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tourist guide app source code

Travel Guide Application In Android With Source Code

Project: travel guide application in android.

-To download travel guide application project for free(Scroll Down)

Travel guide application is an Android project. It allows the user to navigate through the city and know some important places to roam around. To run the project you will need Android Studio. So before you run the project make sure that you have Android Studio on your computer.

About the project

This whole project helps the user as a guide to travel around in a new city. In order to get to the application, you have to first sign up and then have to login to the system. From thereafter, you can select the places to visit. Once you click the desired city, it will automatically display the famous sites to visit in that area. Also, you can go shopping with the help of this application.

In order to run the project, first, install Android Studio. Then import the project from the studio’s homepage. Your project set up will automatically start. All the Gradle build files will automatically install inside your project root directory. Run the project and set up your virtual device and run the emulator. The project will start and there you can see different lists and options from this commerce site. Here, in this project, you can select different types of products like clothes, car, mobiles, music and much more items. Then from those options, you can select any type of product you want to buy.

This whole project is developed in Android studio. Here java programming language is used for the field validation and also XML language for the transferring of data. This project keeps asking you about the plugins update so keep your internet alive. And moreover, you will need to update your SDK version and also you have to update your instant run plugins.

Project Demo:


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tourist guide app source code

The project had no sdk

spin ghar

Can we use this application for commercial use i mean upload it play console???


Hi, This project is free to develop? can I modify this project and upload it to the play store?

Muhammad Naveed

can you please tell me how can I connect this project with database?? help me as soon as possible, I’m using this project for my final term university project


Is this project working?

Kunal Varma

Can u provide document for travel guide in android studio …

When I sign up the problem aries what should I do now sir Any information related to it

talal anjum



I have the same issue too. Please let me know if you have a solution asap

shweta ingle

When I sign up the problem aries what should I do now sir Any information related to it. only 2 pages are run login and register page there is any information about database


same problem plz help

sharvari walde

when i import in android it shows so many errors like nullpointer, gradle even i upgrade , then also same error. without running. what should i do? does anyone knows??

Itachi Uchiha

the project is not working . we cannot sign up it shows the code. Please fix this

Nithyashree BS

We cannot sign up it shows the code.what do we need to do……..pls help me…..


how to connect with database

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Create a Tourist Guide Android App with Open Source Project

Creating a tourist guide android app.

Are you looking for a way to help tourists explore your city or attractions? Do you want to create an Android app that can guide them to your city’s highlights? If so, creating a tourist guide Android app is a great way to do it. Here’s how to get started.

Step 1: Research Your Attractions

Before you can build a tourist guide app, you need to research the attractions and places of interest in your city. Make a list of everything that tourists would be interested in seeing, along with any other relevant information such as opening hours and contact details.

Step 2: Choose a Development Platform

Once you’ve done your research, you need to decide on a platform to develop your app on. There are many different development platforms available, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Popular platforms include Android Studio, Xamarin, and React Native, just to name a few.

Step 3: Design Your App

The next step is to design the user interface and features of your app. This includes creating a layout for your app, choosing colors, and deciding on which features you want to include. You can also use a template app to speed up the process.

Step 4: Develop the App

Once you have a design, it’s time to start coding the app. Depending on your chosen platform, this will involve learning a programming language, such as Java or Kotlin. You can also hire a developer to help with this if you’re not comfortable coding yourself.

Step 5: Test and Launch Your App

Once you have developed the app, it’s time to test it. You should thoroughly test all the features to make sure they are working correctly. Once you are happy with the results, you can launch your app on the Google Play Store for Android users to download.

Building a Tourist Guide Android Project can be a challenging task, but here are some steps to help you get started:

Choose a programming language: You can use Java or Kotlin to develop your Tourist Guide Android Project.

Set up your development environment: You'll need to download and install Android Studio, which is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development.

Create a new project: Open Android Studio and create a new project. Choose an appropriate name and package name for your Tourist Guide Android Project.

Design the user interface: Use Android Studio's built-in layout editor to design the user interface for your app. This will involve creating screens for users to search for tourist spots, view tourist spot details, and navigate to tourist spots.

Implement user authentication: Write the code for user authentication to ensure that only authorized users can use the app.

Implement tourist spot management functionality: Write the code for managing tourist spots, including creating, editing, and deleting tourist spot listings, searching for tourist spots, and viewing tourist spot details.

Implement maps and navigation functionality: Write the code for integrating maps and navigation functionality, allowing users to navigate to tourist spots.

Implement rating and review functionality : Write the code for allowing users to rate and review tourist spots.

Implement language support functionality: Write the code for allowing users to choose their preferred language for the app.

Test the app: Use Android Studio's emulator or connect your Android device to test the app and ensure that it works as expected.

Publish the app: Once your Tourist Guide Android Project is complete and tested, you can publish it to the Google Play Store or other Android app stores.

Here are some open-source Tourist Guide Android Project projects on GitHub that you can use as a reference or modify to suit your requirements:

  • Tourist Guide App - Java - GitHub:
  • Tourist Guide App - Kotlin - GitHub:
  • Tourist Guide App - Java - GitHub:
  • Tourist Guide App - Kotlin - GitHub:

These projects can give you an idea of how to structure your own Tourist Guide Android Project and implement the required functionality.

Creating a tourist guide Android app is a great way to help tourists explore your city. With some careful planning and development, you can create an app that is both useful and attractive. Good luck!

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Travel Mate helps decide the destination by providing tourist spots, interesting trivia, local trends, weather and much more about over 10k cities.

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How to Develop a Tourist Guide Android App with JAVA

How to Develop a Tourist Guide Android App with JAVA

In this Tourist Guide Project framework, the guide of the city is given to the individuals on their cellphone which they get them by means of introducing this application into their android cellphone. The guide will assist voyagers/traveler by finding their ideal area. The side piece likewise comprises of the subtleties other than area, for example, in what manner will they reach there and in what manner will they make the most of their, etc. This Tourist Guide Project applications are really intended for individuals who want to travel and numerous a great deal of times they are distant from everyone else ones who travel. The voyaging/traveling guide application is an Android Project. It empowers the customer to explore with the city and furthermore realize some essential zones to wander around. 

JAVA Kit will be shipped to you and you can learn and build using tutorials. You can start for free today!

Project Description-

Let get started by downloading Android Development IDE i.e Android Studio either Eclipse or any of your choice.

  • Java- Java is the most outstanding language that rings a bell when we talk about the android application. In this task, we will use Java as our programming language.
  • XML - XML for design/layout the app.
  • Database- for storage.
  • Homepage - This page will have i.e the first one is a button for Admin Login and another one for User Login.
  • Some suggested modules for android travel guide can be:
  • User Module: Via user module, user can make account into the application and can utilize it for future purposes and furthermore get the most recent updates completely.
  • Database Module: This module contains every one of the information identified with the framework, for example, users that are registered into the system and so on. that are enlisted into the framework, etc. Time-wise update of the database will prompt convenient updation of data in the user’s account as well .
  • Admin Module: All the updates and expansion and cancellation of data identified with places and other data are refreshed by means of this module. Just the admin has the option to get to this module.
  • There are two fundamental highlights of our proposed framework, Travel Guide with the exception of the home page. These are:
  • All in one - This page has four or more buttons according to a developer named “Lodging”, “Café”, and “Bus”, “Shopping” and so on.
  • Search Transportation Medium- The page will furnish a google map with the course from source to goal. It will likewise give essential transportation expenses and separation.
  • Again these modules depend upon the designer's need, So you can change the module as shown by your needs.

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Project Implementation:

Steps to achieve a travel guide app are:

  • The initial step is to make another undertaking by any name then as the documents get stacked and as we know that Gradle is built, we’ll have activity_main.xml and and here we have MainActivity which will be recognized as the main homepage screen with two-buttons.
  • Next, we need to make the User Interface of our App. The User Interface will be outstandingly fundamental and easy to use.
  • After UI is complete, move forward toward the coding part.
  • In class, Intent is utilizing to explore users’ decisions. An Intent is a class that is utilized to depict an activity to be performed. It is an essential way that assists engineers with beginning another movement inside an application. It can likewise be utilized as a device to impart between activities.
  • For all activities, we should declare the intent filters in the manifest file.
  • Now our Travel Guide App uses Google Maps API v2 to accomplish display the map, add markers on to map and access users’ latitudes and longitudes. In order to utilize Google Maps service, the application needs to enlist for an engineering key on Web advancements.
  • Next, it's time for setting up (here setting means coding, declare, initialize) all methods, listeners, and buttons needed in all the pages. Like for,,,, etc. these means get done with all the coding for each and every page.
  • After finishing the coding, run the app and watch the result.

Requirement -

-Programming language -Java, XML for designing the app

-Operating System - any os like a window, Linux.

-Android Studio or  Eclipse IDE


-A USB cable for connecting the phone to PC

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Tourist Guide Android App

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Advanced Tour Guide Android

Download project document/synopsis.

Advanced Tour Guide as the name goes is an advance yet highly promising system helping a tourist or any user to get accurate and best data in no time. This System is an Android Application and uses Android Studio as its Front End and SQL Server as its Back End. This System works on 2 most important Entities i.e. Four Square and Weather Underground i.e. it uses Four Square API to get the places and Weather Underground API to get the weather details of a place. The Application acts as a Tour Guide giving out outputs to the user for every input given to the system. The System is highly reliable as it uses foursquare API which are very accurate and same goes for the weather conditions. This System tries the user to gives a heads-up giving the weather conditions to make sure that the user will be comfortable to visit the desired place. The User has options to select for the places he wants to visit for instance parks, beaches monuments or food joints and so on; the system will ask whether he is searching for the current locality or some other place. The System is very flexible in changing places and makes use of Google maps to display places if the user wishes to.

tourist guide app source code

  • The User has to Login to use the app features.
  • The System makes use of foursquare API for fetching places which is highly reliable and accurate.
  • The System makes use of weather underground API for fetching the weather details which is accurate and shows the current conditions.
  • Hence this system is very reliable.
  • The user has many options to explore.


  • It requires an active internet connection.
  • Places can’t be saved.
  • No travel plans.

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Travel Guide App - Android Source Code Travel Guide App - Android Source Code

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Travel Guide App - Android Source Code

Travel Guide App - Android Source Code

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Premium Quality Android App Source Code

City Guide Android App Source Code


(20+ Advance Features, Powerful Web Admin Panel, Clean Code & Developed in Android Studio)

City guide android app details:, app screenshots:, (slide left or right to see all 21 screenshots).

City Guide Screenshot_1

Video Preview:

Test Live App Demo:

Play Store Image

Test Live Web Admin Panel:

City Guide Web Admin Demo

City Guide Android App Features:


Material Design is used to build the City Guide Android App. The App comes with unlimited color theme possibilities.


The complete City Guide Android App source code is built in Android Studio IDE.

Web Admin

With powerful admin panel you can Add, Delete, View features. You can also Edit city Details, Categories, Settings, Passwords and much more.


City Guide App accesses the user’s current location and displays the distance from current location to destination(in km).


If the user provides access to his location, then the App shows distance in km from his position to the destination place.


The App uses Google Map Api to show the address of place in detail page.


In City Guide App App we have added offline mode support saving data locally and picking image from cache. So if user is not connected to internet then also App will show all details.


City Guide App shows welcome slider for the first time. It beautifully ask for location access.


City Guide App have images slider to show all images added in Place detail page. The user can slide left side to see more images.


To earn money from App it is your choice whether you want to show only banner, interstitial, both together or none.

Firebase Analytics

With advance Firebase analytics integration get a deeper insights of your App users.


Re-engage with your App users by sending place as push notification from admin panel itself for free.


API’s is used for fetching data from backend server. In this City Guide App we have created 3 API’s for city category, all city details and sending push notification.


In City Guide App we have used Retrofit Network library to make the HTTP calls. It is better then volley and default HttpUrlConnection in terms of ease of use, performance, extensibility and other things.


TabLayout is used for creating two Tabs (i.e. All Places & Categories) and ViewPager is used for smooth sliding among both Tabs.


This App has SwipeRefreshLayout aka pull to refresh which reload the data from server.


You can customize NavigationDrawer menu to have those items in the menu that you want to show in the App.


This App comes with unlimited color theme possibility. So, you can easily create the one that you like.


This App support ShareDialog which user can use to quickly share your Play Store App url with Friends on WhatsApp, email, message etc .

Offline Handling

This App has custom beautiful design page for offline handling to let user know internet connection not available. It also support error handling.


App user can add or remove place to his/her personal favorite list.


The documentation is step by step and neatly written with screenshots and images. So, you can easily understand the source code and customize it.


This App shows categories option which user can use to filter place easily based on their interest.

Ripple Effect News

The App shows ripple effect on click of button etc.


You can add more content in your App by putting it inside HTML file in assets folder and then showing it in the App according to your requirement. This pages work offline.


When user try to exit the App, the confirmation toast will be displayed on screen asking user to click once again to exit.

searchview android

In City Guide App we have created custom searchview for instant filtering of place & categories.


Show a beautiful splash screen to user when they start your City Guide Android App.


Rate us on PlayStore prompt will come up in front of user after they have clicked certain number of times in App.


This App supports from Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and newer.

Get Your City Guide Android App Source Code Now:

All Available Android App Source Code - Combo Pack

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Familiar IDE Android Studio Is Used To Develop App

We have used most familiar Android Studio IDE to create Android App which means it will be easy for you to understand the code and modify it.

No Programming Skills Require

We have coded Android source code in a way that even if you don’t have any Android programming skills. Don’t worry, you can still use our App source code to create your own App.

Frequently Asked Question's

How many apps can i create using your source code.

UNLIMITED my friend… But you can’t use the source code in a project that will be sold, neither you can redistribute or resold source code “as-is”.

Can I Publish App On Play Store?

Of course! You can customize our source code and use it for uploading your own App on Play Store. The documentation will guide how to easily make changes in code.

How long do I have access to source code?

You pay once and you have access to source code for life. This includes all code upgrades and all future App revisions.

Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

You betcha! If our Android App source code doesn’t work as described then you can email me within 30 days and our dedicated support team either help you fixing the problem or will give you full refund.

Will you be updating the source code?

Absolutely! the source code will be regularly updated with new features and fixing bugs if found in the App. You will always have access to the most up-to-date source code for free.

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Get Your Source Code Of City Guide Android App



Travel Guide Mobile Application in Android

travel guide application in android

About the project

This whole project helps the user as a guide to travel around in a new city. To get to the application, you have to sign up first and then have to log in to the system. After that, you can select the places to visit. Once you click the desired city, it will automatically display the famous sites to visit in that area. Also, you can go shopping with the help of this application.

To run the project, first, install Android Studio . Then import the project from the studio’s homepage. Your project set up will automatically start. All the Gradle build files will automatically install inside your project root directory. Run the project and set up your virtual device and run the emulator. The project will start, and there you can see different lists and options from this commerce site. Here, in this project, you can select various types of products like clothes, cars, mobiles, music, and many more items. Then from those options, you can choose any kind of product you want to buy.

To download travel guide application project for free(Scroll Down) A travel guide application is an Android project. It allows the user to navigate through the city and know some essential places to roam around. To run the project, you will need the Android Studio. So, before you run the project, make sure that you have the Android Studio on your computer.

This whole project is developed in Android studio. Here java programming language is used for the field validation and also XML language for the transferring of data. This project keeps asking you about the plugins update, so keep your internet alive. Moreover, you will need to update your SDK version, and also you have to update your instant run plugins.

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Tourist Guide System project in Java with source code and document.

jayvik Kashipara

jayvik Kashipara

In this page Tourist Guide System project is a web application which is developed in Java platform . This Java project with tutorial and guide for developing a code. Tourist Guide System is a open source you can Download zip and edit as per you need. If you want more latest Java projects here . This is simple and basic level small project for learning purpose. Also you can modified this system as per your requriments and develop a perfect advance level project. Zip file containing the source code that can be extracted and then imported into Eclipse Neon. Here Project Source code for BE, BTech, MCA, BCA, Engineering, Bs.CS, IT, Software Engineering, Computer Science students and Devloper. Student can submit in college for final year project. This script developed by jayvik Kashipara. This web application 100% working smooth without any bug. It is developed using Servlet, JSP, HTML-5, Bootstrap, Ajax, JavaScript, Email-API and Database MySQL-8. This software code helpful in academic projects and research paper for final year computer science. You can explore great collection of other Java projects .

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Document and reports information of Tourist Guide System

This doucment file contains project Synopsis, Reports, and various diagrams. Also Abstract in PDF, PPT file inside zip so that document link below the page. UML diagrams for Tourist Guide System. Class diagrams , Use Case diagrams , Entity–relationship(ER) diagrams , Data flow diagram(DFD) , Sequence diagram and software requirements specification (SRS) in report file. Complete ready made open source code free of cost download. You can find Top Downloaded Java projects here .

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Features and function of the Tourist Guide System project

Software requirement to run this project, tools and technologies to be used in this project, how to import and run the project, how to import database.

Step.1 : First create a database with the given name in the config file.

Step.2 : select .sql file.

Step.3 : import file

How to create diagram?

Tourist guide system project output screen.

output screen

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Visa Wizard

Visa Denials

Fraud Warning

What the Visa Expiration Date Means

Automatic Revalidation

Lost and Stolen Passports, Visas, and Arrival/Departure Records (Form I-94)

Directory of Visa Categories

Straight Facts on U.S. Visas

Customer Service Statement

Photo Requirements

Photo Examples

Digital Image Requirements

Photo Frequently Asked Questions

Photo Composition Template

Online Immigrant Visa Forms

DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

DS-160: Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application

DS-160: Frequently Asked Questions

Administrative Processing Information

Visa Appointment Wait Times

Nonimmigrants in the United States–Applying for Visas in Canada or Mexico

Frequently Asked Questions

Visa Applicants - State Sponsors of Terrorism Countries

What is a U.S. Visa?

About Visas - The Basics

Rights and Protections for Foreign-Citizen Fiancé(e)s and Spouses of U.S. Citizens and Spouses of Lawful Permanent Residents

Your Rights and Protections

Ineligibilities and Waivers: Laws

Rights and Protections for Temporary Workers

Advisory Opinions

Fees for Visa Services

Treaty Countries

Fees and Reciprocity Tables

Temporary Reciprocity Schedule

Country Acronyms

Reciprocity: What's New? 2019 Archive

Reciprocity: What's New? 2022 Archive

Reciprocity: What's New? 2020 Archive

Reciprocity: What's New? 2021 Archive

Reciprocity: What's New?

Reciprocity: What's New? 2023 Archive

Safety & Security of U.S. Borders: Biometrics

National Visa Center Customer Service Pledge

Americans Traveling Abroad

The United States and China Agree to Extending Visas for Short-term Business Travelers, Tourists, and Students

Special Visa Processing Procedures Pursuant to Section 306

Capitalizing on Visa Demand to Spur Economic Growth in the United States

Congressional Testimony

Cuban Family Reunification Parole (CRFP) Program Appointments

List of U.S. Embassies and Consulates - K1-K3 Visas

U.S. Government Fact Sheet on Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (FGM/C)

Skill List by Country

Presidential Proclamation 9645 and the January 2020 Presidential Proclamation

Public Inquiry Form

List of U.S. Embassies and Consulates

Affidavit of Support Fee Refund

Immigrant Visa Prioritization

USCIS Extends Suspension of Premium Processing Service for Religious Workers (R-1) Nonimmigrant Visa Classification

Record Numbers of U.S. Students Are Studying Abroad

U.S. Student Visas Reach Record Numbers in 2007

U.S. security officials will begin scanning all 10 fingerprints of most non-Americans traveling to the United States

Electronic Submission of Diversity Visa Lottery Applications

USCIS Centralizes Filing for H-2A Petitions

USCIS Field Office Adopts Teletech Call Appointment System For Filing Waiver of Inadmissibility Applications

Application Fees for Non-Immigrant Visas to Increase on January 1, 2008

Senior Advisors to Brief Press on the Latest Developments in Iraqi Refugee and Special Immigrant Visa Issues

Briefing on Developments in the Iraqi Refugee and Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Admissions Programs

DHS Proposes Changes to Improve H-2A Temporary Agricultural Worker Program

Testimony of Stephen A. “Tony” Edson on U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Science and Technology Subcommittee on Research and Science Education, House Committee on Science and Technology

Update: Biometric Changes for Re-entry Permits and Refugee Travel Documents

With All the Talk about Illegal Immigration, a Look at the Legal Kind

Latvia, Estonia Sign Deals with US on Visa-Free Travel

Fact Sheet: Changes to the FY2009 H-1B Program

USCIS Announces Interim Rule on H-1B Visas

USCIS Releases Preliminary Number of FY 2009 H-1B Cap Filings

USCIS Extends Comment Period for Proposed Change to H-2A Program

USCIS Runs Random Selection Process for H-1B Petitions

17-Month Extension of Optional Practical Training for Certain Highly Skilled Foreign Students

DHS Begins Collecting 10 Fingerprints from International Visitors at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption Enters into Force

USCIS to Accept H-1B Petitions Sent to California or Vermont Service Centers Temporary Accommodation Made for FY 09 Cap-Subject H-1B Petitions

USCIS Revises Filing Instructions for Petition for Alien Relative

USCIS Announces Update for Processing Petitions for Nonimmigrant Victims of Criminal Activity

USCIS to Allow F-1 Students Opportunity to Request Change of Status

Immigration Tops Agenda at North American Summit

USCIS Issues Guidance for Approved Violence against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petitioners

USCIS Modifies Application for Employment Authorization Previous Versions of Form I-765 Accepted until July 8, 2008

Overseas Education More Attainable for Chinese Students

New York Business Group Seeks Fewer Restrictions on Foreign Worker Visas

Use only Internet Explorer 11 or higher, Firefox, or Google Chrome 58 when completing your application.  Safari and Microsoft Edge are not supported.

The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application form, is for temporary travel to the United States, and for K (fiancé(e)) visas. Form DS-160 is submitted electronically to the Department of State website via the Internet. Consular Officers use the information entered on the DS-160 to process the visa application and, combined with a personal interview, determine an applicant’s eligibility for a nonimmigrant visa.

Visa applicants must submit a completed DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application for all nonimmigrant visa categories, including applicants applying for K visas. ( Note:   For K visa cases in process at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate prior to October 7, 2013, review the limited exceptions explained in the FAQs below.) 

Review the Frequently Asked Questions for instructions about using the DS-160.

Access the online DS-160 by clicking: Consular Electronic Application Center website .

Important Notice to Visa Applicants: After you have completed the DS-160, you must take these next steps below:

  • Print and keep the DS-160 barcode page. (You will not need to print the full application.)
  • You must schedule a visa interview appointment.  (The U.S. Embassy or Consulate does not schedule an appointment for you.) Visit the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  website where you will be interviewed for country-specific instructions.;
  • Pay the visa application processing fee . Review country-specific instructions on the  U.S. Embassy or Consulate  website.

More Information

A-Z Index Latest News What is a U.S. Visa? Diversity Visa Program Visa Waiver Program Fraud Warning Find a U.S. Embassy or Consulate Straight Facts on U.S. Visas

Immigrant Visa Interview-Ready Backlog Report

Global Visa Wait Times

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Here are 137 public repositories matching this topic..., shsarv / travelyaari-react.

This project is based on how an effective travel website will make us feel. It is based on a traveling website with fully-featured functions that will activate the traveling bug with vibrant imagery. This website contains highlights of some important places along with high-quality photography and allows people to book their dream destination wit…

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fathi-riham-mn / Pearl-Of-The-Indian-Ocean

Welcome to the Sri Lanka Travel Guide Repository! This project is a web application designed to assist tourists in discovering the best places to visit in various districts of Sri Lanka.

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developer-junaid / Explore-Matiari-Website

This is a Tourism Website about Matiari District and information related to it's History, Famous places to visit, hospitals, Bus stops, Restaurants etc.

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Turismo reponsive website build using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. The complete layout of the page is build using grid layout and flexbox with some cool animations.

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To save learning and assignments for Web Programming courses

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  1. Tourist Guide App by Shakuro on Dribbble

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  2. #Cityguide is what travelers look for when traveling to different locations.The #cityguideapp

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  3. Travel guide

    tourist guide app source code

  4. Travel Guide App by Furkan Şahin Travel Guide App, Peterborough, Museum Exhibition, Saint

    tourist guide app source code

  5. Tourist guide app by Franco on Dribbble

    tourist guide app source code

  6. A Tourist App by Jerevon for CoCo on Dribbble

    tourist guide app source code


  1. Intelligent Tourist Guide

  2. Tourism Website project Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with source code

  3. 2 Android Studio Tourism App

  4. Python Django Project

  5. Online Tourism Management System Project Source Code

  6. Mastering Full-Stack app


  1. tour-guide-app-android · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the tour-guide-app-android topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  2. tourist-guide · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the tourist-guide topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  3. Create Tourist Guide Android Project

    About Tourist Guide Application: The tourist guide application enables users to locate distinct places to visit. They get a detailed description of the site along with the nearby places that they can see. Using this application, the user can select a location to see and get all information regarding that place.

  4. GitHub

    Travel Mate is an android app for travellers. It provides features like choosing the correct destination, making bookings, and organizing the trip. It provides solutions for every problem a traveller might face during their journey. It provides a comprehensive list of information about a destination: current weather, best places to hangout, and ...

  5. Travel Guide Application In Android With Source Code

    This project keeps asking you about the plugins update so keep your internet alive. And moreover, you will need to update your SDK version and also you have to update your instant run plugins. Project Demo: DOWNLOAD TRAVEL GUIDE APPLICATION WITH SOURCE CODE FOR FREE: CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW. Download Project.

  6. Create Tourist Guide Android App with Open-Source Project

    Publish the app: Once your Tourist Guide Android Project is complete and tested, you can publish it to the Google Play Store or other Android app stores. Here are some open-source Tourist Guide Android Project projects on GitHub that you can use as a reference or modify to suit your requirements: Tourist Guide App - Java - GitHub: https ...


    If you like this projects don't forget to download the source code by clicking on the link below: Download it for educational purposes only!https://code-proj...

  8. Project Travel Mate

    Travel Mate. Travel Mate is an android app for travellers. It provides features like choosing the correct destination, making bookings, and organizing the trip. It provides solutions for every problem a traveller might face during their journey. It provide a comprehensive list of information about a destination: current weather, best places to ...

  9. How to Develop a Tourist Guide Android App with JAVA

    After finishing the coding, run the app and watch the result. Requirement -. -Programming language -Java, XML for designing the app. -Operating System - any os like a window, Linux. -Android Studio or Eclipse IDE. -Smartphone. -A USB cable for connecting the phone to PC. Did you know.

  10. Android Tourist Guide Project

    Download document synopsis for Android Tourist Guide with source code and development tutorial at nevonprojects. ... The application also leads to quicker decision making with respect to places to visit. Disadvantages. The android mobile user will not be able to insert or view details if the server goes down. Thus there is disadvantage of ...

  11. Advanced Tour Guide Android App

    Download Project Document/Synopsis. Advanced Tour Guide as the name goes is an advance yet highly promising system helping a tourist or any user to get accurate and best data in no time. This System is an Android Application and uses Android Studio as its Front End and SQL Server as its Back End. This System works on 2 most important Entities i.e.

  12. Trip Guide App in Android Studio

    Travel Guide App Development Project in Android Studio with a cool UI Design. Source code is given belowThis is the last part of our Application (Part 2). We...

  13. Travel Guide App

    Travel Guide App - Android Source Code. Travel Guide App offers you the complete app source code for creating your own location-based mobile marketing application. Average rating of 5.0 based on 3 votes. Overview.

  14. tour-guide-app · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the tour-guide-app topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.

  15. City Guide Android App Source Code

    The App comes with unlimited color theme possibilities. Android Studio IDE. The complete City Guide Android App source code is built in Android Studio IDE. Web Admin. With powerful admin panel you can Add, Delete, View features. You can also Edit city Details, Categories, Settings, Passwords and much more. Location.

  16. Travel Guide Mobile Application in Android Source Code

    Travel Guide Mobile Application in Android Source Code. This whole project helps the user as a guide to travel around in a new city. To get to the application, you have to sign up first and then have to log in to the system. After that, you can select the places to visit. Once you click the desired city, it will automatically display the famous ...

  17. Travel Guide Mobile Application In Android

    A travel guide application is an Android project. It allows the user to navigate through the city and know some essential places to roam around. ... code download 2021, android projects with source code, android projects with source code 2020, android projects with source code 2021, android travel application, best android projects to download ...

  18. Tour Guide Android App project in Android with source code ...

    The Most popular Android project. In this page Tour Guide Android App project is a mobile application which is developed in Android platform. This Android project with tutorial and guide for developing a code. Tour Guide Android App is a open source you can Download zip and edit as per you need. If you want more latest Android projects here.

  19. Tourist Guide Web Application

    The Faces of Negros Occidental Web Application major function which is to gather guest's feedback through the guest's post, comments, a rating for a certain place and the answered survey. The system would generate survey reports, most visited, highly rated, and monthly visitors of Negros Occidental Reports. The web application function ...

  20. Tourist Guide System Project in Java with Source Code and Report

    In this page Tourist Guide System project is a web application which is developed in Java platform. This Java project with tutorial and guide for developing a code. Tourist Guide System is a open source you can Download zip and edit as per you need. If you want more latest Java projects here. This is simple and basic level small project for ...

  21. travel-website · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Travelscapes is a responsive travel website built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL, offering seamless travel planning, booking and exploration. Dive into the world of travel and adventure with us! mysql php web-development fullstack travel-website responsive-website. Updated on Apr 8. PHP.

  22. DS-160: Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application

    Visa applicants must submit a completed DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application for all nonimmigrant visa categories, including applicants applying for K visas. ( Note: For K visa cases in process at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate prior to October 7, 2013, review the limited exceptions explained in the FAQs below.)

  23. Dash Documentation & User Guide

    Plotly Dash User Guide & Documentation. Join our mailing list Sign up to stay in the loop with all things Plotly — from Dash Club to product updates, webinars, and more! SUBSCRIBE

  24. Mobile Apps Coverage

    The latest Mobile Apps news, comment, reviews and features from the experts at Tom's Guide

  25. tourism-website · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    This project is a web application designed to assist tourists in discovering the best places to visit in various districts of Sri Lanka. github javascript css html vuejs tourism jetbrains travel ha codecov sri-lanka collaborate 1password datacamp codescene tourism-website hecktoberfest webdevelopment-project communityexchange. Updated on May 19.

  26. Visual Studio Blog

    We believe that boosting the productivity of your development and team collaboration helps you produce better software solutions. That's why the Visual Studio Version Control team has delivered new features, streamlining your inner loop and code review experiences. You'll get AI support writing commit messages, pull request descriptions, ...