road trip debate topics

300 Fun Road Trip Conversation Starters for Long Car Rides

Looking for road trip conversation starters i got you.

Everyone knows that road trips can be a blast! At least, I love them!

But let’s face it: after the first 100 miles, the landscape starts to look a bit monotonous, the snacks are gone, and we’ve all heard the playlist twice over.

Having a robust list of conversation starters up your sleeve can turn those endless miles and awkward silences into an engaging opportunity to connect and deepen your relationships with your fellow seatmates.

I find going through a preconceived list takes the pressure off of the questions as it’s not YOU who came up with these random or personal questions, it’s the game that’s asking lol.

So buckle up, roadtrippers! We’re about to dive into some riveting conversation starters that will make you laugh, cry, and cringe! But you’ll come out of it knowing each other A LOT more!

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Travel Conversation Starter Questions

You’re on a fun road trip, so let’s keep with the theme and learn out about past travel experiences and dream about future ones!

me on top of york minster

1. What’s the most memorable place you’ve visited?

2 . What’s the most exciting adventure you’ve been on?

3. What’s the most breathtaking place you’ve ever visited and why?

4. If you could teleport to any destination right now, where would you go?

5. Have you ever had a travel experience that completely exceeded your expectations?

6 . What’s a travel experience that surprised you?

7. If you were a travel guide, what destination would you want to lead?

8. If you had to live in another country for a year, where would you choose?

9. Have you ever found yourself in a travel situation that felt genuinely unsafe?

10. What’s your favorite memory from a road trip you’ve taken?

11. Have you ever experienced culture shock while traveling?

12. What’s a local dish from a foreign country that you can’t forget?

13. If you could go on a historical journey to any period in time, where and when would you choose?

14. What’s the most unique mode of transportation you’ve used during your travels?

15. What’s the funniest or most memorable language barrier experience you’ve had abroad?

16. If you could explore any natural wonder in the world, which one would you choose?

17. What’s the best travel advice you’ve ever received or learned from your experiences?

18. If you could participate in a cultural festival anywhere, which one would you attend?

19. What’s a travel destination you dream of revisiting and why?

20. Where do you never want to visit again?

21. What’s the most unusual souvenir you’ve brought back from your travels?

22. If you could stay in any type of accommodation (castle, treehouse, underwater hotel, etc.), what would you choose?

23. What’s a destination you’ve seen in movies or books that you’d love to visit in real life?

24. Have you ever connected with a local in a foreign country in a meaningful way?

25. What’s a travel experience that challenged your comfort zone and taught you valuable lessons?

26. If you could explore a fictional world from a book or movie, where would you want to go?

27. What’s a travel experience that made you appreciate your home country more?

28. What landmark have you visited that was more hyped than you thought it should be?

29. If you could become fluent in any foreign language overnight, which language would you choose and why?

30. What is a memorable travel mishap that happened to you?

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Movie, Book, & Entertainment Conversation Starter Questions

Road trip games are a form of entertainment, so let’s find out about other ways you pass the time for fun.

me dressed as doc brown from back to the future II

31. What’s the last book you read that you couldn’t put down?

32. If you could be a character in any movie, who would you choose and why?

33. What genre of books do you enjoy the most, and why does it resonate with you?

34. Share a classic film that you believe everyone should see in their lifetime.

35. What’s a movie that you found unexpectedly thought-provoking or profound?

36. If you could witness the making of any movie, which one would it be?

37. What’s your go-to movie when you’re in need of a mood boost or comfort?

38. If you could direct a movie, what genre and plot would you choose?

39. What’s a movie that you can watch over and over again without getting tired of it?

40. Have you ever had a movie marathon? If so, which movies did you watch?

41. What’s your favorite type of entertainment (music, theater, sports, etc.) and why?

42. If you could step into the world of any book, which one would it be and why?

43. If you could attend any live performance (concert, play, sports event, etc.), what would it be?

44. Share an entertainment performance that left you awestruck or amazed.

45. If you could meet any celebrity or artist, who would it be and what would you ask them?

46. What’s an underrated or lesser-known form of entertainment that you enjoy?

47. Have you ever met a celebrity?

me with jay leno

48. If you could collaborate with any artist or performer, who would you choose and why?

49. What’s an entertainment trend or phenomenon that you just don’t understand?

50. Share a classic novel that you believe everyone should read at least once.

51 . If you could have a conversation with any fictional character, who would it be?

52 . Have you performed for an audience?

53 . If you could write a book in any genre, what would it be about?

54 . What book have you re-read the most?

55 . Share a book that made you laugh out loud or brought tears to your eyes.

56 . What’s a book that you’ve recommended to multiple people because you loved it so much?

57 . What’s the first chapter book you remember reading?

58 . Do you prefer reading a real book or on a tablet/smartphone?

59 . What is your favorite TV show to binge-watch?

60 . Which Friends character are you?

Family & Childhood Conversation Starter Questions

Let’s take it back. Waaaaay back! Here are some conversation starter questions that will make you dig deep into your past and perhaps help awaken some core memories!

Okay, let’s delve into your past.

me as a kid at the tulip festival in mt vernon

61 . What’s your earliest childhood memory that you cherish?

62 . Share a funny or heartwarming story from your time growing up.

63 . Who were your closest friends during your school years, and what are they like now?

64 . What was your favorite family tradition or activity when you were a child?

65 . Did you have any unique or unusual nicknames as a kid? How did you get them?

66 . What’s a lesson you learned from your parents or guardians that still guides you today?

67 . Describe your childhood home and the neighborhood you grew up in.

68 . Were you involved in any hobbies, sports, or clubs during your school years?

69 . Share a memorable vacation or trip you took with your family during your childhood.

70 . What’s a significant milestone or accomplishment you achieved while growing up?

71 . Did you have any favorite books, movies, or TV shows that left a lasting impact on you?

72 . What’s a challenge or adversity you faced during your youth that helped shape who you are?

73 . Were there any family traditions or cultural practices that were important in your household?

74 . Who were your role models or inspirations as you were growing up?

75 . Share a humorous or embarrassing family story that still gets told at gatherings.

76 . What’s a school project or assignment you remember working hard on and being proud of?

77 . Were there any family rituals or routines that you enjoyed or disliked?

78 . Do you have any favorite family recipes or meals that bring back fond memories?

79 . What’s something you wish you could tell your younger self based on what you know now?

80 . Did you have any pets while growing up? Share a memorable story about them.

81 . Were there any hobbies or interests you pursued as a child that you still enjoy today?

82 . Describe a special holiday celebration or family gathering that stands out in your memory.

83 . Were there any sibling rivalries or funny interactions among your family members?

84 . Did you have a favorite teacher, mentor, or adult figure who made a positive impact on you?

85 . Describe a significant change or transition that occurred in your family while you were growing up.

86 . What’s one piece of advice or wisdom passed down from your family that you hold dear?

87 . Did you have any unique or quirky family traditions that stood out from the norm?

88 . What’s a cherished possession or keepsake from your childhood that you still have?

89 . What’s a favorite game or activity you used to enjoy with your siblings or family members?

90 . If you could relive one specific day from your childhood, which day would it be and why?

Food Conversation Starter Questions

There’s no calories on car rides right? I know I’m always hungry on road trips. Let’s satiate some curiosities and ask some questions about food…but not if you’re feeling hangry!

colorful redbull smoothie

91 . Describe your ultimate comfort meal – the dish that feels like a warm hug.

92 . Share a memorable culinary experience from your travels or a different culture.

93 . If you were a chef, what signature dish would you create to showcase your style?

94 . Describe a unique or exotic food you’ve tried that you’d recommend to others.

95 . What’s a food you disliked as a child but have grown to enjoy as an adult?

96 . What’s a family recipe that’s been passed down through generations.

97 . If you could have a cooking lesson from any celebrity chef, who would you choose?

98 . What’s a food trend you’ve seen recently that intrigues or baffles you?

99 . If you could host a dinner party and invite any three people (alive or historical), who would they be?

100 . Share a memorable dining experience at a restaurant that left a lasting impression.

101 . What’s the weirdest or most unusual food combination you’ve ever enjoyed?

102 . If you could only eat one cuisine for the rest of your life, which would it be?

103 . What’s a food-related skill or dish you’d love to master in the kitchen?

104 . If you could travel to any country solely for its cuisine, where would you go?

105 . Share a story about a cooking mishap or kitchen disaster that you still laugh about.

106 . If you could invent a new flavor of ice cream, what would it be?

107 . Describe a food memory from your childhood that brings back strong emotions.

108 . What’s the most unique or interesting drink you’ve tried, whether alcoholic or non-alcoholic?

109 . Share a funny or memorable story from a dinner party or gathering you attended.

110 . If you had to create a three-course meal for a special occasion, what dishes would you serve?

111 . What’s a food you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the chance to yet?

112 . Describe a dish that you’ve cooked or baked from scratch that you’re really proud of.

113 . If you could have a picnic anywhere in the world, where would it be and what would you pack?

114 . What is your favorite breakfast food?

115 . What’s a food-related documentary, show, online article, or book that made you think differently about what you eat?

116 . It’s your birthday, what dessert will you have?

117 . If you could have a themed dinner party, what theme would you choose and how would you decorate and plan the menu?

118 . Have you ever visited a Michelin star restaurant?

119 . What is your favorite dish at Thanksgiving?

120 . What’s the most disgusting thing you ever ate?

Dreams & Aspirations Conversation Starter Questions

A dream is a wish your heart makes. Now you too can be a fairy tale princess and express your own dreams without feeling self-conscious.

me jumping on the beach at sunset

121 . What’s the biggest dream or goal you’re currently working towards?

122 . If you could achieve any career milestone, what would it be and how would you celebrate?

123 . Share a childhood dream that you still secretly hope to fulfill someday.

124 . What’s one new skill or hobby you’d love to learn in the next year?

125 . If money and time were no obstacles, what passion project would you pursue?

126 . Describe a place you’ve always wanted to visit that symbolizes a dream come true for you.

127 . What legacy do you hope to leave behind for future generations?

128 . If you could make a positive impact in any field or cause, what would it be and why?

129 . What’s a “bucket list” experience that you’re determined to check off in your lifetime?

130 . If you could give your younger self advice about pursuing dreams, what would it be?

131 . What’s a dream that you’ve had to put on hold but still hope to accomplish one day?

132 . If you could collaborate with any person, living or historical, on a project, who would it be and what would you create?

133 . Share a dream you’ve had that surprised you or made you question your aspirations.

134 . What’s one obstacle or fear that you’ve overcome on your journey to achieving your dreams?

135 . Describe a mentor or guide who played a pivotal role in helping you pursue your aspirations.

136 . What is a dream or goal you pursued and later decided it wasn’t for you?

137 . If you could attend a workshop or seminar on any subject, what would it be and what knowledge would you gain?

138 . Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

139 . Share a story about a serendipitous moment that brought you closer to achieving a dream.

140 . If you could see into the future, what accomplishment would make you feel most proud and fulfilled?

141 . Describe the feeling you hope to experience when you finally achieve one of your major life goals.

142 . Share a dream you have that involves making a positive impact on your community or society.

143 . Describe a dream or aspiration that you’ve held onto despite external pressures or doubts.

144 . Share a dream that you’ve had that’s prompted you to make a significant life change.

145 . What advice would you give to someone who’s hesitant to pursue their dreams and aspirations?

146 . What is your dream’s “why”? (why do you want it?)

147 . What does your life look like if you are 100% successful in life and dreams?

148 . Have you ever attended a conference related to your goals?

149 . What holds you back from pursuing your dreams?

150 . Do you believe that “Money can’t buy you happiness?”

🧠 Need a different road trip game? Test your knowledge with these Trivia Questions!

Dating & Relationship Conversations Starter Questions

Single, dating, or married, there are questions here that will engage you all.

michael and i kissing in front of sleeping beauty's castle at disneyland paris

151 . What’s the most memorable or romantic date you’ve ever been on?

152 . Share a funny or awkward dating experience that you can look back on now and laugh about.

153 . If you could receive advice on relationships from any person, living or historical, who would it be?

154 . Describe your ideal partner’s qualities and values in a few words.

155 . Have you ever had a long-distance relationship? How did you make it work?

156 . What’s a deal-breaker for you in a relationship, something you wouldn’t compromise on?

157 . Share a lesson you’ve learned from a past relationship that has helped you grow.

158 . If you could plan a dream romantic getaway, where would you go and what would you do?

159 . What is your primary love language?

160 . Describe a memorable moment when you realized you were falling in love.

161 . Have you ever had a “meet cute” moment like those in movies? Share the story.

162 . What’s the most meaningful gesture someone has done to show their affection for you?

163 . If you could have a heart-to-heart conversation with your younger self about relationships, what advice would you give?

164 . Share a story about a time when you took a risk to pursue someone you were interested in.

165 . What’s a misconception about relationships or dating that you’d like to clear up?

166 . Describe an activity or hobby you’d love to share with a potential partner.

167 . If you could ask a relationship expert one question, what would it be?

168 . Have you ever navigated a challenging situation or disagreement with a partner? How did you handle it?

169 . What’s the best relationship advice you’ve ever received from someone?

170 . Share a funny or quirky habit you have that might come up in a relationship.

171 . If you could plan a perfect date night at home, what would it entail?

172 . If you could create a unique tradition with your partner, what would it be?

173 . Share a story about a time when you and your partner faced a challenge together and grew stronger as a result.

174 . What’s a meaningful way you’ve supported or encouraged a partner’s dreams or goals?

175 . Describe a time when you felt truly understood and appreciated by a romantic partner.

176 . If you could give a single piece of relationship advice to your friends, what would it be?

177 . Share a romantic gesture or surprise you’ve done for a partner that made them feel loved.

178 . Describe your vision of a perfect and healthy long-term relationship.

179 . How did you meet your current partner (if applicable)?

180 . What is a dating trend that you don’t understand?

Conversation Starter Questions to Ask Kids (or Kids at Heart)

If you’re on a family road trip, here are some car ride questions to include the littles into the conversation. You might be surprised at some of their answers!

me on a dino kids ride

181 . If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?

182 . What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

183 . If you could design your own magical creature, what would it look like?

184 . What’s the funniest joke you know?

185 . If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

186 . If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be and what would you name it?

187 . Describe your dream treehouse or secret hideout.

188 . What’s the most delicious food you’ve ever tasted?

189 . What is your favorite game to play?

190 . Share a story about your favorite toy.

191 . If you could visit a fantasy land from a story, which one would you choose and who would you meet there?

192 . What’s the silliest thing that has ever made you laugh uncontrollably?

193 . If you could be any character from a book or movie, who would you be and why?

194 . Describe your ideal day of fun from morning until bedtime.

195 . If you could have a conversation with an animal, which one would you choose and what would you talk about?

196 . What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever learned, either at school or from someone you know?

197 . If you had a magic wand, what three wishes would you make?

198 . What’s your favorite thing about being a kid?

199 . Do you like playing outside or inside more?

200 . If you could explore the deep sea or outer space, which one would you choose and why?

201 . What’s something you’re really good at and proud of?

202 . If you could design your own dream playground, what features would it have?

203 . What’s your favorite bedtime story, and why do you like it so much?

204 . What’s the best part about spending time with your family?

205 . If you could create a new holiday, what would it celebrate and how would you celebrate it?

206 . Describe a time when you felt really brave or overcame a challenge.

207 . If you could have a robot friend, what would they look like and what would they do with you?

208 . What’s the most exciting thing you hope to do when you grow up?

209 . What’s your favorite thing to do with your friends?

210 . What’s something you think adults should know about being a kid?

Controversial Conversation Starter Questions

Two topics you’re supposed to avoid at family gatherings: politics and religion. But they didn’t say to avoid them on road trips. So have the AC on standby because we are going to kick up the heat with some uncomfortable questions.

You will definitely get to know your fellow passengers a lot deeper, but you might want to calculate how much driving time you have left in case conversations start to escalate.

painted church on the big island hawaii

211 . What role does religion or spirituality play in your life, if any?

212 . How do you think religious diversity enriches our communities and society?

213 . Can you share a personal experience that strengthened your beliefs or values?

214 . How do you approach discussions about religion with people who have different beliefs?

215 . How has your perspective on spirituality evolved as you’ve grown older?

216 . Do you believe in an after-life?

217 . What rituals or practices bring you a sense of connection and meaning?

218 . Have you ever found common ground with someone from a different religious background?

219 . How do you navigate conflicts between religious freedom and other societal values?

220 . In what ways do you think faith communities can contribute positively to social issues?

221 . What’s a controversial topic you’re interested in learning more about, and why?

222 . Can you share a viewpoint you’ve encountered that challenged your own perspective?

223 . How do you approach conversations about topics that people may find uncomfortable?

224 . What strategies do you think are effective for fostering understanding in the face of disagreements?

225 . What do you think of our education system and what would you change?

226 . Can you think of an instance where public opinion has shifted significantly on a controversial issue?

227 . What role do you believe empathy and compassion play in addressing controversial topics?

228 . How can individuals and communities work together to find common ground on divisive issues?

229 . Have you ever attended a rally or protest?

230 . What do you believe is the most pressing challenge our society faces today?

231 . Can you share a policy or issue that you’re particularly passionate about, and why?

232 . How has your view of politics evolved over time?

233 . How do you stay informed about current events and political issues?

234 . How do you handle conversations with people who have different political beliefs than you?

235 . How do you think technology and social media have impacted the way we engage with politics?

236 . Have you ever changed your stance on a political issue? What prompted that change?

237 . What do you believe is the most misunderstood aspect of your own religious or spiritual beliefs?

238 . In what ways do you think religious or ethical principles should influence public policy decisions?

239 . What controversial topic makes you feel the most uncomfortable?

240 . If you were president, what would be the first policy you’d change?

Nature & Animal Conversation Starter Questions

If you survived the last section, congrats! Let’s cool off with some friendly questions about beautiful nature and cute animals.

diablo lake

241 . What’s your favorite season and why?

242 . Share a memorable experience you’ve had in the great outdoors.

243 . What’s an animal-related hobby or interest you enjoy, like birdwatching or horseback riding?

244 . What’s the most beautiful landscape you’ve ever seen?

245 . What natural disaster scares you the most?

246 . How do you feel when you spend time in nature, and why is it important to you?

247 . If you could have a picnic in any natural setting, where would it be?

248 . What is the biggest hike you’ve ever done?

249 . If you could be an animal for a day, which one would you choose and why?

250 . What’s your favorite type of outdoor activity, like hiking, camping, or swimming?

251 . How can we encourage more people to appreciate our natural environment?

252 . If you could have any animal as a sidekick, which one would it be and why?

253 . Share a story about a wildlife encounter you’ve had, whether at home or while traveling.

254 . If you could communicate with animals, what’s the first thing you’d ask them?

255 . What is your favorite kind of pet?

256 . If you could have a pet that’s not typically kept as a pet, what would you choose?

257 . What’s the most fascinating animal fact you’ve learned recently?

258 . Do you believe we should bring back animals that are extinct?

259 . If you could befriend any animal from a story or movie, who would it be and why?

260 . If you could have an animal-themed superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?

261 . What’s the most interesting animal behavior you’ve observed in the wild or in captivity?

262 . What role, if any, do you believe zoos and wildlife sanctuaries play in animal conservation and education?

263 . If you could spend a day in any type of natural environment (forest, desert, ocean, etc.), where would you go?

264 . What’s your favorite sound or smell associated with nature?

265 . If you could explore the depths of the ocean or the heights of the mountains, which would you choose and why?

266 . Have you ever had an unexplainable experience in nature? (bigfoot, ufo, etc.)

267 . What’s an animal you find fascinating?

268 . What is your favorite animal-themed story?

269 . Do you believe in the Loch Ness monster?

270 . What is your favorite zoo you’ve visited?

Random Conversation Starter Questions

You’re in the home stretch! This last section is just a collection of random, fun and silly conversation starter questions that maybe you should have started the car ride off with lol!

me in a car with a giant panda stuffie

271 . When you play Clue, who do you play?

272 . If you could swap places with any inanimate object for a day, what would it be?

273 . Share a story about a hilarious misunderstanding you’ve had with someone.

274 . What’s the most random fact you know that always surprises people?

275 . If you had a magical remote control that could control anything, what would you do with it?

276 . What’s your signature karaoke song?

277 . If you were a character in a video game, what would be your special power-up?

278 . What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done to make someone laugh?

279 . Share a story about a time when you got lost in an unfamiliar place?

280 . If you could enter a famous painting and explore its world, which one would it be?

281 . If you could time travel to any historical event just to take a selfie, where and when would you go?

282 . Share a story about a time when you unintentionally embarrassed yourself but found it hilarious later.

283 . If your life had a theme song that played whenever you entered a room, what would it be?

284 . What’s the silliest fashion trend you’ve ever tried to pull off?

285 . If you could turn any mundane activity into an Olympic sport, what would it be?

286 . If you could have a robot that could do only one chore, what would it do?

287 . If your life had a laugh track, when would it play the loudest?

288 . What’s your favorite joke told by a famous comedian?

289 . Do you know how to drive a stick shift?

290 . What’s the most unusual talent or skill you’ve discovered you possess?

291 . What’s your go-to funny face or expression when you’re trying to make someone laugh?

292 . What’s the most unusual item you’ve ever won at a carnival or fair game?

293 . What is a favorite costume you dressed up in?

294 . If your life were a movie, what genre would it fall under?

295 . What is the first car you owned?

296 . Paper or plastic?

297 . What is a pet peeve you have?

298 . Do you sleep with the window open or closed?

299 . Should Crocs exist?

300 . What’s the longest your hair has grown?

😂 Need a laugh? Look at these Hawaiian Memes!

What do you talk about on a road trip?

You can talk about whatever you want on a road trip. In some respects, it’s easier to have meaningful conversations because you aren’t making eye contact while talking.

And since there is so much time to kill, any subject to talk about is up for grabs.

What is the 20 question car game?

The 20 question car game is quite simple.

One person thinks of a person, place, or thing.

The other people in the car get 20 questions to ask what that person is thinking about. If they guess the correct answer before the 20 questions are up, they win. If not, the game is over and the answer is revealed.

How do you start a conversation about travel?

Starting a conversation about travel is very easy. You can begin with questions like: “Where is the furthest you’ve traveled?” or “Have you traveled internationally?”.

Most people enjoy talking about places they’ve been, so once you ask a question or two, follow up conversation should come easily.

Epilogue: Road Trip Conversation Starters

So, there you have it – a comprehensive list of engaging conversation starters for your next road trip that are sure to keep the journey as fascinating as the destination. From contemplative political discourses to hilarious hypothetical scenarios, these questions cater to a wide spectrum of interests and moods.

Road trips are not just about the places you go, but also about the lively discussions you have along the way!

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Aloha! I'm Tabitha, an ex-travel agent turned travel blogger. I've lived from fire (Big Island Hawaii) to ice (Alaska) to the lukewarm (Washington State). I've traveled Europe, Scotland and England being my favorite, Costa Rica, Cancun, Canada, various US states, and more. No matter if it's a staycation or international vacation, every trip I take there are things to explore and discover! I'm here to take what I learn and help others think outside the box when composing their own travel itineraries.

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50 Creative Travel Conversation Starters: Pro Tips to Connect

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Everyone likes to talk about traveling. Creative travel conversation offers engaging, exciting, sometimes mysterious story-telling. Conversation about travel can also be a great common ground for social engagement. After all, everyone possesses some stories about past travels or future travel plans.

Looking to boost your travel conversation? Want to boost your social skills with other travelers? Check out these 50 creative conversation starters about travel.

Feel free to print this list of 50 creative travel conversation starters out to take on your next road trip. Let’s get the travel discussions started!

Creative Conversation Starters about Travel

  • What’s the luckiest thing that ever happened in your travels?
  • Where’s the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?
  • During which travel experience did you learn the most?
  • What new local customs have you adopted following traveling?
  • How do you determine where you will travel to next ?
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  • What eco-travel tips could you share?
  • What’s the most inspirational travel book you’ve ever read (e.g., Destinations of a Lifetime: 225 of the World’s Most Amazing Places )
  • What can you not stand about travel?
  • What is your most unexpected travel moment?
  • What roadside attractions have you seen?
  • Have you ever seen the World’s Largest _____?
  • What’s your favorite area to look down on from a plane window?
  • How do you think travel can help your mental health ?
  • Where are the tallest mountains you’ve ever seen?
  • Where is the best place Fall destination?
  • Where is the best Winter destination?
  • Where is the best Spring destination?
  • Where is the best Summer destination?
  • How do you practice gratitude in your travels?
  • Where would you go if you were younger?
  • What should a person put in their mental health packing list ?
  • What’s the strangest wildlife you’ve seen during a vacation?
  • What’s the most unusual trees or plant life you’ve seen during a vacation?
  • How do you determine how long a trip should last?
  • What websites do you visit before planning a trip?
  • What’s the best travel website (besides )?
  • Where do you find the best travel deals?
  • Have you ever used a travel agent?
  • How do you deal with the after-travel blues ?
  • Tell a story about an interaction with a “local”.
  • Should you do the cruise line excursions or find your own local adventure?
  • What do you think about sustainable travel ?
  • Do you have any advice for packing?
  • What’s the overall best method of travel…road trips, flights, sailing/cruising, bus lines, RV’ing, etc…?
  • What’s the very first thing that comes to your mind when I say the world “travel”?
  • What’s the best online travel guide series you’ve found?
  • How do you capture the moment but still be present to enjoy it?
  • How often do you take time to look back through your travel photos?

Comment below with more conversation starters for your fellow travelers. Plus, remember to sign up for the free Psychology of Travel Newsletter for all the latest updates.

Also, we now have an ebook available, check out the Psychology of Travel ebook here !

Happy Travels, Dr. L Founder,

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Rebecca Regnier

Creator. Author. Columnist.

Road Trip Debate Family Fun

June 7, 2023 by Rebecca Leave a Comment

Growing up, going on vacation included hours of sitting in the “way back” of a station wagon with my sister until we got “there.” “There” could be anywhere from Florida to Gettysburg to Niagara Falls. This was the 1970s, and unlike today's parents, adults didn't spend too much (any) time or energy fretting about entertaining children. As we weren't a license-plate-game-playing family, a road trip meant my sister and I were on our own to manage our boredom. We were expected to be quiet about it. Typically, we played Barbies until we got “there.” Sometimes we’d pass the time not throwing up.

My dad enjoyed pointing out historic locations. He expected us to revere their historical significance as we zoomed past at whatever maximum speed was achievable in a Mercury Villager Compact Station Wagon with a luggage carrier strapped to the roof. (So, maybe we were doing 45 mph?) My dad would become agitated when we did not appear to appreciate history.

“This is HISTORY!” he'd exclaim in frustration. He'd gesticulate out the window toward a battlefield or landmark. My mom struggled to keep the peace by telling my dad we were playing “Revolutionary War Barbies.”

That's how we road-tripped in the 1970s. No seatbelts, cup holders, or screens. So basically, a nightmare.

My own kids had screens, of course. I can report that Disney's “Beauty and the Beast” can be viewed 13 times while driving from Michigan to Florida. I did not do the license plate game with my kids, either. But lest you think it was all screens, we have devised a great way to pass the time on a long road trip. This is something family members of any age can enjoy.

WELCOME TO ROAD TRIP DEBATES! That's right, find a topic and spend hours debating it. The license plate game can't hold a candle to this discourse. Now I'm not talking about religion or politics. If you want to get “there” with all your digits, stay away from those hot buttons.

Here are some examples of our road trip debates. Adapt them to suit your family!

First up, which fast food chain is the best fast food chain? You are going to have an answer immediately.  To you, this answer is immutable. Scientific. Logical. Correct. But I guarantee if more than two people are in the vehicle, someone will be diametrically opposed to your truth. This debate over the best fast food chain began, for our family, in 2013. It's ongoing.

Those with sons might understand how this next debate topic emerged. The question is: Who would win in a fight…Dad's friends or the youngest son's friends? My husband affirms that his friends are tougher, stronger, and larger than my son's friends. I have pointed out that if it was a time-travel situation, my husband's friends could likely win in a fist-a-cuff with my son's friends. But my husband insists no age allowance be granted. His position is that his friends, all in their fifties, could “wipe the floor” with my son's twenty-something chums. This is bold, considering it is typical for several of those twenty-somethings to be in the vehicle during this pronouncement, while none of his fifty-something friends know they're in this hypothetical fight. Speed, street smarts, strategy, and disposition are all considered in the matchup.

If you prefer not to debate about a hypothetical fistfight, we've also turned our attention to settling more peaceful matters.

As miles roll by, we've hashed out a ranking of the top three Disney cartoons. We've asked: What side dish is expendable for Thanksgiving dinner? We've outlined extensive data to organize our favorite actors into two categories: movie star or artist. We've ranked all movies starring Tom Cruise. None of these topics are officially resolved, as dissent lives on.

The goal is for each person on the road trip to reflect on the topic, defend their position, never compromise, and then contribute to beating that topic into the ground. Engage the family in a road trip debate and you'll be “there” before you know it. You'll never want to talk to these people ever again, but time will fly. Remember that “these people,” may very well be your closest loved ones. On second thought, maybe just do the license plate game or play Barbies.

Originally Published in AAA Club Alliance

Road Trip Debate Family Fun

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Plan, Ready, Go®

101 Great Road Trip Questions for Fun Conversation

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Heading out on a road trip and need things to talk about? You’ll be able to easily keep the conversation flowing with these fun  road trip questions . 

Having a good list of questions or conversation starters is a great idea for a road trip. I know when I’m facing a long stretch of road, talking with my fellow passengers can make the time go by faster …or even help you stay awake when driving through the night (be careful out there!) 

Or maybe you’re road-tripping with someone you don’t know very well. These questions will help you get to know your “co-pilot” better. 

Need help planning your road trip? Check out our list of the essential travel planning resources .

Two girls traveling by car near the water.

Questions to ask on a road trip 

Spark some great conversation with your travel companions using this list of road trip questions. See how many other questions you can come up with! 

  • If you could live in any country in the world other than where you currently live where would it be? 
  • What was the best trip you ever took and what made it so special for you? 
  • What are your favorite kinds of things to do or see when you travel? 
  • If you could speak any other language fluently, what would it be? 
  • What is your favorite all-time television show? 
  • What is your favorite all-time television character? 
  • What is one movie you saw that everyone else seemed to love but you hated? 
  • What movie do you love that everyone else seems to hate? 
  • What is your guilty pleasure movie? 
  • Who is your favorite actor? 
  • What is your favorite song? 
  • What is your favorite band? And why is it U2?
  • What’s your favorite book of all time? 
  • If you received $1 million in a windfall of some kind, how would you spend it? 
  • What is your dream house? 
  • What one food could you eat every day and never grow tired of it? 
  • What three things would you want with you on a desert island (that aren’t people)? 
  • Who’s your secret celebrity crush? 
  • Would you choose donuts or cinnamon rolls if you could only have one for the rest of your life? 
  • Do you like pie or cake better? 
  • Do you prefer pizza or burgers? 
  • If you had to give up ice cream or candy, which would you let go? 
  • What is your most unpopular opinion? 
  • What was your first real job (I.e., not a job a child has like a paper route or babysitting)? 
  • What was the worst job you ever had? 
  • Have you ever been fired? What happened? Did you deserve it? 
  • If you could only use one streaming service of any kind for the rest of your life, which would it be? 
  • If you could only drink one thing (other than water) for the rest of your life, what would you choose? 
  • Do you prefer road-tripping with campers or staying in hotels? 
  • You’re world-famous for one day only. What are you famous for? 

A man and a woman each have their hand on the gear shift of a car.

Road trip questions for couples 

Check out these fun questions to ask your spouse on a road trip . They’re a great way to get to know each other a little better. 

  • What was your first impression of me when we met? 
  • What’s your favorite memory from our wedding day? 
  • If you could plan our wedding all over again, what would you change? 
  • What’s the one thing you wish that I knew about you? 
  • What’s something that you’ve never told anyone else before, not even me? 
  • What’s your secret dream, if you could be or do anything? 
  • If you could change any one thing about yourself, what would it be? 
  • Do you enjoy being the focus of attention? Why or why not? 
  • What would be your ideal date night? 
  • If you could whisk me away to anywhere in the world for a romantic getaway, where would we go? 

“Would you rather” road trip questions 

  • Would you rather live at the beach and never be able to see the mountains or live in the mountains and never be able to go to the beach? 
  • Would you rather have a job you love and are proud of but not make much money or have a career that pays well but you don’t like? 
  • Would you rather have riches and have only shallow friendships or good friends but struggle with money all your life? 
  • Would you rather have the power of invisibility or teleportation? 
  • Would you rather have the ability to know the future or read minds? 
  • Would you rather give up coffee or chocolate for the rest of your life? 
  • Would you rather be liked or respected? 
  • Would you rather be the most intelligent person in the world or the most attractive person in the world? 
  • Would you rather be rich and unknown or famous but not have much money? 
  • Would you rather be blind or deaf? 
  • Would you rather keep your ability to walk or speak?  

Romantic couple is standing near green retro car on the beach.

Deep road trip questions 

  • If you could change any one thing from your past, what would it be? 
  • If time and money were not factors, would change your career if you could? 
  • What’s your favorite childhood memory? And why is it important to you? 
  • Who is the person who influenced you most (for good) in your life? 
  • Who was the worst teacher or boss you ever had? What made them so terrible? 
  • What do you believe about the afterlife? 
  • If you could change one thing about society what would be it? 
  • What social justice issue are you most passionate about? 
  • Do you find it easy or difficult to make friends? 
  • Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 
  • If you’re an introvert, what challenges does it present for you, if any? 
  • If you’re an extrovert, do you have a hard time relating to introverts? 
  • Is “popularity” important to you? 
  • Have you ever wanted to just pack up and go start over somewhere else? What made you feel that way? 
  • If you could know the exact day and manner of your death, would you want to know?

Ever more questions for your next road trip

  • What’s your greatest fear?
  • What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
  • What’s your favorite sports team?
  • What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
  • Who do you think is the greatest living musician?
  • Do you prefer electric or acoustic guitar music?
  • Do you have a favorite book series? What is it?
  • Streaming, CDs, cassettes, or vinyl records?
  • What is your favorite national park to visit?
  • What’s one sincere belief you have now that’s completely contrary to how you were raised?
  • Did you like school when you were a child?
  • What did you major in in college?
  • Did you play organized team sports in school? If so, what did you play?
  • Were you ever fired from a job? What were the circumstances?
  • Did you ever quit a job dramatically?
  • Have you ever wanted to own your own business? What would you do?
  • Cats or dogs?
  • What is your favorite movie character of all time?
  • What would be your ideal night in (either with someone or alone)?
  • What was your favorite book when you were a child?
  • Would you live in a mansion if you could or would you prefer a smaller place to live like a mountain cabin or beach bungalow?
  • How many continents have you traveled to?
  • What’s your favorite city in the world?
  • Do you prefer cultural travel or nature escapes?
  • Do you like to make detailed itineraries or do you prefer to fly by the seat of your pants when you travel?
  • What food do you despise and refuse to eat?
  • What is your favorite smell?
  • Coffee or tea?
  • What was your favorite food when you were a child?
  • Do you enjoy following the news or do you find it stressful?
  • What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
  • Do you consider yourself a foodie traveler?
  • Were you ever dumped? What happened?
  • Do you unpack as soon as you get home from a trip?
  • What is the household chore you hate the most?

Final thoughts on road trip conversation starters

With a great list of road questions, you’ll never lack things to talk about as you drive along the highway.  Whether you’re looking to make deeper connections with your travel companions or just want to have some fun, questions like these make great conversation starters. 

You’ll find that they often lead to more questions and some really fun talks.  What would you add to this list of road trip questions?

More articles related to preparing for road trips 

  • Tips for your first road trip
  • Road trip trivia
  • Things to do on a long road trip to pass the time
  • Essential travel planning resources  
  • How to plan a travel budget  
  • Gluten-free road trip snacks
  • Explore the Old South with this road trip itinerary  

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great road trip questions

Darcy Vierow is a busy professional and travel planning expert with years of experience maximizing travel with limited time and on a less-than-average salary. Her tips have been published by Forbes,, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Finance, Aol, Newsbreak and GOBankingRates. Read more about Darcy Vierow .

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Deeper Conversations

72 Whacky, Meaningful Road Trip Qs To Spark Conversations

Have you ever been on a road trip or car ride where there’s a bit too much awkward silence?  That doesn’t have to be the case if you have a list of questions ready to …

Ian Chew, MHFA

Written by: Ian Chew, MHFA

Published on: 09/21/2022

road trip debate topics

Table of Content

Have you ever been on a road trip or car ride where there’s a bit too much awkward silence? 

That doesn’t have to be the case if you have a list of questions ready to keep everyone engaged and entertained!

Here’s a list that you can use with family, friends or your other half:

“If you…” questions 

  • If you were an animal, what would you be? 
  • If you were a cartoon/anime character, who would you be? 
  • If you were the president of the United States, what would you do? (Feel free to change to any other influential figure or country) 
  • If you were famous, what would you be famous for? 
  • If you were to be reborn, when and where would you want to be?
  • If you were immortal, what would you do? 
  • If your life was a song, what song would it be? // If your life was a movie, what movie would it be?
  • If you swapped bodies with a celebrity, who would it be? 
  • If you went to jail, what crime would you have committed? 
  • If you went to hell, what would be your sin? (Tip: you might not want to ask religious folks about this…)

“Would you rather…” questions 

  • Would you rather be funny or smart? 
  • Would you rather be sexy or rich? 
  • Would you rather be sexy-but-stupid or ugly-but-smart?
  • Would you rather be a time traveler or a mind reader?  
  • Would you rather travel back in time or travel into the future?
  • Would you rather have one billion dollars or one billion followers? 
  • Would you rather have one billion followers or ten close friends? 
  • Would you rather be a president or a dictator? 
  • Would you rather have superhuman vision or superhuman hearing? 
  • Would you rather have two extra arms or two extra legs?
  • Would you rather travel to your favorite country for free or travel to all the countries in the world for free? 
  • Would you rather have free groceries for the rest of your life or free Michelin-starred dishes for one year? 
  • Would you rather have to be immortal or constantly reborn? 
  • Would you rather be trapped under the sea or on the moon?
  • Would you rather own a mega-mansion or a superyacht? 

“This or that” questions 

  • Pizza or ramen? 
  • Wine or beer?
  • Plain water or sparkling water?
  • Beach or mountain?
  • Summer or winter? 
  • Cats or dogs? 
  • Classical or pop?
  • Physical books or ebooks? 
  • Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
  • Sims or GTA?

For more “This or That” questions that are related to food, check out my other article .

Trivia questions 

I went through multiple lists of trivia questions, verified the facts, and picked the questions that I found most hilarious… or WTF. Check them out: 

  • What’s the oldest country in the world? (Answer: Iran )
  • What’s the most consumed fruit in the world? (Answer: banana )
  • What’s the smallest mammal in the world? (Answer: Bumblebee bat – yep it’s the size of a bumblebee!)
  • Who introduced vanilla ice cream to the United States? (Answer: Thomas Jefferson , the third U.S. president)
  • Who invented the Volkswagen Beetle, one of the cutest cars in the world? (Answer: Hitler )
  • How many noses does a slug have? (Answer: two . Imagine what you could do with two noses?)
  • What’s the percentage of atoms that human beings and the universe share? (Answer: 97% ) 
  • What’s the national animal of Scotland? (Answer: the unicorn )
  • What can the human stomach dissolve? (Answer: razor blades )
  • On average, how many questions do kids ask per hour ? (Answer: 107 )
  • Which city made it illegal to let your chickens cross the road? (Answer: Quitman, Georgia )
  • Which country gets 99% of its energy from renewable energy? (Answer: Costa Rica )
  • Which rapper was a ballet dancer? (Answer: Tupac )
  • Which U.S. president was a bartender AND wrestler? (Answer: Abraham Lincoln. See here and here )
  • What did ancient Romans use as mouthwash? (Answer: urine . Nice! That’s what you need before your first date!)

For more trivia questions, here’s a list of them .

Fun family questions 

road trip debate topics

  • What’s your favorite memory of our family?
  • What’s your funniest memory of me/us?
  • What’s your most embarrassing memory of us? 
  • What are your top five things on our family bucket list? 
  • If the world was to end tomorrow, what would you want to do as a family?

For more family-related conversation starters, check out the following articles:

  • 18 conversation starters for meaningful family gatherings  
  • 25 pillow talk conversation starters for deeper connection

Fun friendship questions 

road trip debate topics

  • If we became superheroes to save the world, who would we be? 
  • If we could star in any movie, what characters would you want us to play? (note: you could swap the word movie with video game, TV show, etc.)
  • If we could do anything without getting caught, what would you want us to do?

For more friendship questions, check out 50 deep conversation starters with your best or close friend . 

Fun couple questions 

road trip debate topics

  • What was your first impression of me?
  • If we could swap bodies for a day, what would you want to do as me? (What would you want me to do as you!?) 
  • If we were to travel around the world for one year, what are your top five countries? 

Want more questions? Check this out: 68 meaningful conversation starters for couples (from new to married)  

Road trip questions 

Even if you have traveled together, it doesn’t hurt to learn/relearn each other’s needs and boundaries. 

  • What about this road trip makes you excited?
  • What are you most excited about this road trip? 
  • What do you love about road trips?
  • What would you prefer doing or seeing more of? 
  • What would you prefer doing or seeing less of? 
  • What’s your favorite/most memorable road trip and why? 
  • How can we make this road trip a memorable one? 

When and how to use these questions

  • Ask one question at a time. Gauge their response before going deeper. If they seem disinterested in the topic, switch to something else instead.
  • Balance between asking and talking. Make sure that you share your answer to the same question, or comment on their answer, so that the conversation doesn’t become an interrogation 🙂 I’ve been guilty of that.  Related article: 6 ways to keep a conversation going without asking too many questions
  • Most importantly, modify the questions based on what feels most natural. Different people have different ways of saying the same thing, after all.

Related articles 

  • How to keep a conversation going when you don’t know what to say
  • 25 useful phrases to keep a conversation going (and avoid awkward silence)
  • 106 fun food conversation Qs to ask your friends and family
  • 10 family conversation starters for deeper connection  
  • Conversation starters with new friends, or people you just met (this could help if a friend of a friend is joining you)

About Ian Chew, MHFA

52 art conversation Qs to talk with anyone (including artists)

127 fun food conversation qs to ask your friends and family.

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235 Epic Questions For Road Trips To Spark Conversations & Laughter

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Road trips are really all about the journey. Spending that much time in the car with your loved ones gives an amazing opportunity to have some interesting conversations. Pulling out a list of fun, silly, thoughtful questions for road trips will help make new memories and maybe even bring out a laugh or two.

Throwing random and fun road trip questions back and forth can lead to giggles, curiosity and learning. 

Whether you are hitting the road to a National Park, a camping trip in Maine or close to home, or a cross country adventure, these Road Trip Questions will make the time pass quicker. And might even start a new family tradition. While they won’t guarantee no arguments, they are guaranteed to entertain (and distract) when needed.

We’ve reached into the far corners of the internet and our mind to compile our list of the top 150 questions for road trips, and broken them out into the following categories:

  • Questions for Road Trips for Couples 

Road Trip Conversation Starters

  • Funny Road Trip Questions
  • Would You Rather Questions for Road Trips

Family Road Trip Questions

  • Funny Road Trip Questions for Families

Would You Rather – Family Road Trip Questions

  • Things To Talk About On Road Trips

Travel Conversation Topics

Our family takes road trips every year. Sometimes it’s only an hour or two away. Sometimes it’s for a weekend, or week long adventure. We like to have some car conversations ideas in our back pocket, for those times when the kids need a break from technology and each other.

There is something here for everyone, so let’s shut the car door on boredom, and get this adventure started.

Questions for Road Trips for Couples

Nothing beats starting out on your adventure together as a couple. The open road, the excitement and sites soon to be seen. After a while the buzz does die down and boredom or ennuie can set in. Spark up some car conversations once the anticipation has waned a bit.

With miles to go before we sleep , it’s the perfect time to learn more about your sweetie, rather than staring aimlessly out the window at mile markers. Let the journey guide your road trip questions for couples.

  • How has our relationship changed you?
  • What do you wish you had more time to spend on?
  • Where do you see us living in 5 years?
  • If you won $5 million, what would your first  just-for-fun purchase be?
  • What was one thing you were afraid to tell me when we first started dating?
  • How strict were your parents?
  • If money were no object what would you be doing right now?
  • What is your perfect couples vacation?
  • What is the accomplishment you are most proud of in your life?
  • List your 3 favourite things about me?
  • What’s one compliment you wish I would give you?
  • Are you a morning or evening person?
  • What’s the strangest thing you’ve been asked in an interview?
  • What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

Happy couple smiling at each other in a car on road trip.

More road trip questions for couples

  • What is your top goal in the next 12 months, and how will you reach it?
  • What are those little things that make your day brighter?
  • If you could change one thing about our life now, what would it be and why?
  • What do you love about yourself?
  • What’s the one thing I do that annoys you the most?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
  • What motivates you?
  • What is a relationship breaker for you?
  • How would you describe yourself in three words?
  • Favourite breakfast food?
  • If our relationship were a movie, what movie would it be?
  • Are you a pre-travel checklists kinda person or last minute packer for trips?
  • What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
  • What is you biggest fear?
  • What is the best gift you’ve ever received from someone and why?
  • What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?

Travelling with friends, family members, strangers, a partner or dog, you are bound to run out of things to talk about.

Come prepared and avoid the dreaded silence (if that bothers you) with some fun, deep and the occasionally silly ideas. Your next trip and long drive doesn’t have to be awkward or pull your hair out boring.

Kick up your quality time together on the highways and byways and try one of these road trip conversation starters.

  • As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done?
  • What’s your #1 guilty pleasure?
  • If you could be a world renowned expert at something, what would it be and why?
  • Top three favourite musicians?
  • Which genre of music is your least favourite and why?
  • If you could be any famous person, from any time, who would you be and why?
  • If you could build a themed hotel what would the theme be?
  • Would you rather have a live-in chef or massage therapist?
  • What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received?
  • If you could go back to your childhood, what one skill would you learn?
  • What is your favourite thing about travel?
  • What is your least favourite thing about travel?

Empty Road between two rocks. A mountain in the distance.

  • What’s the longest road trip you’ve ever taken?
  • If you had a time machine, which era and place in history would you visit?
  • What ride would you invent for a theme park?
  • Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
  • Who are your 3 favourite people in the whole world and why?
  • If you could go back in time and change one thing in history, what would it be and why?
  • What is the creepiest place you’ve ever been?
  • If you could wake up tomorrow and know how to do anything, what would it be?
  • Has an art piece / exhibit ever moved you, if so why? 
  • What is your most memorable experience?
  • Do aliens exist?


Funny road trip questions .

Inject some humour into the car. When your butt starts to become numb, and you can’t take listening to that Tiffany song about the flowers you gave me (from the 80’s), that your partner in crime insists on listening to for the 5th time, you’ll thank me. Here are some fun questions to take your mind off things.

  • What’s the  longest time you’ve gone without a shower or bath at one time?
  • Have you ever skinny dipped? If so, where’s the craziest place you’ve done it?
  • In highschool, what is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?
  • If you could give everyone on earth one trait, what would it be?
  • What’s the worst piece of advice, anyone has given you?
  • What’s the worst piece of advice you’ve ever given someone else?
  • What was the best toy of the 80’s / 90’s?
  • Favourite band / song to play air guitar to as a teenager?
  • What’s the last text you sent?
  • Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever slept?
  • Would you ever apply to a reality tv show?
  • Which tv show is your guilty pleasure?
  • Who was your celebrity crush as a teenager? Now?
  • What actor would play you in a film?
  • What character would you most like to play in a film and why?
  • What would you do if the zombie apocalypse happened tomorrow?
  • What’s your favourite and least favourite word?
  • What’s a lie you’ve told to get out of work?
  • If you had an extra body part, what would it be?
  • Who is the most famous person you’d like to be and why?

Vehicle driving down a mountain road. Text overlay 150 Fun questions for a road trip. Avoid boredom and awkward silences.

“Would You Rather” Questions for a Road Trip

  • Would you rather live in outer space, or in the ocean deep? 
  • Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island or in the middle of a desert?
  • Would you rather never need to sleep, or never need to eat?
  • Would you rather be loved or feared by all?
  • Would you rather mountain climb or skydive?
  • Would you rather be fluent in every language or know how to play any musical instrument?
  • Would you rather be a movie star or a famous musician?
  • Would you rather have super strength, or control the elements?
  • Would you rather find your passion or the love of your life?

Mom holding a smiling baby on the back of a van, on a ferry.

More would you rather questions

  • Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?
  • Would you rather take an all-inclusive resort vacation to Jamaica or a backpacking trip to South America?
  • Would you rather live in a hot climate or a cold climate?
  • Would you rather live by the ocean or in the mountains?
  • Would you rather be given physical presents or experiences as gifts?
  • Would you rather give up your phone or wear crocs for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather clog the toilet on the first day of a new job or a first date?
  • Would you rather be stuck in a closet full of snakes or tarantulas?

Random Road Trip Questions

The best thing about a long trip is the opportunity for a good conversation or two, with your travel companions. On your way to your final destination pull out these random, funny questions as a fun way to pass the time.

  • What are your top 3 favorite bands of all time?
  • If you were a character in a horror movie, which one would you be and why?
  • What is the best book you’ve ever read and why?
  • What was the best and worst thing about high school?
  • Do you believe in conspiracy theories? Which ones?
  • What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
  • What happened on your worst date ever?
  • What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever woken up ?
  • Where and what was the best meal of your life?
  • What is the best way to peel an orange?
  • If you could only listen to one type of music for the rest of your life, what kind of music would it be?
  • In the event of a zombie apocalypse, which three people would you want with you and why?

Deep Road Trip Questions

Sometimes you just need a little push to start meaningful conversations. These list of questions can help you get started on your journey to a new place, a favorite event, or a road trip with best friends.

  • What are the top three personality traits of good people and why?
  • How was your life different one, three, five years ago?
  • What’s your biggest regret?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • What are you most grateful for?
  • If you could give one thing to everyone on the planet, what would it be?
  • What is the first thing you would do if you learned you only had one week to live?
  • Where is the most beautiful place in the world, and why?
  • What do consider the best qualities of a friend?
  • What would you like your life to look like in one, three, five years?
  • What is your primary love language?

If you’ve ever taken a long road trip with kids, you understand the need to head off the dreaded “Are we there yet” question every 5 minutes.  Asking fun, silly and thoughtful questions will help keep the masses amused, off their devices, and not fighting. At least for a little while.

While the previous questions could be adapted to suit many age groups, these family road trip questions are fun, and safe for the younger  crowd.

Grab a few ideas from this list of road trip questions for long car rides. Make it your new favorite family tradition.

  • If a genie granted you one wish, what would you wish for?
  • If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • What is your earliest memory as a kid?
  • How would you describe your family in one word?
  • Which family tradition is your favourite?
  • What is your favourite family activity?
  • What are your top 5 family bucket list items? ( Find Bucketlist Ideas Here )
  • What are three things you are thankful for?
  • If you could switch places for one day with someone who would it be and why?
  • Who is the kindest person you know? Why are they kind?
  • Who is your best friend and why?
  • What is your perfect family vacation ?
  • If you could have a family pet, what would it be and why?
  • If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

road trip debate topics

More Things To Talk About in the Car With Family

Here is a list of even more things to talk about in the car with family, as you head out on the open road. There are endless road trip topics to explore, along with your National Parks, epic viewpoints, hikes, beaches and amusement parks.

  • Describe yourself in three words.
  • What is the one thing you can’t live without?
  • If you opened a store, what would you sell
  • What does it mean to be happy?
  • Where do you want to live when you grow up?
  • What makes you feel loved or special?
  • Describe your perfect treehouse.
  • What rule makes no sense to you?
  • What is something you are good at?
  • What is one thing you wish you could change about the world?
  • What is one thing you wish the world, your family or friends knew about you?
  • What makes a good friend? How are you a good friend to others?
  • If someone gave you $100 what would you do with it?

Funny Road Trip Questions For Family

Funny road trip questions kids will love to ask and answer. Expect a few giggles, or even a belly laugh as you all think up the answers to these silly questions.

Perfect for when the kids get tired of the license plate game, or other road trip activities.

  • If you could ask your pet any question what would you ask? 
  • If your pet could talk, what do you think they’d say?
  • If you could invent a new ice cream flavour, what would it be?
  • If you could change your name, what  name would you choose?
  • What’s the most annoying thing your brother / sister / dad / mom has ever done?
  • What do you do that annoys your brother /  sister / mom / dad etc. the most?
  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • If you could be a superhero, who would you be and what superpower would you have?
  • Who would win in a fight between Godzilla and King Kong
  • Who would win in a fight between a shark and a zombie
  • If there was a zombie apocalypse which 3 people would you want with you and why?
  • If you could run away with the circus what type of performer would you be?
  • If you could create a new holiday, what would it be and how would you celebrate?

road trip debate topics

If you have younger kids they may find having only two choices easier than open ended questions. These are all clean, kid friendly would you rather questions you can pull out for your next road trip without worries.

Would you rather car conversation starters for kids:

  • Would you rather have a robot servant or a self driving car?
  • Would you rather camp in a USA National Park or vacation at a resort in Hawaii ( Hawaii with Kids )?
  • Would you rather only be able to eat spaghetti or pizza for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather be a mermaid or a dragon?
  • Would you rather be able to control water or fire?
  • Would you rather be an expert dancer, or an expert skateboarder?
  • Would you rather pet a cheetah or a koala bear?
  • Would you rather be a famous singer or a famous artist?
  • Would you rather go ride a rollercoaster or a waterslide?
  • Would you rather go back in time or ahead to the future?
  • Would you rather get stuck overnight in a toy store or a candy store?
  • Would you rather eat candy for a week, or not have a bedtime for a week?
  • Would you rather be able to talk to animals, or speak any language you want?
  • Would you rather fly a plane or captain a pirate ship?
  • Would you rather be able to fly or breath underwater?
  • Would you rather be a detective or a pilot?
  • Would you rather be the smartest person on the planet or the funniest?
  • Would you rather brush your teeth with milk or lemon juice?
  • Would you rather be a scientist or a writer?
  • Would you rather visit the space station for a week or live in a submarine for a week.
  • Would you rather eat a bowel of spaghetti noodles without sauce, or a bowl of sauce without noodles?
  • Would you rather have an elephant sized cat or a cat sized elephant.

Things to talk about on a Road Trip

  • What makes something beautiful? What are 3 things that are beautiful and why?
  • What did you want to be when you grew up? Did that change?
  • What song could you listen to over and over again?
  • If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do with the money?
  • What are your top 3 bucket list items?
  • What are three things a relationship needs to work well?
  • Have you ever broken the law?
  • Can money bring people happiness?
  • Who in your family are you most like and why?
  • If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?
  • What motivates you in life?
  • Which friend you’ve lost touch with would you like to reconnect with and why?
  • What was your most prized possession when you were a child?
  • If you could invent a flavor or kind of donut, what would you make?
  • What’s the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
  • What is your least favorite family tradtion & why?
  • What household chore do you skip out on?

More Car Ride Conversations

  • If you never had to sleep, what would you do with that time?
  • What’s something you wil never, ever do again?
  • Do you have a tattoo? Tell the story behind it.
  • Who is your current celebrity crush?
  • How would you describe your style?
  • Describe yourself in three words
  • Describe someone else in the car in three words
  • What movie do you secretly love, that no one else seems to like?
  • Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Explain why yes or no.
  • Have you ever tried out for a reality tv show? If no, would you ever? Which one?
  • What is your most prized possession today?
  • What’s your favorite city in the world and why?
  • Which travel destination could you never get sick of visiting and why?
  • What’s the one place you’ve visited you think is overrated?
  • What country are you most excited to visit and why?
  • What city are you most excited to visit and why?
  • What’s the best travel advice you’ve ever gotten?
  • What is the worst travel advice someone ever gave you?
  • What are the top 5 travel tips you’d give for newbie travelers?
  • What’s the wildest travel story you have (and tell it)?
  • What about travel do you like the most?
  • What do you like least about travelling?
  • If you could only live, work and travel in one country for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
  • Where’s the wildest place you’ve camped?
  • Do you prefer guided or self guided tours and why?
  • Do you prefer to travel to warm or cold places and why?
  • What’s the most “tourist” thing you’ve ever done?
  • If you could recreate a childhood vacation where would you go, and what would you do?
  • Where’s the one place you’d like to take me on a holiday and why?
  • Where’s your ideal honeymoon destination?

More Travel Questions for Car Rides

  • What’s the first National Park you visited
  • Which National Parks are on your bucket list and why?
  • Where is the best place to get authentic Chinese food in San Fransisco?
  • What are your go-to road trip essentials, you can’t leave home without?
  • Do you prefer longer trips, or smaller more frequent trips and why?
  • What are your favorite childhood memories of family vacations ?
  • What are your favorite road trip games?
  • What’s your earliest travel or vacation memory?
  • If you could spend 3. months anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • What’s your least favorite trip you’ve taken? Tell the story of why.

How do you start a conversation in a car?

Asking questions is an easy way to start a conversation in a car. Topics you can talk about include getting to know someone through where they live, work, their family and current and future plans. Discussing current events, the latest movies or favorite music are also easy & casual topics to bring up. Travel is also a fun and popular car conversation topics.

235 Epic Road Trip Conversation Topics

Well there you have it. Fun, silly, deep, conversation starters to pass the time on your wild road trip adventures with friends and family, or as a couple.

Having a list of things to talk about in the car should be added to your road trip essentials . Right alongside with making sure your vehicle is road safe and ready.

I can’t wait to try a few out myself this year.

Do you have a favourite conversation starter? Let us know in the comments below or connect with us on social media. We’d love to hear from you!

Related road trip destinations and tips:

  • Epic RV Gifts for all ages
  • Zion with kids: How to beat the heat and crowds
  • 7 day itinerary to Zion, Bryce and Grand Canyon
  • Best travel backpacks for kids

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Donna Garrison is the founder of Packed for Life, an ever curious traveler with a passion for making memories with her family. With a unique perspective on travelling on a budget gathered over 30 years, 20 countries and 5 continents she gives families the tools & resources they need to experience the joys of travelling more for less through practical solutions. She helps over 20,000 families a month plan & take the family travel, camping and road trip adventures of their dreams in Canada, the USA and around the world. Contact her at: Donna [at]

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We have a long family road trip planned for this summer, so l‘m definitely bookmarking this post. I can‘t wait to hear some of the answers!

These are so great! Thanks for sharing them. I want to plan a family road trip this summer and this will definitely be a great thing to add to the journey and make it a little more fun

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Think About Such Things

47 Entertaining Road Trip Questions to Bust Boredom

Categories Featured , Travel

road trip questions

In this article we will look at a collection of fun and entertaining road trip questions to keep your car ride enjoyable for all. Never experience a bad road trip again! Let’s get started…

Road trips can either be fun or HORRIBLE. I have experienced a horrible road trip while driving up to Oregan. You can read more about that in my 25 Road Trip Conversation Starters . Those are the type of questions to help you start and build up into a conversation. 

But I wanted to share more road trip questions to create a fun environment in the car and get to know each other better. You will be surprised what you learn even from people you have known your whole life!

road trip questions

I have broken up these questions to sections. Because let’s face it every road trip can be different with who you are driving with. Driving somewhere with friends is a lot different then driving some where with kids. 

So, feel free to hope around to the section that best fits your road trip. Or you can just go through all of the questions and have fun with it. A lot of these can be used and tweaked for all kinds of families, children, and friends. 

* Side note all these questions are suitable for all ages. If you are looking for dirty or naughty questions…well this is not the post for you. 

Road Trip Questions for Couples

Road Trip Questions for Couples

  • What are some of the most important things on your bucket list?
  • What is something you did as a child your parents don’t know about?
  • What food reminds you of me?
  • What book or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?
  • Is there a show you used to watch as a kid that you would love to see come back?
  • Have you ever gotten really obsessed with a hobbie?
  • If you could instantly gain one quality or ability, what would it be?
  • What is your idea of an ideal date?
  • What movie reminds you of us?
  • What did you learn about marriage from your parents?
  • What’s your favorite memory with your mom?
  • What’s your favorite memory with your dad?
  • Describe your partner in 3 words.
  • Did you collect stuff as a child? 
  • If you could go back in time, what age would you be again?
  • What is the best and worst Christmas gift you have ever received? 

Road Trip Questions for Family and Kids

Road Trip Questions for Family

  • What are some of your favorite phone apps?
  • Would you rather give up music or television for a month?
  • If you could become any cartoon character who would it be?
  • Disneyland or Sixflags?
  • When Scrolling Through Social Media, what are your favorite kind of posts?
  • What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?
  • If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?
  • What is your dream family vacation?
  • Would you rather live in a castle, on a yacht, or in a large log cabin?
  • What is your favorite family tradition?
  • If you could paint your room any color what would it be? 
  • What’s your favorite holiday?
  • If you could ask your pet 3 questions, what would they be?
  • Cake or pie or ice cream?
  • Would you rather play inside or outside?
  • If someone handed you $1000 what would you do with it?
  • What silly thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

General Road Trip Questions (friends or family)

  • What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
  • What fictional character do you wish you could meet?
  • Which celebrity chef would you most like to fix you a meal?
  • If you could be on the cover of a magazine. Which magazine would it be?
  • What’s a word or phrase people use that you just can’t stand?
  • What is your favorite type of breakfast?
  • What restaurant have you always wanted to eat at?
  • Who’s your celebrity crush?
  • Would you rather spend five days exploring Chicago or New York City?
  • Would you rather have a home on the beach or in the mountains?
  • If your life were a fragrance what would the perfume be called?
  • Soup or salad? 
  • If you could start any kind of store and have it be successful. What kind of things would you sell?
  • If you could be awesome at any sport, what sport would it be? 

Off the Wall and Funny Road Trip Questions 

Funny car ride Questions

  • If you could change your last name what would you change it to?
  • If you could pick any character from a movie show and pair them with any character from a book so, that it would  create a whole new story, who would you put together?
  • If you could make any mythical creature be real..which one would you pick?
  • If animals could talk, who would be the best at conversations?
  • If you could only pick one mode of transportation would you pick a dog sled or  gondola?
  • What country would you want to be the king or queen of?
  • Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
  • Have you ever farted in an elevator?
  • If you could change your name what would it be?
  • How many ducks would it take to kill a hippo?
  • Have you ever tasted ear wax?
  • If you found a legit treasure map would you try to find the treasure?
  • Does pineapple belong on pizza?
  • Where is the worst smelling place you’ve been?

More Road Trip Fun

Need a little more inspiration for your car ride? Well check out these post below of feel free to download my road trip printable. It will help you plan a road trip that is pure awesomeness. 

Conversation Starters for road trips

100 Super Fun Road Trip Conversation Starters

roadtrip conversation starters for kids

100 FUN Road Trip Conversation Starters for Kids


road trip debate topics

Here are some of my favorite helpful road trip sites:

Well, there you have it! I hope these questions for a road trip have delighted you and created some memorable memories. Because that’s what it’s all about! 

Feel free to drop me a comment below. I would love to know what trip questions you asked and how they went on you vacation. 

Picture of Melissa Tumino

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.

She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine.  Read More…

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Girl with feet on dashboard of a car in an article about road trip questions

150 Fun Road Trip Questions For Every Occasion

February 8, 2021 //  by  Follow Me Away //   Leave a Comment

Are you looking for some road trip questions for your upcoming traveling? We have you covered. In this article, we have road trip questions for couples, road trip conversation starters, road trip questions for families, and fun questions to ask your friends.

Whether you are on a road trip with your family, your friends, or your partner these questions for a car ride will stimulate conversation.

Let’s face it road trips can be monotonous and boring and if you have children frustrating. Make sure everyone enjoys traveling by bookmarking this page and sharing these questions on the journey.

All these questions for road trips are guaranteed to get the conversation started and start some great conversations that help you get to know your fellow passengers a bit more.

So let’s get this conversation started.

You might also find these article helpful for your trip. 27 Necessary Car Camping Essentials You Must Pack and 25 Road Trip Essentials You Don’t Want to Forget

Girl with feet on dashboard of a car in an article about road trip questions

General Road Trip Questions

Use these road trip questions with any group of fellow travelers. They are fun questions to ask your friends and great road trip conversation starters.

All these questions are easy to answer and all have quite quick replies. If you want them to last longer ask people to explain their answers and this will keep the conversation going longer.

If you could be an animal what animal would you be and why?

If you could be a country what country would you be and why?

What TV series/film would you love to be in and who would you play?

Who would play you if your life story was made into a film?

What do you love most about where you live?

What would your perfect birthday look like?

What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

What sport do you wish you were great at?

What is your favorite smell?

What’s your life moto?

What is your favorite color and why?

What is the one thing you have bought and never used?

Are you a planner or more spontaneous?

What name do you wished your parents had called you?

How would you cope in an apocalyptic world? Would you die first or make it to the end?

Seaside or countryside?

What weather do you like best?

If you could live in a TV series what would it be?

if you had a book written about your life so far, what would it be called?

What do you love most about life?

An article about general road trip questions. Picture is a girl with her feet on the dashboard.

Road Trip Questions For Couples

Use these questions when you are on a road trip with your partner. These road trip questions for couples are designed to let you get to know each other better.

Some are short and quick and some a little bit longer and take some more thinking about. We encourage you to ask more questions after each answer to understand your partner’s answers more. We have written these with the hope that they start more longer and meaningful conversations.

What did you first notice about me?

What are my three best qualities?

If our relationship had a tagline or jingle what would it be?

What do you love most about me?

What would be your perfect date, and what do you think mine is?

How would you describe our relationship in three words?

What will we be doing when we are older?

Which of my outfits do you think I look the cutest in?

What do you think I value most in our relationship?

What do you think I love most about you?

How have I made you a better person?

How do you feel about romance?

What is your funniest memory of me?

When am I at my best?

What is my favorite song?

What TV show am I obsessed with?

Who would play us if our love story was made into a film?

If I was sad what would you do to cheer me up?

When have you see me at my happiest?

What do you think we value most as a couple.

A couple in the back of a car in an article about road trip questions for couples

Road Trip Questions For Families 

Road trips with families can be particularly challenging because everyone is a different age and wants something different. These road trip questions for families have been designed so they can be inclusive of all family members, whatever their age.

To make the conversation last longer ask more about their answer, Get curious, and learn a little more about your family members.

If our family had a moto what would in be?

What does this family value?

What are each family members funny quirks?

What the best thing we have done as a family?

What is your best family memory?

Who is the strangest in the family and why?

Who has the best sense of humor in the family?

What’s your earliest memory?

If you could choose your own name what would it be?

What do you like best about this family?

What is your perfect family vacation?

If you could have a superpower what would you choose?

What would your perfect Christmas look like?

Who would play us if our family starred in a film?

When are you happiest?

If you could change one thing about a family memeber what would it be?

What would you like to do more of as a family?

What would you like to happen less in our family?

What is your favorite family dinner?

A family in the car asking road trip questions

Travel Related Car Ride Questions

Since you are traveling why not ask questions about traveling? These car ride questions are designed for anyone to answer and are all related to travel in some way.

Ask them with your friends, family, or perhaps fellow travelers you don’t know so well. It will be really interesting to see what their responses’ are and where the conversation goes from there.

What is your dream country to visit?

Would you travel the world for 365 days, and if so where would you go?

What language would you most want to learn?

Which countries vibe do you think most matches your personality?  

What is your favorite mode of transport and why?

If you could live in another country for 6 months where would you live and why?

If you had the power of teleportation where would you teleport to right now?

What do you like doing best when you travel?

What are you most looking forward to on this trip?

What is your favorite State and why?

Hot summer beach or cold snowy mountain?

What do you love most about travelling?

What do you like least about travelling?

What is the best vacation you have had and tell us about it?

What do you miss most about home when you travel?

What is your one essential travel item?

How old were you when you went on your first road trip and tell us about it?

What five songs would you have on your perfect travel play list?

Describe your perfect travel experience in three words?

If you ran your own tour company where would you take people and why?

An article about travel road trip questions, picture is two young people on a bus

Around The House Conversation Starters

These road trip conversation starters are all about things around the house and home. They could as equally be asked over a meal as they could in the car ride.

Learn more about your fellow travelers and their perfect and current homes by asking these questions.

How many pairs of shoes do you own? What is your favorite pair of shoes?

If you could only wear one outfit forever which one would it be and why?

What does your dream house look like?

Are you clean it up straight away or leave it until tomorrow kind of person?

What one essential thing apart form the obvious does a house need to have?

What type of architecture do you like best?

Walk in closet or swimming pool?

What do you collect or have too many of?

What is your decorating style?

Everything in it’s place or nothing has a place?

What one thing apart from pets and people would you save in an fire?

Wooden floors or carpets?

Garden or Balcony?

What chore do you love doing and why?

How would you describe your home style?

What’s your favorite room in your home and why?

Complete this sentence. My home is ……

What is the most underrated thing in your home?

What do you love most about your local area?

If you were to do a staycation what would you do?

Father and daughter sitting in front of a car on a road trip

Conspiracy Theory Road Trip Questions

These road trip questions are a bit out there. If you really want to get the conversation going ask these questions about conspiracy theories and strange things.

We guaarantee these questions will get people thinking and cause debate in the car.

Do you believe aliens are real?

Do you believe in ghosts? if so have you seen one and tell me/us about it?

Do you think the moon landing was real? Why do you believe your answer?

Do you believe there was a conspiracy around Princess Diana’s death?

Do you think mythical monsters like Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster exist?

Do you think Elvis really died, or is he alive somewhere?

Do you think Lee Harvey Oswald really assassinated JFK or was it a cover-up?

What do you think happens in Area 51?

Do you think the government spies on us?

Do you think the big tech companies like google and Facebook have too much control?

Two people on a road trip stopped having a conversation

Food Related Questions For Road Trips

Nothing gets a good conversation going more than talking about food. Food questions are questions anyone can understand and anyone can answer, so they are great if you have different age groups in the car.

These questions are all easy to answer so work well when in the car with friends or family.

What was the best meal of your life?

Chocolate or vanilla?

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Could you give up chocolate forever?

What would be your last meal if you could request it?

What is a food you can’t believe people eat?

Sweet or salty?

What food are you most addicted to but know you shouldn’t eat?

What the earliest memory you have of food?

What did you mostly eat as a child? Do you still eat it?

What is the best restaurant food you have ever had?

Where would you like to travel just to experience the food?

What is the worse meal you have ever tasted?

What type of cuisine do you like the best?

Do you prefer sit down knife and fork meals or eat with your finger meals?

Are you a good cook and what do you like cooking?

Meal planning or raid the cupboard?

What is your favorite snack?

Eating between meals or save yourself?

Do you have any recipes that have been passed down through the family?

What is your favorite movie snack?

Friends on a road trip asking questions about food

Really Deep Road Trip Questions

These questions are to use on car rides with adults that you know and trust. They are pretty deep so you have to know and trust the people to reply.

These questions could spark conversations that are intimate and last a long time. If you really want to learn something about your fellow travelers then ask these.

What’s the most important thing to you ?

What do you value most ?

Do you think serial killers are made or born?

Do you think there is a heaven? What happens to us after we die?

Do you believe in reincarnation?

How would you spend I million dollars if you would only spend it on making society better?

Do you believe in God?

What is the legacy you want to leave?

If you ran the country what would you change?

Who inspires you and why?

Who are you closest to in your family and why?

What would you do about climate change?

Do you believe in past lives and if so what was yours?

If you weren’t doing what you do for a living what would you be doing?

What do you think about love at first sight? Is love just a chemical reaction? Can people really be in love forever?

What book changed your life and why?

What is real freedom to you?

Have you ever tried manifesting and how did it go?

Creativity, do you think we are all born with it or is it something you nurture over time?

Would you ever time travel if you got the chance? Where would you go and why?

Do we value things if they come easily to us?

A young couple near a jeep in an article about deep road trip questions

We hope you enjoy these road trip questions and let us know how you use them. We would love to know how you find using these car ride questions and which ones led to some great discussions.

Wherever you are going we hope you enjoy your trip and have the best vacation possible.

Treehouses in georgia

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Time Flies On A Road Trip When You Have Fun Debates


Road Trip Debates

The adventurous feet

168 Funny Road Trip Questions That Will Spark Conversations

Looking for funny road trip questions to help break the silence while on the road? This post got you covered with car ride questions on different topics!

Ah, road trips! They’re one of my favorite way to travel! I like the freedom that comes with making stops wherever I want, whether it’s to buy snacks from a gas station, take a quick swim at the beach along the way, or take countless photos of the beautiful scenery, nothing beats the entire experience of a long road trip.

While all this is fun, we can’t ignore the long awkward silence that comes after a couple of hours seated in the car!

Instead of just sleeping, you can resort to road trip games to beat the silence and that includes some fun questions!

road trip questions to ask

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Starting a conversation doesn’t come naturally to some people and I get it, after a few topics, we all need something to help us come up with fun questions! And that’s where this post comes in!

To give you some of the fun road trip questions you can ask yourselves to keep the conversation flowing and in the end, make the journey more enjoyable or even seem shorter.

No need to deal with the awkward silence, use my tried and tested questions for road trips to become the conversation starter you never knew you were!

And to help you easily navigate this post, I will be breaking it into categories from funny road trip questions to break the ice, road trip questions for couples , thought-provoking road trip questions for friends, to some serious car ride questions to get things even deeper!

Ready? Sit tight and discover some of the meaningful questions for a road trip!

Psst… As you plan your road trip , make sure that you have all these road trip essentials and make sure that you read these road trip mistakes so that you know how to avoid them.

road trip Questions That Will Get everyone talking

Ice breaker questions to ask on a road trip.

road trip questions to ask

Just like the title states, these car ride questions are meant to break the silence before you dive deep into the hard Qs.

1. What food can you eat every day without getting tired of it?

2. What’s your favorite video game?

3. Describe yourself in just 3 words.

4. What do you love to do in your free time?

5. What are your favorite 5 movies of all time?

6. Who’s your secret celebrity crush? 

7. What three languages would you like to speak?

8. Are you a morning person or a late-night owl?

9. What talent do you really wish you had?

10. If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?

11. What book has had the most impact on your life?

12. What movie do you love that everyone else seems to hate? 

13. What is your favorite band? 

14. What is your favorite instrument to play?

15. What hobbies would you like to take up?

16. What’s one talent you wish you had but don’t currently have?

17. What is the one skill you really want to master?

18. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

19. If you were to be stuck on an island forever, whom would you take with you?

20. What’s the strangest food you’ve ever eaten?

21. What three words would you use to describe yourself?

22. What was your nickname as a child?

23. What’s your favorite superhero movie?

24. If you received $1 million today, how would you spend it?

25. Would you ever consider going on a TV reality show? If so, which one?

26. If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would it be and why?

27. What song could you listen to over and over and not get tired of?

28. What do you like a lot that everyone else seems to hate?

29. Which movie can you watch over and over?

30. What’s your favorite way to relax?

31. What’s the most famous person you’ve ever met?

32. Are you close to your family?

33. What are you most passionate about in life?

34. What’s the one thing that never misses in your purse/bag?

35. Who is your favorite musician of all time?

36. Which holiday do you love the most?

37. What are you most grateful for in life?

38. Which TV shows are you currently binge-watching?

39. Have you ever had a negative experience that turned out to have a positive impact on your life? What was it?

40. For how long can you spend without having your phone?

41. What’s your favorite food cuisine?

42. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

43. If you could have a superpower, which one would you pick?

44. What was your favorite subject in school?

Road Trip Questions related to travel

road trip questions

Since you’re on a road trip, it’s safe to say that you’re into traveling! This section has road trip questions to ask related to travel. The questions are meant to learn about each other’s travel history, travel dreams, and everything in between.

45. What’s your favorite city in the world and why?

46. Which country did you visit first when you first started traveling and why?

47. What aspect of traveling do you enjoy the most?

48. Which destination would you like to visit again?

49. What aspect of traveling do you like the least?

50. What are you most looking forward to on this trip?

51. Which country did you visit that surprised you the most? Why

52. What is the one place you visited and found overrated?

53. What would be your ideal getaway for a long weekend?

54. Which destination did you visit and found underrated?

55. What’s the most thrilling activity you’ve ever done?

56. Which destination are you most excited to visit next?

57. If you had to choose one country to live in, where would that be and why?

58. Would you ever climb Mount Everest if you had a chance?

59. What personality traits do you find most attractive in someone?

60. What’s the best travel advice you can ever give someone?

Psst… If you need more advice, then you can check out my complete list of travel tips for beginners .

61. Have you ever gone camping ? If so, how many times?

62. How many countries have you visited so far?

63. What’s the longest you’ve ever been away from home for?

64. What is the scariest experience you’ve ever had on vacation?

65. Would you ever go bungee jumping?

“Do You Prefer” Fun Questions For Road Trips

fun questions for road trips

66. Do you prefer a hotel or a hostel?

67. Do you prefer Mountains or beaches? Where would you rather go?

68. Do you prefer guided tours or planning your own trip?

69. Do you prefer all-inclusive resorts or prefer choosing specifics.

70. Do you prefer living in the city or the countryside?

71. Do you prefer winter or summer?

72. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

73. Do you prefer comedy or horror movies?

74. Do you prefer being self-employed or working for someone?

Fun Road Trip Questions for couples

Fun Road Trip Questions for couples

75. What made you say yes when I asked you out on a date?

76. What was your first thought about me when we first met?

77. What’s the one thing you wish that I knew about you? 

78. If you could change any one thing about me, what would it be? 

79. Where would you like us to travel next?

80. What would be your ideal date night? 

81. In what ways has our relationship changed you?

82. What do you think we could do to improve our relationship?

83. What’s the most important value in a relationship?

84. Do you consider kissing another person cheating?

85. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

86. What’s your favorite memory of us?

86. What irritates you the most about me?

87. What would you say is the biggest adventure we’ve had together so far?

88. What is the greatest deal-breaker for you in a relationship?

89. What turns you on most in the bedroom?

90. What kind of music do you like listening to?

91. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

92. Have you ever been catfished online?

93. What are your thoughts on open relationships?

94. What have previous relationships taught you about love?

You can also read my complete list of road trip questions for couples here !

Would you rather road trip questions

questions to ask on a road trip

95. Would you rather never have to sleep or never have to eat again?

96. Would you rather be able to change one thing about the past, or control one thing in the future?

97. Would you rather be a magician or a superhero?

98. Would you rather be blind or mute?

99. Would you rather go to a theme park or a water park?

100. Would you rather be eaten by a shark or by a lion?

101. Would you rather live in a tiny house or a mansion?

102. Would you rather have unlimited money or unlimited knowledge?

103. Would you rather go hiking in the mountains or chill on the beach?

Psst.. . If you’d rather go to the beach, make sure that you pack all these beach essentials but if you prefer hiking, still, don’ forget these day hiking essentials .

104. Would you rather never have to clean or never have to cook again?

105. Would you rather have the ability to play every instrument or know every language?

106. Would you rather be very rich or find the love of your life?

107. Would you rather explore space or the deepest part of the ocean?

108. Would you rather be able to read minds or be invisible?

109. Would you rather be able to read minds or be invisible?

110. Would you rather go back in time to change what happened or change the future? And why?

111. Would you rather have a son or a daughter, and why?

112. Would you rather never be able to walk again or never be able to hear again?

113. Would you rather live a long but boring life or a short but fun and exciting life?

Funny questions for car rides

funng questions for a road trip

114. Want to bring some laughter in the car? These funny road trip questions will help out.

115. What is the funniest sound you can make?

116. What’s a weird/secret skill you have?

117. If you got arrested, what crime would your friends assume you’d done?

118. What’s the funniest face you can pull?

119. Can you think of a time you have ever been impulsive? What did you do and what were the consequences?

120. What is the dumbest joke you’ve ever heard?

121. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

122. What is something totally ridiculous that you believed as a kid?

123. What is the dumbest way you have ever gotten hurt?

124. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever slept?

125. What’s your funniest drunk memory?

126. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at someone else’s house?

127. Is there anyone you would secretly love to punch in the face?

128. What would your death row meal be?

129. Do you have any fetishes? Which ones are they?

130. If you could switch lives with someone, who would it be?

131. Is there any job that you would never do, even for a huge sum of money?

132. Are there any conspiracy theories you believe in?

133. What’s that one dish you can cook even while sleeping?

Car ride questions about Aspirations and the future

funny road trip questions

134. Have you ever been broken-hearted?

135. What did you want to be when you were young?

136. Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?

  137. What motivates you to work hard?

138. What accomplishment are you most proud of?

139. What do you fear about getting older?

140. Who is the most inspiring person you’d want to meet and what will you ask him/her?

141. What’s something you wish you could be better at?

142. If you could be the leading expert in something, what would it be?

143. What are your major life goals?

144. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

Deep questions to ask on a road trip

Road Trip Questions for Couples

145. Who is your role model and why?

146. Who’s the most important person in your life and why?

147. What does your ideal partner look like?

148. Have you ever been arrested? What had you done?

149. Do you believe in marriage? Why or Why not?

150. What’s your biggest fear in life?

151. What or who would you miss most if you died tomorrow?

152. Do you want to have kids? If yes how many? If not, why not?

153. Do you believe in the saying “home is where your heart is?” What does home mean to you?

154. What are your most regrets in life?

155. Do you think you had a great childhood?

156. How would you like to be remembered after you’re gone?

157. If you had a time machine, which moment in life would you revisit?

158. Do you believe in life after earth? What do you think happens in the afterlife?

159. What are you most afraid of in life?

160. When have you felt the most fulfilled in life?

161. When was the last time you were really happy?

162. Do you think being rich is enough in life?

163. If you were in a position of power, what would you change about society?

164. Are you a religious person? Why or why not?

165. What’s been your biggest failure in life so far?

166. Do you love your job?

167. How do you measure success in life?

168. Are you easily attached to material things?

Final Thoughts On The Fun questions to ask on a road trip

While road trips can be fun, they can also get boring especially if you have nothing to talk about with your road trip mates … but they don’t have to be like that!

With the right road trip questions, you can get everybody talking but if you can’t come up with fun questions, I hope that this article has given you a number of options to consider.

I hope that you found these car ride questions helpful and that they help your cure the road trip blues.

More posts to help you enjoy the outdoors

  • Mistakes to avoid while hiking
  • What to pack for a day hike
  • Easy camping breakfast meals
  • Essential items to pack for camping
  • Tips for backpacking for beginner
  • How to plan a perfect road trip
  • Big mistakes to avoid on a road trip
  • What to pack for a road trip

Was this post on the funny questions for car rides helpful? Then please consider sharing it with others .

Are you going on a road trip and looking for funny road trip questions to keep everyone engaged? This post will give you the best car ride questions on different topics. | road trip questions for friends| funny road trip questions for families| road trip questions for couples| fun questions for road trips| car ride questions for road trips| fun questions for car rides| questions for a road trip

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ESL Conversation Topics

  • Intermediate

Road Trips!

Empty Gray Road Under White Clouds

  • 1.0 Overview
  • 2.0 Vocabulary
  • 3.0 Conversation Questions

Engaging in conversation practice about “road trips” can be an excellent conversation topic for ESL learners to help improve their overall level of English. Discussions about road trips require the use of a variety of vocabulary related to transportation, travel and navigation, making it an ideal context for language learning.

Talking about road trips can provide opportunities for learners to improve their listening and speaking skills, as they may need to understand directions, ask for recommendations, or share their own experiences. Overall, discussing road trips as a conversation topic for ESL learners can be a stimulating and practical way to enhance their language proficiency.

What is a Road Trip?

A road trip typically involves traveling a long distance by car, with the purpose of exploring and experiencing different destinations along the way. For example, a group of friends may decide to take a road trip across the United States, starting from the east coast and ending on the west coast.

During this trip, they may stop at various cities and towns, visit national parks, and discover hidden gems off the beaten path. Along the journey, they may encounter unexpected challenges, such as getting lost or experiencing car troubles, but they will also create unforgettable memories and bonding experiences.

Road trips can be a fun and exciting way to see new places, learn about different cultures, and connect with friends and family while enjoying the journey as much as the destination.

Useful Vocabulary

Try and use the following vocabulary when answering the question. Click to look up the definition in the dictionary

  • Adventurous (adjective)
  • Break down (phrasal verb)
  • Memorable (adjective)
  • Set off (phrasal verb)
  • Route (noun)
  • Adventure (adjective)
  • Stressful (adjective)
  • Hit the road (phrase)

Conversation Questions

My Image

  • Have you ever been on a road trip? If so, where did you go and who did you go with?
  • What do you think are the good and bad things about going on a road trip?
  • What are some essential items that you would bring with you on a road trip?
  • Do you thing everyone needs to take a road trip at least once in their lifetime?
  • What are some popular road trip routes or destinations in your country?
  • Have you ever gotten lost on a road trip? How did you find your way back?
  • What is your favorite thing about road trips?
  • Do you think road trips are a good way to explore a new country? Why or why not?
  • Do you think it's better to travel alone or with friends/family on a road trip?
  • Should people be allowed to camp anywhere they want during a road trip?
  • Would you say it's better to have a detailed itinerary or to be flexible and spontaneous on a road trip?
  • Should people be allowed to sleep in their car during a road trip?

Keep The Conversation Going!


Gregory is a qualified TEFL teacher who has been teaching English as a Foreign Language (ESL) for over a decade. He has taught in-person classes in Spain and to English learners around the world online.


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