11 Ways to Promote Your Tours for Maximum Sales

Theresa Rappensperger

Travelers today do not have to depend on friends and family recommendations to find the ideal travel package. They also do not need to rely on a travel agent to book their tours for them. They have a lot of options to choose from (your competitors) and a host of technological tools (think Google) to help them identify and book the perfect trip.

Furthermore, travelers can buy spontaneously, but they can also take quite a bit of time in between deciding to travel and which travel package to book. In fact, according to Think with Google , a traveler can have more than a hundred interactions with brands while researching their trip.

For example, Amy, a traveler planning a trip to Disney World, spent 2 months researching the trip and had 419 interactions with brands.

So why should travelers like Amy, choose and book your tour package? Well, that’s the question we’re going to help you answer.

In this article, we’ll present 10 tips to promote your tour packages and stand out from the competition so you can maximize sales.

Let’s get to it.

11 Tips for Selling More Tours and Vacation Packages

First, get a booking system.

First things first, in order to get online bookings, you need to get a booking system to automate your processes and start selling your tours online. Try Regiondo , Europe’s leading booking system designed to streamline your travel business. To learn more about how you can make profits using a booking system, book a demo with one of Regiondo experts.

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Create an Appealing Tour or Vacation Package

In order to effectively promote and sell your tour packages, you have to create a great tour package  — one that appeals to your target audience. A great tour package is actually the foundation for your promotion and sales strategies: You need to have a good product that can sell itself.

How can you create a great tour package? Know your audience first.

Know Your Audience

The first thing you need to do when designing any tour package is to figure out who you’re selling to. Are you targeting families or millennials? Those two groups have different travel ideas and dreams.

For example, if you’re targeting family travelers, you may want to consider this research study by Bing. The study reported that 68 percent of family vacation idea searches are conducted by women and that women conducted 59 percent of overall travel-related searches. Among those, women aged 35-48 accounted for 41 percent of those travel searches.

So, if you want to target family travelers, based on Bing’s data, you need to market your tours to women between the ages of 35 and 48. However, that audience is not narrow enough.

You should also consider which types of travelers you would like to cater to: Higher-end, middle income, or budget?

The Bing study found that “cheap family vacations” was the top growth term for people searching for family vacation ideas. So, if you’re targeting family travelers, your ideal audience could be women aged 35-48 who are looking for budget-friendly options. You would then design your tour packages accordingly so they appeal directly to that audience.

Make Your Marketing Clear as Ice

Any marketing you do for your tour packages needs to be as clear as possible. Any user scrolling through your site, social media, or anywhere you have information pertaining to your tour package, should be able to quickly understand your unique selling point.

So, quickly spell out your marketing message for potential tourists and make it easy for them to find everything they need to make a purchase decision.

Personalize Your Messaging to Sell More Vaction Packages

The customer is king and should be made to feel that way in every interaction.

If you want to give your tour business an edge, you should deliver personalized content: from personalized emails to targeted messages. Generic emails no longer do well. In fact, they can cause more harm than good as they convey the message that you are simply aiming for quantity and do not fully understand your audience.

It would be much better to send targeted communications based on the experience a specific customer is interested in. But how can you know the individual preferences of everyone in your audience?

You can add cookie consent to your website and use marketing tools to track your audience across multiple channels. With that tracking data, you can send personalized messages with recommendations that are suited to specific customers.

If you’re already using Regiondo to manage your online bookings, you can send personalized messages to your customers from the Messages field in the Sidebar:

How to Sell Vacation Packages - Personalized Emails in Regiondo

You’ll find 20+ templates for the most common scenarios such as confirming an order and rescheduling a booking. These are ready to use but you can also edit them so you include your brand colors, logo, and communication style.

If you don’t have a Regiondo account and want more information, book a free demo here .

Optimize Your Website and Accept Online Bookings

One of the first steps in promoting and selling your tour packages is to make sure your website is optimized to sell that tour product and is able to accept online bookings. Truth be told, your website may be your biggest distribution channel.

Every single thing you could possibly look for and find is online. Your customers are too. That means that you should also have a dedicated web presence — mainly via your website .

In addition to having a website to begin with, it’s important that you have all the key information about the tour package you’re promoting at the front and center of your site. A user should be able to easily access that information and understand what your tour is about. They should also be able to book instantly online if they decide that your tour is it. Use can use this free SEO grader tool to make sure your customers can easily find you on search engines.

Free SEO grader

The advantage for you is that you don’t need to be by your computer or phone 24/7: You can accept bookings around the clock (from all over the world, in advance and short notice), have your inventory updated in real-time, and also get more bookings (since your website is your storefront).

Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

The next step is to make sure your website is mobile-friendly, meaning that a user can do everything they can do on your desktop website just as easily on your mobile site.

Just to highlight how important it is that your site is mobile-friendly, a recent Google study found that 45 percent of smartphone users in the United Kingdom are comfortable researching, planning, and booking their entire trip using a mobile device. The same is true for 48 percent of smartphone users in the United States and 44 percent of smartphone users in France.

A Think with Google study found that people switch between desktop and mobile for certain actionable steps. Specifically, they found that a majority (46 percent) of travelers who perform travel research on mobile made their final purchase decision on mobile but used another device to finalize the booking.

Think with Google also reports that over one-third of smartphone users have a negative impression of the company if the mobile experience is slow. Speed isn’t the only issue — smartphone users get irritated by a confusing mobile site.

All this is to say that your mobile site should have easy search functionality, straightforward yet engaging language, and booking should be a hassle-free process. Ideally, user experience should be similar across all devices.

Utilize the Power of Video

The power of video is undisputed . Especially in the travel industry where you’re trying to sell an experience or dream.

Video is a great way to engage and inspire potential travelers. You can specifically use video to help travelers better envision themselves in a particular destination and with your tour offering. Since video is a highly visual and emotive medium, you can more easily inspire potential travelers to book the experience you’re selling.

Indeed, video gives them a visual interactive insight into what the experience will be like. Particularly if it’s about an adventure tour or activity.

Our advice is to make video a staple medium in your overall marketing strategy. You can start off by creating short destination videos for social media before progressing to more immersive videos.

Get on YouTube

Hosting the awesome videos you make on YouTube will put you in front of a larger audience. Travelers are curious about what you are all about and which experiences you’re offering them so allow them to find you by hosting your own travel channel on YouTube.

You can release a set of informational videos about different tours and activities, or destination guides covering things to do in a particular location. Make sure to include links to your website and any social media handles so that the viewer can contact you or stay in touch.

Tap into the Power of Social

There are several reasons why social media is key in any tourism marketing strategy. The first one is that there are almost 3 billion people on social media today — basically, your entire audience and beyond.

As mentioned earlier, travelers today go online to conduct research on travel destinations and tours. They also largely depend on reviews, especially peer reviews which are aggregated on social travel sites like TripAdvisor .

A study showed that 89 percent of millennials plan their travel primarily based on online peer reviews. A TripAdvisor study found that 53 percent of travelers do not make a purchase decision without reading reviews and that 80 percent read between 6-12 reviews before making a purchase decision. That’s huge.

Indeed, people are scouring social media platforms for peer-approved travel inspiration. They have access to travel photos, reviews, and more on social media. That content is what gives them some insight into what your tour has to offer and if it’s the ideal one for them. Back to our main point: social media greatly influences purchase decisions.

That’s why it’s important to have an active presence on all social media sites that your audience may be on. From Instagram to Pinterest , identify the platforms that your target audience uses and get on there with fresh and engaging content.

Speaking of peer-reviewed and approved travel inspiration…

Hire Travel Influencers

Travel influencers are people who can promote destinations, activities, and businesses by using their social media influence. They partner with brands to review their products or share general experiences with a particular brand, in an effort to get their audience to engage with that brand. Brands essentially hire travel influencers to create awareness or drive sales for specific products.

You may want to think about doing the same: hiring a travel influencer to promote your tour package.

However, before you make the decision to partner with an influencer, you should be mindful that appearances can be deceiving. Having a large following or heavy web traffic does not make someone an influencer. Rather, look for someone who is proactive and able to inspire their followers to take action.

It’s going to take some research to identify an influencer that is a good fit for your brand. One whose ideals match your message and brand. What you can do perhaps is find a few influencers to come and try out your tours for free in exchange for reviews.

If you’ve never ventured into this space before, it may be best to start off small and see whether it’s a strategy that will deliver desired returns. (Rather than investing in a highly famed influencer who will inevitably charge high fees and have specific demands.)

With any marketing plan, you need to know your analytics inside out . If you hire an influencer but are not tracking where your traffic and brand mentions are coming from, you will not be able to effectively target your marketing — you will be advertising broadly when a more targeted campaign could be more successful.

The good news is that if you are working with bloggers or influencers via social media, you will be able to see where traffic is coming from (via the analytics tools offered by some social platforms). You should keep in mind, however, that traffic should ultimately translate into returns; meaning that it should either result in more bookings or increased activity and engagement on your social media pages.

All in all, if done correctly, you can substantially boost your brand awareness and tour package bookings by partnering with an influencer.

There are many creative ways to improve your marketing strategy and promote your vacation packages. We covered the fundamental strategies that will help you to better convey your marketing message, to engage with potential tourists in an authentic way, and convert that engagement into actual sales.

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The Complete Guide on How to Promote Tour Packages Online

By Erick Tomaliwan

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how to market tours online

As an experience provider, sharing what makes your tour worth booking is all in how to promote your tour packages online. 

As more travelers explore available tours and activities online, it can be challenging to know where to focus your efforts. You’ll need to meet your future customers where they’re at which means being able to connect with them on the fly, in their social feeds and via their mobile devices. 

While your tours might be amazing, the struggle is real with learning how to turn your tour promotion ideas into real live bookings.

How to promote tour packages online 

Marketing travel packages starts with knowing your target audience. If you can create buyer personas or define who your target customers are, it’s easier to connect with what guests want in real life. 

Start by taking a look at your audience’s demographic. Are you attracting the 55+ or are you focused on attracting millennials? 

Your target audience type will affect which tour promotion ideas will work for your business. For instance, older travelers might be more inclined to go on Facebook, Youtube and view tours through OTAs. 

Instead, if you’re directing your attention towards a younger demographic, it might be worth establishing a presence on social media channels like Instagram and TikTok.

tour promotion ideas for adventure tour operators

Define your goals when marketing travel packages 

Before marketing travel packages online, one of the first things you need to do is decide on your goals. 

As a tour operator, a few focal points should be to increase your revenue and inspire guests with incredible experiences. Sounds simple enough, right? 

It’s easy to get caught up with having too many options. Thankfully, marketing travel packages is all about sharing the benefits you provide to your guests. And luckily, as a tour professional — this is an area you’re already well-versed in. 

Sure, creating a memorable tour is likely at the top of your list, but there are ways to attract the right type of guests and it all starts with how you inspire guests to book with you. 

To minimize feeling overwhelmed with how many online options there are for which to promote and sell your tour, just start with one or two that you find easy to navigate. Selling tours to travelers means you’ll likely switch up your strategy a few times per year to see which tour promotion ideas stick.

What’s included in promotional tour packages 

You have to get comfortable with sharing what makes you an awesome tour business. Guests can only book if they know you exist and they need you to walk them through all of the steps to make this happen. 

In the digital age of researching and planning trips online, guests crave human connection. Your website acts as a direct line of communication and inspiration. This allows you to provide travelers with a sense of confidence along with key information that helps them to book.  

Look at promoting your tours as a way of informing future travelers that you have what they want. Start by asking a few questions like: 

  • Do you want guests to book more than 6 months in advance?
  • What type of guests do you enjoy the most?
  • Do you prefer direct bookings or prefer having an OTA promote your tours? 
  • Are large groups your jam? 

To further maximize your promotional efforts be descriptive and visual when promoting your tours online. Weave in reviews and quotes from customers so future guests can easily imagine themselves immersed in the same experience. 

As a result, you can hone in on marketing travel packages with ease. So, if guests book what you offer — congratulations, clearly customers believe that your tour promotion ideas are compelling.

Later in this post, we’ll share the different opportunities and you can choose which platforms work best for your business. In other words, we’ve got you!

marketing tours online for destination locations

Strategies for marketing travel packages 

With more travelers booking online, you can increase your reach to prospective customers by promoting your tours online as well.

When marketing travel packages, you’ll want to hone in on describing what guests will get out of the experience. Treat your website visitors like future guests. Sell your tours with descriptive offers and enticing photos to inspire travelers to book.

Lower prices tend to lead to higher volume bookings. While raising prices means a heightened expectation for the quality of the experience. You’ll find that certain seasons will yield better results depending on how you tackle marketing travel packages.

Let’s say, for example, that you invest 10% of every booking into your marketing budget. This might lead to an increase in direct bookings through your website. The alternative is to publish and promote tour packages online with destination marketing organizations or DMO’s.

As you evaluate how to market travel packages, make sure you are speaking to the guest’s core desires. Ask yourself: 

  • Is the customer looking for a deal because they’re booking off-peak or shoulder season?
  • Are your trips designed for families? 
  • Does your tour or activity suit group bookings?
  • Can you incentivize guests to stay longer with a tiered pricing strategy ?
  • How do you feel about last-minute discounts? 

As a tour operator, you may be looking for ways to encourage more guests to book once-in-a-lifetime experiences. And your seasonal marketing strategy should be centred on trying to remain front of mind for future guests.

In addition, as travelers find themselves daydreaming about beach vacations, you can entice them with travel tuesday deals . Some tour operators are motivated to book in advance. This is how an early bird pricing strategy can encourage guests to book early and get a better deal.

Marketing travel packages can target people dreaming of their next trip along with eager travelers already in the midst of planning. In this new-age travel industry, customers expect to be able to book 24/7. But, how do you discover which promotions work well with your audience? 

Here are some tactics for how to promote your tour packages online with easy-to-use marketing tools: 

1. Build an amazing website

If you can create a website you believe someone from age 8 – 80 can use, you’re off to the races. Include big buttons with easy-to-find calls to action. Think of it as a map, and you’re the guide. The goal of your website should be to present enough information that site visitors feel excited, informed and ultimately, ready to book.

One of the best ways you can support your customers in making a booking is by making your website user-friendly. As a result, customers will appreciate the simplicity of booking directly through your booking system. 

In addition, ensure your pricing is set to encourage people to book through your website. People will be more inclined to book through you if they believe they are getting the best price. As the tour operator, not having to pay an extra 10 – 30% in commissions to OTAs means better profit margins for your tour business.

2. Start blogging (even if it’s a handful of photos) 

Think of some of the most common questions guests ask. Inspire visitors by openly sharing your knowledge and thinking about the types of questions you’re commonly asked by guests. 

By educating visitors you’ll automatically give the impression that you care about guests and their experience. A blog also enables travelers to learn more about different activities and tours before booking.

Blogging regularly with, useful content can help with SEO which allows more people to spot your business in a search. Google appreciates fresh content and so do your visitors which is why your website acts as an accessible and valuable marketing tool.

Plus, as you publish more posts, the internal linking will help boost your search rankings. Blogging demonstrates that you’re excited to share what sets your tour business apart and want to have a personal connection with your guests. 

3. List and maintain your business on Google

On your Google Business listing, include the tours and activities you offer, along with your correct location. It’s also a smart idea to include a few photos on your Google business listing so guests can tell what you offer from a quick glance. Since Google favours active businesses, you’ll want to keep a close eye on what comes up when guests find your tour business online and always respond to reviews.

4. Be social 

Some tour operators find success with highly visual and short-lived platforms like TikTok when exploring ways of selling tours.

Establishing a social presence gives your tour business brand authority which supports your marketing efforts. While influencers previously dominated social media, now there’s more value in creating personalized interactions with regular guests. Assume all of your customers are VIPs and your treatment will be reflected in their reviews of your tour business. 

Travelers and social media users love contests. In fact, these promotions spread like wildfire and can increase your following overnight. And while they don’t take an intensive amount of resources to produce they can be short-lived in the spotlight. 

Create a contest or giveaway that motivates your audience to follow your tour business, like and share. It’s one of the easiest ways to get more eyes on your tour business and expand your marketing reach. 

5. Explore Facebook ads

Facebook ads allow you to promote your tour packages online based on specific targets, set demographically and geographically. With a photo or a short video, a Facebook ad is designed to attract your target audience with a call-to-action directing visitors to your website.

For more insight, check out this Tourpreneur article on whether Facebook ads can help you sell more tours , compiled from a study of over 1600 different Facebook ads.

Ensure you have a Facebook page with your business listing so visitors can connect and book directly, without leaving the platform. 

marketing travel packages with group pricing and promotions

6. Challenge yourself to share photos

Photos are one of your strongest assets when it comes to marketing travel packages. It’s easy to see why photo souvenirs are so popular — they are a timeless capture of a memorable experience.

Both photos and videos help travelers to determine whether the experience is right for them. People are drawn in by visuals which create an emotional connection to the experience.

7. Dive into YouTube Videos

YouTube videos are designed to act as long-form content, meaning anything beyond 30-60 seconds. Consider this platform useful for educating and allowing your audience to get to know you. Providing helpful content with short videos is another method of promoting your tour business online since videos can also help boost your search rankings.

8. Take an interest in Instagram 

Brand authority matters when marketing your tours. People will naturally gravitate towards tour operators who are active and open on their social media. This is a driving force behind the success of influencers on the platform. 

By giving a sneak peek into their lives, they inspire people to explore and take action. They want to know what they can expect when they book an experience. This is where you can bring your tour promotion ideas to life. 

Social media users appreciate first-hand guest experiences, so this is one of the most valuable tools for marketing travel packages. Plus, when guests share their experience on social media with a photo, you can reuse some of their positive feedback along with photos to help inspire future guests.

9. Stake a claim on TikTok  

When it comes to short-form videos, travelers are looking for eye-catching and inspiring content. See what kind of engagement you experience if you dedicate an hour per week to sharing some behind-the-scenes videos.

The tour businesses that are looking at marketing travel packages in creative ways are winning out. While you might think there’s no point in sharing some videos on Instagram, people appreciate real, unscripted videos. If you can highlight your personality and demonstrate that you care about your audience, followers will feel more compelled to connect with you.

10. Develop partnerships

With no shortage of options for publishing your tours, you’ll want to focus on what works best for you. One of the biggest benefits of promoting tours through online travel agents is the increased visibility for your tour business. With massive marketing budgets and millions of visitors per month, why not take advantage of getting in front of more of your target customers? 

Another way of increasing your bookings by promoting your tours is through partnerships with local businesses and hotels. You’ll also find 10 of the best places to promote your tour in this Tourpreneur article. 

marketing travel packages online skydiving adventure tourism

Different tour promotion ideas 

By using keywords that people are searching for in specific locations, your tour company can populate higher in search results. 

Digital marketing has transformed the way travelers explore, plan and book their trips. This is why why photos/videos are vital to your success, because they trigger they emotional side of trip-planning. 

When it comes to strategies for your tour promotion ideas, you’ll want to explore what works best for your business. For instance, hotels use a whole range of pricing strategies to book up their rooms. And, some of these tour promotion ideas work just as well for tour and activity operators.

Consider using group pricing in marketing , where customers can enjoy a better person-person rate with more guests on the same booking. This also works in your favour since you can book up tours quicker, with a more close-knit group. 

In addition, as you approach the festive season, gift card campaigns are an easy way you can increase revenue. Plus with Checkfront as your booking software, you can enable customers to purchase digital gift certificates, making it a perfect option for holiday gift ideas. 

Successfully selling tours online to your audience means clearly communicating the value-added experience guests can look forward to. 

Final thoughts

It’s worth exploring a few creative options with your tour promotion ideas. Besides, marketing travel packages might look different each season, depending on your tour business.

Give yourself the freedom to explore a few tactics at a time. This might look like focusing on one social media platform while investing in detailed tour descriptions and quality photos on your website and OTA of choice.

Promoting tour packages online will help sell more tours to your target audience. Be candid, honest and helpful, and your guests will value what you have to offer.

Looking for a booking software to help you sell and promote tour packages online? 

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6 days in Japan from Tokyo to Osaka

Explore the region west of Tokyo, with memorable sights and experiences including the Snow Monkey Park, Takayama, Shirakawa-go, and Kanazawa.

Charms of Hokkaido

Charms of Hokkaido

From US$3598.00

9 days in Hokkaido

Designed for people who wish to discover the beauty and nature of Japan

Charms of Northern Japan

Charms of Northern Japan

Apr, May, Jul, Oct & Nov 2024, 2025 & 2026

From US$3698.00

9 days & 12 days in Japan from Sapporo to Tokyo

For travelers wishing to go beyond the typical Japan itinerary

Charms of Tohoku

Charms of Tohoku

9 days in Tohoku

Discover the unique culture and incredible nature of Tohoku, on a tour featuring the rice paddy art of Inakadate and a Yamabushi mountain monk experience at Mount Haguro!

Charms of Southern Japan

Charms of Southern Japan

From US$3298.00

8 days & 9 days in Japan from Osaka to Fukuoka

Discover the culture, countryside and “must see” sights of Southern Japan

Discover Hokkaido

Discover Hokkaido

Feb 2024, 2025 & 2026

From US$5898.00

12 days in Hokkaido from Sapporo to Sapporo

Discover the breathtaking nature and cultural delights of Hokkaido during a 12-day tour of the island

Discover Tohoku

Discover Tohoku

May 2024, 2025 & 2026

From US$6898.00

14 days in Tohoku from Tokyo to Tokyo

Experience the rich natural splendor, historical landmarks, and cultural delights of the Tohoku Region

Discover Kyushu

Discover Kyushu

Nov 2024, 2025 & 2026

12 days in Kyushu from Fukuoka to Fukuoka

Experiencing the history, nature, and culture of Kyushu, including the exciting Karatsu Kunchi Festival

The Pilgrimage Route of Japan

The Pilgrimage Route of Japan

Apr & Nov 2024, 2025 & 2026

9 days in Japan from Osaka to Osaka

Experience and learn about the spiritual side of Japan

Samurai, Gardens & Arts

Samurai, Gardens & Arts

From US$3898.00

10 days in Japan from Osaka to Osaka

Be immerses in the samurai, garden and art culture of Japan

Highlights of Korea and Japan

Highlights of Korea and Japan

Mar, Apr, May, Jun & Oct 2024, 2025 & 2026

From US$4198.00

6 days in Korea and 7 days or 10 days in Japan

Explore two beautiful countries in one tour - Korea & Japan

Highlights of Taiwan and Japan

Highlights of Taiwan and Japan

Mar, May, Jun, Oct & Nov 2024, 2025 & 2026

From US$4398.00

7 days in Taiwan and 7 days or 11 days in Japan

Explore two beautiful countries in one tour - Taiwan & Japan

Highlights of China and Japan

Highlights of China and Japan

From US$4498.00

8 days in China and 7 days or 11 days in Japan

Route of history and cultural imagination through the lands of China and Japan

Highlights of Hong Kong and Japan

Highlights of Hong Kong and Japan

Mar 2024, 2025 & 2026

5 days in Hong Kong and 7 days in Japan

Route of history and cultural imagination through the lands of Hong Kong and Japan

Hokkaido, Tohoku & Central Japan

Hokkaido, Tohoku & Central Japan

Apr, May, Oct & Nov 2024, 2025 & 2026

16 days in Japan from Sapporo to Osaka

Visit Hokkaido, Tohoku and Central Japan (Tokyo & Kyoto)

Best of Hokkaido & Honshu

Best of Hokkaido & Honshu

Jan, Jul, Aug, Sep & Oct 2024, 2025 & 2026

15 days & 16 days in Japan

Visit 2 main islands of Japan - Hokkaido and Honshu

Tohoku & Central Japan

Tohoku & Central Japan

From US$5498.00

Experience a tour through the rare cultural beauties of Tohoku, followed by the golden route through Japan’s top destinations!

Hokkaido & Beyond

Hokkaido & Beyond

From US$4898.00

13 days in Japan from Sapporo to Tokyo

Combine the best seasonal must-sees of Hokkaido with unforgettable experiences in Honshu

Kumano Kodo Walking & Hiking Tour

Kumano Kodo Walking & Hiking Tour

Apr, May, Sep, Oct & Nov 2024

From US$3395.00

9 days in Japan from Kyoto to Kyoto

A small-group guided walking & hiking tour with five hikes of 2-6 hours of village-to-village walking on the sacred Kumano Kodo, or Kumano Ancient Trail

Public Transportation

Nakasendo Trail Walking & Hiking Tour

Nakasendo Trail Walking & Hiking Tour

From US$4420.00

12 days in Japan from Tokyo to Kyoto

A small-group guided walking & hiking tour with four hikes of 1-4.5 hours of village-to-village walking on the Nakasendo Trail

Nakasendo and Kiso Valley Walking & Hiking Tour

Nakasendo and Kiso Valley Walking & Hiking Tour

Apr, May, Jun, Oct & Nov 2024

From US$3105.00

7 days in Japan from Kyoto to Tokyo

A short small-group guided walking tour with three hikes of 3- 6 hours of village-to-village walking on the Nakasendo Trail

Nakasendo Trail Winter Tour

Nakasendo Trail Winter Tour

Jan, Feb & Mar 2024

From US$2095.00

8 days in Japan from Kyoto to Tokyo

A small-group guided winter tour to the Nakasendo trail. Walk or snow-shoe on five days for 1-3 hours

Shikoku Pilgrimage Trail Walking & Hiking Tour

Shikoku Pilgrimage Trail Walking & Hiking Tour

May & Oct 2024

From US$5175.00

13 days in Japan from Osaka to Kotohira Onsen

A small-group guided walking & hiking tour to Sacred Mount Koya & The Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage Trail

Hokkaido Walking & Hiking Tour

Hokkaido Walking & Hiking Tour

Jul, Aug & Sep 2024

From US$4045.00

9 days in Japan from Kushiro to Memanbetsu

A small-group guided walking & hiking tour through the wild lands of Eastern Hokkaido in Summer

Tohoku Walking & Hiking Tour

Tohoku Walking & Hiking Tour

From US$4930.00

12 days in Japan from Tokyo to Tokyo

A small-group guided walking & hiking tour exploring mountains in Tohoku with 6 days of walking and hiking of 2-6 hours per day

Kyushu Walking & Hiking Tour

Kyushu Walking & Hiking Tour

Mar, Apr, Sep & Oct 2024

From US$5160.00

14 days in Japan from Kyoto to Osaka

A small-group guided walking & hiking tour to the land of fire Kyushu with short hikes of 1-3 hours

Tokyo Anime Tour

Tokyo Anime Tour

Mar-October 2024, 2025 & 2026

From US$2348.00

7 days & 8 days in Japan from Tokyo to Kyoto

Join our refreshing Anime Tour of Japan through Tokyo, Hakone and Nagoya

Otaku Tour

From US$3548.00

Immerse yourself in Otaku culture like you have dreamed about.

Japan Garden & Art Tour

Japan Garden & Art Tour

March & Oct 2024, 2025 & 2026

From US$8498.00

14 days in Japan from Osaka to Tokyo

Visit the very best gardens of Japan with a garden specialist guide and have the exclusive opportunity to visit a private garden

Japan Pottery & Art Tour

Japan Pottery & Art Tour

14 days & 17 days in Japan

Explore the pottery and art culture of Japan - plus an extension to Tokyo and Mt Fuji

Japan Food Tour

Japan Food Tour

May. Sep & Nov 2024

From US$5020.00

11 days in Japan from Tokyo to Kyoto

A small-group guided food tour through Japan's best- kept culinary traditions

Japan Birding & Wildlife Tours

Japan Birding & Wildlife Tours

9 days in Japan from Kushiro to Kushiro

Join one of our Japan birding and wildlife winter photography tours to discover the beautiful nature and fascinating wildlife of Hokkaido.

Japan Photography Expedition

Japan Photography Expedition

Join a Japan Photography Expedition through Hokkaido on one of our three unforgettable Japan nature photography trips

What Can We Offer for Your Japan Trip ?

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Japan Escorted Group Tours

The most cost-efficient and hassle-free way to travel japan.

AJT group tours are the best way to ensure that you do not miss seeing any of the highlights of Japan. We plan our group tours based on seasonal attractions with must see sites in every tour. All of our Japan group tour itineraries are researched and developed by our professional staff, all of whom have spent years working as a tour guide in Japan. We offer six different tour styles to pick from that are best suited to your interests, from train travel to luxury tours. We are confident that you will find something that is appealing and fascinating to you from our Group Tours. AJT group tour packages offer something suitable for everyone, no matter what your budget or tastes are.

Japan Private Journeys

Japan Private Journeys

Just you and your traveling partner.

A private journey is the perfect solution for if you can't find a published departure date that you and your companion(s) agree on. Our private journeys allow you to customize the perfect itinerary for you and your companion(s). Whether you're seeking an intimate honeymoon, private family tour, or a guided package tour for you and a few friends, we'll customize an itinerary just for you. We will not only design a trip exclusive to your tastes, but give you recommendations and guidance, handle all your arrangements, and organize all aspects of your journey, leaving you to take pleasure in a satisfying, memorable trip from beginning to end. Get started with one of our sample tours.

Japan Custom Group Travel

Japan Custom Group Travel

You plan, with our help, where and when your group travels.

All Japan Tours offers custom group travel to accommodate any group size or interest, including special interest groups, religious organizations, leisure groups, students or band performance groups, and more. We plan the your custom tour to fit your budget to bring you the best of Japan in an affordable travel package. Our team of Japan travel experts can create your perfect vacation, with a level of flexibility that is unmatched by anyone else. Our custom group tours give you the freedom to create, change, adjust, and reimagine your ideal itinerary. Our team will provide you with countless options and insights to tailor your Japan experience to fit your exact needs, and are happy to plan the best trip for your travel group.

Ultra-Deluxe by AJT

Ultra-Deluxe by AJT

Travel japan in style with exclusive experiences and the best of the best.

Ultra-Deluxe Tours represent the best in luxury travel. The most luxurious hotels and ryokans, top-tier dining, immersive cultural delights unattainable on standard tours…all this and more await you on our Ultra-Deluxe Tours. We provide luxury transportation services, including a personal guide and driver for excursions tailored specially to the destinations you want to see. Ride Shinkansen (bullet trains) in first-class seating, and relax in the best hotels and ryokans (traditional inns). These fully customizable itineraries are arranged with your interests and travel needs in mind, and include access to destinations and entertainment inaccessible by your average group tour.

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Japan Travel Packages

When is the best time to visit tokyo japan.

All Japan Tours has a broad selection of professionally designed Japan travel packages that reach across a wide array of travel interests and come with a variety of perks. From active train tours to luxury group tours, cherry blossom tours to Japanese garden tours - we have them all.

Need inspiration? Want something special?

All Japan Tours has a broad selection of professionally designed Japan travel packages that reach across a wide array of travel interests and come with a variety of perks. From active walking tours to luxury small group tours, cherry blossom tours to Japanese garden tours - we have them all.

Group Tours by Interest

All Japan Tours is proud to present our exclusive Special Interest Group Tours. These tours are catered to travelers who want to see and experience something specific when they tour Japan.

Best Japan Tours

Best Japan Tours

Tours for First Timers

Tours for First Timers

Tours for Repeaters

Tours for Repeaters

Family Friendly Anime Tours

Family Friendly Anime Tours

Anime Tours

Anime Tours

Small Group Tours

Small Group Tours

Luxury Small Group Tours

Luxury Small Group Tours

Small Group Departures

Small Group Departures

Walking Tours

Walking Tours

Seasonal Flowers Tours

Seasonal Flowers Tours

Art & Architecture Tours

Art & Architecture Tours

Photography Tours

Photography Tours

Birding & Wildlife Tours

Birding & Wildlife Tours

Garden Tours

Garden Tours

Pottery Tours

Pottery Tours

Japanese Ancestry Tours

Japanese Ancestry Tours

Pre & Post Cruise Tours

Pre & Post Cruise Tours


Japan Cherry Blossom Tours

Our Japan cherry blossom tours are our most popular tours because we highlight the top places to see sakura, the most renowned flower in the country. Experience Japanese cherry blossom festivals, a cherry blossom dance show performed by geisha, and sakura views from Mt. Fuji, to gardens in Kyoto.


Japan Autumn Leaves Tours

Our Japan autumn leaves tours give you exclusive access to beautiful gardens, temples, shrines, and famous landmarks while enjoying the colorful autumn scenery along the way. We offer Japan tours to rural parts of Japan, historical towns, World Heritage sites, and diverse shopping districts.


Japan Festival Tours

Our Japanese festival tours cover festivals from all seasons. Matsuri (festivals) can range from celebrations to honor a shrine`s deity to joyful seasonal occurrences. Participate in one of the biggest festivals in Japan, the Kyoto Aoi Festival, or check out the Gion Summer Festival on one of our Japan tours.

Top 12 Attractions in Japan

Takayama Festivals

Takayama Festivals

Lavenders in Hokkaido

Lavenders in Hokkaido

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route


Snow Monkeys

Japan Winter Festivals

Japan Winter Festivals

Awa Odori Dance Festival

Awa Odori Dance Festival

Gion Summer Festival

Gion Summer Festival

Kyoto Aoi Festival

Kyoto Aoi Festival

Shibazakura Festivals

Shibazakura Festivals

Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Experience the takayama spring & autumn festivals during your trip to japan, one of japan's most beautiful festivals..

Witness the beautiful Takayama Festivals in Japan, not once, but twice a year. We offer a list of Japan tour packages that allow you to experience the lavishly decorated floats, known as yatai, which feature karakuri (mechanical puppets) that dance and move impressively. Whichever season you prefer, we have a Japan tour package reserved for either Takayama Festivals.

View our Japan tours featuring Takayama Festivals

Get lost in the lovely furano flower fields surrounded with lavender flowers, and enjoy views of the spacious fields in biei..

Our Hokkaido lavender tours showcase the best spots to indulge in lavender beauty during its flowering season. Take a Japan trip to Farm Tomita in Furano, known as one of the best places in Japan to see spectacular backdrops of lavender. Our lavender tours will also take you to a small town called Biei, overlapping with picturesque hills, vast fields, and the popular Panorama Road.

View our Japan tours featuring Lavenders in Hokkaido

The tateyama kurobe alpine route is an amazing route that goes through the northern japan alps..

Visit the famous and long demanded Alpine Route in Japanese Alps. Requiring varying modes of transportation, this route takes you through mountains and valleys for some of the most scenic views in all of Japan. From high mountain peaks reflected in the surface of calm, crystal lakes to the lower elevations at the Kurobe Dam and the famous site of the snow corridor, this route is sure to be unforgettably beautiful.

View our Japan tours featuring Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Take delight in viewing elegant wisteria flowers at ashikaga flower park and kawachi fuji garden during your tour to japan..

Wisteria are dream-like flowers that hang like pink and purple chandeliers. On our Japan Wisteria Tours, you will visit places like the Kawachi Fuji Garden and Ashikaga Flower Park. The Kawachi Fuji Garden features picture-worthy flower tunnels you can walk underneath, while the Ashikaga Flower Park is significant for their "Great Wisteria", a famous tree that's over a 150 years old.

View our Japan tours featuring Wisteria

Watch japanese snow monkeys bathe in hot springs at jigokudani snow monkey park on a japan winter tour..

Our snow monkey tours will take you to the Jigokudani Yaenkoen Park, where you can see Japanese Macaque, known as "snow monkeys". Thousands of people come to see the monkeys, whom are native to northern Japan and can be recognized by their red faces and light brown-grey fur. Watching the snow monkeys bathe up close is quite an experience, so don't forget your camera!

View our Japan tours featuring Snow Monkeys

Our japan tours will take you to the best winter festivals in the country, where you can admire giant ice sculptures and unique fairgrounds..

Believe it or not, some of the best festivals that attract millions of visitors each year are located in the coldest parts of Japan. We have arranged tours to travel to the Sapporo Snow Festival, Otaru Snow Light Path, Lake Shikotsu Ice Festival, Asahikawa Winter Festival, and the Sounkyo Ice Waterfall Festival. Experience seeing illuminated ice sculptures on one our tour packages.

View our Japan tours featuring Japan Winter Festivals

Join a tour that visits japan's largest dance festival, awa odori, and enjoy traditional music accompanied with lots of food in a lively celebration..

Attracting over 1.3 million visitors per year, Awa Odori is the largest dance festival in Japan. We have a Japan tour package showing you the best of Japan, including this famous dance festival. It is also called the "Fool's Dance", which originates from 400 years ago. Many instruments including taiko, shamisen, and flutes are accompanied with the dancers that parade through the city.

View our Japan tours featuring Awa Odori Dance Festival

Spend your japan vacation indulging in traditional japanese culture and stunning floats at the gion summer festival..

The Gion Matsuri is Kyoto’s largest annual festival and one of Japan's most famous. We have arranged Japan tour packages that include this 1100 year old celebration, which originally began as a religious ceremony dating back to 869. The main event occurs on July 17th and July 24th, where locals and visitors gather to view two extravagant procession parade floats.

View our Japan tours featuring Gion Summer Festival

Book a trip to japan that includes a taste of japanese history at the elegant and popular kyoto aoi festival..

Every May 15th, the Kyoto Aoi Festival features a large parade of over 500 people dressed in Heian Period (794-1185) styled clothing to illustrate a graceful procession. We provide several tours that highlight one of Kyoto's most celebrated festivals. The Kyoto Aoi Matsuri takes you back to the 10th century, where traditional makeup and impressive costumes can be appreciated.

View our Japan tours featuring Kyoto Aoi Festival

Admire thousands of ground cherry blossoms at the fuji shibazakura festival & takinoue koen park shibazakura festival during your japan tour..

Known as the ground cherry blossoms, our Shibazakura Festival tours will take you to attractions that are blanketed with vivid shibazakura. See the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, featuring over 800,000 spectacular moss phlox with the great Mt. Fuji in the background. Also visit Takinoue Koen Park, noteworthy for its hillside covered with 100,000 square meters of shibazakura.

View our Japan tours featuring Shibazakura Festivals

Take your japan tour to the majestic flower gardens at hitachi seaside park, widely known for its hillside of 4.5 million baby blue eye flowers..

Scientifically known as Nemophila, the largest collection of baby blue eye flowers can be seen at the Hitachi Seaside Park. There are over 4.5 million baby blue eyes blooming from mid-April to mid-May, referred as "Nemophila Harmony" during its annual bloom. The Hitachi Seaside Park features vast, gorgeous flower gardens of tulips, poppies, roses, kochia, and more.

View our Japan tours featuring Baby Blue Eye Flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park

Join the fiery celebration at tohoku's 3 great summer festivals during your japan trip..

Be keen on Tohoku's Three Great Summer Festivals all in one Japan tour package. These summer festivals known as Aomori Nebuta, Akita Kanto, and Sendai Tanabata are lively experiences you don't want to miss. Enjoy magnificent views of lantern-lit floats, high-spirited dancing, music performances, kanto skills, firework displays, thousands of colorful streamers, and more.

View our Japan tours featuring Tohoku 3 Great Summer Festivals

Top 12 places to visit in japan.

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1. Hokkaido

Enjoy a tour to japan in hokkaido, renowned for its flower fields and attractions unique to every season..

Hokkaido, Japan has a distinctive change of seasons that only adds to its beauty. The island is renowned for its lavender fields in the summer and winter festivals that attract millions of visitors every year. Our Japan tours to Hokkaido will take you to the flower fields in Furano, the atmospheric Otaru Canal, Hokkaido's biggest entertainment district in Susukino, and to Shiraoi to learn about the Ainu people of Hokkaido. A Japan trip to Hokkaido means trying various fresh foods at the famous Nijo Market, strolling through the heart of Sapporo in Odori Park, and stopping by Hokkaido's most famous hot spring resort in Noboribetsu. Hokkaido is proud to have its four distinct seasonal differences that include a number of events and activities each unique to the season. There is no other place like Hokkaido to enjoy your Japan vacation to the fullest.

View Hokkaido Tours

Make your way to the Tohoku region to see the great Towada Lake, visit the prominent Zeuiganji Zen temple, and see one of Japan's three most scenic views during your Japan tour.

Tohoku is known for its great summer festivals, picturesque landscapes, and its long history of samurai. Predominantly mountainous, this region offers broad areas of natural surroundings. A Japan tour to Tohoku involves visiting must-see sites among its six prefectures. Tour to one of Japan's three most scenic views at Matsushina, Tohoku's famous Zuiganji Zen temple, and the lovely Towada Lake. Numerous castles and samurai homes reside in Tohoku, making it an appropriate place to visit and appreciate history. Tohoku is also a suitable backup option when cherry blossom viewing, since the blossoming period takes place a few weeks later than in Kyoto or Tokyo. We offer several tours to see the best of Tohoku in one Japan trip.

View Tohoku Tours

Dive into the fascinating world of Tokyo, where you will visit ancient landmarks and electrifying towns during your tour to Japan.

Populated by over 36 million people, Tokyo is the worlds largest city. It is a metropolis that offers a mixture of both futuristic and traditional qualities. We offer tours to Tokyo that take you to destinations such as the Meiji Shrine, the Tokyo Tower, and the Imperial Palace. Indulge in Japanese history at the interesting Edo-Tokyo Musuem. We have Japan tour packages that will also take you to a popular tourist attraction called Odaiba, a man made island that serves as a shopping and entertainment district. Admire Tokyo's oldest temple built in 645, the colorful Sensoji Temple, also known as the Asakusa Kannon Temple. Find yourself in the lively and colorful Shibuya, renowned for endless dining, shopping, and clubbing. Its trademark is a large intersection featured in a number of films and photos. A Japan trip is not complete without traveling to Japans most distinguished city.

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Travel to an active volcano in Hakone and ride the scenic Hakone Ropeway on one of our Japan tour packages.

Located in the Kanagawa Prefecture, the town of Hakone is mostly a mountainous region part of the Fuji Hakone Izu National Park. Hakone is a famed holiday resort renowned for its variety of popular hot springs. On our Japan tours, you can enjoy a stunning view of Mt. Fuji in Hakone and its natural beauty. Our tours will also take you to Owakudani, a volcano with active steam vents, hot river valleys, and scenic trails. Enjoy a ride on the Hakone Ropeway, where you can view the active volcano zone and excellent views of Mt. Fuji on clear days. Hakone is a popular destination in Japan for travelers looking to enjoy their tour outside of Tokyo. Since Hakone is in the Kanagawa Prefecture, our Japan tour packages will also include the must-see sites in this region.

View Hakone Tours

5. Mt. Fuji

Check out astonishing views of mt. fuji and all of its natural surroundings when you book a tour to japan..

Take a tour to the highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji, an active volcano standing at 12,380 feet (3,776 meters). Mt. Fuji is not only famous for its majestic cone shape and impressive aura, but also being the subject for distinguished paintings, photos, and literature. It is recognized as an international famous symbol of Japan. Impressive views can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days. On the other hand, cloudy days often block visibility of Mt. Fuji, so those who get to experience the clear view of the mountain are considered fortunate. Our Japan tour packages will take you to the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station, the halfway point on the climb to Mt. Fuji. It is accessible almost any time of the year and is well developed. This is a popular sightseeing spot for thoroughly admiring the grand and awe-inspiring view of Mt. Fuji and its surroundings.

View Mt. Fuji Tours

6. Takayama

Add a traditional touch to your japan tour by visiting rural destinations in takayama and its authentic, historical buildings..

Celebrate at one of Japan's three most beautiful festivals here in Takayama, the Takayama Festivals, held in both spring and autumn. Since Takayama is located in the Japanese Alps, it is preferred among travelers wishing to add a rural destination to their visit to Japan. Takayama has been referred as "Little Kyoto", due to its preserved historical structures and traditional atmosphere. It is also popularly known as Hida-Takayama to refrain from confusion with other places called Takayama. We offer Japan tours to Old Town, where you can view entire streets and structures dating back to the Edo Period (1600-1868). Continue your Japan trip to the Matsumoto Castle, also called "Crow Castle" due to its black exterior. Here you can admire a prime example of original Japanese wooden architecture. Take delight in sightseeing in Takayama on your Japan vacation.

View Takayama Tours

7. Kanazawa

Tour to kanazawa if you wish to see one of japan's three great gardens and a well-preserved samurai district during your trip to japan..

Capital of the Ishikawa Prefecture, the eminent city of Kanazawa is known for its preserved Edo districts and other historical attractions. Since the construction of the Kanazawa Castle during the rule of powerful feudal lord Maeda Toshiie, the city has prospered with many cultural achievements. Visit one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, the Kenrokuen Garden, during your tour to Japan. Its name translates to "Garden of the Six Sublimities", qualities that make up the perfect garden according to Chinese landscape theory. Here you can find Japan's oldest fountain and the two meter tall Kotojitoro Lantern, an icon of Kanazawa and Kenrokuen. Some of our tour packages even travel to Kanazawa's Samurai District. Upon arrival, you will catch sight of well-preserved buildings and the former living quarters of samurai. Tour to Japan to enjoy these attractions unique to Kanazawa.

View Kanazawa Tours

Say hello to authentic Japanese culture by visiting Japan's most popular temples and shrines, beautiful parks and gardens, and the best summer festivals during a tour to Kyoto.

Kyoto is famous for its numerous Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, and ravishing gardens. The city served as Japan's capital and was the residence of the Imperial family during 794 to 1868. During your tour to Kyoto, you will get to participate in sake tasting at the Gekkeikan Okura Sake Musuem, visit the famous tunnel of scarlet torii gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine, see the iconic Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavillion), and stroll through the city of geisha in Gion. Continue your trip to the former residence of Tokugawa Ieyasu at Nijo Castle, check out the noteworthy Kiyomizu Temple and its impressive wooden stage, and see what a traditional Zen garden looks like at the Tenryuji Temple. Experience three of Kyoto's world-famous festivals, including the Aoi-matsuri Festival, the Gion-matsuri Festival, and the Jidai-matsuri Festival. Tour to Kyoto for an unforgettable Japan experience.

View Kyoto Tours

Experience visiting the world's largest wooden building and Japan's biggest bronze statue of Buddha when you travel to Japan.

Located less than one hour away from Kyoto and Osaka, the city of Nara is one of Japan's most rewarding destinations. Nara is Japan's first permanent capital, and is second to Kyoto as a cultural legacy with eight Unesco World Heritage Sites. Under the rule of the Imperial family and aristocrats, many temples and shrines were built here, as well as the development of temple towns. Our tours include seeing one of Japan's most significant temples, the Todaiji Temple, home to the famous Daibutsu (Big Buddha). The temple's main hall (Daibutsuden) is the world's largest wooden building, which is where you can also find the giant bronze statue of Buddha. Your trip to Japan will also give you the opportunity to visit the popular Deer Park nearby the temple, filled with over 1,000 deer you can greet and feed. Choose one of our Japan tour packages to experience Nara's historic treasures.

View Nara Tours

10. Hiroshima

Travel to the peace memorial park for an awakening experience about war and world peace, as well as the famed "floating" torri gate on the beautiful miyajima island, only in hiroshima..

Hiroshima is located in the Chugoku Region, a major city that is home to over a million residents. After the first atomic bomb dropped, there were predictions that the city would be uninhabitable. However, great endeavors were taken to rebuild Hiroshima and the speculations were proved wrong. During your Japan tour, you can visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and the Atomic Bomb Dome (Genbaku Dome), a must-see exhibition and eye opening experience. You can visit these landmarks of world history at Peace Memorial Park, located in the center of the city. Our Japan tour packages also take you to Itsukushima-jinja, a Shinto shrine located on Miyajima Island. It is famous for its "floating" torii gate and is inscribed as a World Cultural Heritage Site and one of Japan's three most scenic places. Don't miss out on a remarkable tour to Hiroshima.

View Hiroshima Tours

11. Shikoku

Journey to shikoku during your japan vacation for a tour full of remarkable sites and impressive coastal views, such as the incredibly scenic drive along the great seto bridge and the shimanami kaido toll road..

Shikoku is home to the Shikoku pilgrimage route, which includes 88 temples and other sacred sites. Shikoku offers many historic locations, breathtaking spots in nature, and traditional festivals. Here on your tour to Japan, you can enjoy scenic views from the Great Seto Bridge and the Shimanami Kaido, passing six small islands to get to Shikoku. Shimanami Kaido is renowned for its beautiful drive along its picturesque toll road. Take a pleasant stroll through Shikoku Mura Village and experience an awe-inspiring masterpiece of Japanese landscape at Ritsurin Park, featuring ponds, pavilions, and a Mt. Shuin backdrop. Shikoku may be the smallest main island of Japan, but offers many spectacular attractions to experience.

View Shikoku Tours

Explore Kyushu during your tour to Japan, where you'll wander through an abandoned island known as Gunkanjima, and visit the site of legend where the Shinto Sun Goddess hid herself in a cave.

Kyushu is the third largest main island of Japan and offers significant landmarks, natural beauty, and vibrant cities. Our Japan tour packages will take you to the best things to see and do in Kyushu. Take a trip to Gunkanjima, translating to "battleship island", a small and abandoned coal mine with the highest recorded population density in the world. You will also visit Glover Garden, an open-air exhibit featuring mansions of former Western residents in Nagasaki. Tour to Takachiho, a town pervaded with Japanese mythology. There you can visit the supposed site of legend of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, where she hid in a cave distraught from her brother's cruel pranks, causing other gods and goddesses to attempt to lure her out. Takachiho is a "power spot" profound with spiritual energy and religious importance. Nearby, you can see a cascading waterfall at the Takachiho Gorge.

View Kyushu Tours

What our customers say

  4.9 stars based on 621 REVIEWS

We had a great tour guide (Miharu). Very sweet and knowledgeable she gave us alot of history but also insight into Japanese culture. It was an amazing experience with so many different places and activities.

Wonderful. We had private tours - 7 of them Everything worked as planned with one exception . And the hitch was corrected quickly by AJT . Excellent guides

We gained great appreciation for the culture and history of Japan through the sites we visited. The transportation was comfortable and convenient, and our guide, Trend, was outstanding, knowledgeable and entertaining. The accommodations were terrific, and it was so convenient to have two meals included each day. We enjoyed every aspect of the tour and we'd highly recommend it to others!

This tour was amazing with everything so well organized. The transportation was comfortable, accommodation was great (pretty much got 4-star hotels) and all the important touristy places were covered. It'd be hard for anyone to do the same itinerary on their own for sure. My fav. aspect of the tour is that it was not rushed and had ample time at each of the spots making it more enjoyable. Most importantly, our guide TREND was brilliant. She did an excellent job in taking care of the group, keeping it entertaining and educative. She always ensured we were all comfortable everywhere and especially in the restaurants where the menu was hard to understand given I had dietary restrictions leaving few choices. I'd recommend this tour to anyone who is looking for the highlights of Japan.

We had a wonderful tour.

Japan Cherry Blossom Guide

Cherry blossoms in Japan have been a major attraction for tourists. The most common question people ask is "when is the cherry blossom season?" It is an easy yet difficult answer because it depends on the area we are talking about.

Japan Autumn Leaves Guide

Autumn leaves in Japan are almost as popular as the cherry blossom season. Kōyō is the Japanese word for autumn leaves. Kōyō and momiji (maple leaves) use the same kanji and has been that way since the Heian Period.

The Latest Article, Gallery and Video of Japan



When it comes to things to do in Japan for couples, there are numerous activities and tourists spots......



Can’t get enough of Japan after visiting Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, but are torn between the charms ......



Attending a Japanese festival is an experience unlike any other! Here are our favorite annual events......

Trip Planning FAQs

The best travel style for you will depend on your personal travel preferences and budget. Group tours are popular because they are more cost-effective than private tours , more hassle-free, and offer the chance for friendship within tour groups. Most of our group tours use a private coach for sightseeing, your driver will take you to the closest parking and you just need to walk to each destination from there. A private coach is a more flexible and a more hassle free way to visit Japan, this allows you to see as much of Japan as stress-free as possible. Private tours are often more costly, but offer full control of the travel pace and the sights you want to see, at the budget you set. If you would like to travel at your own pace, then custom private tours are for you. For a small group of 2 or 3 people, public transportation is the most cost efficient way to travel Japan. However, there is a lot of walking if you travel by public transportation since some attractions are far from the station, you will need extra days to visit the same sites compared to our group tours , and also you will need to able to walk 3-5 miles per day. We can also offer private tours by using private van. If you are looking for a private tour for 2 people with the same quality as our group tours , it will cost almost double the price. The larger the group size, the lower the cost per person.

Japan is a country with more places to see than might be expected of its size. For first-time travelers to Japan, the cities of Tokyo , Hakone , Mount Fuji , Takayama , Kanazawa , Nara , Kyoto , and Hiroshima are most recommended. Tokyo's glittering lights, tall skyscrapers, fine dining, and cultural experiences make it the number one place to visit. Kyoto is a must-see for its ancient temples, shrines, and gardens. It is also one of the best places for a spring cherry blossom tour . First time travelers enjoy Hakone and Mount Fuji's natural beauty, and a tour to see the autumn leaves in fall is especially lovely. Nara is near Kyoto and a top city for temples and beautiful nature. If you have enough time, go to Takayama and Shirakawago for ancient Japan historical sites and an authentic cultural experience, and go to Hiroshima for a walk in the Peace Park, past the A-Bomb Dome. More time means you can visit all the best Japanese cities!

A second trip is the perfect chance to explore a more real, authentic Japan atmosphere. The most recommended destinations for a second-time traveler to Japan are Tohoku , Hokkaido , Kyushu , and Okinawa . Take a trip out of central Honshu to visit the Tohoku region, where you can see the Aomori Nebuta Festival and the Sendai Tanabata fireworks in an exciting summer tour . Venture off the main island to the beautiful nature landscapes up in Hokkaido . Go down into Shikoku to discover the amazing treasures of Naoshima Art Island and the local Awa Odori dance festival of Tokushima . Go further south into Kyushu for the shrine at Takachiho or the Hidden Christian Sites at Nagasaki . Second-time travelers will enjoy a summer vacation in Japan to Okinawa's beautiful, perfect beaches. Japan has endless destinations to appeal to the second time traveler!

The prices will range widely depending on the destinations, duration, and your demands for comfort. Let's take one of the most popular itineraries as an example - a 7-day tour to Tokyo , Hakone , Mt Fuji , Kyoto , Nara and Osaka . For 2 people staying in 4-star accommodations, it will cost about US$3500 per person as a private Japan land tour , using public transportation (bullet train, local train, subway and taxi). If you join in a group tour with a similar itinerary, the trip usually costs about US$2700 per person. No matter how much you want to spend on a trip, as the best Japan tour company, we are always happy to tailor make a private tour itinerary that best fits your needs. In addition, our early bird discount can also help you save more.

The length of the trip will depend on the destinations and how much of Japan you want to see. For a single city vacation package ( Tokyo or Kyoto ), two to three days are required. If you want to visit three to four cities ( Tokyo , Mt Fuji , Kyoto & Nara ), you will need around one week. A 10-day Japan vacation package usually would cover five to six cities ( Tokyo , Mt Fuji , Kyoto , Nara , Osaka & Hiroshima ). For a two-week trip to Japan, you can add Takayama , Shirakawa-go , and Kanazawa to the popular sights in central Japan.

Yes, we do. Our Ultra-Deluxe Luxury Tours include luxury accommodation, private transportation, high-class dining, and exclusive cultural experiences. We also offer Luxury Train Travel Packages for a one-of-a-kind, stylish trip by rail through the amazing landscape of Japan. A Private Jet Journey is another one of our luxury tour options, offering you perfect control of what you see as you fly from one incredible destination to the next in your luxurious private jet that includes whatever amenities you want. We are glad to arrange a luxury travel tour tailored to your preferences.

Yes, we do. Through our sister company, All Asia Tours, we offer group tour packages to China, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, and can arrange private tour packages to any country in Asia that interests you. Starting with one of our Japan tour itineraries that take you through Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, you can connect it to an extension in Korea to savor a bowl of spicy kimchi, or to China to walk atop the Great Wall outside Beijing. If you want to travel anywhere in Asia, All Japan Tours can plan a tour to suit your needs.

Any time of the year is the best time to visit Japan! In March and April, you can see beautiful cherry blossoms, in May there are seasonal flowers, such as Wisteria, Baby blue eyes, and shibazakura (phlox moss). The summer months from June to August is the best time for festivals like Awa Odori, and there are amazing fireworks festivals, too. In Hokkaido, fields of lavenders are in bloom at this time, as well as many other summer flowers. Autumn is the best time to see the bright autumn leaves, as the fall foliage changes to vibrant colors, and winter is good for the Sapporo Snow Festival, skiing in the mountains, and seeing snow monkeys! We have group tours available in every season, and can plan a private tour around your schedule.

You can see the cherry blossoms at different times in spring, depending on where you travel - earlier in the south, and later as you move north. Southern to Central Japan sees cherry blossoms from late March to mid April. This is the perfect time to see the pretty pink flowers anywhere from Nagasaki and Fukuoka to Kyoto's Maruyama Park, all the way over to popular Ueno Park in Tokyo. The Tohoku region's cherry blossoms bloom around late April, if you travel up to Sendai or Morioka. Up in Hokkaido, late April to early May is the perfect time for a stroll in a park in Hakodate or Sapporo to see the famous cherry blossoms.

Japan is great for families! It is one of the safest countries in the world, and offers a range of attractions to appeal to both children and adults. Kids who like anime will love Akihabara Electric Town and The Ghibli Museum. You could plan some Disney days to enjoy at Tokyo Disneyland and DisneySea, or include some time at Universal Studios Japan in your itinerary. Families can also enjoy Japanese culture together, including a Ninja Mansion, watching sumo or learning how to make sushi. We can help to plan an itinerary that is sure to provide endless amusement for the kids, without leaving adults and seniors out of the fun!

Yes, it is. Japan offers some of the most breathtakingly romantic locations on the planet, more Michelin star restaurants than any other country, luxurious hotels and ryokans with onsen baths, along with memorable cultural experiences you can't find in any other honeymoon destination! We can even arrange an authentic Japanese wedding ceremony at a Shinto shrine, officiated by priest or priestess. Plan a honeymoon trip with seasonal scenery that will stand out in the honeymoon photos, like spring cherry blossoms, autumn leaves, or snow-capped mountains. There are also a range of cultural activities that couples can enjoy, like tea ceremony, ikebana flower arranging, nature hikes, and more!

Yes, we work closely with travel agents from around the world, and we are a preferred tour supplier for Japan travel. Our published tours can be sent to clients as they are listed on our site, or can be customized to fit their specific needs.

It depends how far in advance you prefer to plan. We book last-minute trips all the time, and also arrange tours that are planned years in advance. The main points to consider when booking last-minute are holiday and festival availability, and seasonal demand (e.g., cherry blossom season in Japan).

Please contact us by telephone (1-909-988-8885 or Toll Free 1-855-325-2726 ), e-mail ([email protected]), or via your travel agent when you are considering a trip. At that point, we can answer any questions regarding weather, recommended destinations, or special events taking place, and help you determine the best itinerary and destination(s). Once you are ready to book one of our trips, contact our office or your travel agent to make arrangements to place your trip deposit. We then book all services and generally have confirmations within 24 hours, depending on the extent of your services.

Internal flights are included in our tour prices unless otherwise specified. The addition of international airfare is an additional cost to the listed tour price. Many of our clients prefer to book their own international flights using airline miles. As regards the operation of our tours, our services begin when you arrive at your first international destination.

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  • Philippines Tours

Philippines Tours and Vacation Packages 2024/2025

The Republic of the Philippines, or simply the Philippines, is made up of more than 7,000 islands in the Western Pacific. The beautiful country is equally known for its postcard-perfect beaches and its historic attractions, like Binondo (it’s centuries-old Chinatown) and the 17th-century San Agustin Church. The Philippines has a little something for everyone, whether you’re looking for pure relaxation or a little bit of adventure. Check out our top tours to the Philippines below.

  • Philippines Travel Guide
  • Best Time to Visit the Philippines
  • Best Things to Do in The Philippines

44 Trips in Philippines with 91 Reviews

Philippines Palawan Island Getaway Tour

  • Starts Manila, Philippines
  • Ends El Nido, Philippines

Philippines Palawan Island Getaway

  • Best price guaranteed
  • No booking fees
  • Tour Type Small Group Tour
  • Activities Active and outdoor & Snorkeling Active and outdoor , Snorkeling , Local culture & City sightseeing 'data-more-tripid='3575'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Hotel
  • Transport Boat, Flight & Minibus
  • Age Range 15-99 yrs
  • Operated in English
  • Dec 05 Only 5 seats left
  • Dec 12 Only 8 seats left
  • View More Jan 1, 2019 Jan 2, 2019 Jan 3, 2019

Philippines Island Hopper Tour

  • Ends Boracay, Philippines

Philippines Island Hopper

  • Tour Type Group Tour
  • Activities Beach & Snorkeling Beach , Snorkeling , Chill out & Local boat rides 'data-more-tripid='37239'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Hotel & Resort
  • Transport Private Vehicle, Boat, Flight & Ferry
  • Age Range 18-40 yrs
  • Aug 04 Only 6 seats left
  • Sep 08 10+ seats left

Philippines West Tour

  • Ends Coron, Philippines

Philippines West

  • Activities Beach & Zip lining Beach , Zip lining & Active and outdoor 'data-more-tripid='37242'>+1 more

Puerto Princesa & El Nido Adventure 8D/7N Tour

  • Starts Puerto Princesa, Philippines
  • Ends Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Puerto Princesa & El Nido Adventure 8D/7N

  • Activities Rainforest and jungle visits & Beach
  • Accommodation Hotel, Hostel & Hut
  • Transport Private Vehicle, Boat, Helicopter, Bus & Minibus
  • Age Range 18-99 yrs
  • Jun 20 10+ seats left
  • Jun 21 10+ seats left

Explore Ifugao Villages Tour

  • Ends Manila, Philippines

Explore Ifugao Villages

  • Free cancellation
  • Trip customizable
  • Tour Type Private Tour
  • Activities Trekking and Hiking & Waterfalls Trekking and Hiking , Waterfalls , Natural landmarks sightseeing & Countryside and village visits 'data-more-tripid='16751'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Guest House
  • Transport Bus
  • Age Range 12-70 yrs

Island Hopping The Philippines Tour

  • Starts Cebu City, Philippines
  • Ends Cebu City, Philippines

Island Hopping the Philippines

  • Activities Bicycle tours
  • Age Range 18-95 yrs
  • Jul 14 Only 9 seats left
  • Aug 18 10+ seats left

Philippines Island Explorer 13 Day Tour

Philippines Island Explorer 13 Day

  • Activities Explorer & Active and outdoor
  • Accommodation Home-stay & Hotel
  • Transport Boat, Ferry, Flight & Private Vehicle
  • Age Range 17-50 yrs
  • Sep 15 10+ seats left
  • Sep 20 10+ seats left

North Philippines Explorer Tour

North Philippines Explorer

  • Activities City sightseeing & Farm and plantation visits City sightseeing , Farm and plantation visits & Volcanoes 'data-more-tripid='21789'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Hotel & Hut
  • Transport Bus, 4WD Jeep, Flight & Taxi
  • Age Range 16-79 yrs
  • Nov 03 Only 7 seats left
  • Nov 17 Only 6 seats left

Heritage Of The Cordillera: Banaue, Batad & Sagada Tour

Heritage of the Cordillera: Banaue, Batad & Sagada

  • Activities Natural landmarks sightseeing & Trekking and Hiking

Cebu & Bohol Discovery 5D/4N Tour

Cebu & Bohol Discovery 5D/4N

  • Activities Adventure
  • Accommodation Hotel, Resort & Hostel
  • Transport Private Vehicle, Boat & Ferry

Best Of The Philippines Tour

Best of the Philippines

  • Activities Chill out & City sightseeing
  • Transport Flight, Ferry & Private Vehicle
  • Age Range 8-95 yrs
  • Jul 10 10+ seats left
  • Jul 24 10+ seats left

Philippines East Tour

Philippines East

  • Activities Beach & Local boat rides Beach , Local boat rides , Snorkeling & Cultural, religious and historic sites 'data-more-tripid='37241'>+2 more
  • Transport Boat, Flight & Private Vehicle
  • Aug 13 10+ seats left
  • Sep 17 10+ seats left

Philippines One Life Adventures - 10 Days Tour

Philippines One Life Adventures - 10 Days

  • Activities Adventure & Beach Adventure , Beach & Snorkeling 'data-more-tripid='40859'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Camping, Guest House, Hostel & Hotel
  • Transport Boat, Bus, Flight & Minibus
  • Age Range 18-45 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 1,189
  • Special Deal (15%): - US$ 178
  • Total Price from: US$ 1,011

North Philippines Explorer + Bohol Beach Extension Tour

North Philippines Explorer + Bohol Beach Extension

  • Activities City sightseeing & Farm and plantation visits City sightseeing , Farm and plantation visits , Beach & Volcanoes 'data-more-tripid='21790'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Hotel, Resort & Hut

Traveling to Philippines? Chat with a local travel specialist in Philippines who can help organize your trip.

Leo Cuesta

Philippines Tour Reviews

  • Alisha Conroy
  • Mohammed Foridi

Traveller Photos for Trips in Philippines

Philippines Island Hopper

Philippines - Tour Highlights and Travel Tips

El Nido, a major tourist destination on the Philippines island of Palawan

Tour Highlights

  • Walk among the Batad Rice Terraces
  • Go stand-up paddling on Loboc River in Bohol Island
  • Take in the view of Mount Mayon, a perfectly cone-shaped volcano
  • Swim the crystal clear waters of Kayangan Lake in Coron Island
  • Take a boat ride along the Puerto Princesa Underground River
  • Visit Fort Santiago, Manila’s iconic citadel
  • Relax on the pure-white beaches of Boracay Island

Travel Tips

  • The country’s Jeepneys are an easy and affordable way to get around. These bright coloured buses were created from the Jeeps left by American soldiers following World War II.
  • While the Philippines is a safe country to visit overall, there are some areas that are unsafe for tourists due to a high military presence, terrorism and other violent crimes. Research areas before you visit, stick to tourist areas and generally avoid the southern region of the country.
  • Don’t have time to brush up on your Tagalog before you visit? Don’t worry - the Philippines is the fifth largest English-speaking nation in the world!
  • Get your taste buds ready, because the Philippines has some of the best fruit juices and shakes in the world, and they’re sold on nearly every street corner. Be sure to try the Buko Shake, made of coconut flesh, coconut milk, coconut water and sugar.

Philippines has seasonal weather so please do check up on the best time to visit Philippines before planning your tour. And if you’re still hunting for more things to do and places to explore in Philippines, do check out our Philippines Travel Guide for more information.

  • Philippines budget tours
  • Eco tours in Philippines
  • Philippines guided tours
  • Philippines family tour packages
  • Philippines private tours
  • Philippines small group tours
  • Philippines solo trips
  • Philippines tailor-made vacation packages
  • Philippines tours for senior citizens
  • Philippines tours for young adults
  • Philippines group tours

Popular Destinations

  • Bohol Tours
  • Manila Tours

Upcoming Departures

  • Summer 2024/2025
  • Winter 2024/2025
  • Spring 2025
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Philippines, 8,390 accommodations


Thailand, 27,449 accommodations

Things to Do!

Enchanted Kingdom Laguna

Enchanted Kingdom Laguna

Art in Island: The Media Square

Art in Island: The Media Square

Solea Mactan Cebu Resort (Day & Afternoon Passes, Happy Pebbles Playroom), ₱ 500

Solea Mactan Cebu Resort (Day & Afternoon Passes, Happy Pebbles Playroom)

Cebu Ocean Park Admission Ticket | Philippines

Cebu Ocean Park Admission Ticket | Philippines

The Dessert Museum Tickets, ₱ 799

The Dessert Museum Tickets

3-Day Cebu & Bohol Tour: Oslob Whale Shark Watching, Tumalog Falls, Bohol Countryside Tour & Cebu City Tour with Optional Mactan Cebu Airport Transfers | Philippines

3-Day Cebu & Bohol Tour: Oslob Whale Shark Watching, Tumalog Falls, Bohol Countryside Tour & Cebu City Tour with Optional Mactan Cebu Airport Transfers | Philippines

3 days and 2 Nights in El Nido with Hotel Accommodation, Transfers and Island Hopping Tour | Philippines

3 days and 2 Nights in El Nido with Hotel Accommodation, Transfers and Island Hopping Tour | Philippines

Anjo World and Snow World Cebu Day Adventure Passes, ₱ 600

Anjo World and Snow World Cebu Day Adventure Passes

Gootopia, ₱ 799

Intramuros Sightseeing Shared Night Tour with Roundtrip Transfers | Manila

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City tours

  • Boracay packages 2023

On This Page You’ll Find:

  • Most popular Boracay packages
  • Best hotels
  • Travel essentials
  • How to get there
  • Boracay or Palawan?
  • Popular Boracay Day tours
  • Diving in Boracay
  • Nightlife guide
  • Add Boracay to your itinerary

Boracay, a small island in the Aklan province, is the Philippines most toured destination more than a million of visitors each year. They all come in search of stunning beaches and high-end resorts, Most notably at the famous ‘White beach’ – widely recognized as one the best beaches in the world.

We offer the best Boracay vacation packages at affordable prices. Our packages include airfare, accommodation and guided tours – all carefully selected by our experts. Choose any of the packages listed below, or create your own personalized tour package. Boracay is a small island, so either 2 or 3 nights are usually enough. However, longer stays are also available if you’d like to explore the place even further or you want to relax and just be with the paradise for as long as 5 nights.

Our Most Popular Boracay Tour Packages

Boracay is an almost automatic inclusion to any vacation in the Philippines– it’s one of the most popular tourist spots in Asia for a good reason. There’s something for everyone here – great nightlife that goes on all night, romantic beaches for couples and top of the line all inclusive resorts that are perfect for families with small kids. All you have to do is let us know what your exact requirements are, and we’ll adapt our services accordingly.

Since Boracay is reachable by flight, it’s certainly possible to book our Boracay packages as a standalone product. You could explore the rest of the islands on your own, and just use our services to make sure you get the perfect Boracay experience – a few days in paradise where you don’t have to worry about anything and everything is taken care of for you.

That said, we strongly recommend you consider combining these tour packages with others. It will help you save both time and money, and ensure high standards throughout your entire vacation. Popular destinations which compliment Boracay well include Cebu, Palawan and Bohol – our experts will gladly help you figure out how to plan your whole trip in the most sensible fashion.

Similar islands which offer great nightlife and fantastic beaches are Bohol and Siargao , so those would be our most recommended substitutes. There are many other great islands, so this situation doesn’t mean your holiday is compromised. For more ideas how to plan your vacation without including Boracay, visit our vacation package catalog or contact us directly for help.

Where to Stay? Our Top Rated Hotels in Boracay For 2023

As a popular tourist destination, there is no shortage of available places to stay in Boracay. Prices and quality, however, can vary significantly. We only feature the best hotels and resorts to make your choice easier and avoid any unpleasant surprises. Our catalog of handpicked hotels features everything from beach huts and hostels to all-inclusive beachfront resorts, so you are guaranteed to find the accommodation most suited to your needs.

Almost all tourists choose to stay at the famous White Beach area – where most of the nightlife and attractions are to be found. Naturally, this is also where the best beach resorts are. The area is divided into four sections – station 1, 2 and 3 and station zero for resorts that are considered 5 stars. That being said, it does help to understand the small nuances to make sure you make the best choice of which place to stay.

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Surfside Boracay Resort & Spa

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Pinjalo Resort

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Villa Caemilla

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Red Coconut Beach Hotel

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Henann Garden

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Coast Boracay

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Discovery Shores

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Shangri-La Boracay Resort

Browse through our catalog of hotels and add the ones you like most to your cart, or read a fully detailed review for each before making your choice. We offer great deals and discounts for large groups and families – just inquire with us about our Boracay family package.

Boracay travel essentials

  • Capital : Kalibo, Aklan province
  • Flights : Easiest way to reach Boracay is through Caticlan (Godofredo P. Ramos Airport) and then take a short ferry ride to the island. Flight takes less than an hour from Manila or Cebu, and there are dozens leaving every day. A cheaper alternative is to fly to Kalibo, and then take an 80 minute van/bus drive to Caticlan.
  • Ferry :  The trip from  Batangas to Caticlan takes at least 20 hours, so we suggest you avoid it.
  • Getting around : The island is only 7 kilometers long so getting around should not be a problem at all. You can ride a tricycle, as renting your own scooter is much more expensive than anywhere else in the country (up to $100 per day!). You can also walk or ride a bicycle if you prefer to see the most of the local lifestyle.
  • Best time to visit : The weather is great all year round. Between July and December it can rain a bit, but you should still be able to catch some sun. Summer is between March and May when temperatures can reach 35° Celsius. During the high season (November to May) the island is packed with visitors and hotel prices go up significantly
  • Nightlife : Boracay has the best nightlife scene in the Philippines – just stroll up and down the 4km White beach strip and see for yourself! Pub crawl is a great way to  meet new friends.
  • Local festivals and holidays :   During Christian holidays and Chinese new year finding a place to stay could be difficult. Local festivals include Ati Atihan (January 2nd) – a celebration in honor of baby Jesus (Santo Niño), and the Yapak festival which presents the local Aklan traditions through music, dancing and food. The immensely popular LaBoracay party festival has been sadly cancelled following the island’s rehab project.

How to get there?

Reaching Boracay is only possible by air. You can choose between 2 airports: Kalibo International Airport or Caticlan Airport . Kalibo is 1-1.5 hours away from the Boracay port, while Caticlan is right next to it.

The reason people fly into Kalibo is that flight prices from Manila are usually much lower (around 65 USD). Flying to Caticlan can cost 2 times as much. If you’re planning a very short vacation in the Philippines you can also fly directly to Kalibo from several locations abroad (Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, and Hong Kong).

There are a few daily flights to both of these airports from Manila and Cebu. Recently, small boutique airlines have also started operating direct lines between Caticlan and Palawan. These flights typically cost more, but might be useful for those on a tight schedule. AirSwift has one daily flight from El Nido to Boracay. The alternate route is also available – leaving Boracay to El Nido.

Is Boracay the right place for your vacation?

Boracay is at the top of most people’s bucket list, and it’s there for a reason. Although many tourists visit this island all year round, you may still wonder whether if it’s the right choice for you. The table below compares Boracay with other popular picks, to help you better understand if you should include it in your plans.

  • Ease of reaching : Easy
  • Best time to visit : November to May
  • Best beaches
  • Nightlife : Best in the Philippines
  • Suitable for : Party, Couples, Groups
  • Ease of reaching : Moderate
  • Island hopping
  • Hidden lagoons
  • Nightlife : Almost none
  • Suitable for : Adventure, Romantic
  • Chocolate hills
  • Nightlife : Relaxed
  • Suitable for : Romantic, Family, Groups

Bohol is just as great, but more relaxed and much cheaper. Diving in Bohol is slightly better, and the snorkeling sites are superior. Plus, there is more to do on Bohol Island itself. Popular attractions include taking a river cruise, going to the Chocolate Hills, and visiting the Tarsier Sanctuary. Bohol is better for people who prefer an all inclusive vacation but want a less crowded atmosphere. For these reasons, Bohol is a better choice for family vacations. If you’re traveling on the low season, Bohol can be too quiet and empty, while Boracay will be have just the right amount of people.

Palawan on the other end is very difficult to compare as it’s a huge province offering a lot of diversity. To get a full idea of what Palawan is about visit our Palawan page . In short, Palawan is more difficult to get to and travel around in. Things are much less touristy and in order to get to one place from another you might have to spend 6-7 hours commuting. Prices in Palawan are of a wider range, and go from low budget to 5 star resorts, so in terms of variety it’s better than Boracay . If you must choose between the places discussed in this section, we feel that Boracay and Bohol are competing against one another, while Palawan is complimentary to both.

What to do in Boracay?

Our packages already cover all the must-see attractions in Boracay. However, you can still pick any of the specific day trips  listed below and simply add those to your cart. It is important to note that you can obtain most of these tours from independent vendors standing outside resorts or at the beach, but we advise against it because many will try to rip you off.

Your safety and enjoyment are our priority, and that is why we only work with honest, trustworthy service providers. We promise to be with you all throughout your trip and  handle any concern efficiently should it arise. Below, you can find a detailed overview of everything there is to do in Boracay. This should help you get a better idea of what type of activities you’d like to try out while staying there. For a breakdown of prices and complete itineraries, visit our Boracay day tour catalog .

Boracay Island hopping day tours

Puka beach at Boracay

Island hopping is a great way to fill up your days with sunny beaches and clear crystal waters. Most boat tours begin at  Puka beach , and for good reason. The beach is as beautiful as the white beach but much quieter. It is the perfect place to lie in the sun and relax while enjoying the spectacular views.

Just 20 minutes by boat from White beach lies Crocodile Island . The shallow and calm waters around it make the island one of the best snorkeling spot in the area. From there it’s only a 15 minute ride to Crystal cove – a small, beautiful island with 2 coves to explore. You can access the first cove in the main picnic area through a spiral staircase. The second cove is harder to reach as you need to crawl through a tunnel first.

Another great location packed with adventure, just 30 minutes from Boracay, is Ariel’s Point. Listed as one of the best cliff diving spots in the world, the small island is also a great place for snorkeling or kayaking across the quiet shoreline. Magic Island is a closer option for those looking to round up their island hopping tour with some excitement – with cliff jumps ranging from 3 to 10 meters high.

Paraw sailing across Boracay and watching the sunset is the perfect way to end your day. The Paraw is a traditional Filipino fishing boat, used by the locals long before the island became a tourist destination. Its narrow build allows the boat to navigate smoothly across the waves while you enjoy a great panoramic view of the White beach during sunset.

Paraw sailing

All tours and attractions can be added to your custom Boracay package or obtained individually. Just like all other services we offer, tours can be completely tailor made to meet your exact wishes. They typically include hotel pick-up, personal guide and meals. If there’s anything else you want added, just let us know in advance and we’ll take care of it.

Diving tours and other extreme activities

In a country considered to be among the top diving destinations in the world, Boracay is usually overshadowed by other islands. Comparing it to hardcore diving destinations doesn’t really do it justice – since admittedly the diving spots here are far less impressive. That doesn’t mean however that you can’t dive in Boracay, or that you wouldn’t enjoy it still.

Since tourism is so well developed it’s no problem finding a professional dive club with great instructors. In fact, Boracay might be one of the best places for beginners to dive at. You could try it out here – and then continue to other places for more advanced and challenging dives. If that sounds like a good idea, check our diving packages for more detailed suggestions on how to plan your itinerary.

There are no less than 15 different dive sites in Boracay – featuring colorful corals and fish, caves and tunnels. Each of these locations is great for beginners, although some do require you already obtain an open water certificate. If you don’t have it yet – consider taking the 3 day course at one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Alternatively, you could just book a introduction dive tour, which takes 3-4 hours and include 1 dive – no prior experience is required.

There are quite a few dive resorts scattered around the White beach area – with some of them even being high-end luxury resorts. If you consider obtaining your PADI certificate here, it might be a good idea to book a complete Boracay diving package and stay at one of these resorts. Another added bonus is that this way you’ll be able to join a group, meet new friends and even save some money along the way.

For complete beginners who don’t want to dive at all, Boracay’s helmet diving is the best alternative. You’ll be taken to the helmet diving floating platform (20min. ride), where a licensed PADI instructor will brief and accompany you throughout your dive. Helmet diving offers a unique opportunity to walk on the sea floor and meet colorful fish face to face.

Want to include any of these activities into your Boracay vacation? Book any of our packages and get the best possible deals!

Fun and adventure in Boracay focus almost entirely around its waters, as one might expect. Jet-skis, Banana boats and flyfish rides are easy to find around the White beach area, and are perfectly safe and fun for the entire family. Most resorts offer these activities as part of their all-inclusive package.

Another notable site at the other side of the island is the Bulabog beach. It is a less crowded area and contrary to the White beach, Bulabog enjoys strong winds all year round. This is perfect for extreme water sports activities. Bulabog is the best kite-surfing site in Asia and it attracts a lot of surfing enthusiasts. There are quite a few surfing schools in the area, some of them world renowned, who offer a full package – kite surfing, parasailing, water-skiing and wake-boarding lessons.

Zipline and cable car is another fantastic activity offering a memorable experience. It begins with a climb to Mt. Luho – the island’s highest peak (112m) and then descending through the forest all the way down to a quiet, stunning beach. It’s the perfect way to appreciate Boracay’s landscape from a unique viewpoint.

Boracay nightlife – best bars and clubs

Virtually all nightlife is at White Beach, with only a few bars to be found at Diniwid beach and Bulabog beach. People who stay outside White Beach probably do so since they prefer a more quiet environment – but you can easily garb a tricycle and get to the party within 10 minutes or so.

If you’re looking for a bar, there’s a live band playing and generally speaking, the vibe is very chill and people are friendly you can go to station 2 just by waking by the beach. As mentioned, station 2 is where most of the action is in White Beach. This is where you’ll find all the best nightclubs and beach parties. Clubs usually start off at around midnight, when people start pouring in from the surrounding bars. Epic is the the most popular and looks the best – so if you are looking for a wild, crowded party this is the place to go to.

Other noteworthy clubs include Summer place (more westerners and less locals), Club Paraw (local favorite) and Cocomangas. All these station 2 clubs have an entrance fee. They usually run until pass 12mn, although it can last a bit longer if the party is good. If you want to skip the entrance fee, go to station 3’s Boracay Stars instead. This club is entirely indoors and is the only one with an air-con as well. Not as crowded as the others, it’s still a great place to party and have some fun.

When it comes to bars, our suggestion would be to just take a stroll across the entire White Beach strip until you see something you like. There are dozens of different places to choose from, and each has its own unique vibe. Sports bars, rock bars, live bands, reggae bars, loud dance music and chill beach bars are what you can expect to see here. Most bars charge 1-2 USD for local beer, so it’s a great place to drink and hang out until the party starts. They all typically close around midnight or 1 am, but some stay open longer than that if there are enough clients.

How does Boracay fit into your travel plan?

Boracay is the most popular destination in the Philippines and one of the best islands in the world. The weather on the island is perfect and access to the island is easy. You can very easily fit Boracay into your travel plans as it is accessible from other destinations in the region. It is almost always included in a trip to the Philippines, especially when it comes to honeymoons and all inclusive packages . By going to Boracay, you are guaranteed to enjoy a luxurious trip to one of the the best beaches in the world, focus on having fun and have worry-free vacation.

We offer complete Boracay packages that will leave you wishing you had more time to spend on the beautiful island. Our added value comes from our strong local ties and client-oriented service. We promise to be with you every step of the way and ensure that you have the perfect holiday.

Once you have added all desired items into your cart, simply click the ‘book now’ button and confirm your reservation. Our experts will then review your order, and offer their advice before any actual payment is done. We will organize your entire trip so that it will include everything you have requested, and modify it in the best way possible to save you both time and money.

Boracay Tour Package

Customized by our experts for your specific requests. packages include:

  • Beachfront resort of your choice
  • Private or group tours
  • All transfers round-trip flights
  • VIP service throughout your trip

Boracay Beach

“Boracay was stunning and you guys made my trip hassle free. I stayed at the Shangri-La and it was really like paradise!”

-Sam Woodward, UK, toured with us on Feb 1-5, 2019


We have booked travel to Boracay for 17 to 22 April, currently there is news on the island being shut down for 6 months, Please advise if this would affect our travel in any way? As news articles say they closing from 26 April til October,

I look forward to your email and response on this

If you are leaving on the 22nd then you are fine, nothing to worry about.

Dolores S>Carranza

Hi…good evening….My family is planning to have a trip to Boracay on December 20-23,2018. Can i ask an advise and good and affordable offer from your agency please? We are 7persons… Hoping for your fast and detailed response. Thank you very much.

Hi Dolores and thanks for leaving a comment!

It’s a bit hard to give good advice and an accurate quote with so little information. From example – where are you coming from and do you need help with booking flights? How many rooms do you want to have? Interested in day tours as well?

Would be better if you can take a few minutes and fill out our inquiry form here . One of our agents will go over it and get back to you with a detailed offer.

Can you help me find cheapest but a good beachfront hotel?1room for 2 pax, roundtrip airfare from manila,date would be feb.13,2019 till feb.16,2019?I want all taxes included like environmental tax and other fees included please.Kindly give me a quotation for this and comparison off there’s activities included and meals please.Thank you and have a lovely day.

Regards, Patricia

Hi Patricia,

Please send an inquiry through our contact form. We would love to help you out, but some key information is missing.

Hi there, we a family of 8 or 13 will be in Boracay from the 24th to the 29th, we would like a quote on a private catamaran sunset trip, which would include a seafood lunch or give us the option of Halaal Indian food, what would this cost?

Thank you for your interest in our services. Please submit your inquiry through our contact form here for faster response.

Hello Travel East

I am planning to travel with my family. There will be 6 of us. My dad and mom are senior citizens (do you offer senior citizen discount?). Planning to stay for 3 days 2 nights. My family wants to stay in one family room with at least 3 double beds or as long as the room can accomodate 6 people. Arrival date will be August 16, 2019. Departure will be August 18, 2019 (airfare and hotel accomodation should be included). Roundtrip airfare from Manila to Boracay (vice versa). What is the best package rate you can offer?

Hi Rico and thank you for showing an interest in our services.

We do offer senior citizen discount but it depends on the policy of the hotel. Some hotels give a flat discount while others make the room VAT-free. For that reason, the price will vary based on the specific hotel you choose and it would be best if you discuss this directly with one of our agents.

Please leave an inquiry here , and our team will help you move forward with this vacation.

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Philippines Holiday Packages : rated 4.4 /5 (based on 23 reviews) | Packages starting from ₹11,000/-

Philippines Holiday Packages

Check out exclusive holiday tours by TravelTriangle such as: Manila Tour Packages , Cebu Tour Packages , Puerto Princesa Tour Packages , Palawan Tour Packages , Davao Tour Packages , Boracay Tour Packages , and Bohol Tour Packages . Also browse popular Philippines Theme Packages like: Philippines honeymoon packages , Philippines family packages etc. more for an enthralling vacation in 2023.

Best tourist places to visit in Philippines Tour

Philippines holiday packages are no less than an opportunity of finding the best experiences. This will definitely be a unique and enthralling experience for you to adopt and explore many places. The Philippines are a home to more than 7,000 islands and thus you can understand how much the place has for you to unveil with our Philippines package . Here is a list of a few great destinations of the place that we include in our packages –

Top Places: Kayangan Lake, Barracuda Lake, Malcapuya Island

What’s Special: Stunning lakes, coral reefs, gorgeous landscapes

Timings: 24x7

Distance From City: 0 Km

Transportation Options: Bus, car, taxi

Coron is said to be one of the most gorgeous places to include in your Philippines travel packages that is worth visiting and exploring. This is truly a fantastic treat for you to visit here as you can enjoy the delights of beaches, cliffs, and picturesque islands as well. The colourful corals and underwater wrecks are compelling you to spend more time here. During your exciting Philippines travel , you must not miss out on enjoying this place.

Top Places: Small Lagoon, Las Cabanas Beach, Secret Beach, Nacpan Beach, Secret Lagoon, Snake Island, Big Lagoon, Hidden Beach, Simizu Island, Seven Commandos Beach

What’s Special: Gorgeous beaches, limestone cliffs, caves, wildlife, corals, and lagoons

Transportation Options: Bus, taxi, cabs

There are eye-catching beaches and caves to make your trip awesome. El Nido is also known as the mother of nature’s way to showcase the supreme beauty. The vibrant beaches and stunning water waves are adding sparks to this place. Your eyes will remember this treat for a lifelong memory. The place has a number of breathtaking views to get indulged with.

3. Cebu City

Top Places: Cebu Heritage Monument, Colon Street, 1730 Jesuit House, Basilica del Santo Nino, Fort San Pedro, Taoist Temple, Tops Lookout

What’s Special: Heritage sites, museums, Cebu beaches, underwater world, church, temples

Cebu City is not just a mere city of Philippines; it is much more than anything. If you want to explore the Philippine art and history, you must visit here. There are plenty of shopping malls, restaurants and other interesting diversions to make your trip to the Philippines interesting and memorable.

Top Places: Puka Shell Beach, Mount Luho, Ariel’s Point, Bulabog Beach, Crystal Cove, Willy’s Rock, Diniwid Beach

What’s Special: Pristine beaches, snorkeling, diving

Transportation Options: Bus, taxi, cabs. train

If you are looking for travelling to the Philippines, Boracay is obviously making its place in the list. This is an alluring beach which serves the tourists with incredible views. It is actually world famous as Boracay is voted as the best island in the world, in the year 2015. With the customizable Philippines vacation package , you may include this in your list of must-visit places.

5. Tagaytay

Top Places: Taal volcano, Taal Lake, Puzzle Mansion, Museo Orlina, Tagaytay Ridge

What’s Special: Picturesque views, calm and serene ambiance

Tagaytay is a gorgeous place to visit in the Philippines. It has breathtaking views along with the soothing ambiance. This will be proved as a memorable gateway of your trip.

Top Places: Chocolate hills, Bohol Habitat Conservation Conservatory, Bamboo Hanging Bridge, Tarsier Conservatory, Loboc River Cruise, Cathedral of San Jose, Baclayon Church, Cambulo Rice Terraces

What’s Special: Heritage sites, ancient churches

Transportation Options: bus, taxi, cabs

Bohol is famous for its dense jungles and natural settings. If you are looking forward to traveling to a countryside location, Bohol is the best place to explore. The place is home to many conservatories that look after many rare and endangered species and is also home to many gorgeous water bodies and rice terraces. Other things one can look forward to in Bohol is river cruise, boating, caving, biking and other adventure activities.

Top Places: Arce Mansion, Syquia Mansion, Mindoro Beach of Vigan, Crisologo Museum, Padre Burgos House, Villa Angela Heritage House, Bantay Church Bell Tower

What’s Special: Colonial architecture, cultural attractions

Transportation Options: Bus, taxi, cabs, trains

Vigan is a beautiful town which boasts of classic colonial architecture and has many cultural attractions. Owing to its historical importance, the city is under UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visit various museums in the city that gives a glimpse of Vigan’s history and culture.

8. Batanes Island

Top Places: Liveng, Chawa Viewdeck, Mahatao Viewdeck, Imnajbu Road Cliff, Morong Beach, Mahayaw Arch, Vayang Rolling Hills, Diura Fishing Village

What’s Special: Charming and blissful ambiance, lush green hills, pristine beaches

Distance From City: 102 Km

Transportation Options: Boat, ferry, cabs, taxi

Batanes Island is one of the most sought-after places in the Philippines. The island is home to many gorgeous beaches and museums. Visit the place that boasts of charming and blissful ambiance.

Top Places: Fort Santiago, Pinto Art Museum, Ayala Museum, Manila American Cemetery, San Agustin Church, Chinese Cemetery, National Museum of the Filipino People

What’s Special: Lively ambiance and refreshing getaways

Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is the heart and soul of the country. Gleaming skyscrapers rise across the Asian metropolis amidst the concrete buzz of the city. With modern parks, malls, and hotels with the best hospitality, Manila is one of the best places to visit in Philippines.

Top Places: Museo Sugbo, Casa Gorordo Museum, Fort San Pedro, Basilica Minore del Santo Nino

What’s Special: Sightseeing

Transportation Options: Boat, ferry, cab, taxi

Cebu is located in the Central Visayas region of Philippines and includes more than 150 islands and islets. It ranks among the best places to visit in Philippines and draws more than 2 million tourists every year. With the white beaches and superb diving spots, Cebu has become the top tourist destination in the Philippines.

11. Mactan Island

Top Places: Lapu-Lapu City, Cordova, Magellan Bay

What’s Special: Exotic landscapes and lively ambiance. It is a coral island and hosts daring expeditions for adventure seekers

Distance From City: 88 Km

Mactan Island is one of the most beautiful places to visit in the Philippines. As it is located in proximity to Cebu Island, the place is often visited by tourists and its mystic escapes are worth-exploring.

12. Puerto Princesa

Top Places: Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Ugong Rock Adventures, Frazer Island

What’s Special: It is the cleanest and greenest city in the Philippines

Transportation Options: Bus, cabs, taxi

Puerto Princesa is a tranquil city located on Palawan Island. The place serves as a base for boat trips that traverse through massive limestone caves and reach the underground river of the biodiversity Subterranean River National Park.

Top Places: Donsol Whale SHark Interaction Centre, Jovellar Underground River, BICOL Dive Centre

What’s Special: It is the Whale Shark Capital of the World

Transportation Options: Boat, ferry, cab, taxi, bus

Donsol is another serene escape in the Philippines that is home to impeccable landscapes. This sleepy seaside hamlet attracts peace seekers and nature lovers from across the globe. The place is gaining popularity as one can swim here with white sharks over Oslob.

Top Places: Echo Valley Hanging Coffins, Sagada Rice Terraces, Bomod-ok Falls

What’s Special: Scenic and calming mountain valleys, rice fields, limestone caves, refreshing waterfalls, etc.

Distance From City: 180 Km

Sagada is a tiny town nestled amid the mountain province of Luzon. The place is loved by the Globetrotters for its refreshing ambiance, ancient caves, interesting stories & sites, and a lot more!

15. Moalboal

Top Places: Pescador Island, White Beach, Panagsama Beach

What’s Special: Sardines Run, exquisite coral ecosystem, and hosts swimming experiences along with the whale sharks

Moalboal is located on the South-west side of Cebu Island and serves as an amazing basecamp for divers and explorers. Panagsama Beach is home to numerous awe-inspiring bars and restaurants making your vacation an unforgettable memory.

Best Time To Visit And Explore The Philippines Tour Package

Before booking your Philippines holiday packages it is important to know about the weather conditions of the place to plan your Philippines trip in a better way.

Philippines are preferred to visit in dry seasons as this is the time when the ambiance remains in your favour to explore the place better. The dry season runs in the Philippines from the months of November to April. This is the time when the ambiance supports your trip here and showcased the best experiences. As March and April month witness the cooler times so it will be better to choose the time between December to February months. During your Philippines trip plan , make sure to check the weather conditions in advance.

From June to October the Philippines sees a wet season, the place experiences many typhoons. It is recommended not to plan a visit to the Philippines during the wet season, as the sightseeing becomes difficult during the wet season.

How To Reach Philippines?

Since it is an island nation, the most preferred mode of communication for foreign tourists is by air which provides excellent connectivity to many countries and cities. Read further to know more about it before booking your Philippines packages .

International airports are located in various cities like Cebu, Clark Freeport Zone, Angeles, Davao, Kalibo, Laoag, Manila and Zamboanga. The busiest airports are Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila and Mactan-Cebu International Airport in Cebu. National carriers include Air Asia, Cebu Pacific, PAL Express, Philippine Airlines and Skyjet.

Check out the best tour packages that we offer, and get set to jettison your way on to fun, relaxing or adventurous trip. The choice is yours.

Bestselling Philippines Tour Packages

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Philippines Packages By Cities

Duration ( in Days )

Budget Per Person ( in Rs. )

Hotel Star Rating

Showing 37 Philippines Tour Packages

Philippines 7 Days Honeymoon Package

Philippines 7 Days Honeymoon Package

₹ 90,471/- ₹ 98,338/-.

Per Person on twin sharing

Hotel included in package:

  • Manila (1D)

Everyone dreams of having the most romantic honeymoon experience at some secluded and p....

Upto 3 Stars


Philippines Solo Tour Package

Philippines Solo Tour Package

₹ 124,999/- ₹ 132,978/-

  • Puerto Princesa (2D)
  • El Nido (4D)
  • Kalibo (3D)

Looking for a solo tour package for a trip in Philippines, book our solo tour p....

No Room(s) Selected

Philippines Beach Tour Package

₹ 60,000/- ₹ 65,217/-

  • Palawan (4D)
  • Boracay (2D)

Do you want to go on an amazing beach tour to the Philippines? To make some thrilling e....

Philippines Island Tour Package

Philippines Island Tour Package

₹ 65,000/- ₹ 69,892/-

  • El Nido (2D)
  • Manila (2D)

The Philippines is a beautiful country located in the western Pacific ocean, it has aro....

Upto 4 Stars

Philippines Package From Kolkata

Best Philippines Package From Kolkata For An Exciting Holiday

₹ 60,000/- ₹ 64,516/-.

  • Puerto Princesa (4D)

Philippines Package From Bangalore

Check Out The Best Deals Of The Philippines Package From Bangalore

₹ 60,000/- ₹ 65,934/-.

  • Manila (3D)
  • Palawan (2D)
  • El Nido (3D)

Alluring Philippines Tour Package From Mumbai

Alluring Philippines Tour Package From Mumbai

₹ 45,000/- ₹ 48,387/-.

Looking for a solo tour package for a trip in Philippines, book our Philippines....

Philippines Package From Chennai

Exciting Philippines Tour Package From Chennai

₹ 54,999/- ₹ 58,510/-.

Puerto Princesa Underground River Tour Package

Puerto Princesa Underground River Tour Package

₹ 11,000/- ₹ 11,956/-.

  • Puerto Princesa (3D)

Puerto Princesa is the beautiful capital of Palawan, which is one of the major islands ....

Philippines Package From Hyderabad

Best-Selling Philippines Holidays For A Memorable Experience

  • Palawan (5D)

Marian pilgrimage Tour Package

Marian pilgrimage Tour Package

₹ 37,000/- ₹ 40,217/-.

  • Hill station
  • Manila (8D)

The Philippines is a country speckled with countless isles in Southeast Asia. It is hom....

Manila City Tour Package

Manila City Tour Package

If you are looking for an exotic vacation destination with culturally rich experience, ....

Alluring Philippines Tour Package From Kerala

Alluring Philippines Tour Package From Kerala

  • Manila (4D)

Searching for Philippines tour packages from Kerala ? Here is a beautif....

Philippines Tour Package From Delhi

Philippines Tour Package From Delhi

  • Philippines (1D)

If you are a person of beaches, you would not want to miss the Philippines tour. This p....

Coron Palawan Tour Package For 4 Days 3 Nights

Coron Palawan Tour Package For 4 Days 3 Nights

₹ 11,999/- ₹ 13,186/-.

Fast becoming one of the most popular places for travelers to visit on their holiday in....

Philippines Budget Package From Mumbai

Philippines Budget Package From Mumbai

₹ 54,999/- ₹ 59,139/-.

The Philippines is a destination that offers something or the other for everybody, than....

Coron Budget Tour Package

Coron Budget Tour Package

₹ 13,000/- ₹ 14,130/-.

Coron is officially known as the Municipality of Coron. It is considered to be a premie....

Batan Island Tour Package Philippines

Batan Island Tour Package Philippines

₹ 30,000/- ₹ 32,258/-.

  • Batanes (4D)

Batan Island is part of Batanes, which is one of the provinces of The Philippines, and ....

Puerto Princesa City Tour Package

Puerto Princesa City Tour Package

₹ 78,999/- ₹ 85,869/-.

  • Hot Springs
  • El Nido (1D)

Puerto Princesa is located on the western coast of Palawan. It happens to be the second....

El Nido Palawan Budget Tour Package

El Nido Palawan Budget Tour Package

  • National Park

El Nido is the main base for travelling Palawan’s star magnetism, the spectacular....

Cebu City Tour Package

Cebu City Tour Package

₹ 39,999/- ₹ 43,010/-.

If you are looking for an exotic vacation destination with picture-perfect beaches, loo....

Boracay Tour Package For 3 Nights 4 Days

Boracay Tour Package For 3 Nights 4 Days

₹ 20,000/- ₹ 21,505/-.

  • Boracay (4D)

A grand trip awaits you in Boracay, one of the most popular islands of The Philippines.....

Manila Local Tour Package

Manila Local Tour Package

₹ 72,000/- ₹ 77,419/-.

Both Manila and Davao are amazing places for a scintillating holiday, be it on your own....

Boracay Budget Tour Package

Boracay Budget Tour Package

₹ 31,999/- ₹ 34,782/-.

  • Boracay (3D)

Manila and Caticlan in The Philippines, both are really great tourist hubs for people f....

Siargao Island Philippines Tour Package

Siargao Island Philippines Tour Package

₹ 29,999/- ₹ 32,608/-.

  • Surigao del Norte (4D)

Siargao Island in the Philippines is a beautiful island, blessed by nature to be one of....

Philippines Tour Packages by Theme

Faqs for philippines, how much does a philippines tour from india cost.

The average cost of a Philippine tour from India will cost you around 90K INR for a week or 150K INR for two weeks per person which you can customise to your preferred selection of places to visit.

How many days are enough for the Philippines?

The average number of days that are considered ideal for a trip to the Philippines from India is 5-6 days which allows for a perfect span of time to explore the best parts of the country.

What are the best Philippines tour packages offered by TravelTriangle?

Below listed are some of the best Philippines tour packages offered by us:

What are the best island hopping options there?

If you opt for the option of doing a shared tour of the Coron Palawan packages with airfare . Our advice is to do the Ultimate Tour (in the table above corresponds to Coron Island), which usually includes these places: Banol Beach, Twin Lagoon, CYC Beach, Coral Garden, Kayangan Lake, Skeleton Wreck and Seven Sins.

Which are the top places to visit in the Philippines?

Here are some of the top recommended places to visit for travelers to make the most of their vacation:

  • The Cordilleras' Rice Terraces

What to eat in Coron?

The famous food to eat in Coron is:

  • Chicken Adobo

Is there any suggestion for visiting Philippines?

One thing that travelers must keep in mind is that even if they are wandering in the lanes, they should always keep their license or any other ID proof along with them.

What to buy from Coron Island?

Things to buy from Coron Island are:

  • Cashew Nuts
  • Wooden Carvings

hat is the rainy season in the Philippines?

Months from June to October are considered the rainy season in the Philippines.

Where should I travel for collecting the natural wonders?

El Nido is the place that has gathered so many breathtaking natural wonders. You must travel here to assimilate the nature’s beauty.

Can I get alcoholic drinks in Philippines?

Yes, but the legal age for drinking alcohol is 18 years in the Philippines.

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Mustafa Kapadia

You can refer to the Philippines as a tropical paradise as the entire ambiance is so persuasive and mesmerizing. Palawan is a place which is opening a way for you to grab more and more fun with Philippines travel package. Batanes is a dream place to visit whereas Lake Sebu is catering the best views for you to click. There are many more things and places which are together creating a great blend of joy for you and your trip. Every place has its own grace and dignity; some of those incredible locations of Philippines are also listed as UNESCO World Heritages. This you can understand the values and historic importance of those places. This is the time to make your holidays more interesting with us and our astounding packages.

This becomes crucial to know about the best time to visit the place, at the time when you are thinking to plan a trip there. Philippines are preferred to visit in dry seasons as this is the time when the ambiance remains in your favour to explore the place better. The dry season runs in the Philippines from the months of November to April. This is the time when the ambiance supports your trip here and showcased the best experiences. As March and April month witness the cooler times so it will be better to choose the time between December to February months. During your Philippines trip plan , make sure to check the weather conditions in advance.

Accommodations In Philippines

1. raffles makati.

There’s no dearth of 5-star hotels in Philippines so you’re really spoiled for choice. The capital of Manila has several, one of them being Raffles Makati. The luxury hotel boasts 32 super stylish suites with dramatic views of the city. Each room reflects a tasteful contemporary design with hints of colonial era elements such as wooden flooring. You can choose from Junior, Executive and Presidential suites of which the latter features a lovely dining area.

Star Rating: 5/5

Tariff: From INR 18,000

Address: 1 Raffles Drive, Makati Avenue, Makati, 1224

2. Fairmont Makati

Fairmont Makati is one of the top luxury hotels in Philippines. It’s close to many of Makati’s tourist attractions like Ayala Museum and Ayala Triangle Gardens. The building is also home to Raffles Makati, Raffles being a sister brand under Fairmont Raffles Hotels International. The 5-star Fairmont Makati is an urban sanctuary for guests who want to escape into luxury. A whopping 280 guest rooms and suites overlook the city skyline.

Star Rating: 4.5/5

Tariff: From INR 9,800

Address: 1 Makati Ave, Makati, 1224 Metro Manila

3. Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort & Spa

Some of the best hotels in Philippines are in Boracay and Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort & Spa is one of them. Situated just a minute away from Puka Shell Beach, the ocean stretches for miles almost everywhere you look. Guests can choose from rooms, suites and villas, each of which has been carefully designed to reflect elegance and tropical flavors. If you choose to stay in a villa, you’ll have your very own pool, whirlpool and pergola, save for the Tree House Villa that has a Jacuzzi on the balcony.

Tariff: From INR 25,000

Address: Barangay Yapak, Boracay Island, Malay Aklan, 5608 Aklan

Phone: +63 36 288 4988

4. Tugawe Cove Resort

It’s not easy to find cheap hotels in Philippines that are wrapped in luxury. After all, opulence costs! However, Tugawe Cove Resort is one of those rare finds that lets you surround yourself with the finer things in life without paying a fortune. Tucked away near Caramoan Beach and situated along a lake with nothing but hills and the sea for miles upon miles, the hotel whisks you away into a world where everything fades but the sounds of nature.

Tariff: From INR 12,000

Address: Brgy. Colongcogong, Caramoan Peninsula, Camarines Sur, 4429

5. Amanpulo

The island of Palawan is a gorgeous destination filled with wonderful attractions that let you appreciate nature. Exotic wildlife share space with heritage sites, charming villages and resorts. One of the more famous hotels in Philippines that’s away from bustling tourist spots, Amanpulo is located on a private island with white sand and coral reefs. A holiday here is unforgettable and you’ll want to return again and again!

Tariff: From INR 86,600

Address: Pamalican Island, Sulu Archipelago, Palawan

Best Food To Eat In Philippines

Some of the best restaurants that travelers must visit in Philippines are:

1. Antonio’s Restaurant

If you are looking for a classy and elegant place to dine while you are holidaying in Tagaytay, the Antonio’s Restaurant is an ideal location for you. It is one of the most famous restaurants in Philippines. The place has lush gardens. So this restaurant’s layout is a treat for the eyes. The menu here has different cuisines, ranging from Italian, Spanish, French, American and of course Filipino. You have to be careful about the dressing as they follow a strict dress code. No shorts and slippers are allowed. The place works on reservation basis so you should reserve a table well in advance.

Address: Purok 138 Barangay, Tagaytay, 4120 Cavite, Philippines

Must try: Steak, Foie gras

Google rating: 4.7

2. Casa Verde

Casa Verde is known for its spacious sitting and beautiful ambience. The steak served here is one of the most popular dishes. It is one of the best restaurants in Philippines to have some mouth watering ribs. While you are here make sure that you order food that you can finish as the place is known for serving large quantities. Casa Verde has some nice decorations on its walls, so make sure you click some amazing pictures for keepsakes.

Address: UP Town Center, Katipunan Ave, Diliman, Philippines

Must try: Ribs, Burger

Google rating: 4.2

3. Abe’s Restaurant

Philippines has so many good restaurants, and to be in the top spot is indeed a difficult task. But the Abe’s restaurant has managed to stand out in terms of the food being served here. The place is popular for having some drool-worthy baby squids. The prices are also quite reasonable and the staff is super friendly and is very accommodating. If you are looking for some authentic Filipino food, Abe’s Restaurant is your go to.

Address: Mcarthur Avenue, Bonifacio Global, Taguig, 1630 Metro Manila, Philippines

Must try: baby squid, pata, sinigang

Google rating: 4.4

4. Crisostomo

If you want to try a fusion of Filipino food with other cuisines, then Crisostomo should feature on your bucket list. They have some delectable range of desserts. They also have very refreshing drinks that you can order with your main course. Some might find the place a tad bit pricey. But the food here is so good that it is worth the money spent.

Address: U P Town Center, Katipunan Ave, Diliman, Philippines

Must try: beefsteak, halo-halo, laing

5. Provenciano

Provenciano is one of the best restaurants in Philippines. If you are in Manila you have to visit this place. The best and the most interesting thing about the restaurant is that you can have Filipino food here with your own choice of sawsawan, which is basically dipping sauces. You can customize as per your taste and preference. The ambience is also pretty. The restaurant is a perfect combination of great food and an equally great ambience.

Address: 110 Maginhawa, Diliman, Lungsod Quezon, 1101 Kalakhang Maynila, Philippines

Must try: fish, soup, balikbayans

Google rating: 4.5

  • Things To Do In Philippines

Some of the best things to do in Philippines include:

Dare to swim in the dark waters of a cave? Challenge yourself for this daring yet safe activity at the Hinagdanan Cave in Bohol. This is amongst the most adventurous things to do in Philippines as well as a fascinating attraction to visit.

Timings: 7:30 AM-6 PM

How to reach: We suggest that you rent a bike and head onto Panglao Island. It’s a 15-minute drive from Tag City.

Entry fee: INR 66/-

Tip: Try the refreshing rum-infused smoothies available at souvenir shops outside the cave. They are filling and inexpensive.

Best for: Cliff jumping and deep end swimming are extremely popular tourist activities.

2. Kayaking

You can spend an evening kayaking on the Panagsama Beach in Moalboal. The first-timers are known to easily handle the Class II rapids. Paddling alongside the wildlife is undeniably among the top things to do in Philippines.

Timings: 7 AM- 6 PM

How to reach: From the downtown Dumaguete, catch a minibus or multicab.

Entry fee: INR 53/-

Tip: Stop by for Shrimp Coconut Soup at Coconut Restobar for an authentic experience.

Best for: You can indulge yourself in kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving, and dolphin and whale watching.

The viewpoint at the top of the Chocolate Hills is simply out of this world. Magnificent layers of its lush green cover are visible for as far as the eyes can see. While they are green during winters, these hills turn chocolate brown during the dry summers. Go climb the hills as it is one of the most adventurous things to do in Philppines.

How to reach: In Carmen, you can take a bus that goes to Tagbilaran and take off at Chocolate Hills.

Tip: Climb the 200+ steps to the viewing deck. It’s not easy, but the view is worth the climb.

Best for: Chocolate Hills offers a magnificent view of the Philippinean landscape. You can also opt for a countryside tour.

4. Sightseeing

Among the most fascinating things to do in Bohol Philippines, a slow walk across a sturdy yet delicate bamboo bridge built across a steadily flowing river is a must on your tour. Shop for magnets and shirts from the small shops at the far end of the bridge to make your visit memorable.

How to reach: You can find plenty of tricycles and taxis from Bohol.

Entry fee: INR 13/-

Tip: Watch your step when you’re crossing the bridge.

Best for: The bridge offers a great view of the emerald Sipatan River.

5. Watersports

Ariel’s point is a paradise for the watersports lovers. You can dive from the three planks placed on a cliff at a height of 3 to 15 meters. Or you can just play in the pristine waters and ascend the cliff with a bamboo ladder. The Ariel’s day pass has all possible water sports like snorkeling, kayaking, and paddle boarding.

How to reach: Ariel’s Point is a 30-minute banca ride from Boracay’s Station.

Entry fee: INR 2766/- per person

Tip: For additional protection, you should consider wearing a hat, sunglasses, a rash guard, and waterproof shoes.

Best for: Cliff diving is a very popular activity here.

Travel Tips For Philippines Tour

  • Bring a Hydro Flask which will keep the water icy cold even during the sweltering tropical heat in the Philippines. This will come very handy when you are tired and exhausted from the scorching heat. Not only will the hydro flask help keep the water cold but also it will reduce the single-use plastics for the environment.
  • Carry a water-proof phone cover to keep your phone safe during island hopping or going to any of the enormous waterfalls of the Philippines. You will also be able to take photos on the go.
  • Carry a power bank which will keep your smartphones and other gadgets charged. You will need this a lot as you might spend most of the time looking for maps and directions. If not, for photography and songs.
  • The Philippines experience a short burst of rain almost every day. Therefore, carry a rain jacket to avoid any hassle while on the move.
  • Do not forget to carry insect repellant or bug spray. Most of the destinations in the Philippines experience a tropical climate which is also responsible for the breeding of tropical mosquitoes here. Therefore, do not leave your home without an insect repellant or spray.
  • Carry universal international adapter handy.
  • Carry a small wallet or backpack where you can stuff all your important documents such as passports, travel insurance and so on.
  • The standard electricity socket in the Philippines accepts a voltage of 220v, and the plugs used are mostly type A and B plugs which are also the standard American plugs. Therefore, to avoid any hassle with chargers or electric appliances, get yourself a universal international adapter from home.
  • Although Filiipino is the official language of the Philippines, English is widely spoken and understood here. If you are going on a solo tour of the Philippines, you will not feel away from home. You can also know a lot about the local culture of this place.
  • You can actually save a lot on food during your Philippines tour. Food is basic in the Philippines which include lots of fish and rice. Fast food is easily available in the popular spots as you can grab a quick snack or two from Mc Donald’s.
  • Don Papa rum, the Philippines own produces is the local drink available at a pretty cheap price for tourists coming from the West. You can taste this authentic drink and carry some more for home.
  • The people of the Philippines are warm and lovely, and appear to be very friendly with tourists. You can easily interact with them in the major tourist areas, and gel along well.
  • The Philippines offers an array of places to see for tourists. But it is not possible to cover “all” the places in a limited time. Therefore, some of the most-recommended places you must see are Palawan Bohol, Siargao and Cebu. You will need at least five days in each location to enjoy, relax and explore.
  • Capture some of the best photography shots during your tour of the Philippines. There are so many stunning attractions that will make up for the wonderful pictures.
  • One of the best experiences to try in the Philippines is the Tao Experience. To enjoy it, board a sailing trip from Coron to El Nido in Palawan.
  • Local transport in the Philippines include taxis which are easy to hail. You will find plenty of taxis available for transportation within the Philippines.
  • Cock fights are a common pastime which tourists can enjoy. Just do not be taken aback to see the cocks fight in the villages and cities of the Philippines as it is a way of life here for the locals who actually spend a lot of time preparing their cocks for the fight.

Safety Measures To Follow During Philippines Trip

  • The Philippines is a target for recent terrorist attacks which means attacks can occur anywhere. Some of the areas which come under the threat are public transport, hotels, shopping malls, restaurants, schools, religious places and tourist areas. Be very vigilant to any possible threats.
  • Southern Philippines is infamous for kidnapping and piracy, especially coastal resorts and isolated locations. If you are travelling to South Philippines, seek a professional security advice. Also, make sure that your accommodation has taken proper security measures, and avoid travelling by boat.
  • Protests can be seen around several cities of the Philippines. However, do not get involved in any public protests and avoid large public gatherings.
  • Violent crimes are reported in the Philippines. Many of these crimes also involve guns and other weapons. You might also come across gunfights between criminals and police. Avoid such breakouts.
  • Take care of your belongings and do not leave anything unattended as pickpocketing is a frequent crime here.
  • Currents and rips can actually get very severe in the Philippines.Get a local advice or an expert guidance before you go out for swimming. Avoid places which are marked with red flags on the beach.

Some of the best measures one must take while traveling to Philippines during the pandemic are:

  • One must carry a COVID-19 negative certificate at all times
  • Make all hotel bookings in advance and ensure that you have a copy of the same
  • Ensure that you wear a mask at all time when traveling
  • Maintain social distancing and avoid going to crowded places
  • Keep a sanitizer handy at all times and ensure that the rooms are well-sanitized and hygienic.

Visit this beautiful country located in the Southeast of Asia. Philippines consists of more than a huge archipelago of seven thousand islands. While it may take a tourist his whole lifetime to cover all these islands, we have created such packages that offer you a wonderful experience of its major attractions. Enjoy the vibrant culture of Philippines and discover its traditions. Our customizable Philippines tour packages are a unique way of exploring the distinguished things of a place. With these packages, you will be covering some of the picturesque islands such as El Nido, Palawan, Davao, Boracay, and others. You may also love to indulge in some of the adventurous water sports while taking a glimpse of the natural landscape around you. And not only do you get to see all those beautiful places and do a lot of exciting things, but also you get a guided tour of these places where you can uncover the various facets. Along with that, we offer you cab transfers, accommodations, meals and other things. Our customizable packages also give you a chance to make changes as per your convenience. Book today to enjoy tomorrow!

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Breathtaking view of Batanes rolling hills in South Batan

Budget-Friendly 4-Day Batanes Package with Hotel, Daily Breakfast & Airport Transfers

Breathtaking 4-Day Batanes Package from Manila at Fundacion Pacita with Tours, Breakfast & Transfers

Breathtaking 4-Day Batanes Package from Manila at Fundacion Pacita with Tours, Breakfast & Transfers

Basco Lighthouse

Spectacular 2-Day Sightseeing & Nature Tour to Sabtang Island & North & South Batan in Batanes

Stunning 2-Day Nature & Sightseeing Tour To North & South Batan in Batanes via Cogon Roofed Tricycle

Stunning 2-Day Nature & Sightseeing Tour To North & South Batan in Batanes via Cogon Roofed Tricycle

Breathtaking view of Batanes rolling hills in South Batan

Affordable 5-Day Batanes Package with Hotel, Daily Breakfast & Airport Transfers

Stone houses in North Batan, Batanes

Hassle-Free 3-Day Batanes Package with Budget Hotel, Daily Breakfast & Airport Transfers

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Top Tours in the Philippines

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Top things to do in the Philippines

Discover all the adventures you can experience in the Philippines

Philippines Tour Packages

Philippines Tour Packages

Boracay Island

Boracay Island

Bohol Island

Bohol Island

Cebu Island

Cebu Island

Coron Palawan

Coron Palawan

El Nido Palawan

El Nido Palawan

Siargao Island

Siargao Island

Iloilo City and Nearby

Iloilo City and Nearby


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