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Your ULTIMATE GUIDE to Contiki


So last month I had the pleasure of being honoured in Contiki Holiday ‘s Contiki Legends Campaign.

Well you might just call me the Queen of Contiki, as I’ve had an ongoing partnership with them for over   3 years  , during which I have been on  14 Contiki trips covering: South America , New Zealand ,  Australia , Europe ,  Scandinavia , Southeast Asia and the USA .

In this guide I am going to go over a lot of the things I have learned about my experiences on  Contiki  in hopes to give some insight for those looking at taking one for themselves.


What is a Contiki Trip?

Contikis are an organized tour group of young, like minded travellers from around the world; particularly from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, the UK and South Africa. They are group sizes of 13-50 people, aged 18-35 and can span a couples days, 1 week, 2 weeks, or up to 45 days (alot of different time options here) .


Who is Contiki perfect for?

First time travellers, solo travellers, social travellers, adventure travellers, youth travellers, and those that don’t like the hassle and the stress of planning a trip by themselves. For those that want to see the world and not be burdened by having to sort out accommodations, where to go, see and transportation back and forth. 

Me, solo, on my first Contiki at the base camp of Machu Picchu.

Trip Styles

Contiki can sometimes be very intense and fast pace , this is because they are trying to get you the most things done and seen within a short period of time . Know this before planning your trip , because if you are someone that likes to sleep in or dislikes travelling on a bus for longer periods of time, a fast pace trip visiting multiple countries is not going to be for you, and you won’t have as much fun as one that is a bit more relaxed. This is precisely the reason behind Contiki’s brand new trip styles. Customization! As they now have options of slower paces tours, and tours that spend multiple nights in one place, really allowing you to take in all there is to see and do!

Make sure you have an idea of what pace you are looking for .  Think about this hard and really evaluate HOW you want to travel, not just WHAT you want to see . You can never see everything at every destination you go to, so don’t push yourself to try.

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  • Discovery Plus
  • High Energy
  • In-Depth Explorer
  • Freestyle Camping
  • Sailing & Cruise
  • Festivals & Short Stays
  • Winter & Ski

Optionals are just as they sound, optional. They are little bonuses, extra excursions and treats that you have the option to add onto your tour, while you are on tour. These are there to give you a chance for more free time if you choose, or to join in an activity with your new friends.

These are completely up to you. Most of the time, the majority of the people do a lot of optionals. But people also don’t. This is the beauty of choice.  Go with the flow, a lot of times you might not THINK you want to do a certain optional, but once you start making friends on tour and THEY want to, you might very well be persuaded. And vice versa. Just make sure you keep those prices in your budget as they can add up quickly if you choose to do a lot (I always do a lot!).

Optional: George's Boat- Corfu, Greece. Seriously one of the best day optionals you can take!


Contiki has some wicked cool accommodations you will be staying at. But they vary and there is always a trade off.

Backpacker Bungalows- Koh Pha Ngan , Thailand.

If you are staying closer to the centre of town or, literally downtown and walking distance to where the action is, your accommodation will most likely be more basic, because those cost more $$$. In these cases you are paying for LOCATION as you are right outside the action!

If you are staying farther away, your accommodation will mostly likely be quite nice! But, you’ll need to take transportation to get to most places. Luckily, Contiki arranges a lot of scheduled pick up and drop off times to take you back and forth to the hotel and back. 

So basically, you get a mix of both.

Longhorn Ranch, Texas, USA. Funky hotel with a VERY Texas feel!

Sharing Rooms+ Roommates

On Contikis you’ll either be sharing a room with 1 to 3 people (maximum of 4 total). The majority of trips it is only 1 other person.   Know before hand if you are a roommate person or not . If you REALLY MUST have a private room,  pay extra for the upgrade. This is your trip and being social all the time isn’t for everyone.

However, if you are a solo traveller, do no think you have to have a private room. Trust me, it’s actually much, much better if you don’t. Contiki will pair you up and  your new roommate will become your instant travel best friend(s).

Just a walk away from our hostel at Mojo's Surf Camp. Australia.

Each location and tour varies on the types and quality of foods and how many meals they provide. Most of the time breakfast is always provided. Dinners here and there as well, lunches almost never.

In Asia food is cheap, so you will get buffet breakfasts and lots of fancier dinners. In Europe, a croissant is seriously the national standard for breakfast. Obviously food will vary with the price of the tour. (again, see tour styles)  In general,  yes you will have a few average meals, but you will also have many fantastic meals.

Contiki tries to accomodate all tastes. Some travellers want to try all the local foods, while others want to eat what they are used to back home. You can’t please everyone! That’s why they leave a lot of meals open, so YOU can choose!

On all tours though,   if you have a dietary requirement, they will accommodate  and make sure you get a special meal at group dinners! So no worries if your vegan, veggie, gluten-free or have allergies!  

You win some, you loose some.

Drinking and Parties

On Contiki there is drinking and there are parties.   This is very well know.   You are travelling with a group of young people, it’s what we do!   Most of time these are a fantastic way to bond and meet your new tour mates, plus it gives everyone a chance to dance, let off some steam and have a great time! Drinking is a part of alot of cultures, and getting the chance to try local drinks is always a treat.

Grabbing a bit in the famous Beer Halls in Munich, Germany!

For some people, they live for the party, other they don’t. While drinking is incorporated in many aspects of the tours, i t is okay to not drink on a Contiki. 

You should never feel pressured and you won’t feel left out.

Chances are there are other travellers in the group that don’t like to drink and party as well. There are lots of non drinking evening activities in every city! Find which group you fit in with.

Also, many time on tour, you can always go out with the group and just not drink. I have done so many times before.  Each group will have different levels of people that want to drink as much or as little as they like.   You are an adult, and it’s up to you to control your alcohol intake on tour and to be responsible and respectful of others.

Cheers to responsible drinking!

Tour Leaders

Your tour leader is an extremely valuable resource. Seriously, they know everyone and are there to help you with your questions and problems. That being said, they are also not your parent. They aren’t there to make sure you make it to the bus on time and to baby sit you, nor to hold your hand around the city. We are all adults here, Contikis are for 18-35s.  

Contiki Staff, Australia

Making Friends + Solo Travellers

An average Contiki tour is made up of a mixture of solo travellers; a few pairs such as sisters, friends, brothers, a few couples, and maybe a group or two of 3-4 people. If you are a solo traveller, don’t worry, you WILL make friends and have people to share your experience with. (srsly, tour managers help with this)

If you are a couple, pair or group, make sure YOU are also open to making friends . Invite others to join your group, trust me, it will make for a better group dynamic for everyone, plus making friends in one of the best parts of Contiki.


Group Dynamics + Age Groups

This is a mixed bag and each group and tour varies. Generally, in my experiences:

The more expensive the tour, and the more remote and unknown the location ,  the higher the chance there will be a great number of couples and an average older age group.

The cheaper the tour, and the more “bucket list” items such as Paris, Italy, Australia, the more likely a younger age group.

But that being said, there will be also someone near to your age on every tour. Remember, they limit this to 18-35’s ONLY. So if you are 18 worries about 30 year olds (and vice versa), don’t. The group is big enough so that each and every age group can find their “perfect mini-group” of friends. 


General Contiki Rules

  • Be on time, it  will win the heart of your tour leader and make the trip better for everyone.
  • Don’t overpack. Seriously, you don’t need half of the clothes are you about to bring and you will be unpacking and repacking quite frequently.
  • Backpack vs Wheeled Bag –  Wheels 100%. You won’t be traveling very far with your bags, so unless you plan on doing a lot of extra trips on your own before or after your trip, a wheeled bag is 100% what I recommend.
  • There will be a theme party. Love it, embrace it. And no, you probably won’t know what it is before hand.

80's throwback party in Laos!

  • Have something to do in the downtime, on the bus, boat or on the plane. (A book is a good option, or iPad) Usually thought Contiki has fun games and trivia, movies, etc they play during transportation time so you’ll never feel like you are wasting time. (blankets and pillows are nice!) 


  • Bring multiple nightclub/ going out attire,  as you will find yourself wanting to dress a little nice for evenings out more often than not. Sweaty t-shirts and shorts ain’t gonna cut it.


In Conclusion

There is a reason I have done 14 Contikis  and plan on doing many more to come. They are one of the best ways to travel and seriously a lot of fun.

Have an additional questions? Feel free to ask me in the comments below! Also, there are dozens of Contiki staff members just a phone call away that will help you answer all your questions. 

Check out their website: http://www.contiki.com for more info!

Pssss, just for my readers:

Book a 7 day or longer Contiki Holiday and save $100 off the trip price. Use the promo code: PPCHEYNADINE

*Terms and Conditions apply


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hey nadine thanks for share this with us i did see contiki from time to time now i know more about them :)

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you are very welcome!

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Ahh this gets me really excited to plan a trip haha! I’m not sure if I understand correctly, but are the groups mixed with & open to people from all around the world? Because it will be so cool to meet people from different countries :)

Yes, it’s open to various regions so you’ll have people from your group from other parts of the world!

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Yes! I am planning my first Contiki to Europe and already there are people from Australia and USA who have joined in the same tour as well (I’m Canadian) … Totally open to everyone around the world.

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I already did 2 Contikis in Europe and on Feb, 2015 I’ll be on my 3rd in Thailand. For sure, Contiki is the best company ever. I agreed on 100% you said!

Thailand is amazing, such a great Contiki! Have fun and buy lots of neon clothes!

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Wow, 14. I’ve only done “8”. I’ve got 2 more booked for next year, but they’ll probably be my last unfortunately :-(.

8 is still VERY VERY impressive!!! what regions have you done?

I’ve done New Zealand (the South and North islands separately so 2x trips), Canada (west coast, 1x trip), Europe (continent and the UK and Ireland, 3x trips including a London Explorer) and the USA (west coast, 2x trips including a LA Explorer). Next year is Peru in April and Scandinavia in June. By my calculations my 100th day on Contiki will be about half way through the Scandinavia trip.

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Hi Nadine, just got back from the Southern Adventure tour USA which you did. I absolutely loved it! So I’m looking at booking another contiki for July in Europe (or Canada) and was wondering what the main differences are?

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I’ve got a very specific question that hopefully you can answer. I’m booked on the simply Italy Contiki in May 2015(soooooo excited) and just wondering which would be better for luggage…suitcase or backpack. I used a wheeled duffel on the Costa rica Contiki I did in 2013, and while it worked well… There were moment of extreme frustration. I also did a Romania trip through another company this past October and had some difficulty on the cobblestone, and found my frustration was I greatly under packed, and had I rewear dirty clothing

I had more to the above question but was cut off! The wheeled backpacks I was looking at were through eagle creek and am just curious if you think it would be enough packing space (yes I’m THAT girl) or if I should just go with a suitcase and I’ll be fine on the European cobblestone!

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“A night out at the Monte Carlo Casino in Montenegro” I think you mean Monaco :p ? I’m thinking about doing one of the usa trips :) ( i’m european myself and although i haven’t seen every country here yet it would feel a bit silly to do one of the european trips :p

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Thinking of this trip for my two kids – 18yr old daughter & 19 yr old son. 19 yr old is in college so he has tasted the party life. 18 yr old graduating HS in June – not much of a partier, more of a “sipper”. Are they too young for this trip? (they want to go to Australia) Appreciate your input.

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Donna, Did you end up sending your daughter on a contiki trip? I am considering sending my 18 year son and had the same type of questions.

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Hi! Is contiki really strict with baggage weight? I am doing the wild western tour in USA this december. And I don’t think my clothes can fit in just 20kgs baggage limit. Please help.

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Hi!! I am booking my second trip with continki (completed the Thailand one last year :-) Im looking to do the LA to the Bay for my birthday in October, do you know anyone whose completed this tour? Also, what would you recommend for amount of spending money – it’s 12 nights. Thanks in advance.

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Hey Leanne,

How did LA TO THE BAY go? Iv just booked it for July 2017 and was just looking for an overview of the trip. 😊😊

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Help! I’ve read so many mixed reviews. My boyfriend and I (ages 24, and 27) are planning a trip to Thailand but we want to see the most we can in the 3 week time period we have. We are thinking of doing the 14-day southeast Asian adventure (Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos) combined with the Bali Island shopper that sees 3 islands for 8 days. When our travel agent suggested Contiki, we were incredibly put off. We did not want a group trip, with a bunch of 18 year old binge drinkers. However, the more we’ve looked at the idea, it seems like it might be the best so that we don’t have to plan every single aspect of a 3 week trip, when we want to leave in September. I’ve read that the money isn’t worth what you get for Contiki, as the food isn’t great and the hotels have bed bugs etc. I read your whole review, but can you tell me more specifically about your time in Asia? Also, if we are going as a couple, are we going to be stuck in a room with 1-2 other people for most of the trip? Did you feel like it was worth doing Contiki in Asia, or because things are cheaper you could have just don’t the trip on your own? Also, did you feel that you spent too much time on a bus, and not visiting the locations, when you could have just hopped on a plane yourself and flew there even if a bit more expensive? Thanks! -D

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Hey Nadine :) I am going on a Contiki tour in Europe later this year, so it ill be chilly – do you have any tips for Contiki tours in cold weather?

  • Pingback: 9 USA Contiki Travel Tips to Know Before You Go + Travel GoPro Video – Pug Overboard

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All , Bali , Travel • December 18, 2017

Bali Island Hopper Contiki Experience

Its funny how life works sometimes and the unusual experiences that it brings your way. If you told me a year ago that I would be going to Bali on a Contiki tour , I would have straight up laughed at you. Not at the Bali bit, as that’s been on my bucket list for ages, but at the Contiki part. Travelling in a group? No thanks! I’ve always loved exploring with 1-2 people max, and even family vacations of 4 people start getting too much for me. But life had other plans for me, luckily! When Cassidy won a Contiki trip voucher from the Travel Expo that we went to, we weren’t left with much of a choice- pick a Contiki tour or loose the voucher. Not one to pass up an opportunity to travel, I of course agreed to accompany Cass on the trip and honestly, it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life! I’ve decided to split this Bali travel post/photo diary into 2 sections. So today we are going to talk about the Contiki tour and how it works as well as visiting Seminyak and Gili T, where to stay there, where to go party and what to do!

PS The photos are a mix between my iPhone and my camera, because honestly there was no time to drag my camera around everywhere 🙂

contiki travel bali

The reason we picked Bali was simple- we have both wanted to go there and the price was reasonable. The Bali Contiki Island Hopper Tour is 8 days long and consists of you visiting 3 islands, and 4 different parts of Bali- Seminyak, Ubud, Gili T and Lombok. The tour includes all accommodation (which we will talk about here), all breakfasts, 1 dinner and 1 lunch. It includes a day trip to Ubud, all transfers and a Contiki group manager (which is so helpful, I don’t know how we would have made it without Jess!). The tour cost just over R12000, all depending on which date you want to go on and how early/late you book. The tour does exclude flights to get to Bali, and we got ours for just over R9000 on Singapore Air as it was the quickest route (10 hours from Joburg to Singapore, and then just over 2 hours from Singapore to Denpasar).

contiki travel bali

A couple of things to mention about Bali before we get started. It is SUPER humid there so don’t bother packing anything long or warm (and yes, I’ve been to Durban. The Bali humidity has nothing on it). The moment I wore a long dress I would start heating up, so pack light and airy dresses. Your makeup will melt off so make sure you pack that All Nighter setting spray! That spray saved me on this trip, because your makeup literally starts melting off on this island.

contiki travel bali

Alcohol is not cheap in Bali, and where they really get you is with the taxes and service charge. There is a 21% charge on top of the number you see on the menu that you need to always keep in mind. And this is what happens when you ignore this and drink anyway- sleeping on the beach the following morning from too many cocktails 😉

contiki travel bali

If you are a neat freak, and don’t like dirty toilets- Bali is not the place for you. There will be times where the toilet is all but a hole in the ground (yes, sadly so). #LegDay was everyday in Bali because anytime you step out of a hotel, it’s not pretty. But hey, you just gotta roll with the punches right?

contiki travel bali

Bali Time is a real thing- the Balinese are never in a rush, and they can be slow AF. Jess warned us about this in the start of our trip, so we kept it in mind for anytime we were going anywhere. Don’t get upset or angry if your meal takes an hour to come- its Bali time. Don’t get irritated if it takes you 30 minutes to check out of a hotel even though you don’t have any room charges to pay- its Bali time. Relax, enjoy and get on the some chilled time as the Balinese nation.

contiki travel bali

The tour starts on a Saturday in Seminyak, one of the tourist hot spots of Bali. Seminyak is great for shopping (which we sadly didn’t get to do a lot of), food and partying. We stayed at the Harris Hotel Seminyak, which was alright- its your usual hotel go-to when you don’t plan on spending any time in your room. Our Contiki group manager Jess provided us with a day sheet for everyday with options on where to go and what to do, and she didn’t fail us once with a fab recommendation!

contiki travel bali

Where to go and eat in Seminyak Dinner- Ling Lings

contiki travel bali

On our first night in Seminyak we headed to Ling Lings, and it was one of the best meals I’ve had all year! Ling Lings is an Asian fusion restaurant, basing the core ideals on Japanese and Korean styles. Because we wanted to try a bit of everything, we had the “Feed Me” platter, which was about R150 for 2 people. It was amazing and included things like popcorn shrimp (fried shrimp served with honey mustard sauce), kim-chi chips, pork belly toa (the most amazing steamed bun I’ve ever tasted), Korean style tacos and to finish it off, a chocolate brownie. Ling Ling also has a great selection of drinks, starting with a Frose (frozen rose) and ending with half a watermelon filled with vodka 😉 It’s also just a gorgeous restaurant and the DJ takes the decks at about 9pm making it a party. Average spend per person(with 1 drink)- R200

contiki travel bali

You can’t go to Bali and not stop at Sea Circus, which is what we were told. We happily obliged and visited the much hyped restaurant for dinner. Besides it super cool and fun interior, this Mexican-inspired restaurant serves delicious food. I had pork tacos, which were delish, but even though we were there for dinner, lots of people were ordering breakfast! Sea Circus is also famous for its smoothie bowls, so whether you are looking breakfast, lunch or dinner, Sea Circus is a must-do.

Average spend per person(with 1 drink)- R200

Night out- Motel Mexicola and La Favela

contiki travel bali

Probably the coolest of all places that we went to in Bali, was Motel Mexicola. It’s the most colorful and quaint place I’ve ever seen, and while you can go there for lunch and dinner (it’s a Mexican style food bar), we went there for a dance and a good time. The moment you walk into Motel Mexicola, it feels like you’re on a different planet! There are people dancing out the tables, everyone is doing the conga, and its just one huge, fun party! We had the best time there drinking Pinna Coladas and listening to fun music, but Mexicola does close at 12am. Keep in mind that drinks are a bit expensive (a cocktail is about R170), but the vibe there is worth it.

contiki travel bali

Feel like doing some more partying? Then head off to La Favela, a Brazilian inspired nightclub. We didn’t stay too late there as we were flying home the next night, but if you’re up for a party then this is a good place for you.

contiki travel bali

Early the next morning we boarded our coach to start making our journey to Gili T. Another pleasant Contiki surprise for me was the state of the coaches – they were all great, super comfy and made for a pleasant snooze ride (because we were usually all so tired from the night before, anytime we had to get on a coach). It’s about a 2-hour ride from Seminyak to the port, and then a 2-hour ferry to Gili T. Now be warned – those ferry rides are not for the faint hearted! Knowing that I get motion sickness, I took tablets before we got onto the ferry, but even besides the seasickness, that ride is rough! Prep yourself for some choppy waters getting to and from Gili T, and brace yourself! After what felt like forever (actual time, 1 hour and 30 minutes) we arrived on Gili T to spend 3 nights there.

contiki travel bali

I did mentioned that all transfers were included in the price, and what I loved about a Contiki was that everything was planned for you already. Jess gave us a time when we had to be somewhere and everything else was arranged. Luggage magically made its way onto the buses and boats, we got to ferries on time, and didn’t have to stress running around and looking for tickets.

contiki travel bali

I didn’t do my research as well as I should have about this island because when I arrived there I was a little bit shook- there is no motorized travel on Gili T! Although Gili T is the biggest out of the 3 Gili islands, its still pretty small- you can cycle around it in an hour. The only form of transportation on Gili T is either by a bicycle or a horse carriage, called a chidamo. However, there are many rumors about how the horses are treated, so I would only suggest using a chidamo as your last resort. Also, there are only about 30 cidamos on the whole island, so sometimes you will have to wait quite a bit in order to get one.

contiki travel bali

With that in mind, we rented bikes for 3 days which cost us R150 (R50 per day) and off we went. Now I don’t ride bikes-I never had one as a kid growing up so my experiences with riding them has been very limited. But what you gonna do? Off I went to practice on a bike, and by the last day I managed to not only cycle, but also cycle through mud and bumps in a dress! There are no proper roads on Gili T either, so the bike rides will be bumpy, and you will be sore. Just think about all the calories that you are burning on your holiday!

contiki travel bali

Where to stay on Gili T

contiki travel bali

We stayed at beautiful 4 star Grand Aston Bali Beach Resort. The only downside about it is that it’s on the other side of the island (about a 20 minute cycle), which proved a little bit difficult for the nights when you want to go out. Cycling back from the club, drunk in the dark is not for everyone! However from March Contiki will be moving resorts to the main part of the island where all of the clubs and restaurants are.

contiki travel bali

The actual resort is beautiful, and if you want to go for a quiet time with a partner then its perfect. There are similar resorts to it next door, all with those beautiful Gili swings and white sand beaches. We had a beautiful room with a balcony, overlooking the lush gardens and the pool, and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay at the Aston.

contiki travel bali

What to do on Gili T

contiki travel bali

If you come to Gili T, you come for one thing- a good party ! I realized that pretty quickly when we got there, so if you are looking for a fab party time, then Gili will be the place of your dreams. This is the part of the trip that I really enjoyed being a part of the Contiki. We all had some down time to get to know each other while sipping drinks in the pool, and lets be honest, nothing brings people closer together than alcohol 😉 If you want to party in Gili T, these are the places to go to. Sama Sama – Live music every Sunday night Evolution Bar – Beer Pong every Monday night Jiggy Jiggs – R150 for all you can drink between 8:30-11:30 pm on a Tuesday night. As one of my fellow South Africans said, Jiggy Jiggs is the place where cheap booze happens to good people!

contiki travel bali

Besides the fun partying bit, you can also do a variety of cool activities like stand up paddle boarding, cycle the island to visit the turtle sanctuary, get a cheap massage (its like 100 bucks for a good massage in Bali!), take a cooking class, visit an outdoor cinema or take a day snorkeling trip!And of course, get those swing pictures!

contiki travel bali

Where to eat

contiki travel bali

Picture from Swiss Nomads

contiki travel bali

Actually part of a whole little beach, Casa Vintage is a little gem in Gili T. Firstly its super gorgeous and romantic- just look at this little love hut where you can dine! It has hammocks and cushions all over, so you can relax and enjoy the sunset and then order something to eat or drink. In terms of food, it’s a Jamaican/ Indonesian fushion restaurant, with all of the food being locally sourced and freshly prepared. A definite must visit on Gili T!

contiki travel bali

This bring us to the end of the first part of our Contiki trip and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about Bali! Next up will be a post about Lombok and Ubud and what to do there, where to eat and where to stay!

contiki travel bali

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[…] pick up right where we left off! I chatted about part 1 of our Contiki tour on the blog over here, which included visits to Seminyak and Gili T. You can find all information […]

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Contiki #NoRegrets

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Contiki is great for a particular travel audience. Generally, it’s aimed at younger budget-minded travelers 18 to 35-year-olds. Contiki has hundreds of tours operating all around the globe and their whole thing is ‘social travel’. This is for those who want to soak in the cultural side of the destination and dive deep into the local nightlife as well. It makes sense for any 18 – 35-year-old looking to travel on a budget and party at the same time. Let us take a deeper dive into this Contiki Review and see if it’s the right fit for you.

What is Contiki?

Founded in 1962 Contiki is a New Zealand-based tour company catering to the 18 to 35-year-old market. The idea came from the founder looking to travel on a tight budget yet still have fun and see Europe. Currently, they operate over 300 tours around the world so it’s easy for anyone to find a cool trip anywhere on the globe. I need to mention they won’t allow travelers over the age of 35 to join their tours.

Let me say right now that the average age for a Contiki traveler is 18 to 27.

Accommodations: BUDGET! You’ll be staying in either in a hotel or a hostel so understand these aren’t 4 or 5-star hotels or hostels. However, Contiki does its best to find the best 3-star type hotel or hostel. Depending on the continent that 3-star Euro accommodation will be a 5-star somewhere else. The negative is if you’re sharing a room, you’re hoping your roommate won’t snore and will be courteous with the shared space.

That being said, I never felt unsafe in the locations I stayed in. For the most part, you’ll be out all day and partying most of the night, that bed is there for you to crash.

Group Size : As with any Contiki tour you can expect a minimum of 20 or more travelers with you on the bus. I remember when I did a short 8-day trip I was with 25 or so other travelers. Many travelers will book multiple tours with Contiki so it’s common that during a trip a few will drop off while others will join the group.

Contiki Guides: They round up the whole group in the lobby of the hotel / hostel and they take you on the tour. Yes, they’re like the chaperones we had during a school trip. With one difference, they’re all young and they too want to party. They will take you around the city and do a pub crawl, hit up a club or some cool local spot.

Food: Breakfast is provided on all the tours however from what I remember lunch and dinner was all on you. To save money you can catch some street food that is delicious and cheap.

Cost: It depends on where you plan to go and for how many days. A tour can range from $800 to $3500. Traveling to Europe will obviously cost more than Asia. Also, you’ll need some spending money for whatever comes up, I remember all I brought was $500 for the week.

Drinking and Partying: As you probably already know Contiki has a partying atmosphere however I strongly suggest those 18 to 20 years old travelers to perhaps hold off on going to the US. The legal drinking age in the US is 21 and it’s strictly enforced. I’ve had many of my Australian travel mates say that when they visited the US the younger travelers couldn’t visit any bars or clubs.

Contiki Tours

Contiki Review:

My very first solo tour was with Contiki, I landed in Germany and ended in Prague. I can’t tell you how much fun I had. I have to be 100% honest, I was partying like an animal with everyone else so much of my day was spent being hungover. I pretty much drank Red Bulls to pull it together and finished the tour like a champ. The tour started in Berlin where I met with the tour guide and he was extremely helpful in getting me situated to my room, the rules of the tour, and explaining what optional add-ons were available.

The guide we had was extremely knowledgeable about the history of the area and took his time in explaining everything. He was very outgoing so that made the tour better.

Having a good guide is everything!

The breakfast buffet I do remember was incredible! After a full night of drinking the first thing I wanted to do was chow down on food to soak up the alcohol….we all were doing it.

The negative part was the bus transportation from Berlin to Prague, it was a 5-hour drive so we lost most of the morning.

Prague was the city I fell in love with. I was awestruck by how beautiful that city is and how much more fun I had in Prague rather than Berlin. The food and beer in Prague I felt was better and there was more to do and see. When the tour ended, I wanted to stay but alas I had to return to my life in California. That trip forever changed how I viewed traveling alone.

Final Thoughts On Contiki:

Should you go on a Contiki tour? 100% absolutely YES, if you…

  • Like to party
  • Want the whole trip planned for you
  • Want to meet new people
  • Are on a budget
  • Really like to party!

Optional Add-Ons: These are excursions that Contiki sets up that do cost extra. Depending on the country you’re in they can be just about anything but always check what the add-ons are and see which you want to do. Remember these are optional.

Bus / Coach: This is the only real negative about Contiki, when traveling from one city to the next you’ll be on the bus or coach for a while….in some cases a few hours. That can be a real drag because you lose precious time just sitting on a bus.

Beware of Australians! Seems that all Australians go on a Contiki tour at one point in their lives. Just kidding after doing so many of these tours some of the most fun people I’ve met are from Australia and frankly, they do make the coolest travel buddies.

Most Popular Contiki Tours:

Here are just some of the more popular tours that Contiki runs catering to so many tastes. The best part is they’re constantly running specials with deals left and right. Here’s a glimpse of their more popular tours:

contiki travel bali

If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience on your next trip and have the time of your life, then consider Thailand! I couldn’t believe how much fun I had during the New Year’s celebration. There’s nothing like reigning in the new year and rocking out on the beach during a ‘full moon party’.

Contiki Trip Ideas!

Contiki is constantly offering specials on their tours so don’t forget to check out their top last-minute deals .

South America is a great destination for any budget traveler, check out some of the deals with these destinations Contiki is offering. – BOOK NOW!

Cambodia and Vietnam are two destinations that are VERY budget-friendly and fun. Explore the magic these two countries have to offer. –  BOOK NOW!

Here are some more of Contiki’s most popular tours, take a look and book your bucket list trip today!

Contiki Review

Contiki offers fun filled tours for the 18 to 35 year old traveler. The tours are fully organized so you don't have to plan anything. Here's a breakdown as to whom would benefit the most from traveling with Contiki.

  • Meeting new people
  • You see a lot in a short time
  • Great value for the money
  • 360+ tours to choose from
  • Not fun for non-partygoers
  • A lot of time spent on Bus / Coach
  • A little fast paced

Review Breakdown

  • Best value for dollar
  • Affordable tours
  • Flexible booking
  • Itineraries include excursions
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Youth oriented

Strapped Traveler

Strapped Traveler

Like you, I love to travel and have learned over the years I can travel to nearly anywhere in the world on a budget. My blog aims to guide you into traveling abroad on a budget and still have a great time. Visit us regularly for the latest in travel hacks, travel tips and trip ideas that won't break the bank.

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Bali Island Hopper (Start Seminyak, end Seminyak)

contiki travel bali

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Meet your Contiki Trip Manager and fellow travellers at your kick start meeting in the hotel at 6pm. Hit up the local area tonight for a get to know you dinner and then rest up as the fun begins tomorrow!

Next stop is the famous Gili Trawangan. Reputed to be more beautiful than any of the other Gili Islands, with diving and white sand galore, this really is a slice of heaven. Tonight we dine on Indonesian delicacies and watch the sun set from our beach front hotel.

Two full free days on Gili Trawangan to dive, snorkel and sun worship to your heart's content. With some of the best diving in all of Indonesia, you'll want to make the most of every minute here. Gili Trawangan also has one of the largest turtle populations in the Indonesian Islands and you'll have the opportunity to see them in their natural habitat.

Our next island destination awaits today, the resort town of Senggigi on Lombok Island. Lombok is the forgotten sister of Bali which is a great reason to visit. Likened to Bali 20 years ago before it unplugged and sold out, there's stunning beaches and mountainous ranges to give you even more scenic Instagram shots of this beautiful region.

Today, why not opt for something different and take a drive down to the southern end of the island to Kuta. Mix things up today with an optional tour of the local waterfalls or have a picnic in the shade of the palm trees on the beach with the sea breeze. Why not make tonight a memorable one with dinner and a night on the town, Senggigi style.

A leisurely start to the day with a later ferry back to the main island of Bali. We'll arrive at our Seminyak hotel just in time for Happy Hour and a chill out session by the pool.

There's no need for frowns this morning, as your Bali dream doesn't need to end just yet! See the Elephant Cave, Tegalalang Rice Terrace and Monkey Forest with time for some last delicious Ubud eats before heading back to Seminyak. On arrival back, hug it out and swap social details so you can no doubt start planning your next adventure, Big Tiki in New Zealand, anyone?

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Dates & Availability

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The total tour cost includes the tour price (regular or promotional) and the compulsory local payment. The promotional price is subject to change. Check directly with the operator for the latest price offer. The tour operator requires you to pay only the tour price to purchase your travel. The compulsory local payment will be paid when you join the trip. All prices are based on double, twin or triple share occupancy. Solo passengers will be accommodated in a double, twin or triple room according to availability with a passenger(s) of the same gender. Single supplement only needs to be paid if the passenger does not want to share and requests their own room. Discounts can only be applied at the time of booking and cannot be added at a later date, regardless of any changes made to the original booking.

Prices may vary due to local taxes and trip seasonality. Click "Request Info" to inquire directly with the tour operator for the final trip price.

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Contiki Reviews & Ratings

Other contiki reviews.

Reginald Ramirez

Trip of a Life Time - Its Been WONDERful

Excellent rating from trip manager, to local tour guides, to the free t...

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Tour operator.

We’re firm believers that life’s greatest experiences are made better by the people you share them with. That’s why Contiki invented group travel for young people in 1962 and we’ve spent the past 53 years perfecting it. You’ll explore amazing destinations with a group of 18-35 year olds from around the world who share your passion for adventure, good times and creating memories that define what it is to be young, wild and free.

No two travellers are the same and we know that, which is why we offer eight unique ways to explore the world. We have a number of options to choose from to create a vacation that’s perfect for you, from budget to accommodation style.

We're all about exploring the world with like-minded people, which is why we only run trips for 18-35 year olds, to celebrate being young, spirited and curious. You can expect to join a group of 18-53 awesome people from around the world on our Europe, Australia, North America and New Zealand trips, and in Asia and Latin America it's all about small group adventures with up to 25 travellers. Don't worry if you're not traveling as a couple or with a friend from home – though there are plenty of pairs, 50% of our travellers set off solo, meaning you'll have a ton of opportunities to make new friends.

With over 270 trips around the world and plenty of departure dates to work into your schedule, you'll never be short of options on where to go for your next great adventure.

About the company: Contiki are the world leaders in social youth travel. We’ve been providing amazing travel experiences for young travellers, from 18-35 years old, since 1962. Imagine how good you would be at something if you had been doing it for more than 60 years?

Everything about Contiki is deeply rooted in our core values ‘Make Every Moment Count’ and ‘We’re about people’. We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk and live by our brand philosophy of ‘Travel.Together.’ which means to travel with one another, the destinations we visit, the cultures we enjoy and the environment, too.


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Bali: Beaches & Boat Rides

9 days, kuta to gili trawangan.

contiki travel bali

BALI - Effective February 14, 2024, all foreign tourists entering Bali will be required to pay the “Bali Tourist Levy.” This fee of 150,000 IDR (or $10 USD) and can be paid online through the Love Bali System before entering Bali or upon arrival. We strongly suggest every traveler pay before arrival to ease your entry and avoid queueing to pay upon arrival . For more information please see the Visa and Important Notes section of the tour details.” Pay Tourist Levy Here: https://lovebali.baliprov.go.id/

  • Full itinerary
  • Tour details

Now's the time to explore Bali on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Surf on gloriously blue ocean waves in Kuta, stop for the perfect shot at Buddhist temples and lotus ponds in Ubud, and relax with a drink at a beachfront bar (or two!) on Gili Trawangan. With a mix of free time, cultural highlights, and savoury must-tastes, this tour is the surest way to soak in all the magic of Bali, in just nine beautiful days.

Kuta to Gili Trawangan

Special offers, is this tour for me, travel style: 18-to-thirtysomethings.

Fast, fresh, and fun adventures that never slow down, made for young, budget-minded travellers.

Service Level: Basic

Simple and clean hotels and hostels; affordable public and private transport; lots of optional activities.

Physical Rating: 2 - Light

Light walking and hiking suitable for most fitness levels. Nothing too challenging.

Trip Type: Small Group

Small group experience; Max 18, avg 12.

Age requirement: 18-39

Check your visa requirements.

Before booking, use our handy entry requirements tool so you know which documents you need to enter and travel through the countries on your trip.

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In a number of impactful ways, your adventure directly benefits the local people and places we visit.

Help us spread love around the world with Trees for Days. Together with Planeterra, we'll plant one tree in your name for every travel day.

Trees planted for this trip: 9

Ripple Score

Create ripples that change lives. The higher the Ripple Score percentage, the more money stays in the local communities you visit.

Ripple Score for this trip: 100

Map of the route for Bali: Beaches & Boat Rides

Places visited

Arrive at any time.

For your first night out, explore the exciting paradise of Kuta with your CEO and fellow travellers. Stop in a local bar or enjoy your favourite drink on the beach and cheers to new adventures and friends as the sun sets.

Exclusive Inclusions:

Today, take it easy in beachside Kuta. Take a surf lesson (which you can book ahead of time), relax on the beach, or head to one of the nearby towns.

Tonight, take in the town's nightlife on the dancefloor or by the waves at a beachside bar.

Meals included:

Day 3 kuta/kubutambahan.

It's off to Kubutambahan today. Breathe in the beautiful scenery before stopping for lunch en route at the G Adventures supported Bali Community Training Lunch Program. Tonight, soak in the views and lush jungle vibes at a charming guesthouse, located in a Balinese village. Start your night by watching the sunset over the lush landscape.

Day 4 Kubutambahan

Get ready to liven up your tastebuds with a Balinese cooking lesson. After, you can trek around the village, visit a waterfall, swim in a natural spring, or stop by a nearby dragon fruit farm.

Day 5 Kubutambahan/Ubud

This morning's free for you to explore or relax. Later, check out Ubud and visit the picturesque Gitgit Waterfall or Pura Taman Saraswati, a Balinese Hindu temple with stunning lotus ponds. Both spots are perfect for photo ops!

Today is full of possibilities. Stop by the monkey forest, a sanctuary for the long-tailed Balinese monkey, before checking out more of Ubud.

Take a yoga class, relax with a massage, try babi guling (whole roast suckling pig), visit the holy springs of Tirta Empul to cleanse your body and spirit, and be sure to save some room for some delicious healthy eats — they're abundant here. Tonight, wrap up your time in Ubud with a traditional Kecak dance performance.

Day 7 Ubud/Gili Trawangan

It's off to the beautifully laid-back island of Gili Trawangan today. Slow it all down with relaxing at a beachfront bar, stopping for photos at the Gili Trawangan swing, and — best of all — enjoying walking around freely (the island doesn't allow motorized vehicles). The rest of the day is yours to explore.

Day 8 Gili Trawangan

Spend another day in paradise. Explore the island by bicycle, or just kick back on the beach. Don't forget to catch your last marvelous sunset of the trip on the west side of the island, before celebrating the end of an amazing journey with your fellow travellers for your big night out.

Day 9 Gili Trawangan

Today, it’s time to say goodbye to your group of newfound friends as the tour ends. Be sure to sneak in some last-minute photos and cheers before you head on your way.

What's Included

  • Your G for Good Moment: Bali Community Training Lunch Program, Ubud
  • Your First Night Out Moment: Connect With New Friends
  • Your Welcome Moment: Welcome Moment - Meet Your CEO and Group
  • Your Big Night Out Moment: Beach Celebration, Gili Trawangan
  • Cooking class in Kubutambahan
  • Gitgit waterfall visit
  • Monkey Forest visit
  • All transport between destinations and to/from included activities


Simple hotels (6 nts), homestay (2 nts, multi-share).

8 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 2 dinners Allow USD70-95 for meals not included.


Private vehicle, boat.

Staff & experts

CEO (Chief Experience Officer) throughout.

Available extras  (Add these to your tour when you book)

Half day surf class - from $45.00.

Learn to surf or sharpen your skills with a lesson on some of Bali's best waves for beginner and intermediate surfers. The friendly instructors and guides at Mojosurf take you to the day's best locations (depending on the weather conditions), where you'll catch amazing surf breaks in some of Indonesia's most stunning environments. All equipment is included, along with transportation to and from your accommodation.

Make it a private tour

Book this tour as a private departure, with your own CEO and all the benefits of a G Adventures group tour.

Your dream trip starts here

Bali's Mount Batur partially obscured by thin clouds.

Bali Tours: Island-Hop on White Sandy Beaches

When you think of paradise, what comes to mind? If you're anything like us, you might dream of sitting on white, sandy beaches, swimming in crystal blue water and sipping delicious drinks in the sun. 

Thought all these things were too good to be true? Think again. Turns out heaven is a place on earth – and it's called Bali!

Featured Bali Tours & Trips

Bali people holding fruit on top of their heads parading down a road celebrating the day of silence.

Asia | Delve Deep

Delve Deep: Bali & the Gili Islands

8 days / 1 country

Start: Canggu

End: Canggu

Bali Tours: Things to Do

Topdeck traveler going up wooden stairway to a bar in Seminyak, a popular destination in Southern Bali.

Explore Seminyak

Welcome to Seminyak, the shimmering jewel of Southern Bali. If you’re looking for stunning sunsets, all-day beach adventures and incredible Indonesian cuisine, you’ve come to the right place. From beach clubs to up-market cocktail bars, there’s always plenty of fun to be had in the heart of Seminyak. Time to start packing your bags. Let’s go!

Topdeck traveler diving into the crystal clear blue waters on the coast of Lembongan Island towards an old undersea ruin.

Walk along the bottom of the ocean

Yep, you read that right – you can legit walk along the ocean floor. We’re not kidding. Channel your inner Ariel from The Little Mermaid and become friends with all the marine life as you explore the crystal-clear waters off the coast of Lembongan Island. This is one experience you'll remember forever!

Bali Travel Blogs


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In 2019, Topdeck donated a grand total of 500kg of unopened food (including pasta, milk and canned vegetables) to European food banks.


Our European coaches use Adblue solution to convert harmful emissions into water and nitrogen (the good stuff).

Topdeck Sustainability

In 2018, Topdeck’s in-house catering teams saved a huge 500kg of single-use plastics.

Deals of the Week   Wildlife Wonders   Up to 50% OFF

Ultimate South East Asia (27 Days)

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  • In-depth Cultural
  • Fully Guided
  • Coach / Bus


Traveled in October 2019

Places You’ll See


  • Discover the history of the Cu Chi war tunnels
  • Learn how to make fresh Vietnamese food, Hoi An
  • Kayak over the beautiful emerald waters of Halong Bay
  • Spend half a day with playful rescue elephants, Kanchanaburi
  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Bangkok
  • Day 2 Bangkok to Kanchanaburi
  • Day 3 Kanchanaburi to Chiang Mai via Ayutthaya
  • Day 4 Overnight Train to Chiang Mai via Elephant Nature Park
  • Day 5 Chiang Mai
  • Day 6 Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai
  • Day 7 Chiang Rai to Pakbeng
  • Day 8 Pak Beng To Luang Prabang
  • Day 9 Luang Prabang
  • Day 10 Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng
  • Day 11 Vang Vieng to Vientiane
  • Day 12 Vientiane to Phnom Penh
  • Day 13 Phnom Penh
  • Day 14 Phnom Penh to Siem Reap
  • Day 15 Siem Reap
  • Day 16 Siem Reap To Ho Chi Minh City
  • Day 17 Ho Chi Minh City To Mekong Delta
  • Day 18 Mekong Delta To Ho Chi Minh City
  • Day 19 Ho Chi Minh City To Nha Trang
  • Day 20 Overnight Train to Hoi An
  • Day 21 Hoi An
  • Day 22 Hoi An
  • Day 23 Hoi An to Hanoi via Da Nang
  • Day 24 Hanoi to Ninh Binh
  • Day 25 Ninh Binh to Halong Bay
  • Day 26 Halong Bay To Hanoi
  • Day 27 Hanoi

Want to read it later?

Download this tour’s PDF brochure and start tour planning offline

What's Included

  • Accommodation
  • Additional Services

Where You'll Stay

Nouvo City Hotel (or similar)

River Kwai Jungle Rafts (or similar)

Overnight Train

The Empress Hotel (or similar)

Wiang Inn Hotel (or similar)

Local Guest House (or similar)

Luang Prabang Inn (or similar)

The Silver Naga Hotel (or similar)

Hotel Aaron (or similar)

Mettavary Hotel (or similar)

Amber Angkor Villa Hotel (or similar)

Vien Dong Hotel (or similar)

Bay Thoi Homestay (or similar)

Le Pavillon Paradise Hoi An Hotel & Spa (or similar)

Hanoi Larosa Hotel (or similar)

Ninh Binh Hidden Charm Hotel & Resort (or similar)

Junk Boat (Special Stay)

Customer Photos

contiki travel bali

Operated by

Number of tours

18 to 35 years old

Response time

Response rate

Contiki has been running tours for over 50 years, all exclusively for travellers aged 18-35 years old. Their mission is to bring young travellers together to see the world, focusing on unforgettable experiences and lifelong memories. Contiki believes in real travel experiences, and they care...

Sustainability Initiatives

Reduce Carbon Emissions

Animal Welfare

Supporting Destinations

Sustainability Programs

Your Peace of Mind Options

Cancellation policy.

A transparent overview of applicable fees.

Customer Reviews

  • Overall Rating Excellent 4.9
  • Itinerary Excellent 4.9
  • Guide Excellent 5.0
  • Transport Excellent 4.8
  • Accommodation Excellent 4.8
  • Food Excellent 4.8
  • Tour Operator Contiki 4.7
  • Most Recent
  • Most Popular
  • Highest First
  • Lowest First


  • M MonicaBeghin · 26th May 2020 Rhi is a fun, caring, knowledgeable host. She is an excellent guide who is able to give advice, supper and recommendations according to each person on her tour. Rhi made my Contiki experience unforgettable. Thank you Rhi! Trip date: October 2019

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  • Saturday 28 Sep, 2024 Thursday 24 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 5 Oct, 2024 Thursday 31 Oct, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 12 Oct, 2024 Thursday 7 Nov, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 19 Oct, 2024 Thursday 14 Nov, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 22 Oct, 2024 Sunday 17 Nov, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 29 Oct, 2024 Sunday 24 Nov, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 2 Nov, 2024 Thursday 28 Nov, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 5 Nov, 2024 Sunday 1 Dec, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 9 Nov, 2024 Thursday 5 Dec, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 12 Nov, 2024 Sunday 8 Dec, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,490 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 16 Nov, 2024 Thursday 12 Dec, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 23 Nov, 2024 Thursday 19 Dec, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 30 Nov, 2024 Thursday 26 Dec, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 3 Dec, 2024 Sunday 29 Dec, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 7 Dec, 2024 Thursday 2 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 10 Dec, 2024 Sunday 5 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 14 Dec, 2024 Thursday 9 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,281 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 17 Dec, 2024 Sunday 12 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 21 Dec, 2024 Thursday 16 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 24 Dec, 2024 Sunday 19 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Friday 27 Dec, 2024 Wednesday 22 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 31 Dec, 2024 Sunday 26 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 4 Jan, 2025 Thursday 30 Jan, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 7 Jan, 2025 Sunday 2 Feb, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 11 Jan, 2025 Thursday 6 Feb, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 14 Jan, 2025 Sunday 9 Feb, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 18 Jan, 2025 Thursday 13 Feb, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 21 Jan, 2025 Sunday 16 Feb, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 25 Jan, 2025 Thursday 20 Feb, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 28 Jan, 2025 Sunday 23 Feb, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 1 Feb, 2025 Thursday 27 Feb, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 8 Feb, 2025 Thursday 6 Mar, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 15 Feb, 2025 Thursday 13 Mar, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 22 Feb, 2025 Thursday 20 Mar, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 1 Mar, 2025 Thursday 27 Mar, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 8 Mar, 2025 Thursday 3 Apr, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 15 Mar, 2025 Thursday 10 Apr, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 22 Mar, 2025 Thursday 17 Apr, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 29 Mar, 2025 Thursday 24 Apr, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,301 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 5 Apr, 2025 Thursday 1 May, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 8 Apr, 2025 Sunday 4 May, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 12 Apr, 2025 Thursday 8 May, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 19 Apr, 2025 Thursday 15 May, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 26 Apr, 2025 Thursday 22 May, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 10 May, 2025 Thursday 5 Jun, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 24 May, 2025 Thursday 19 Jun, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 31 May, 2025 Thursday 26 Jun, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 7 Jun, 2025 Thursday 3 Jul, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 14 Jun, 2025 Thursday 10 Jul, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 21 Jun, 2025 Thursday 17 Jul, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 28 Jun, 2025 Thursday 24 Jul, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 5 Jul, 2025 Thursday 31 Jul, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 12 Jul, 2025 Thursday 7 Aug, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 19 Jul, 2025 Thursday 14 Aug, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 26 Jul, 2025 Thursday 21 Aug, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 2 Aug, 2025 Thursday 28 Aug, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 9 Aug, 2025 Thursday 4 Sep, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 16 Aug, 2025 Thursday 11 Sep, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 23 Aug, 2025 Thursday 18 Sep, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 30 Aug, 2025 Thursday 25 Sep, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 6 Sep, 2025 Thursday 2 Oct, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 13 Sep, 2025 Thursday 9 Oct, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 20 Sep, 2025 Thursday 16 Oct, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 27 Sep, 2025 Thursday 23 Oct, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 4 Oct, 2025 Thursday 30 Oct, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 11 Oct, 2025 Thursday 6 Nov, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 18 Oct, 2025 Thursday 13 Nov, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 25 Oct, 2025 Thursday 20 Nov, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 1 Nov, 2025 Thursday 27 Nov, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 4 Nov, 2025 Sunday 30 Nov, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 8 Nov, 2025 Thursday 4 Dec, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 11 Nov, 2025 Sunday 7 Dec, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 15 Nov, 2025 Thursday 11 Dec, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 18 Nov, 2025 Sunday 14 Dec, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 22 Nov, 2025 Thursday 18 Dec, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 25 Nov, 2025 Sunday 21 Dec, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 29 Nov, 2025 Thursday 25 Dec, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 2 Dec, 2025 Sunday 28 Dec, 2025 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 6 Dec, 2025 Thursday 1 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 9 Dec, 2025 Sunday 4 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 13 Dec, 2025 Thursday 8 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,451 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 16 Dec, 2025 Sunday 11 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 20 Dec, 2025 Thursday 15 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 23 Dec, 2025 Sunday 18 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Friday 26 Dec, 2025 Wednesday 21 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 30 Dec, 2025 Sunday 25 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 3 Jan, 2026 Thursday 29 Jan, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 6 Jan, 2026 Sunday 1 Feb, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 10 Jan, 2026 Thursday 5 Feb, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 13 Jan, 2026 Sunday 8 Feb, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 17 Jan, 2026 Thursday 12 Feb, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 20 Jan, 2026 Sunday 15 Feb, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 24 Jan, 2026 Thursday 19 Feb, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Tuesday 27 Jan, 2026 Sunday 22 Feb, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 31 Jan, 2026 Thursday 26 Feb, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 7 Feb, 2026 Thursday 5 Mar, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 14 Feb, 2026 Thursday 12 Mar, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 21 Feb, 2026 Thursday 19 Mar, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 28 Feb, 2026 Thursday 26 Mar, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 7 Mar, 2026 Thursday 2 Apr, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 14 Mar, 2026 Thursday 9 Apr, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 21 Mar, 2026 Thursday 16 Apr, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • Saturday 28 Mar, 2026 Thursday 23 Apr, 2026 English Sold Out Based on Twin €4,471 + €1,283 additional upfront costs Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates
  • 102 Other Unavailable Departures

What our customers ask about this tour

This tour ends after breakfast at 9 am at Hong Ngoc Dynastie Hotel in Hanoi and it is time to say farewell to your newfound friends! Please be aware the hotel is not confirmed until your final documents are released.

The first day of the tour generally starts from Nouvo City Hotel in Bangkok and as the first day is just an arrivals day you can arrive at any time. There is, however, a welcome meeting at approximately 6 pm so we recommend arriving beforehand so you can meet your group and fellow travellers. Please be aware the starting hotel is subject to change until your final documents are released.

Airport transfers are available for this tour at an additional cost, please contact our customer support team to arrange this.

All accommodations are subject to change until 4-6 weeks before the departure date. After the booking is made you will be issued your final trip documents with your specific accommodation details. This is a list of hotels that they typically stay at, but please be advised that they are subject to change: Nouvo City Hotel Jungle Rafts Kanchanaburi Pung-Waan resort & spa Overnight Train Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai The Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai Phetchoksay Guest House Luangprabang Inn The Elephant Crossing Hotel Daosavanh 2 Hotel Ohana Hotel (formerly Hotel Castle) The Frangipani Hotel Vien dong Hotel Ho Chi Minh City Bay Thoi Homestay Vien Dong Hotel Ho Chi Minh City Vien Dong Hotel, Nha Trang Van Loi Hotel The Asia Hotel Hue Hong Ngoc Dynastie Hotel Halong Sails (Overnight Cruise to Halong Bay) Hong Ngoc Dynastie Hotel Hopefully, this list will give you a better idea of what kind of accommodation you can expect while on tour.

The optional excursions for this tour are: Ziplining. Price: USD $98.00 Thai Cooking Class. Price: USD $23.00 Visit Kuang Si Waterfalls. Price: USD $20 Kayaking and caving experience kayaking and caving. Price: USD $21 Quad Biking at Sunset. Price: USD $36 Mud Bath Experience. Price: USD $17 Cruise to offshore islands to swim and snorkel. Price: USD $25 Vietnamese cooking class and dinner. Price: USD $22 Marble Mountain. Price: USD $19 Hoi An Cooking class & dinner. Price: USD $20.00 Hue Street Food Tour. Price: USD $27 Kayaking on Halong Bay. Price: USD $12 Please note that this list is a guideline only and all prices are subject to change.

Of course, we can! Once you have a confirmed booking on this tour, we can request additional accommodation for you with the tour operator.

Contiki operates tours exclusively for travellers between ages 18-35. They are geared towards active, budget-minded young travellers who want to meet other people from all over the world, and tend to be very popular with students and backpackers. Due to this, travellers under the age of 18 and adults outside of the age range are not able to participate in this tour.

If you are a solo traveller and you don't mind sharing you will be roomed with a fellow traveller of the same gender for no additional cost. If you would prefer your own private room this can be arranged for an additional cost, please contact our customer support team for more information.

As a tour booking website, TourRadar cannot organise visas for you on your behalf as the visa requirements are regularly being updated and vary for the nationality of one traveller to the next. It is for this reason that we recommend checking with your local embassy or consulate website for the latest up to date information.

The intra tour air tax covers the air taxes for the flights included on this tour. It's imposed by the airlines and therefore needs to be paid before the tour departs to secure your flight as a part of this tour.

Good to Know

  • Currencies ៛ Riel Cambodia ₭ Kip Laos ฿ Baht Thailand ₫ Dong Vietnam

As a traveller from USA, Canada you will need an adaptor for types C, E, F, G. As a traveller from England you will need an adaptor for types A, B, C, E, F. As a traveller from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa you will need an adaptor for types A, B, C, E, F, G.

  • These are only indications, so please visit your doctor before you travel to be 100% sure.
  • Typhoid - Recommended for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Hepatitis A - Recommended for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Cholera - Recommended for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Tuberculosis - Recommended for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Ideally 3 months before travel.
  • Hepatitis B - Recommended for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Ideally 2 months before travel.
  • Rabies - Recommended for Cambodia and Vietnam. Ideally 1 month before travel.
  • Yellow fever - Certificate of vaccination required if arriving from an area with a risk of yellow fever transmission for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Ideally 10 days before travel.
  • Japanese B encephalitis - Recommended for Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Ideally 1 month before travel.
  • Unfortunately we cannot offer you a visa application service. Whether you need a visa or not depends on your nationality and where you wish to travel. Assuming your home country does not have a visa agreement with the country you're planning to visit, you will need to apply for a visa in advance of your scheduled departure.
  • Here is an indication for which countries you might need a visa. Please contact the local embassy for help applying for visas to these places.
  • For any tour departing before 23rd November 2024 a full payment is necessary. For tours departing after 23rd November 2024, a minimum payment of €100 is required to confirm your booking with Contiki. The final payment will be automatically charged to your credit card on the designated due date. The final payment of the remaining balance is required at least 65 days prior to the departure date of your tour. TourRadar never charges you a booking fee and will charge you in the stated currency.
  • Some departure dates and prices may vary and Contiki will contact you with any discrepancies before your booking is confirmed.
  • The following cards are accepted for "Contiki" tours: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal. TourRadar does NOT charge you an extra fee for using any of these payment methods.
  • Your money is safe with TourRadar, as we only pay the tour operator after your tour has departed.
  • TourRadar is an authorised Agent of Contiki. Please familiarise yourself with the Contiki payment, cancellation and refund conditions .
  • Insurance Unless otherwise mentioned, TourRadar does not provide travel insurance. We do however recommend purchasing it through our tried and trusted partner, World Travel Nomads .
  • Accessibility Some tours are not suitable for mobility-restricted traveller, however, some operators may be able to accommodate special requests. For any enquiries, you can contact our customer support team , who are ready and waiting to help you.
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Unveiling Bali: A Comprehensive Breakdown of Travel Costs

Welcome to Bali, a tropical paradise known for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and affordable travel options. Whether you’re a budget traveler or looking for a luxury getaway, Bali has something for everyone. In this guide, we’ll delve into the costs associated with traveling to Bali, from accommodations and food to transportation and activities. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of what to expect and how to plan your perfect Bali trip.

Bali Travel Costs

Accommodation Costs in Bali

Bali offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit every budget. From luxury resorts to budget hostels, you can find a place that fits your needs. Here’s a breakdown of different types of accommodations and their average prices:

  • Luxury Resorts: $100 – $800 per night
  • Mid-Range Hotels: $40 – $100 per night
  • Budget Hostels: $5 – $20 per night
  • Private Villas: $50 – $400 per night

For more details and options, check out this guide on where to stay in Bali .

Bali Travel Costs

Food and Dining Costs

Bali is a food lover’s paradise, offering a mix of local Balinese cuisine and international flavors. Dining options range from street food to high-end restaurants. Here’s a look at the average costs:

  • Street Food: $1 – $3 per meal
  • Local Restaurants: $3 – $10 per meal
  • Mid-Range Restaurants: $10 – $30 per meal
  • High-End Restaurants: $30 – $100 per meal

Traditional Balinese dishes like Nasi Goreng (fried rice) and Sate Lilit (minced meat satay) are must-tries. Explore local food markets for an authentic culinary experience.

Bali Travel Costs

Transportation Costs

Getting around Bali is relatively inexpensive. Options include renting a scooter, hiring a driver, or using ride-hailing apps like Gojek and Grab. Here are the average costs:

  • Scooter Rental: $4 – $7 per day
  • Car Rental: $20 – $50 per day
  • Private Driver: $40 – $60 per day
  • Ride-Hailing Services: $1 – $5 per ride

For longer distances, consider booking a shuttle service or a domestic flight. Bali’s transportation network makes it easy to explore the island at your own pace.

Bali Travel Costs

Activities and Attractions

Bali is packed with breathtaking attractions and exciting activities, many of which are budget-friendly or even free. Here’s a list of popular activities along with their costs:

  • Beach Visits: Free
  • Temple Visits: $2 – $5 entry fee
  • Water Sports: $10 – $50
  • Yoga Classes: $10 – $20
  • Cooking Classes: $30 – $60
  • Day Tours: $40 – $100

Don’t miss visiting iconic spots like Uluwatu Temple, Tegalalang Rice Terrace, and the Beaches of Seminyak. Participating in a Balinese cooking class is a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture.

Bali Travel Costs

Cost of Living in Bali

If you’re planning an extended stay in Bali, knowing the cost of living is essential. Here are average monthly expenses for a single person:

  • Accommodation: $300 – $1,500
  • Food: $200 – $600
  • Transportation: $50 – $200
  • Utilities and Internet: $50 – $100
  • Entertainment and Miscellaneous: $100 – $300

Bali is becoming a popular destination for digital nomads and expats due to its affordable cost of living and vibrant community. Consider renting a villa or an apartment for more comfort during your stay.

Budget Tips for Travelers

Traveling to Bali on a budget is entirely possible with some smart planning. Here are some tips to help you save money:

  • Book Flights Early: Take advantage of early bird discounts and promo deals.
  • Off-Season Travel: Visit during the off-peak season to enjoy lower prices and fewer crowds.
  • Stay in Hostels: Opt for budget-friendly hostels or homestays.
  • Eat Local: Enjoy delicious meals at local warungs (small family-owned eateries).
  • Public Transport: Utilize affordable public transportation options like buses and ride-hailing services.

By following these tips, you can stretch your budget and make the most of your Bali adventure without breaking the bank.

Bali Travel Costs

Bali remains one of the most captivating and affordable destinations for travelers around the world. From its vibrant culture and delicious cuisine to its stunning beaches and rich history, Bali offers an experience like no other. We hope this guide helps you plan your trip and manage your travel costs efficiently. Have a fantastic time exploring the wonders of Bali!

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Savoring Osaka: A Culinary Guide to the Best Eats in Japan’s Kitchen

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Exploring the Best Hotels in Sapa: A Guide to Luxurious Stays in Vietnam's Mountain Paradise

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Exploring Hongdae: Discover the Heartbeat of Seoul's Art, Culture, and Nightlife

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Unforgettable Things to Do in San Francisco: The Ultimate Travel Guide

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The Ultimate Guide to Hokkaido Hot Springs: Japan's Best Onsen Retreats

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Romantic Date Spots in Taipei: Unforgettable Moments in the Heart of Taiwan

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Experience the Thrills of Sports Day in Osaka: A Comprehensive Guide to the Excitement, Activities, and Culture

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Unveiling Nagasaki: Top Tourist Attractions You Must Visit

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Ultimate Guide to Bangkok's Chatuchak Weekend Market: Shop, Eat, and Explore

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Exploring Battleship Island: Unveil the Haunted Beauty and History of Hashima Island, Japan

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Top Culinary Destinations: Where to Eat in Busan

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Solo Adventures in Ho Chi Minh City: Top Activities and Must-See Sights

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Understanding the Cost of Living in Singapore: Essential Tips for Travelers and Expats

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Ultimate Guide to the Best Steamboat and Grill Spots in Kuala Lumpur

Top Things to Do in Abu Dhabi: A Comprehensive Guide to Experiencing the City's Best Attractions image

Top Things to Do in Abu Dhabi: A Comprehensive Guide to Experiencing the City's Best Attractions

Discover the best things to do in Abu Dhabi with our comprehensive travel guide. Explore top attractions like Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Louvre Abu Dhabi, and more!

Exploring Tap Room Bamboo Hills: A Hidden Gem in Kuala Lumpur's Lush Urban Oasis image

Exploring Tap Room Bamboo Hills: A Hidden Gem in Kuala Lumpur's Lush Urban Oasis

Discover the charm of Tap Room Bamboo Hills in Kuala Lumpur, featuring unique dining experiences, craft beers, and lush surroundings. Your ultimate travel guide to Bamboo Hills KL!

Experiencing the Chung Yeung Festival in Hong Kong: Traditions, Activities, and Hidden Gems image

Discover everything you need to know about experiencing the Chung Yeung Festival in Hong Kong. From traditions and activities to hidden gems, our guide covers it all.

Top Attractions to Visit in Tagaytay: A Complete Travel Guide to the City's Best Spots image

Top Attractions to Visit in Tagaytay: A Complete Travel Guide to the City's Best Spots

Explore the top attractions in Tagaytay with our complete travel guide. Discover must-visit places, hidden gems, and travel tips for an unforgettable trip.

Exploring Bangkok's Best Floating Markets: A Guide to Vibrant Canal-based Commerce and Culture image

Exploring Bangkok's Best Floating Markets: A Guide to Vibrant Canal-based Commerce and Culture

Discover the best floating markets in Bangkok through our detailed guide. From Damnoen Saduak to Amphawa, explore Thailand's vibrant canal commerce, food, and culture.

Embrace the Rain: Your Ultimate Travel Guide to Thailand During the Rainy Season image

Discover the charm of Thailand during the rainy season. This ultimate travel guide offers tips, activities, accommodation suggestions, and more to make the most of your monsoon adventure.

Discover the Best Places to Visit in South Korea: A Comprehensive Travel Guide image

Explore the best places to visit in South Korea with our comprehensive travel guide. Discover top destinations, attractions, and tips for a memorable trip to Korea.

Savoring Osaka: A Culinary Guide to the Best Eats in Japan’s Kitchen image

Discover the ultimate Osaka food guide, exploring famous foods, street eats, top restaurants, and local delicacies in Japan’s kitchen.

Exploring the Best Hotels in Sapa: A Guide to Luxurious Stays in Vietnam's Mountain Paradise image

Exploring the Best Hotels in Sapa: A Guide to Luxurious Stays in Vietnam's Mountain Paradise

Discover the best hotels in Sapa, Vietnam, from luxury stays to budget-friendly options. Explore the top accommodations and plan your perfect stay in Sapa.

Exploring Hongdae: Discover the Heartbeat of Seoul's Art, Culture, and Nightlife image

Exploring Hongdae: Discover the Heartbeat of Seoul's Art, Culture, and Nightlife

Dive into the vibrant world of Hongdae, Seoul's hotspot for art, culture, nightlife, and youth culture. Discover the best things to do, eat, and see in this dynamic and energetic district.

Unforgettable Things to Do in San Francisco: The Ultimate Travel Guide image

Explore the top attractions and must-see places in San Francisco with this comprehensive travel guide. Discover insider tips and unforgettable activities for your next visit.

The Ultimate Guide to Hokkaido Hot Springs: Japan's Best Onsen Retreats image

The Ultimate Guide to Hokkaido Hot Springs: Japan's Best Onsen Retreats

Discover the best hot springs in Hokkaido, Japan. Explore top onsen resorts, natural therapeutic baths, and enjoy a rejuvenating Japanese onsen experience.

Romantic Date Spots in Taipei: Unforgettable Moments in the Heart of Taiwan image

Explore the most romantic date spots in Taipei, from scenic views to intimate dining experiences, ensuring an unforgettable time with your loved one.

Experience the Thrills of Sports Day in Osaka: A Comprehensive Guide to the Excitement, Activities, and Culture image

Discover the excitement of Sports Day in Osaka with our comprehensive guide, featuring top events, activities, and cultural insights. Plan your trip today!

Unveiling Nagasaki: Top Tourist Attractions You Must Visit image

Discover the best tourist attractions in Nagasaki, including historic sites, beautiful gardens, and cultural landmarks. Get the ultimate travel guide for exploring Nagasaki's top points of interest.

Ultimate Guide to Bangkok's Chatuchak Weekend Market: Shop, Eat, and Explore image

Ultimate Guide to Bangkok's Chatuchak Weekend Market: Shop, Eat, and Explore

Discover the ultimate guide to Bangkok's Chatuchak Weekend Market including shopping tips, dining recommendations, and insider secrets.

Exploring Battleship Island: Unveil the Haunted Beauty and History of Hashima Island, Japan image

Dive into the haunting beauty and rich history of Battleship Island (Hashima Island) in Nagasaki, Japan. Discover tours, historical context, and travel tips.

Top Culinary Destinations: Where to Eat in Busan image

Discover the best places to eat in Busan, from traditional Korean dishes to contemporary dining spots. Explore our detailed guide for food lovers traveling to Busan.

Solo Adventures in Ho Chi Minh City: Top Activities and Must-See Sights image

Discover the best solo travel activities in Ho Chi Minh City. From historical sites to vibrant markets, this guide offers top tips for an unforgettable solo adventure.

Understanding the Cost of Living in Singapore: Essential Tips for Travelers and Expats image

Discover essential tips on the cost of living in Singapore for travelers and expats. Learn about housing, food, transportation, healthcare, and more.

Ultimate Guide to the Best Steamboat and Grill Spots in Kuala Lumpur image

Discover the top steamboat and grill spots in Kuala Lumpur with our ultimate guide. Enjoy local flavors, halal options, and the best dining experiences the city has to offer.

Last Updated: September 17, 2024

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  2. [VLOG]: Bali Island Hopper Contiki Tour Part 1

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  3. Contiki Photo Of The Day: Bali Island Hopper Tour

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  4. [TRAVEL]: Bali Island Hopper Contiki Tour

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  1. Group Travel & Adventure Vacations

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  3. Bali Travel Articles & Tips

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  4. Bali Island Hopper (Start Semin by Contiki

    Reviews, prices, videos, photos, and itinerary for Bali Island Hopper (Start Seminyak, end Seminyak). Compare similar trips and tour companies to...

  5. Your ULTIMATE GUIDE to Contiki

    Your ULTIMATE GUIDE to Contiki So last month I had the pleasure of being honoured in Contiki Holiday 's Contiki Legends Campaign.

  6. Group Travel Programs Reviewed: My Contiki Experience (Everything You

    Thinking about booking your first Contiki? Here is my honest, exhaustive Contiki review about everything you need to know.

  7. Bali Island Hopper Contiki Experience

    The Bali Contiki Island Hopper Tour is 8 days long and consists of you visiting 3 islands, and 4 different parts of Bali- Seminyak, Ubud, Gili T and Lombok. The tour includes all accommodation (which we will talk about here), all breakfasts, 1 dinner and 1 lunch.

  8. Contiki Resort Bali,Bali

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  9. GoPro: Exploring Bali with Contiki

    GoPro Exploring Bali Indonesia, with Contiki travel tours. we spent a month traveling around Bali, Indonesia, to places such as Cangu, seminyak, Uluwatu, Bin...

  10. Contiki Tours

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  11. Contiki Bali

    Answer 1 of 7: Hi all, Read somewhere that there's a promotional package for the newly-opened Contiki Bali and am planning a trip to Bali in October for an end-of-exams retreat. Looks rather interesting from the website but just wondering if anyone has ever...

  12. 10 Reasons You Should Visit Bali Once In Your Life

    Diving hotspots, rolling rice paddies, and questionable wooden souvenirs. Do you need more reasons to visit Bali? Cos we got 10 of 'em...

  13. Contiki Asia Tours

    Asia tours operated by Contiki with 1,162 reviews (34 tours in total). Book and save with TourRadar.com - Best Price Guarantee.

  14. Contiki Review

    Contiki is great for a particular travel audience. Generally, it's aimed at younger budget-minded travelers 18 to 35-year-olds. Contiki has hundreds of tours operating all around the globe and their whole thing is 'social travel'. This is for those who want to soak in the cultural side of the destination and dive deep into the local ...

  15. Bali Island Hopper (Start Semin by Contiki [reviews_count]

    Reviews, prices, videos, photos, and itinerary for Bali Island Hopper (Start Seminyak, end Seminyak). Compare similar trips and tour companies to find your perf

  16. Delve Deep: Bali & the Gili Islands

    Delve Deep into Indonesia's popular Bali and Gili Islands on a trip starting at the mountainous Cangguand and finish relaxing on Sandy Gili Trawangan.

  17. Contiki

    About Contiki With more than 350 trips worldwide, the hardest part is deciding where to go… Contiki's epic trips cover Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa & The Middle East, Australia, New Zealand and USA & Canada. Contiki is the world leader in social youth travel, providing amazing travel experiences for 18-35 years olds since 1962.

  18. All Tours & Trips by Contiki in 2024/2025

    We have all Contiki tours with 6,968 real tour reviews (327 tours in total). Book and save with TourRadar.com - Best Price Guarantee.

  19. Bali: Beaches & Boat Rides in Indonesia, Asia

    Now's the time to explore Bali on your terms with this tour that's affordable for young travellers. Surf on gloriously blue ocean waves in Kuta, stop for the perfect shot at Buddhist temples and lotus ponds in Ubud, and relax with a drink at a beachfront bar (or two!) on Gili Trawangan. With a mix of free time, cultural highlights, and savoury must-tastes, this tour is the surest way to soak ...

  20. Best Bali Tours & Trips

    A trip to Indonesia isn't complete without a Bali tour. Hit up the highlights of Gili Trawangan, Lembongan Island, and Seminyak with Topdeck Travel.

  21. Ultimate South East Asia (27 Days) by Contiki with 55 Tour Reviews

    At Contiki, we strive to ensure that our travellers receive the best possible travel experience and leave with a newfound sense of curiosity and eagerness for new adventures....

  22. Best Asia Tours & Trips 2024 / 2025

    Explore Asia with Contiki, the social travel operator for 18-35's. Meet amazing people & hit up unique destinations from Osaka to Mumbai. Book a trip today!

  23. Unveiling Bali: A Comprehensive Breakdown of Travel Costs

    Traveling to Bali on a budget is entirely possible with some smart planning. Here are some tips to help you save money: Book Flights Early: Take advantage of early bird discounts and promo deals. Off-Season Travel: Visit during the off-peak season to enjoy lower prices and fewer crowds. Stay in Hostels: Opt for budget-friendly hostels or homestays.

  24. Adventure Holidays & Group Travel Packages

    Explore 200+ trips led by group travel experts. Share unforgettable travel experiences with new friends from around the world. Exclusively for 18-35 year olds.