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Viajes de lujo a medida | Elefant Travel

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Elefant travel es una agencia de viajes a medida basados en experiencias únicas que conocemos de primera mano. los viajes que te ofrecemos no existen previamente, porque están creados para ti y solo te valen a ti..

Necesitamos conocerte de verdad. Fijamos una cita, preferiblemente en tu casa o en donde te sientas cómodo para tener una conversación distendida. Te invitamos a que nos cuentes el viaje que tienes en la cabeza, no el destino.  Te preguntamos por otros sitios donde has viajado, cuáles son las cosas que te gustan, qué te falta por hacer y, por supuesto, te damos ideas. Quizás no sabías que todo lo que te gusta o eso con lo que a veces sueñas tiene un nombre de país, ciudad, mar, selva o persona.

Conocemos nuestros viajes

Elefant Travel empezó como una pequeña agencia en 2004 y ahora, con oficinas en Madrid y Barcelona, está en el top de diseñadores de viajes de España y es uno de los mejores del mundo según los premios especializados Traveller Made.

Viajamos más de 200 días al año a más de 18 países anualmente desde hace 15 años para conocer en profundidad los lugares y, sobre todo, a las personas que formarán parte de tu viaje, profesionales de todas las áreas entregados para que en tu experiencia todo sea único y real.

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Un viaje casi existencial


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Gonzalo Gimeno

Gonzalo Gimeno was inspired to create the bespoke travel agency Elefant Travel after an accident in the middle of Damaraland, Namibia. With his truck damaged, he was stranded amongst a herd of solemnly calm elephants. It was a lightbulb moment – a catalyst for him to help people create the trips of their dreams. With offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Bogotá, and an expert team of Travel Designers, Elefant Travel specialises in personalised experiences according to the specific interests of every customer. Gonzalo and his team travel for over 280 days of the year and have deep insider knowledge of more than 80 destinations. This is the basis for them to craft unrepeatable experiences for people willing to pay a little extra. An extra that ensures unique journeys filled with unforgettable moments. Nick Rice meets Gonzalo to discuss the changing face of travel today.

Elefant Travel delivers travel dreams – what is it that makes a bespoke luxury journey unforgettable?

The way we work is different… before you make a luxury journey unforgettable, the challenge is to gather as much client insight as we can. So, for that we go to people’s homes because when you’re sitting in someone’s living room, you’re not selling anything, we’re there to listen. The family lifestyle will determine the style and the type of travel before we even talk about a specific destination or time of year to travel. The essential elements for an unforgettable luxury trip, we can divide into three time slots. Number one is before the trip – we call it “The Promise.”  The promise is to the client, we are generating an expectation, and that is based on previous conversations we’ve had with them in terms of interest, destination and how they are travelling – as a family or as a couple or is it a special occasion. We’re trying to determine all the information for the shape of the dream so that we can make it happen. It’s essentially a visualisation of the experience that they’re going to live.

Number two is the execution, when you actually travel, and this is about creative experiences. Our job to make your experience unique and unforgettable. To do this we take you slightly out of your comfort zone.  Why? When people go out of their comfort zone, usually you process the information on an emotional basis, not on a rational base. If you’ve never been breathing underwater, scuba diving, then that will be a very special moment… you will probably remember the experience more than what you actually see. So, those experiences are key and lead us to the third phase – memories.

This is what makes the trip – the things that you will never forget. Just to give you an example, we have a client who’s been travelling with us for the last 10 years, so we’re able to anticipate what he likes and what he expects, and we try to add a little element of surprise as well. On this particular trip, he wanted to go to Jordan. Now, he happens to own a helicopter company, so we always try to include a helicopter experience in his trips. So, we hired a helicopter from the King of Jordan, the pilot was the King’s pilot, and he flew into the Wadi Rum Desert. Once they landed we had four quad bikes waiting for them. Then when they got to a specific place, we had taken a white grand piano and with a crane put it up on the rocks and built a champagne bar around it… so it was a very unique experience for this person. In terms of what makes a luxury bespoke journey unforgettable – it’s the ability to make that experience as personal and tailor-made for that individual as possible – to create an everlasting memory.

As our understanding and experience of “luxury” is evolving, moving towards valuing experiences over objects, the travel industry has benefitted. What are some of the crucial factors for success?

Luxury is indeed evolving and it’s moving from the physical to the emotional. It’s basically an evolution from a cost-orientated mentality to a value-orientated mentality, where you put value on the experiences. So are you paying $1000 for a plane ticket or are you paying $1000 to be the only human being in the middle of the desert? We’re moving from cost-driven decisions to value-driven decisions. The challenge we have in the travel industry is to move from experiential to authenticity. I will not sell you something that is superficial. I will put it into context, and I will make sure that it is authentic because it has been designed based on you, not on the destination, and that is a huge change in focus.

The major challenge the whole industry has is to put the client as the centre of everything. When you talk about travel, you will ask your friends, ‘where have you been this summer?’ and they will tell you, for example, ‘I’ve been on safari in Kenya.’ Why is the destination so important still? If we’re really about experiences then the destination comes last – it’s not where you go it’s how you go, and what you do wherever you go. The destination is just a collection of stamps in a passport.

How is the global increase in travel a positive thing for uniting people and cultures?

Travel helps open the mind… being exposed to different realities and cultures. But travelling without education is useless. We see a lot of picture hunting going on these days. A lot of people going to places without really having an interest in the place and what’s going on in the country. But in the western markets I think we’re now seeking authenticity in travel. But is travel a positive thing for uniting people? Absolutely yes, I think it’s the number one driver. In our case, as luxury travel advisers, we find your guide, a local person who will travel with you – that person is the key who will unlock the local culture for you and help you see and understand and go deeper.

“Travelling without education is useless.”

The growth of travel industry poses crucial challenges regarding carbon emissions and climate change. How do we reconcile cultural enhancement with environmental damage?

It’s the law of supply and demand. There is an increasingly huge demand for travel, especially coming from emerging markets like China and India. We’re going to be seeing a lot of people from those markets travelling internationally to the destinations which the western markets have built over the years. I think the main challenge is education and regulation, which is a difficult thing to do because it needs to be done on a country by country basis. For example, if you travel to Europe, it’s a very regulated continent. Whereas in developing countries, legislation still has a long way to go. But developing locations have the opportunity to develop new legislation which are not in place elsewhere. Like the Maldives and plastic control… there’s a huge debate about plastic in the hotel industry, so already there’s a lot of hotels banning plastic. Energy management too – if you travel around Africa these days, most camps and safaris run on solar power systems. I recently saw the first safari with 4x4 vehicles that are totally electric. So, things are changing and it’s not going to stop.

What is expected from luxury bespoke traveling experiences today?

Three things really, one is uniqueness, two is authenticity…  you don’t want to feel like it’s a product, but that where you go is natural and the way people live… and number three is remote. It’s having authentic experiences and exploring, putting on your boots and sweating, but at night – a hot shower, a gin and tonic and a big meal. And being able to take unique pictures for social media. That’s becoming more and more important – to be able to tell a story.

A decade ago, smartphones and Instagram didn’t exist. Travellers searched for special deals with travel agents and magazines. Now with airline and hotel apps, everything has changed. How has technology improved the travel experience, and what problems has it created?

We live in an age of information so it’s extremely easy to go online, book your flight tickets, your accommodation, and go. That has made all of us a bit of a travel agent. With a little bit of inspiration from Instagram and travel blogs, you go. You arrive in Bali, you see the swing, you take a tuk tuk, take the photos and come back. For the backpacking industry, it’s a fantastic tool to get people to places at a very decent cost. The problem is the ‘massification’ of tourism.

Has the journey to a destination become more important as consumers place ever greater value on experiences?

No, I would say it’s the other way around, the journey to a destination is becoming less important. The experience is the destination, it’s not where you go but what do you do. Most people are starting to change from destination-driven travel to experience-driven travel. Place is becoming less important, unless it’s an iconic place… something like Antarctica. But people come to us and say, ‘I want to have a desert experience, should I go to Namibia, the Gobi or Atacama?’ Experience is becoming the destination and that’s our area of expertise. We’re experts in travel design not destination selling.

“The experience is the destination; it’s not where you go but what do you do.”

What do people expect from the experience of getting from A to B?

Service, comfort, elements of surprise, and no hiccups.

The concept of luxury depends on the culture of the person who defines it. In your life and travels, do you encounter differences in meaning?

I think luxury is like food, and wine, you develop a taste for it. You have to learn, you have to let it mature, you have to learn how to appreciate the different levels and depths of luxury, from the obvious things to the more simple and subtle things. Each individual has a different taste for luxury, but ultimately the more you travel… again it’s like wine, the more you drink the more you learn how to appreciate the subtleties. Luxury travel is very similar in that sense.

What is one travel luxury that you must have when travelling?

The 24-hour advisor I would say. A 24-hour problem-solver for your own peace of mind. You never need it, until you do.

What are the looming challenges of the expanding travel and hospitality industry?

The first is ‘massification’ and the impact that has, and you can throw in the challenges of Airbnb in most European cities and how it’s changing areas. Then, waste management and environmental balance. We all know about the use of plastic, but also the protection of the environment and wildlife, things like the impact of cruise liners… they’re all on the table.

“Cultural preservation must be protected by involving local communities.”

The one that most people are not addressing is culture preservation. We are in a world where we’re tending to dress the same, speak the same, share the same type of photos, get coffee from Starbucks and buy our clothes at Zara. If we let that happen, the whole point of travel – being exposed to cultural diversity, different ways of eating, of dressing, of thinking – it’s being lost, at a very slow rate, but just like climate change, we’re having a global cultural, not change, but unification. Which I think is sad, as it goes against the essence of travelling. Cultural preservation must be protected by involving local communities in any tourism venture. Be it a small camp in the middle of the jungle or a large hotel in a European city. And that can only be achieved by regulation.

All phohotographs courtesy of Elefant Travel

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El nuevo turista de lujo busca la excelencia: arquitectura, cultura y diseño o ver elefantes y jirafas desde la bañera del hotel

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Marketing y Comunicación

Rafael Pérez Arroyo

Rafael Pérez Arroyo

Director del Máster en Dirección de Marketing turístico. Especialización en turismo de lujo.

  • #Inbound Marketing

Elena, una empresaria de éxito, es una apasionada de los elefantes y desde niña uno de sus sueños era poder ir a verlos algún día. Hace dos años decidió emprender un viaje personalizado y escogió un conocido hotel en el corazón de Sudáfrica donde el deseo se hizo realidad. Vio elefantes desde la bañera de su habitación y compartió el desayuno con una jirafa que introducía su largo cuello por la ventana del comedor del hotel en busca de trozos de fruta y restos de tostada con mermelada; así una mañana tras otra durante su estancia. La jirafa, a la que acabó llamando Katy, se hizo amiga de Elena y la página de Instagram de esta se inundó de fotos que dejan constancia de esta dulce amistad: una experiencia única e inolvidable que recordará mientras viva. Por cierto, la última vez que hablé con ella fue por teléfono durante el confinamiento y en la conversación no dejó de pronunciar la palabra Antártida.

Viajar menos, pero durante más tiempo y con un precio elevado; esa es la nueva tendencia de un turista que ya había comenzado a modificar sus hábitos hace más de una década: un buscador de experiencias exclusivas, únicas, seguras y personalizadas, dispuesto a pagar por ellas siempre que las marcas que las respalden le den confianza. Así es el perfil de este consumidor: empresario de éxito, profesional de alta dirección o rico heredero, que se desplaza a una ciudad en busca de edificios icónicos, paisajes urbanos representativos, tiendas emblemáticas de afamadas marcas de artículos de lujo diseñadas por arquitectos de vanguardia (brandships), museos, pinacotecas, colecciones de arte privadas, talleres de diseñadores y espectáculos de ópera, sin olvidar la gastronomía, por supuesto. Pero también quiere vivir aventuras en las que los lujosos hoteles de cinco estrellas son sustituidos por confortables camarotes de veleros históricos, espaciosas tiendas de campaña con todo género de comodidades que nos hacen revivir los tiempos de David Livingstone y, por qué no, una pequeña pero ergonómica nave espacial desde donde observar y fotografiar nuestro planeta Tierra. ¿No es emocionante?

¿Te gustaría cursar nuestro Máster en Dirección de Marketing Turístico ? Accede para más información.

Según un estudio de la agencia de viajes Elefant Travel, la mitad de los clientes que organizan este tipo de viajes de lujo lo hace en pareja. La media de edad del 53% de estos consumidores se sitúa entre los 50 y los 59 años, y la del otro 36,8% entre los 40 y los 49 años . El segmento de mayor edad procede de Europa y EE. UU., y su gasto medio anual es de entre 37.000 y 42.000 euros.

En este contexto destacan los lugares más lejanos, inaccesibles y exóticos que podamos imaginar, pero también las capitales europeas, entre las que se incluyen Madrid y Barcelona después de París, Londres, Roma y Berlín. Desde 2017, París lidera la lista de destinos de retail de lujo internacional por delante de Londres e incluso de Milán, a pesar de albergar esta última el célebre «cuadrilátero de la moda», donde se concentran las principales marcas de lujo y de alta joyería. Si los alojamientos son tan importantes, ¿dónde se alojan estos viajeros que buscan la excelencia siempre bajo el paraguas de las marcas? La proliferación de hoteles de cinco estrellas, hoteles boutique, pisos y villas de lujo, incluso pequeños palacios con un nutrido número de empleados de servicio, cocinero, mayordomo y chófer , ha contribuido a transformar estos destinos urbanos en escenarios cinematográficos donde tienen lugar las experiencias que después contarán en sus redes sociales.

Es el turismo de excelencia, una modalidad que incluye una amplia variedad de propuestas —las clínicas de salud, la gastronomía, las ciudades— y destinos, que va a crecer en los próximos años y que va a requerir de profesionales capaces de saber diseñar, personalizar, empaquetar y comunicar estas maravillosas experiencias, únicas y personalizadas, que nos ayudan a construir nuestra memoria y a descubrir más de nosotros mismos.

Os recomendamos que no dejéis de actualizaros en las últimas tendencias y adquiráis los conocimientos adecuados. Os invito a que miréis detenidamente el Máster en Dirección de Marketing Turístico.

Descubre más sobre nuestro Máster en Dirección de Marketing Turístico.


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Madrid & Beyond crafts customized luxury travel for discerning travelers who seek seamless, unique cultural vacations in Spain and Portugal




We create personalized travel experiences in Spain and Portugal that become cherished, lifelong memories, catering to those who seek to go beyond all the clichés and discover the heart and pulse of both historic and contemporary Iberia.

For Madrid & Beyond, it’s all about the people! Now in our 24 th year, we take you deep inside the worlds of art, wine, food, architecture, music and culture, ensuring that you truly “experience” Spain and Portugal, providing insider’s access to a huge range of fabulous individuals and places that are simply not available elsewhere. That is the luxury of traveling with Spain and Portugal’s premier travel agency.

For couples, families and small groups, enjoy seamless and fun vacations. For larger groups, we have the reputation of being Spain’s and Portugal’s best travel company for all escorted and guided tours on a private basis.



We customize all itineraries according to your tastes, requirements and budget, creating the trip that best suits your preferences. Whether you are a couple, a family, a group of friends or a larger group focused on gastronomy or other, we listen to what you seek and craft a trip that aims to exceed all your expectations.

We create personalized travel experiences in Spain that become cherished, lifelong memories, catering to those who seek to go beyond all the clichés and discover the heart and pulse of both historic and contemporary Spain. We take you deep inside the worlds of Spanish wine, food, music, art and culture, ensuring that you truly “experience” Spain, providing insider’s access to a huge range of fabulous people and places in Spain that is simply not available elsewhere.


Quite simply the very best travel company we have ever experienced… guides were top-flight; the hotels were beyond our expectations… And working with the staff was very, very pleasant.

Norma & Randy Moore — USA

I urge you to carefully consider Madrid & Beyond who, quite simply, provides unparalleled travel experiences and arrangements in Spain.

Karen Schueller, FROSCH, USA, Director, Private Client Services

THANK YOU for a trip to Spain that we will treasure forever in our photos and our memories. We are deeply grateful to you and wish you only the best as you continue to build what should be the model for tour agencies everywhere. As promised, we will recommend you to everyone and anyone we know traveling to Spain!

Carrie Irwin

Our only problem is that now we have grown so accustomed to using Madrid & Beyond with your expertise and personal touch, and we do not know if any other agency will ever be able to live up to our expectations

Allison and Alton Ashy

We LOVE SPAIN! We have been bragging to anyone who will listen about our amazing trip and Madrid & Beyond. I am so glad that we found you – it would not have been the same without your good care.

Cindy Thompson

Our trip to Spain was absolutely wonderful. Had it not been for you, the trip may have been very different. Everything was so laid out and planned for us. You were very thorough and right on with everything. Our hotel accommodations and restaurants were excellent. We expressed our want to experience Spain…and we certainly did.

Dwayne Klarenbeek

Words cannot express our deepest appreciation for all of your work in making our most recent trip to Spain, one Alton and I will never forget and always treasure.  As we have come to expect in booking trips with you, there is not one detail that is ever overlooked.  From the moment we arrived, until we got on the plane to leave, everything we experienced was flawless.

The whole trip was amazing. I don’t think I would have changed anything! The hotels were spectacular, the tours really great…the food was wonderful, and your recommendations were very useful and the ones we tried were great places…what can I say, you made our honeymoon very special and your country is spectacular.

Ron Milstein

This company is simply the best. I wouldn´t book a trip to Spain with any other agency. Hotels, tour guides, private car transfers, cultural exchanges and experience… everything top notch. If you are planning on a trip to Spain, this company is the go to travel agency.

Charles Petrick

You did everything you could to make sure we had an incredible trip. If we ever head back to Spain we´ll definitely be using you again!

Nate Flaherty

quite simply the very best travel company we have ever experienced… guides were top-flight; the hotels were beyond our expectations… And working with the staff was very, very pleasant.

Norma & Randy Moore — USA

Private guides, insider access, art & history, traditions & folklore, accommodation, active outdoors, special celebration trips, jewish heritage, architecture, camino de santiago, rest & relaxation, nature & wellness.

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The 11 best things to do in Madrid in 2024

Natalia Diaz

Feb 10, 2024 • 7 min read

elefant travel madrid

From traditional tapas bars to frenzied flamenco shows, Madrid has so much to offer © RgStudio / Getty Images

The Spanish capital is a cultural and social behemoth that attracts visitors from around the world and they keep coming back for more. Madrid has something to tempt every traveler and will have many of them dancing until sunrise thanks to its thriving nightlife.

With architectural wonders, world-class gastronomy, famed art museums and even an Egyptian temple within the city limits, Madrid offers sights and attractions to satisfy all visitors. Here are 11 experiences not to be missed when you get there.

1. Visit the Golden Triangle of Art

Madrid’s "Golden Triangle of Art" consists of three renowned museums, the Museo del Prado, Reina Sofía and the Thyssen-Bornemisza, which are home to some of the world’s most valuable art collections. Even if you’re not typically the gallery type, a stop at one of these venues is an essential Madrid experience.

The Prado houses several masterpieces by Spanish artists Diego Velázquez, Francisco Goya and Francisco Zurbarán. Arguably the most famous work people flock to see is Velázquez’s Las Meninas , an oil on canvas considered among the most important paintings in Western art.

The Reina Sofía is the Spanish national museum dedicated to 20th-century art, exhibiting impressive collections of Surrealist and Cubist masters Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso, including Picasso’s huge anti-war oil painting Guernica .

Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza , once the private art collection of Baron Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza and his son Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, showcases nearly 1000 paintings of the world’s most celebrated European and American artists from the 13th to the 20th centuries. It’s a real feast for art fans.

Guests chatting at the bar in 'Casa Alberto' tapas bar in Madrid, Spain

2. Get a taste of Spain on a traditional tapas crawl

Tapas hopping, or ir de tapas , is a national pastime and a satisfying prelude to dinner, which in Spain is typically eaten between 9pm and midnight. A tapa is a small plate of food usually paired with a glass of wine, caña  (a small glass of beer) or vermút , Madrid’s popular aperitif. 

You can join locals after work any day of the week, hopping from one tapas bar to the next to sample a selection of Iberian hams, charcuterie and cheeses.

Planning tip: Sunday afternoons are the best time to visit Cava Baja, a popular street in the historic La Latina neighborhood with vibrant little bars, taverns and restaurants that are perfect for a laid-back tapas crawl.

3. Shop at El Rastro flea market 

Every Sunday and on public holidays, you can take part in a 400-year-old shopping tradition at  El Rastro flea market . Open from 9am to 3pm, El Rastro stretches along the La Latina neighborhood’s Plaza de Cascorro, La Ribera de Curtidores and Ronda de Toledo and features a labyrinth of open-air stalls peddling clothes, souvenirs, handicrafts, antiques and all the bric-a-brac you can imagine. 

Planning tip: Many of the vendors only accept efectivo  (cash). Get some cash out before heading to the market or you’ll be left hunting for an elusive ATM.

4. Follow Hemingway’s footsteps

"Hemingway did not drink here" is a popular joke written on signs hanging in some Madrid establishments. It’s no secret that the American literary giant, fondly called "Don Ernesto," was Madrid’s adopted sybarite who loved to drink, eat, write and watch bullfights while he was covering the Spanish Civil War as a foreign journalist. 

Fans of Hemingway can retrace his footsteps and enjoy some of his favorite haunts that still exist today, including Restaurante Botín , the world’s oldest restaurant, which houses a 16th-century cellar cradling dust-covered wine bottles.

Hemingway also used to frequent La Venencia , a dimly lit sherry bar that is virtually frozen in time with its massive molasses-stained wooden barrels, antique cash register and fading sepia-hued posters.

Planning tip: Don’t bother whipping out your phone to take some pictures at La Venencia – snapping photos is still strictly prohibited, just as it was in the 1930s when the bar was wary of fascist spies.

5. Watch a flamenco show

While Andalucía in southern Spain is the birthplace of flamenco, you don’t need to venture far from Madrid to watch live shows of the Spanish dance. Dinner, tapas and drinks are usually served during the performance, providing a full evening’s entertainment.

You can watch the frenetic spectacle in big touristy venues such as Cardamomo and Teatro Flamenco or smaller cozy venues like Las Tablas , which make up for their size with the big flamenco artists they attract.

Planning tip: For a truly luxurious experience, the Corral de la Moreria is an intimate space that also features a Michelin-starred restaurant.

A young woman with an afro takes a selfie in the sun drenched Retiro Park in Spain

6. Explore Retiro Park

Parque del Buen Retiro , Madrid’s most famous park, is an expansive 118-hectare (292-acre) area that was once reserved for Spanish royalty and aristocracy until it was opened to the public at the end of the 19th century. "El Retiro" is adorned with ornate fountains, statues of Spanish writers and heroes, gazebos and open-air cafes.

Different areas of the park reveal various landscaping styles, from French-inspired manicured lawns to craggy tree-lined pathways and the romantic La Rosaleda  rose garden with more than 4000 roses that are in full bloom in May and June.

The park's grounds have several landmarks, including the grand Monument to Alfonso XII depicting the former Spanish king atop his horse, the  "Fallen Angel" statue  (one of the only public statues of Lucifer in the world) and the oldest tree in Madrid, planted in 1633.

Planning tip: Don’t miss Palacio de Cristal , an architectural marvel of iron and glass that occasionally hosts events and reflects magnificently on the waters of the surrounding lake.

7. Stand in the center of Spain

Translated to "Gate of the Sun," Puerta del Sol  is Madrid’s busy central public square and main crossroads. A clock sits atop the plaza’s main building, the old Casa de Correos  – now the headquarters of the Madrid regional government – and every New Year’s Eve, thousands of revelers gather here to eat the traditional 12 grapes right before the clock strikes midnight. 

All roads (quite literally) lead to Sol, as it is the symbolic center of Spain, marked by the Kilometer Zero plaque at the footstep of the Casa de Correos. At the plaza’s center is the equestrian statue of King Charles III, though his popularity is overshadowed by a more famous character on the east side of the square – the Bear by the Madroño tree sculpture that represents Madrid’s coat of arms.

Aerial view of Estadio Santiago Bernabéu during the Primera Liga match between Real Madrid and Racing Santander

8. Tour Madrid’s iconic soccer stadiums

Spain is a soccer powerhouse, with its international teams winning both the World Cup and European Championships and its regional teams dominating European football.

Madrid has two teams, and soccer fans can enjoy a tour around both world-renowned stadiums – the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu  for Real Madrid and the Wanda Metropolitano for Atlético de Madrid. Guided tours of the museums display the teams’ trophies, jerseys throughout the years and memorabilia narrating their long, illustrious histories.

9. Pull up a chair in Plaza Mayor

At the heart of old Madrid, the beautiful, expansive Plaza Mayor  has been the stage for everything from royal crowning ceremonies and soccer games to outdoor markets, bullfights and public executions during the Spanish Inquisition. 

Today, 237 balconies peer out from a three-story residential compound embracing the plaza. While it’s easy to get distracted by the buskers, it’s worth taking a seat at one of the buzzing (albeit overpriced) cafes and taking time to admire the magnificent frescoes painted between the balconies.

Planning tip: The square also plays host to the city’s annual Christmas market, which has taken place since 1860.

Three stone arches of Templo de Debod on a stone platform over a reflecting pool surrounded by trees with yellowing leaves in Madrid

10. Wander through an Egyptian temple 

Few people know that Madrid is home to an ancient Egyptian temple from the 2nd century BCE. Dedicated to the goddess Isis and the god Amun,  Templo de Debod was the Egyptian government’s token of gratitude to Spain for helping restore the temples of Abu Simbel in southern Egypt. Templo de Debod was transported and rebuilt stone by stone, opening to the public in 1972 in Madrid’s Cuartel de la Montaña Park, near Plaza España . 

Planning tip: The temple boasts some of the best panoramic views of western Madrid, particularly at sunset when the walls reflect off the surrounding pools, making for incredible photos.

11. See the changing of the guard at the Royal Palace of Madrid

Although you won’t find the Spanish king and queen living in  Palacio Real  anymore, it is still the official residence of the Spanish monarchy. Inspired by the Italian sculptor Bernini’s sketches for the construction of the Louvre in Paris, the palace faces a large central courtyard and contains 3418 rooms, making it the largest functioning royal palace in Europe. 

The biweekly changing of the guard happens every Wednesday and Saturday, but the grander spectacle is the Solemn Changing of the Guard that takes place every first Wednesday of the month, showcasing a parade of horses and the Spanish Royal Guard, as performed during the time of King Alfonso XII.

This article was first published Mar 2, 2020 and updated Feb 10, 2024.

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How to Plan the Perfect Trip to Madrid

Discover the best hotels, restaurants, and things to do with Travel + Leisure's Madrid travel guide.

Meena Thiruvengadam is a lifelong traveler and veteran journalist who has visited more than 50 countries across six continents. Her writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal , Departures , TripSavvy , and other publications.

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Best Hotels

Things to do, best shopping, best restaurants, best time to go, how to get there, neighborhoods to know, how to get around.

Rory Fuller/Travel + Leisure

There's far more to Madrid than bullfighting, flamenco, and tapas, though you'll certainly find all three in the Spanish capital. Named one of the best cities to visit in Europe by Travel + Leisure readers and one of the best places to travel by T+L editors in 2023, there's a little something for everyone in this incredible city.

Art lovers can spend the day strolling around Madrid's Golden Triangle of Art, where three of the world's biggest museums meet. History buffs will love the city's gorgeous architecture and historic landmarks, including the oldest restaurant in the world and an Egyptian temple. (Yes, it's actually Egyptian.) And you can't go wrong with the booming food scene here — it's made Madrid one of Europe's best food cities.

Madrid offers so much to do that you may want to embrace the tradition of a midday siesta. The city's bars and clubs tend to hit their stride after midnight, so an afternoon nap in one of Madrid's top hotels may be just the fuel you need to transition from a day of sightseeing to a night of music and dance.

Rosewood Villa Magna

T+L readers voted the 154-room Rosewood Villa Magna the best hotel in Madrid in recent years, highlighting its central downtown location, modern elegance, and incredible wellness offerings. Each spa offering is individualized and combines ancient Iberian practices with newer innovation. For example, guests can sign up for the "El Retiro" Sense Journey, which starts with a guided power walk in the park and ends with a leg and foot massage.

Four Seasons Hotel Madrid

The Four Seasons Madrid , voted one of the best hotels in Madrid in 2023 by T+L readers, combines seven historic buildings to create a luxury enclave in the heart of the city. The hotel is the Four Seasons brand's first in Spain and sits just steps away from luxury shopping along the famous Gran Via. Plus, there's a rooftop terrace, a pool, and a four-level spa.

The Principal Madrid Hotel

This intimate boutique hotel boasts just 76 rooms, but its rooftop terrace offers some of the best views in the city. The property is located along the Gran Via, and its restaurant, Ático, is helmed by chef Ramón Freixa of the Michelin two-starred Ramón Freixa Madrid . "Guests can relax together in the cozy bar area or indulge in the spa when they need to unwind," T+L contributor Stacey Leasca previously reported.

Sleep'n Atocha

The centrally located Sleep'n Atocha isn't just good for your wallet, it's good for the environment. The hotel has been a carbon-neutral facility since 2019 and has committed to environmentally friendly practices like recycling, purchasing products with a low environmental impact, and using toxic-free cleaning products. Its whimsical design and excellent location make this affordable gem a must-stay in the capital city.

Only You Boutique Hotel Madrid

Located in a 19th-century palace, Only You Boutique Hotel Madrid combines modern design with classic Spanish-style architecture in a 45-room hotel. Guests can dine at the Younique Arts Club, where food and art intersect — both national and international artists host exhibitions in the space.

Puerta del Sol

Rory Fuller/Travel + Leisure

Located in the heart of Madrid, Puerta del Sol is one of the city's best-known and busiest public squares. It's home to the famous clock whose bells mark the beginning of the Spanish New Year. "Look for the marker in the middle of the plaza that marks Spain's Kilometer 0," Jamie Ditaranto, T+L contributor, recommended. "This is the starting point for all the major roads that leave Madrid and head toward all corners of the country."

Museo Nacional del Prado

The Museo Nacional de Prado is Spain's main national art museum. It "houses some of the most emblematic artworks of Spain, including Francisco de Goya’s 'Black Paintings' and Valásquez’s 'Las Meninas,'" Jamie Ditaranto previously reported.   Along with the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum and the Museo Reina Sofía, the Prado forms Madrid's Golden Triangle of Art. The museum was founded as a museum of paintings and sculptures in 1819 and includes works of art from Spain and beyond.

Royal Palace of Madrid

The Royal Palace of Madrid is among the largest and most opulent palaces in Europe, boasting more than 1.45 million square feet of space spread over 3,418 rooms. Guests can spot paintings by famous artists like Francisco Goya and Diego Velazquez in the opulent rooms. Stop in to see the world's only complete Stradivarius string quintet and, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, catch the changing of the Royal Guard.

Plaza de Cibeles

Plaza de Cibeles is the public square home to the iconic Cibeles Fountain, which was built in 1782. This spot is surrounded by four pieces of legendary Spanish architecture, including the former post office that now serves as Madrid City Hall.

Temple of Debod

An Egyptian temple may be the last thing you would expect to find in Madrid, but that's exactly what the Temple of Debod is. This Egyptian temple traces its history to the 2nd century B.C. It was given to Spain by the Egyptians and moved to Madrid, where it was rebuilt stone by stone and opened as a tourist site in 1972. If you're looking to soak in a gorgeous Madrid sunset, this is one of the best places to do it.

Read More: 30 Best Things to Do in Madrid, From Palace Tours to Flamenco Shows

Gran Via is a nearly mile-long retail paradise where shoppers can expect to find a mix of luxury boutiques and mainstream brands nestled among some of the city's architectural gems. Retailers along the Gran Via include H&M, the Real Madrid Official Store, the Atletico Madrid Official Store, and the largest Huawei store in Europe.

Operational since 1740, El Rastro is an open-air market that sells everything and anything — from knick-knacks and antiques to clothing and furniture. It's open every Sunday and on public holidays and is located on Calle de la Ribera de Curtidores. "The market can get very crowded," Stacey Leasca previously noted, "but if you're feeling overwhelmed, you can step off to one of the shops lining the street behind the stalls to find a little space."

Mercado San Miguel

Mercado de San Miguel opened as a wholesale food market more than 100 years ago. Today, it's the place to sample everything from Iberian ham to fresh fish and tapas from more than 20 stands serving up delicious Spanish food.

Chocolateria San Gines

Chocolateria San Gines is a short walk from Puerta del Sol and is one of the most popular places in town to grab churros. The intimate cafe traces its history back to 1864 when it began developing its reputation as an after-theater dessert spot. It's tucked behind one of Madrid's oldest churches and serves up its signature dark hot chocolate and churros around the clock.

If you're looking for a memorable dinner, you'll want to reserve at DiverXo . The recipient of three Michelin stars , the restaurant is helmed by chef Dabix Muñoz. "The collision of ingredients sounded more like a word-association game than a recipe," Matt Goulding, a food journalist living in Spain,described in the July 2023 issue of T+L. "But [my] first bite left no room for doubt." A dinner ticket here starts at $380 per person. The restaurant is usually booked solid, but their website opens new reservation slots every day at midnight for the date 90 days in the future.

Casa Botin was founded in 1725 and is recognized by  Guinness World Records as the oldest continuously operating restaurant on Earth. Its signature dishes include suckling pig and roasted lamb, but its menu is full of chicken, veal, and seafood platters, too. Stop in for dinner, or take a tour of Casa Botin's dining rooms, cellar, and underground tunnels. The tour is about $87 and includes a set lunch or dinner menu.

Corral de la Morería

Corral de la Moreria is the place to experience flamenco in Madrid. This venue has been hosting live flamenco shows since 1956 and has performances every night of the week. And if it's dinner and a show you're after, there may be no better place. Coral de la Moreria has a Michelin-starred restaurant on-site. Guests over the years have included Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Che Guevara, and Demi Moore.

Madrid's food scene isn't a Spanish-only affair. Peruvian chef Roberto Martínez Foronda combines Peruvian and Southeast Asian ingredients and flavors at his restaurant, Tripea, which opened in 2017. “The fusion boom in Madrid created so much bad food,” Foronda told T+L in the July 2023 issue. “But we’ve cut through the fat, and what’s left is mostly excellent.” For a little more than $53, guests can try Foronda's eight-course tasting menu.

Read More: How Madrid Became One of Europe's Best Food Cities

Madrid is a city that sizzles during the summer, with temperatures that can soar above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Brave the heat for Madrid's take on Pride, which starts each year in late June and runs through early July. What used to be a small celebration in the late 1970s has since grown into one of the largest celebrations of LGBTQ+ pride in Europe.

For better weather, fewer crowds, and more affordable prices, try visiting during the fall or spring (we have some recommendations for what to pack ). The days are sunny, and you'll be able to celebrate events like the San Isidro Festival, held each year in May, and the  Autumn Festival  (or Feria del Otoño), held in October or November. "[The Autumn Festival draws] acts from all over the world, from opera and ballet to theater and indie music," Stacey Leasca, a T+L contributing editor, previously reported.

Read More : The Best Time to Visit Spain for Great Weather and Famous Festivals

Madrid-Barajas Airport is in northeast Madrid and services most major airlines. Passengers can fly directly to and from many major U.S. cities, including New York, Los Angeles, and Miami.

There are direct routes from Madrid Atocha Railway Station to Barcelona on both the Alta Velocidad Española and Ouigo train lines.

Las Austrias : Known as the heart of old Madrid, Las Austrias is home to palaces, churches, and monasteries built as early as the 16th century. It's where you'll find Plaza Mayor, as well as the Royal Palace and Corral de la Morería.

Las Letras : This lively neighborhood known as the Literary Quarter is a book lover's paradise. This is where you'll find the former homes of icons of the Spanish Golden Age, including Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote. The streets here are narrow and car traffic is limited.

Chueca : This is the heart of Madrid's LGBTQ+ community. It's a lively area filled with bars, cafes, and shops — and at the center of Madrid's iconic Pride celebration each year

Malasana : One of the city's hippest neighborhoods, Malasana is known for vintage shops and one-of-a-kind boutiques. This historic area is also where you'll find live music and clubs.

Trains: Madrid's metro system runs from the Madrid-Barajas Airport through downtown and to the suburbs. Fares are based on a zone system with prices determined by the distance traveled, and passengers will need a Public Transport Card  to travel. Transportation cards can hold 10 single tickets and two 10-journey tickets at a time. Download the Metro de Madrid app to see train maps, waiting times, and information on fares, passes, and more. The underground is currently working to improve accessibility at stations throughout the city and is working to make 84 percent of its stations accessible by 2028.

Buses: For anywhere Madrid's dozen or so metro and light rail lines can't take you, the city operates a fleet of more than 2,000 buses. Those buses run over 200 routes and serve more than 10,000 stops from 6 a.m to 11:30 p,m. (Note that some buses run on different schedules. Check run times before you leave your hotel.)

Taxis: Taxis are typically white with a diagonal red band on their front doors. They can be found at taxi stands throughout Madrid, hailed by raising an arm, or called through several ride-share apps.

Ride service: Uber is available in Madrid, as well as Cabify and Bolt.

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