, or vacationing.
  • Citizen of an eligible country: Citizens of certain countries can apply for this e-visa. Visit the Bahrain e-visa eligible countries page to find your country.
  • Intending to stay for a maximum of 90 days: The eVisa typically offers 30- or 90 validity, depending on your specific visa option.
  • Seeking a convenient and streamlined application process: Applying online eliminates the need to visit an embassy or consulate, making it a faster and more efficient option.

Documentation required for a tourist visa to Bahrain

To qualify for a Bahrain Tourist eVisa, applicants must:

  • Hold a Valid Passport- From a country eligible for the Bahrain Tourist eVisa.
  • Show Proof of Sufficient Funds- To cover expenses during their stay.
  • Have a Confirmed Hotel Reservation- For the entire duration of the stay.
  • Provide Proof of Return Ticket- Or onward travel arrangements to prove plans to leave Bahrain after the visit.

Remember, requirements may change, so always check the latest information on the website before applying. Meeting these criteria will aid in obtaining a Bahrain Tourist eVisa to explore the country.

How can I apply for a tourist e-visa in Bahrain?

To apply for a Bahrain Tourist eVisa, follow these simple steps:

  • Gather Required Documents: Ensure you have a valid passport, proof of sufficient funds, and possibly a confirmed hotel reservation ready before starting your application.
  • Complete the Online Application Form: Fill in your personal and passport details and security-related questions on the Bahrain e-Visa application website.
  • Pay the Visa Fee: Use a credit or debit card to pay the visa fee, which varies based on nationality and visa type.
  • Wait for Approval: Expect a decision within a few days after submission.
  • Receive Your eVisa: Approved visas are emailed to applicants. Print the eVisa to present at Bahrain's immigration upon arrival.

Check the website's latest application guidelines and requirements before applying, as these can change. This streamlined process makes obtaining a Bahrain Tourist eVisa convenient, allowing you to explore Bahrain's attractions.

Processing time and e-visa cost for Bahrain Tourist

The cost of a Bahrain e-Visa varies based on the visa type, processing time, and the applicant's nationality. Please refer to the Bahrain e-visa fee page for the current fee structure.

Bahrain e-Visa Processing Times:

Standard processing for an e-visa typically takes ( ... ) . However, options for expedited processing are available for an additional fee:

  • Rush Processing: Reduces the processing time to ( ... ) for an additional fee, suitable for those needing a quicker turnaround.
  • Super Rush Processing: This is the fastest option, processing your visa within ( ... ) for urgent travel needs at an extra cost.

These processing times and fees allow applicants to choose the option that fits their travel schedule and urgency.

How do you check Bahrain tourist visa status?

To check your Bahrain Tourist eVisa status:

  • Visit the Website: Go to the Bahrain eVisa portal.
  • Find and Click: Look for the " Bahrain e-Visa Status " or "Track e-Visa" option and click on it.
  • Enter Information: Input your visa application number and passport details as requested.
  • Check Status : You'll see if your visa is approved, under review, or denied.
  • If approved, you'll get an eVisa via email to print and show at Bahrain border control.
  • If denied, you'll be informed about the reason and possible steps to address the issue.

Regularly checking your visa status is crucial to ensure smooth travel plans.

Why Tourists Want To Visit Bahrain?

Tourists are drawn to Bahrain for several compelling reasons, blending its rich cultural heritage with modern attractions:

  • Ancient Wonders : Explore the legacy of the Dilmun civilisation at Qal'at al-Bahrain.
  • Cultural Richness: Experience vibrant festivals and the Bahrain National Museum.
  • Architectural Gems: Marvel at the Al Fateh Grand Mosque and the futuristic Bahrain World Trade Center.
  • Natural Beauty: Witness the miraculous Tree of Life and sun-kissed beaches.
  • Gastronomic Adventures : Savor the flavours of Bahraini cuisine, a fusion of Arabian and global tastes.
  • Shopping Experiences: Find treasures and trinkets from aromatic souks to sleek malls.
  • Thrilling Sports: Feel the adrenaline at the Bahrain International Circuit and enjoy water sports.
  • Art and Culture: Dive into the art scene with galleries and performances at the Bahrain National Theatre.
  • Luxurious Hospitality : Stay in sumptuous accommodations and enjoy renowned Arabian hospitality.

Safe and Accessible: A secure, welcoming destination easily reached from anywhere in the world.

To extend your Bahrain tourist visa, apply online through the website. Provide the necessary documents and pay the extension fee. The process and requirements can vary, so checking the latest guidelines on the website is advisable.

Once your Bahrain tourist visa expires, you can only legally stay in the country by extending or altering your visa status. Overstaying may result in fines or other penalties.

Converting a Bahrain tourist eVisa to another type of visa is not possible. You can re-apply for any visa in which you wish to apply.

Transit visas are optional for travellers passing through Bahrain International Airport as long as they do not exit the transit area and their layover is at most 24 hours. A transit visa or appropriate entry visa may be needed for longer layovers or if you wish to leave the airport.

Yes, citizens of many countries can obtain a visa on arrival in Bahrain. The availability of this option depends on your nationality, with details and eligible countries listed on the Bahrain e-visa website.

The cost for a three-month tourist visa to Bahrain varies based on nationality and where you apply. Please refer to the Bahrain eVisa portal for the most current fee information.

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  • Bahrain visa Extension
  • Bahrain Tourist Visa
  • Golden Residency Bahrain Visa
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Entry requirements

This information is for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK. It is based on the UK government’s understanding of Bahrain’s current rules for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Bahrain set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact the Bahrain Embassy in the UK .  

COVID-19 rules

There are no COVID-19 testing or vaccination requirements for travellers entering Bahrain.

Passport validity requirements

To enter Bahrain, your passport must have an ‘expiry date’ at least 6 months after the date you arrive.  

Check with your travel provider that your passport and other travel documents meet requirements. Renew your passport if you need to.

You will be denied entry if you do not have a valid travel document or try to use a passport that has been reported lost or stolen.

Visa requirements

You must have a visa to visit Bahrain.

Applying for a visa

You can get a visa:

  • in advance online
  • in advance from the Bahrain Embassy in the UK

Visas are automatically issued for a 2-week period, but visit visas for stays of up to 6 months are also available. You may be asked to provide evidence of onward or return travel when you apply.  

You cannot start employment in Bahrain if you enter on a visit visa. 

If you overstay your visa, there could be penalties, legal issues and your work visa could be cancelled.

You can apply to renew your visa at the Nationality, Passports and Residential Affairs department at the Ministry of Interior.

Applying for residency

You can apply for residency through the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) .

You can be fined if you overstay your legal residency.  

Travel bans 

You may be prevented from leaving Bahrain if you:

  • are subject to a travel ban
  • are involved in legal proceedings
  • have unpaid debt
  • are a child subject to a custody dispute

If you’re involved in a dispute, including civil and criminal disputes or immigration violation, you may be stopped from leaving the country. The travel ban will not be lifted until the issue is resolved. You may not know you’re subject to a travel ban until you try to leave or enter Bahrain. You can check with the Bahrain Immigration Department  to see whether you’re subject to a travel ban.

Vaccine requirements

To enter Bahrain, you must have a certificate to prove you’ve had a yellow fever vaccination if you’re coming from a country listed as a transmission risk .

For full details about medical entry requirements and recommended vaccinations, see TravelHealthPro’s Bahrain guide .

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods you can take into or out of Bahrain . You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

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Visa for Bahrain

Bahrain Entry and Travel Requirements

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  • Bahrain Visa
  • Bahrain Entry Requirements

Bahrain Entry Requirements are the set of rules that every foreign traveler must follow in order to enter Bahrain.

Currently, to enter Bahrain, you will simply need a valid passport and a visa . Your passport should remain valid for at least 6 months. Depending on your nationality, you may be eligible for an electronic visa or embassy visa. Moreover, citizens of GCC countries, including nationals of Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia, are allowed to enter Bahrain visa-free simply by presenting a valid national ID card. Visa exemption also applies to holders of Indian and Chinese special and diplomatic passports. 

In February 2022, the Ministry of Health of Bahrain decided to lift all restrictions allowing all travelers, regardless of their vaccination status, nationality, or age, to enter Bahrain. International tourists are now welcome on the similar rules as in the pre-pandemic times .

Please note that the Bahrain entry requirements, as well as international travel rules, may change at short notice due to the still-ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Some additional travel requirements may be imposed anytime during your visit abroad. Remember also to follow the travel advice of local authorities throughout your entire stay in Bahrain.

Read on for further information on recent entry rules, visa requirements, and other travel documents, and prepare best for your incoming trip to Bahrain.

Who can enter Bahrain?

Bahrain remains fully open for all international visitors . All travelers, no matter vaccinated or not, no longer need to meet covid-related requirements, including testing, vaccination, and quarantine requirements.

Documents check-list for entering Bahrain

  • valid passport
  • valid Bahrain visa
  • travel insurance (optional)

Testing, Vaccination, and Quarantine Requirements

Testing requirements.

From 20 February 2022, all arrivals, whether vaccinated or not, do not need to provide a PCR test to enter Bahrain.

Important! Since some airlines may have imposed their own boarding rules, you may be required to submit a negative result of the coronavirus test to be allowed on board. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with your airline's regulations.

Vaccination requirements

The Bahraini authorities no longer check the vaccination status of the arriving travelers. Entering Bahrain is now possible for all international visitors, both vaccinated and non-vaccinated.

Previously, travelers were required to show the vaccination proof upon arrival in Bahrain. The list of Bahrain-recognized Covid-19 vaccination includes the following manufacturers:

  • Pfizer/BioNTech
  • Sputnik Light
  • Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)

Quarantine requirements

There is no quarantine requirement upon arrival in Bahrain. Nevertheless, those travelers who are tested positive for coronavirus during their stay in Bahrain will need to undergo precautionary home or hotel self-isolation for 7 days (if fully vaccinated) or 10 days (if unvaccinated). The quarantine period may be ended earlier by receiving a negative result of a PCR test performed by a private hospital.

According to Bahraini regulations, anyone subjected to quarantine or self-isolation who does not comply with the rules may be fined up to 10,000 BHD or even jailed for up to 3 months.

Traveling from Bahrain

Bahrain introduced a few exit requirements that travelers need to meet to leave Bahrain. First of all, you cannot be involved in any legal proceedings or business disputes, have unpaid debt or be a child subject to a custody dispute. Moreover, you shouldn't overstay your visa. Otherwise, you may be fined or banned from future travel to Bahrain.

Before departing from Bahrain, do not forget to check the recent travel restrictions applicable in the country of your next destination you plan to visit.

Traveling to Bahrain

The Ministry of Health in Bahrain introduced the Green Alert Level in February 2022. Since then, international travelers no longer need to submit PCR tests, vaccination certificates, or undergo quarantine. With the introduction of the Green Alert Level, individuals no longer need to provide a Green Shield vaccine pass to access various places. Moreover, all indoor facilities returned to 100 % capacity.

The majority of foreign travelers still need to obtain a visa to travel to Bahrain. Every traveler should also hold a passport that will remain valid for at least 6 months from the planned date of the trip to Bahrain.

All passengers should check the boarding requirements for their airlines. Depending on the coronavirus situation, some airlines may have reduced service or may require travelers to meet additional requirements, including providing a negative Covid-19 test.

Entry Rules for Children

Children are subject to the same entry requirements as adult travelers. Currently, they only need to hold a valid passport and a visa. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for arranging all these travel documents for their underage travel companions.

Important: If a minor travels with a third party, parents or legal guardians need to prepare the written consent in consultation with the airport authorities and airline representatives. The document must be issued in Arabic or English.

Transit through Bahrain

Transit passengers are permitted to make a tranist stop at the Bahrain International Airport without needing to undergo coronavirus tests.

Bahrain did not introduce additional travel restrictions for passengers in transit. Nevertheless, they must remember to meet the entry requirements of the country of their final destination.

Bahrain Visa Requirements

Bahrain electronic visa.

Bahrain introduced the electronic visa system in 2014, facilitating the visa application process for nationals from several dozens of countries. The system allows getting a visa within minutes, while the entire application is to be completed entirely online.

An electronic visa to Bahrain is issued for tourism or business-related purposes. Depending on the applicant's nationality, the visa may be granted either for one or numerous entries. According to the particular visa type, the allowed period of stay in Bahrain ranges from 14 to 90 days.

Travelers who need to visit Bahrain for a longer period of time or for other purposes than business or tourism must apply for a regular embassy visa.

Embassy or consular visa

Foreign nationals who must have a visa to travel to Bahrain, but are not listed among nationalities eligible for an electronic visa, will need to obtain a traditional visa for Bahrain at the nearest embassy or diplomatic post.

Currently, travelers from over 120 different countries must apply for an embassy visa before traveling to Bahrain, regardless of their travel purpose or the duration of their planned stay in the Kingdom.

Application for a Bahrain embassy or consular visa requires visiting an embassy in person. For this reason, applicants need to book an appointment in advance and prepare the required supporting documents. The necessary documents may differ depending on the requested visa, e.g., study visa or work visa.

Visa-exempt Countries

According to the Bahrain visa policy, nationals of the countries belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are allowed to visit the Kingdom of Bahrain visa-free. They only need to present a valid National ID Card upon entering the country either by air or through the King Fahd Causeway. The countries of the GCC include:

  • Saudi Arabia

Moreover, holders of Indian and Chinese diplomatic and special passports can also enter Bahrain without a visa.

Bahrain Health Declaration Form

Previously, all passengers had to complete the Ministry of Health's Health Declaration Form and download the 'BeAware App' for fast entry into Bahrain. Now, completing the Bahraini Passenger Locator Form is no longer mandatory. However, regardless of immunization status, all travelers still should download the application. It will be essential for self-isolation instructions in case of being tested positive for Covid-19 when in Bahrain. Visitors will also receive covid-related alerts and guidelines on a daily basis.

Travel Insurance

Before traveling to the Kingdom of Bahrain, every traveler is strongly recommended to obtain comprehensive travel insurance covering all overseas medical costs, including Covid-19 potential treatment costs. Make sure that your insurance policy covers all activities you wish to undertake throughout your entire stay in Bahrain.

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  • Bahrain Visa
  • Bahrain Tourist Visa

What is Bahrain tourist visa?

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Abundant greenery and wildlife reserves in Bahrain are known attractions to the tourists other than the authentic and enlightening mosques. With the online Bahrain tourist visa , people from most of the countries are able to visit Bahrain including the tourists from India.

Among the different kinds of visas, a tourist visa is a common type of visa that is issued for the travellers who are willing to visit the country for tourism. A Bahrain tourist visa will let you stay in the country for 30 days within the validity of the visa. The visa also permits multiple entries to the country on one visa. Another advantage to a tourist visa to Bahrain has is that it can even be extended by applying online.

Visa to Bahrain is an e-visa which is mainly applied online. To apply for the visa, you need to carry out the online application process. The process for the application is given as follows:

  • Fill out the Bahrain online visa application form on the official website.
  • Make the payment for the visa form online.
  • Attach passport size photos to the application form.
  • Submit the form along with the scanned copies of the required documents.

When the process above is completed, the embassy will process the documents after which your electronic visa will be sent to you on your registered email ID.

When you are filling the form, you must make sure that the information provided is correct. There are chances that with wrong or incorrect data, you may have to go through visa rejection. Such an incidence can even affect your further visa applications.

At the time of applying for a tourist visa, there are certain aspects that you need to consider to be able to obtain the Bahrain tourist visa. The eligibility criteria for the visa is mentioned as follows:

  • You must possess proof of purpose of visit
  • If you are visiting your acquaintances, you must have an invitation letter from the resident in Bahrain.
  • You must visit for tourism only, or visiting acquaintances and not searching for or taking up any kind of employment.
  • You must meet the health requirements
  • You must be healthy enough to travel to Bahrain.
  • You must perform a medical test before travelling to the country and provide a relevant documentary proof.
  • You must be within the age limit to be able to apply for a work permit.
  • You must meet the character requirements
  • You must be of good character and have genuine intentions behind working in Bahrain.
  • You need to provide a relevant documentary proof for the same as well (if asked) in the form of a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC).
  • You must have sufficient funds
  • You must possess or have access to sufficient funds to be able to cover your stay and other expenses in Bahrain.
  • Bank statement or any equivalent document is to be submitted as well as proof of the same.
  • Original passport with at least 6 months of validity
  • 2 passport size photographs with white backgrounds
  • Confirmed airline tickets
  • Legitimate ID proof
  • Employment certificates (if asked)
  • Bank statement of last 6 months
  • Confirmed hotel bookings
  • PAN Card Copy

Other documents may also be required if the Bahrain Immigration department demands them. This may cause a delay in the processing time required for the Bahrain tourist visa.

  • White background
  • Passport size photograph
  • Facing straight into the camera
  • No headwear, except for religious reasons
  • Glasses of any kind are not permitted
  • Both the ears must be visible
  • Teeth should not be shown in the photograph
  • Recent photograph, not older than three months

The processing time required for the issuance of the Bahrain tourist visa is 72 hours. When the visa application form is submitted along with the required documents, the e-visa for tourism will be emailed to you on the registered email ID. This copy of the visa is considered as a genuine permit to allow you to tour the country.

The Bahrain tourist visa fees for the process depend on several factors such as the validity of the visa, the period of stay, the number of entries, visa extension, delivery charges, service charges, and others. The fee will differ and is to be paid online after filling out the online visa application form.

When the visa application form is submitted and the fees have been paid,the processing of the e-visa will take place. There are a few things that you need to mind -

  • If there are any other requirements to be fulfilled or if there are any mistakes in the application, the embassy or the agency must be informed.
  • If there are any changes related to the application, for instance, change in marital status or birth of a child, you must inform the embassy/agency.
  • You can even check the status of the application and the processing in the meantime. 
  • If there is a change of plans, you can withdraw the application.
  • The visa fee is generally not refundable.

The tourist visa for Bahrain is an e-visa, therefore, making it easy to track the status online. To check the status online, what you can do is visit the website with a visa application number or a verification code and check the status by entering the digits. You can even check the status offline by calling the embassy with your visa application number which is generally not necessary because of the automation of the process.

When the process is completed and you have the visa, you need to be careful about your activities in the country as anything inappropriate can get your visa cancelled. There are certain things that you need to take care of when you have your tourist visa, like, -

  • Before you travel
  • Make a note of the visa expiry date, as well as the number of entries permitted. You must not stay in the country beyond this period.
  • You should travel to Bahrain within the validity of your visa.
  • Make sure to carry a copy of your passport and other travel documents while you are in the country.
  • Issue health insurance and travel Insurance from a certified company.
  • At the Border
  • Get your documents checked and your passport verified.
  • Obtain the entry stamp on your passport.
  • Consult the airport authorities for any kind of assistance required.
  • Check your visa copy for other guidelines and rules to be followed.
  • When you enter Bahrain
  • Ensure not to get involved in any kind of employment. You can, however, do volunteer work.
  • The tourist prohibited areas must be stayed out of.
  • Make sure you don’t overstay and apply for a visa extension in time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i extend my bahrain tourist visa.

In order to extend your tourist visa for Bahrain, you will have to visit the NCPR to apply for the extension. You can log on to the official website to get the extension as well. The extension will be emailed to you on your registered email ID as the tourist visa to Bahrain is an e visa.

After expiring my Bahrain Tourist Visa how long can I stay?

When your tourist visa expires, you are not allowed to stay in the country. Although, even if you still decide to stay or have to stay for some emergency, you will have to pay fine for each day you have stayed. If you have to stay in the country for more than a week, it is better to get your visa extended from the NCPR.

What is the medical test for Bahrain Tourist Visa?

A medical test is carried out in order to make sure that the candidate is fit for the travel. Although, this medical test is not necessarily carried out for the tourist visa as it is a short-stay visa and the process is mainly mandated for long-term visas like a resident permit or work visa.

Can I convert my Bahrain Tourist Visa into another visa?

You cannot convert the tourist visa to Bahrain into another visa. If you require a different kind of visa, you need to apply for the same differently. However, when you get a different visa within the validity of your existing tourist visa or visitor visa, the existing visa will get cancelled once you get another visa.

Do I need a transit visa for Bahrain?

No, you do not need a transit visa for Bahrain. However, if you are travelling to another country through Bahrain, you are supposed to stay in the premises of the Airport and are not allowed to leave the area. Although, if you feel like you need to explore the country but in a very short period of time and because you need to stay closer to the airport, you can apply for the 72-hour visa.

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We would like to thank BTW visa services and especially Vineet and Shrushti for assisting us for our USA & Schengen visa. We got all possible assistance from the staff. Awesome services You just have to give them necessary documents and everything else is taken care of. Will surely come back to you guys for our next visa. Mrs. Sayali Gujar

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Apply now for the Bahrain eVisa (Tourist Visa)

How to apply: tourist evisa.

Complete our easy online application and pay with credit card or PayPal

No need to deal with the embassy. We do it for you so you don't lose valuable time

Present your Passport and the Document we provide upon entry to destination country

Learn More: Tourist eVisa

What you need to know.

The Bahrain e-Visa is a Multiple entry visa.

The Bahrain e-Visa is valid for 90 days after arrival and you can stay in the country a maximum of 30 days per entry .

After your visa is approved, you need to use it during the first 30 days, or it will expire. The validity of this visa will be recognized when you enter the country.

With this visa, you can visit family and do tourist and business activities.

You can’t do remunerated activities (work) during your visit to Bahrain.

Make sure your passport is valid for at least 6 months, starting from the day you arrive in Bahrain to apply.

Applicants must be outside the Kingdom of Bahrain when applying for this visa.

If you are a citizen of the Golf Cooperation Council (Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) you won’t need this visa to visit Bahrain.

Children also need to apply for this Bahrain Tourist eVisa.

If you want to know if you can apply for this visa, use our handy Visa Checker Tool .

You must enter Bahrain through the airport. You cannot use this visa to enter Bahrain via the King Fahad Causeway.

You must have a valid/confirmed onward travel ticket to leave Bahrain.

Your visa must expire before you can apply for another. Note that visas are issued one at a time.

iVisa is a legitimate company, accredited and recognized by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). For more information, see the FAQs below.

Apply Today for a Bahrain eVisa (Tourist Visa) with us!

Last updated: September 2023

The Kingdom of Bahrain is a favorite getaway for weekenders from Saudi Arabia and Formula 1 Grand Prix fans. In this mosque-studded country, UNESCO World Heritage sites coexist with skyscrapers and luxury hotels.

Whether you're visiting the Persian Gulf for tourism or business, it's essential to check the Bahrain Visa requirements before you pack your bags. Luckily, we are here to give you the most up-to-date information for your upcoming trip and help you get your Bahrain Tourist eVisa online without hassle.

Read more about the process and the Bahrain eVisa below and apply instantly online !

Bahrain Skyline Manama

What is the Bahrain Tourist eVisa?

The Bahrain Tourist Visa , also called the Bahrain Visit Visa, is an electronic travel document for which you can apply 100% online , without visiting an embassy or consulate. Instead of placing a stamp or sticker, your passport is digitally linked to your electronic visa.

We offer two types of Bahrain Tourist eVisas, the multiple- and single-entry visas.

Once you have a valid visa, you can visit Bahrain without an invitation letter . This does not apply for the Bahrain Visa on Arrival issued at ports and airports.

What you can do with the Bahrain Tourist eVisa:

Explore the country, watch a Formula 1 race, and other tourist activities.

Visit family and/or friends residing in the country.

Business purposes.

It will only take around 20 minutes to fill out our simplified form online. Get your visa now!

Who needs the Bahrain Tourist eVisa to enter the country?

The Bahrain eVisa is available to citizens from over 100 countries , including Australia, New Zealand, many European countries, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

You must be outside Bahrain to apply online. Children and minors also need a valid Bahrain visa if they are from an eligible country, parents or legal guardians are responsible for their application.

If you want to know if you can apply for this visa, use our convenient Visa Checker Tool and apply instantly with us!

How long is the Bahrain Tourist eVisa valid?

We offer two types of Bahrain Visas:

Multiple-Entry Visa , valid for 90 days after arrival and allows you to stay for a maximum of 30 days per entry in Bahrain.

Single-Entry Visa , valid for 30 days and allows you to stay in Bahrain for two weeks.

You must have used your previous visa, or it should have expired, before you can apply for another Bahrain Visa. It is not possible to have more than one visa issued per passport, at a time, for Bahrain.

You can apply for each of these Bahrain eVisas online with us by clicking here .

Bahrain Tourist eVisa requirements and documents

To start the online application process for the Bahrain Tourist Visa, you need to provide the following documents and information:

Your valid passport. Make sure the validity period is for at least 6 months, starting from the day you arrive in Bahrain. It also needs to have at least one blank page.

Copy of the photo page of your valid passport. Additionally, if you have an Indian passport, you will need a copy of its last page.

Copy of your return flight ticket.

Please note, depending on your nationality, you may also have to provide the following supporting documents for your Bahrain Visa application:

Copy of your hotel booking confirmation or a copy of a relative's Central Population Registry printout. The dates in this document must match the travel dates selected during the application process.

Copies of stamped bank statements in the traveler's name from the past three months, with an end balance of not less than US$1000.

Copy of a valid GCC residence permit that’s still valid for at least three months.

Copy of a valid visit visa for the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Saudi Arabia (excluding Hajj and Umrah Visas), a Schengen Member state, or a U.S. Green Card.

How to apply online for the Bahrain Tourist eVisa

Get your Bahrain Tourist Visa in three easy steps with us:

First , fill out our easy online Bahrain Visa application form. Then, choose the preferred processing time.

Tip: Download the iVisa app for iOS or Android, for an even smoother experience from your mobile device.

Second , double-check and verify your information. Then, pay the iVisa processing fee (see below for more information on service fees).

Third , upload the supporting documents and click on the submit button to apply for your Bahrain Tourist eVisa.

Once the online application is submitted, we’ll update you about your Bahrain eVisa status. Once approved, a confirmation of your Bahrain eVisa document will be sent via email. The eVisa will also be electronically linked to your passport .

We still advise you to have a printed copy and to also download it on your electronic device, just in case you need to present it at Bahrain International Airport.

Please note: When you apply for this visa, you need to be outside Bahrain.

Bahrain Visa status: How to track your application

Our team will contact you by email if we need more info for your application, and we will update you as soon as your visa decision has been made. However, if you wish to track your Bahrain Visa status , simply enter your details here .

Cost and processing time of the Bahrain Tourist eVisa

We are ready to help you get your Bahrain eVisa before departure. We offer three options of processing times to choose from depending on your budget and how fast you need your Bahrain eVisa:

Standard Processing Time: This option takes max. 7 days and costs USD $153.99 . It is a perfect choice for travelers whose arrival date is at least a few weeks in the future.

Rush Processing Time: You will receive your eVisa faster than the standard option, in just 5 days , for USD $179.99 .

Super Rush Processing Time: If you need the document urgently before travel, you can use this express option, which will take only 4 days for a fee of USD $226.99 .

Please note that a government fee of US$79.00 is included in the total online price, so you can pay all at the same time.

The prices you see in this section are a reference. They can change according to your nationality.

Apply now to check the exact fees during the application process!

Do I need a Bahrain eVisa if I'm transiting through the Kingdom of Bahrain?

No, you don't need to apply for the Bahrain e-Visa to transit at the airport , as long as you hold confirmed plane tickets and the necessary travel documents for your destination country.

If you are going to stay more than 8 hours at the airport, you will need a transit visa . Contact your nearest Bahrain Embassy or Consulate for more info.

Benefits of getting the Bahrain Tourist eVisa with us

Application 100% government-compliant: Our iVisa team will review each one of the answers you give on the form and adjust them to be 100% compliant with the government requirements.

Simplified form: Complete a simplified form with clear questions, instead of answering tedious and confusing questions on the government website.

Fill out at your own pace: Make changes whenever you want, save your progress, and take a break whenever you want.

iVisa values your safety: We have a solid security system to protect your personal information.

Apply online today!

COVID-19 requirements and restrictions in Bahrain

Travel to Bahrain is again possible. All COVID-19 testing and quarantine requirements are lifted for visitors , regardless of their vaccination status.

There’s also no need to prove your COVID-19 vaccination status to visit Bahrain.

Other visas for Bahrain

Bahrain offers a range of visas to cater to different purposes of travel. Here are some of the common visa types available:

Bahrain Tourist eVisa: This visa, available online with us , is suitable for individuals planning to visit Bahrain for tourism, family visits, or business meetings. It is typically valid for a short duration, such as two weeks or one month, and can be extended if required.

Bahrain Business Visa: Specifically designed for individuals traveling to Bahrain for business purposes, this visa allows participation in meetings, conferences, or trade events. It usually has a longer validity period compared to a Tourist Visa.

Bahrain Work Visa: Intended for individuals who have secured employment in Bahrain, typically sponsored by the employer.

Bahrain Family Visa: The Family Visa allows spouses, children, parents, and other close relatives to join a primary visa holder in Bahrain.

Bahrain Student Visa: This visa is for international students who have been accepted into a Bahraini educational institution.

Bahrain Transit Visa: Travelers transiting through Bahrain to another destination can apply for a Transit Visa for 48 hours or 72 hours, depending on the circumstances.

It is advisable to consult the official website of the Bahraini authorities or contact the nearest Bahraini embassy or consulate for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding long-term visa options.

Can I extend my Bahrain Tourist eVisa?

Extension of the Bahrain Tourist eVisa is possible for eligible visitors. You can extend the visa on the Kingdom of Bahrain’s online portal, by filling out your passport number, and other details.

What else should I keep in mind before traveling to Bahrain?

Bahrain is an important business and tourist destination in the Middle East. While Bahrain locals are accepting of foreigners and visitors of other faiths, just as in many countries in the Middle East, travelers should familiarize themselves with the country's culture and local laws to avoid offending their hosts.

Dress code in Bahrain

Just as in every country with a majority-Muslim population, avoid violating cultural and religious norms and make sure to dress conservatively in public .

Women should cover their shoulders, knees, and midriff and avoid wearing any clothing that shows underwear. While men face fewer restrictions, it is generally considered inappropriate to wear shorts in public.

More questions about the Bahrain Tourist eVisa?

If you need assistance or would like to talk to one of our visa experts about your application for your upcoming trip to Bahrain, don't hesitate to contact our customer service team . They are available via online chat or you can contact us on WhatsApp to answer all your questions.

Our Company is accredited and recognized by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and has a validated IATA Agency Code. If you want to check this information, you can verify our membership using our bearing No. 23716873 at http://store.iata.org/ieccacfree .

Remember that the customer service team at iVisa is here 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about our service.

It usually takes between 3 and 5 days to process this visa, but sometimes it could take longer. That is why we advise you to apply 2 weeks in advance.

It will only take around 20 minutes to fill out our simplified form online.

Start your application here!

At iVisa we offer two types of Bahrain Tourist eVisas:

The Multiple entry visa that is valid for 90 days after arrival and allows you to stay for a maximum of 30 days in Bahrain.

The single-entry visa that is valid for 30 days and allows you to stay in Bahrain for two weeks. Apply now!

No, you can’t. To apply for the Bahrain Tourist eVisa you need to pay a government fee. We include the government fee in our service fee, so you can pay all at once!

Apply for your eVisa now!

Canceling your visa is possible, as trip plans can change. You should be aware of the iVisa refund policy in this case:

If your application hasn’t reached our experts team or the government body, you can receive a credit for the iVisa processing fee and a government fee. If the team has reviewed your online form but isn’t yet with the government agency, you can receive a credit for the government fee amount. If your visa is issued, you won’t have the chance to have credit.

Contact our customer service team to learn the steps to cancel your visa.

It will depend on where your application stands. If the data is still within our experts team, you can fix it. If it’s already sent to the government agency, you might be able to change it or not. It will depend on their guidelines. You can’t change any information if your visa is already with you.

We recommend connecting with our customer service team to see what they can do about the mistake on your application.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service agents if you have further questions, they’re available for you 24/7.

Chat with them here.

  • Bahrain eVisa guide for Pakistani citizens
  • Bahrain Visa for US Citizens
  • Bahrain Visa Policy
  • Bahrain visa for Canadians
  • Bahrain eVisa Frequently Asked Questions
  • Bahrain Visa for UK Citizens
  • Learn More - Bahrain Tourist eVisa

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51 Nations Can Now Travel to Kuwait Visa-Free – Find Out If Your Country Is on the List

Kuwait Visa

Kuwait has made an exciting announcement allowing citizens from 51 countries to travel visa-free. This move is aimed at promoting tourism and improving international relations. If your country is included in this list, you no longer need to go through the hassle of obtaining a visa before traveling to Kuwait.

This development has simplified the travel process for many, making it easier to visit the country for tourism, business, or family purposes. In this article, we will explore how the visa-free arrangement works, how to go through with Kuwait visa checking , and what other travel options are available for neighboring countries like Bahrain, and how to check Bahrain visa status.

Visa-Free Travel to Kuwait

As part of its efforts to boost tourism and facilitate international cooperation, Kuwait has introduced visa-free travel for citizens of 51 nations. Visitors from these countries can now enjoy the benefits of easier entry into Kuwait without needing to apply for a visa in advance. This allows travelers to spend more time planning their trip without worrying about visa approvals or complications.

The visa-free entry is typically valid for a certain period, usually for tourism or short business trips. However, travelers should be aware that the length of stay allowed varies by country and purpose of visit, so it is important to check the specific regulations for your nationality.

How to Check Kuwait Visa Status Online

For citizens who are not part of the 51 visa-exempt countries, applying for a visa may still be necessary. Fortunately, Kuwait has made the visa application process more convenient by allowing individuals to track their visa status online. This is particularly useful for those waiting for approval and who need to monitor their visa’s progress in real-time.

To go through with Kuwait visa checking, follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website or a trusted visa service provider.
  • Input your visa application number and passport details.
  • Submit the form, and you will receive the current status of your visa application.

By going through with Kuwait visa checking, you can get comprehensive details about the visa application process and access essential information to help you plan your travel effectively.

Understanding the Visa-Free Entry Conditions

While the visa-free entry is a great convenience, there are certain conditions and regulations that travelers must keep in mind. For instance, the visa-free period may be limited to 30 or 90 days, depending on the nationality and the purpose of the visit. Additionally, the visa exemption usually applies only to short-term travel for tourism, business, or family visits. Longer stays or employment in Kuwait may still require a visa or work permit.

It is also crucial to have a valid passport with at least six months of validity before traveling. Airlines may refuse boarding if your passport does not meet this requirement, even if you are from a visa-exempt country.

The visa-free arrangement has made traveling to Kuwait more accessible for citizens of the eligible countries. However, travelers should remain updated on any changes in visa policies or travel advisories issued by their respective governments or the Kuwaiti authorities.

Bahrain Visa Status: Another Travel Option

If you are considering extending your trip to neighboring countries, Bahrain is another popular destination in the region. Like Kuwait, Bahrain has simplified its visa process for certain nationalities. Visitors can check their Bahrain visa status online to ensure they meet all the entry requirements.

Bahrain is known for its rich cultural history, modern architecture, and thriving business environment. The country has developed a streamlined visa application system, making it easier for tourists and business travelers to enter. If you are planning to visit Bahrain after your trip to Kuwait, it is advisable to check your Bahrain visa status in advance.

Travel Tips for Kuwait and Bahrain

Here are some important tips for travelers heading to Kuwait or Bahrain:

  • Plan Ahead : Even if you are traveling visa-free, it is a good idea to have all your documents in order. Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your date of entry.
  • Stay Informed : Visa policies can change, so keep checking official websites or resources like Kuwait visa checking to stay updated on any new developments or requirements.
  • Health and Safety : Ensure that you have adequate health insurance coverage during your trip. Some countries require visitors to show proof of health insurance upon entry.
  • Currency and Budget : The Kuwaiti Dinar is one of the strongest currencies in the world, so plan your budget accordingly. Bahrain’s Dinar is also strong, but both countries offer a range of options for different budgets, from luxury to more affordable travel experiences.
  • Cultural Sensitivity : Kuwait and Bahrain are both conservative countries, so it is essential to be respectful of local customs, particularly when it comes to dress codes and public behavior. Modesty is appreciated in public places, and visitors should be mindful of the cultural norms.

Kuwait’s decision to allow visa-free travel for 51 nations is a welcome development for global travelers. Whether you are visiting for business, tourism, or family, the simplified entry process makes it easier to explore this fascinating country. Make sure to check if your country is on the visa-free list by going through with Kuwait visa checking.

If you are traveling to Bahrain as part of your trip, checking your Bahrain visa status beforehand will ensure a smooth travel experience. Bahrain offers a seamless visa application process and is an excellent extension for travelers already visiting the Gulf region.

Also Read :  PM Modi holds bilateral meeting with Kuwait Crown Prince in New York

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  1. Bahrain Electronic Visa Service

    Welcome to the Kingdom of Bahrain Visa System. This is a secure site. All data entered and displayed is protected by 128-bit encryption. This site allows you to apply for short term and long term visas for travel to the Kingdom of Bahrain. It also gives an overview of application process and requirements.

  2. Bahrain International Travel Information

    Be sure to leave Bahrain before your visa expires; otherwise, you will face heavy fines, possible arrest, and/or deportation. A visa extension to stay beyond the original expiration date is possible.An extension request must be submitted via the . Your visa must be valid for the duration of your stay in Bahrain.

  3. Electronic Visa Process

    Steps for obtaining an Online Visa. First, you must make sure that you qualify for a Visa by carefully reading the conditions and verifying that you meet all of the requirements prior to applying. If eligible follow the below steps: Click on the "Apply for Visa" link on the homepage and proceed to fill the eligibility page.

  4. (The electronic visa site for the Kingdom of Bahrain)

    For further information related to entry visas, you can visit the following link:(The electronic visa site for the Kingdom of Bahrain) (The electronic visa site for the Kingdom of Bahrain) With regard to work visas and residence permits, the required information can be verified from the following website: (Entry visas for work, residence ...

  5. Your Complete Guide to Bahrain Visa Requirements

    Looking to get a visa for Bahrain? Here's everything you need to know. Bahrain offers various types of visas, including tourist, business, and work visas. The process typically involves completing an online application, providing necessary documentation, and paying the applicable fees. Remember to check specific requirements and eligibility criteria based on your country of citizenship before ...

  6. FAQ

    A Bahrain travel agent. ... Yes, you can extend your Visa once you are in Bahrain by visiting NPRA main office (Manama, Exhibitions Avenue, Building One, on the ground floor) or Muharraq at The MOI service center (Building: 378 Sheikh Hamad Street Complex 211) and paying an extension fee. ...

  7. Visas

    Visas. Whether you are visiting the Kingdom of Bahrain, for tourism or business purposes, you can easily find out your eligibility to receive an entry visa through the eVisa platform provided be the Nationality, Passport and Residence Affairs (NPRA). The platform also enables you to check the status of your visa, pay for the application ...

  8. Bahrain Visa Guide: Types, Requirements, Exemptions

    Bahrain visa is a document issued by the Bahrain government, permitting the holder to enter, stay, or leave Bahrain for a specified period. Bahrain visa ranks 156 in terms of ease of access and allows travelers from 104 countries easily. Besides facilitating international travel, Bahrain visa serves as an official authorization that attests to the holder's permission to enter Bahrain.

  9. Visas

    Visas. Visas. Any visitor to the Kingdom of Bahrain, whether for tourism or business purposes, can find out if they are qualified to receive an entry visa. They can also request for one and follow its status online. By providing these services, the Kingdom aims to complete visa requests in the fastest time possible.

  10. Bahrain Visa

    BAHRAIN VISA COVID-19 UPDATE Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bahrain visas on arrival will not be available until further notice. Anyone who wishes to travel to Bahrain must have either a Bahrain eVisa obtained prior to travel or a residence permit. Who Needs a Bahrain Visa? You need a Bahrain visa unless you are from […]

  11. Bahrain eVisa

    In order to apply for an e-Visa to Bahrain, follow these steps: Start your application by clicking on the "Apply for Visa" button on the home of the Bahrain e-Visa system. This is the only secure site to apply for an electronic visa to Bahrain. Fill the eligibility entry fields. Write your nationality and select the purpose of your visit.

  12. Bahrain Tourist Visa 2024: How to Apply For Bahrain Tourist Visa?

    Bahrain tourist visa types Bahrain visa on arrival. Bahrain visa on arrival is a type of visa that allows eligible travelers to enter Bahrain without applying for a visa beforehand. They can obtain the visa at any entry point in Bahrain by paying a fee and providing some documents. There are currently more than 200 countries eligible for VOA ...

  13. Bahrain Tourist Visa

    Bahrain, located in the Persian Gulf, is a tourist favourite spot because of its deep culture, historic places, and modern features. With the Bahrain eVisa, applying online is easy and fast, and it often takes just a few days to decide. Once approved, tourists can enjoy Bahrain's sights, like the old Qal'at al-Bahrain fortress, the big Al Fateh Grand Mosque, and the busy Manama souk.

  14. Visa to Bahrain 2024: Status, Price, Extension, Fees ...

    If the visa expires before entry to the Kingdom of Bahrain, the applicant must reapply and is subject to the required fees. Multiple entry eVisa price. The total fee for the multiple entry on-arrival visit visa is BD 16,000 (USD 42.436), including the application fee of BD 4,000 (USD 10.609) and the visa fee of BD 12,000 (USD 31.827).

  15. Visa Selection Criteria

    Visa Selection Criteria. Mon Sep 16 2024. Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. FAQ. [email protected]. Please answer the following questions to determine which visas you are eligible for: Do you have a current. valid Residence Permit or Visit Visa for a GCC country?

  16. Entry requirements

    To enter Bahrain, your passport must have an 'expiry date' at least 6 months after the date you arrive. Check with your travel provider that your passport and other travel documents meet ...

  17. Bahrain Entry Requirements

    Currently, to enter Bahrain, you will simply need a valid passport and a visa. Your passport should remain valid for at least 6 months. Depending on your nationality, you may be eligible for an electronic visa or embassy visa. Moreover, citizens of GCC countries, including nationals of Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia, are allowed ...

  18. Bahrain Visa: Entry requirements and travel information for Bahrain

    The Multiple entry visa is valid for 90 days after arrival and allows for several entries, with each visit not exceeding 30 days per entry. The single-entry visa, also valid for 90 days upon arrival, permits a one-time stay in Bahrain for up to two weeks. Learn more Get yours.

  19. Bahrain Tourist Visa

    Bahrain Tourist Visa Cost. The Bahrain tourist visa fees for the process depend on several factors such as the validity of the visa, the period of stay, the number of entries, visa extension, delivery charges, service charges, and others. The fee will differ and is to be paid online after filling out the online visa application form.

  20. Visa Enquiry

    [email protected]. Please enter the following data exactly as it appears in your passport: Passport Number. Nationality. Date of Birth. Please enter the Application Reference Number you were given when you applied for your visa or Permit. Application Reference Number. This is a secure site. All data entered and displayed is protected by 128-bit ...

  21. Bahrain eVisa for Visit

    The Bahrain Tourist Visa, also called the Bahrain Visit Visa, is an electronic travel document for which you can apply 100% online, without visiting an embassy or consulate. Instead of placing a stamp or sticker, your passport is digitally linked to your electronic visa.

  22. Visit Visa Conversion: How to Convert Your Bahrain ...

    This article is reviewed regularly by Wego's editorial team to ensure that the content is up to date & accurate. Updated September 2024 Key takeaways A Bahrain visit visa can be converted to a work visa with a job offer from your sponsor and required documents. The sponsor submits the application to the NPRA for processing. The […]

  23. On Arrival Visa Eligibility

    Vietnam. 208. Yemen. 209. Zambia. 210. Zimbabwe. Discover the complete list of countries whose nationals are eligible for an on-arrival visa. Plan your next trip with ease and avoid any visa-related hassles.

  24. 51 Nations Can Now Travel to Kuwait Visa-Free

    Bahrain Visa Status: Another Travel Option. If you are considering extending your trip to neighboring countries, Bahrain is another popular destination in the region. Like Kuwait, Bahrain has simplified its visa process for certain nationalities. Visitors can check their Bahrain visa status online to ensure they meet all the entry requirements.

  25. Electronic Visa Eligibility

    Yemen. 208. Zambia. 209. Zimbabwe. 210. Israel. Discover the complete list of countries whose nationals are eligible for online or electronic visa. Simplify your travel planning with our comprehensive guide.