Tourism Teacher

Tourism in Russia 

Tourism in Russia is big business, but why? Why is this industry so important and how should it best be managed? Read on to find out…

Tourism in Russia

Spanning two continents and enveloping a myriad of cultures, landscapes, and histories, Russia stands as a colossal testament to human civilisation’s diverse tapestry. From the historic domes of Moscow to the vast Siberian wilderness, the country beckons with tales as expansive as its geography . This article delves into the multifaceted allure of Russian tourism, offering a glimpse into a nation where age-old traditions intersect with contemporary vibrancy.

Geographical overview of Russia 

Tourism in Russia 

Russia is the world’s largest country in terms of land area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth’s land surface. It is located in northern Eurasia and spans two continents – Europe and Asia. The geography of Russia is diverse and includes a wide range of landscapes, from arctic tundras and deserts to mountains and forests.

In the west, Russia borders Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine. In the south, it borders Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, North Korea, and Mongolia. The country has a coastline of more than 37,000 kilometres, which includes the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Baltic, Black, and Caspian Seas.

The landscape of Russia is characterised by several major physical features. The Ural Mountains, which run from north to south, separate Europe and Asia. The vast Siberian plains cover most of Russia’s territory east of the Ural Mountains, and they are some of the most extensive and least populated regions in the world. To the east of Siberia lies the mountainous region of the Russian Far East, which includes the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Sikhote-Alin Mountains.

Russia has several major rivers, including the Volga, the longest river in Europe, which flows into the Caspian Sea, and the Ob and Yenisei Rivers, which are among the longest rivers in Asia and flow into the Arctic Ocean.

In terms of climate, Russia experiences a wide range of conditions due to its vast size and diverse landscapes. The Arctic regions of Russia have an extreme polar climate, while the southern regions have a humid subtropical climate. The majority of Russia’s population lives in the western part of the country, where the climate is temperate continental.

Overall, the geography of Russia is vast and varied, with a range of landscapes, climates, and physical features that make it one of the most unique and fascinating countries in the world.

Tourism industry in Russia 

Russia is a country with a rich history, culture, and natural beauty, and its tourism industry is gradually growing in popularity. The country’s diverse geography and climate, along with its numerous historical and cultural attractions, make it an exciting destination for tourists from around the world.

Some of Russia’s most popular tourist destinations include Moscow, the capital city, and St. Petersburg, known for its impressive architecture and art collections. Other popular cities include Kazan, Sochi, and Yekaterinburg, each with its unique attractions and cultural offerings.

Russia is also known for its scenic natural beauty, with vast forests, lakes, and mountain ranges that offer opportunities for hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities. Some of the country’s most popular natural attractions include Lake Baikal, the world’s largest freshwater lake, and the Kamchatka Peninsula, home to several active volcanoes and hot springs.

In addition to its cultural and natural attractions, Russia also offers a unique experience for tourists interested in history and politics. The country has a complex and fascinating history, with several historical sites and museums that offer insights into the country’s past, including the Kremlin in Moscow, the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, and the WWII Museum in Moscow.

Overall, the tourism industry in Russia is still developing, but it has great potential due to the country’s numerous attractions and unique offerings. However, visitors should be aware that the country has its own unique customs and culture, and it is important to research and plan accordingly to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Tourism in Russia 

Statistics about tourism in Russia 

Here are some of the most current statistics available and the time of publication about tourism in Russia:

  • In 2019, Russia welcomed approximately 24 million international tourists, generating $11.4 billion in tourism revenue. (Source: World Tourism Organization)
  • The top five source countries for international tourists to Russia in 2019 were China, Germany, South Korea, the United States, and Finland. (Source: Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation)
  • Domestic tourism is also significant in Russia, with over 70 million trips taken by Russians within their own country in 2019. (Source: Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation)
  • Moscow and St. Petersburg are the two most popular destinations for both international and domestic tourists in Russia. (Source: Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation)
  • In 2019, tourism accounted for approximately 3.5% of Russia’s GDP. (Source: World Travel and Tourism Council)
  • The tourism industry in Russia provides employment for approximately 4 million people. (Source: Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation)
  • Russia has over 57,000 hotels and other accommodation options, with a total of over 1.6 million rooms. (Source: Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation)
  • The majority of international tourists to Russia visit for leisure purposes, with business travel and visiting friends and relatives also common reasons for travel. (Source: Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation)
  • The most popular time to visit Russia is during the summer months of June to August, although winter tourism is also growing in popularity due to the country’s winter sports offerings. (Source: Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation)

Most popular tourist attractions in Russia

Russia has many popular tourist attractions that offer visitors a glimpse into the country’s rich history, culture, and natural beauty. Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Russia:

Red Square and the Kremlin – Located in the heart of Moscow, Red Square and the Kremlin are two of Russia’s most iconic landmarks. The square is home to the colourful St. Basil’s Cathedral and the GUM department store, while the Kremlin is a fortified complex that includes several palaces, churches, and museums.

The Hermitage Museum – Situated in St. Petersburg, the Hermitage Museum is one of the world’s largest and most impressive art museums. It houses a vast collection of over three million artworks and artefacts, including works by Rembrandt, Da Vinci, and Michelangelo.

Lake Baikal – Known as the “Pearl of Siberia,” Lake Baikal is the world’s largest freshwater lake by volume and is home to a unique ecosystem of flora and fauna. Visitors can take a cruise on the lake or explore the surrounding wilderness on foot.

The Golden Ring – The Golden Ring is a collection of historic towns and cities northeast of Moscow that date back to the 12th century. It includes cities such as Vladimir, Suzdal, and Sergiev Posad, each with its unique architecture and cultural attractions.

Catherine Palace – Located just outside St. Petersburg, Catherine Palace is a stunning baroque palace that was once the summer residence of the Russian Tsars. Visitors can explore the palace’s opulent interiors and stroll through the expansive gardens.

Kazan – Located in the republic of Tatarstan, Kazan is a vibrant city that blends Russian and Tatar cultures. Visitors can explore the city’s UNESCO-listed Kremlin, visit the Kul-Sharif Mosque, or enjoy the vibrant nightlife.

Trans-Siberian Railway – The Trans-Siberian Railway is the world’s longest railway, spanning over 9,000 kilometres across Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok. The journey offers stunning views of the country’s diverse landscapes and is a unique way to experience the country.

Peterhof Palace – Also known as the “Russian Versailles,” Peterhof Palace is a grand palace complex located on the Gulf of Finland near St. Petersburg. Visitors can explore the palace’s opulent interiors and enjoy the beautiful gardens and fountains.

Sochi – Located on the Black Sea coast, Sochi is a popular resort town that hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics. Visitors can enjoy the city’s beaches, ski resorts, and subtropical climate.

Baikal-Amur Mainline – The Baikal-Amur Mainline is a railway that spans over 4,000 kilometres through some of Russia’s most remote and beautiful landscapes. The journey is a unique way to experience the country’s natural beauty and is a popular option for adventure travellers.

These are just a few of the many popular tourist attractions in Russia, and there are many more to discover in this fascinating and diverse country.

Tourism in Russia 

Most popular types of tourism in Russia 

Russia offers a wide variety of tourism experiences, from historic cities and cultural attractions to stunning natural landscapes and adventure sports. Here are some of the most popular types of tourism in Russia:

  • Cultural tourism – Russia’s rich cultural heritage and fascinating history make it a popular destination for cultural tourism. Visitors can explore historic cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, visit museums and art galleries, and attend cultural events such as ballets and operas.
  • Heritage tourism – With its long and complex history, Russia is home to numerous UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow, the historic city of St. Petersburg, and the Golden Ring of ancient towns.
  • Adventure tourism – Russia’s vast and diverse landscape offers many opportunities for adventure tourism, including hiking, skiing, and mountain climbing. Popular destinations include the Altai Mountains, Lake Baikal, and the Caucasus Mountains.
  • Ecotourism – Russia is home to some of the world’s most unique and unspoiled natural landscapes, making it an excellent destination for ecotourism. Visitors can explore national parks and nature reserves, observe wildlife, and engage in sustainable tourism practices.
  • Cruise tourism – Russia’s major cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Volgograd, are all located on major rivers or coastal waterways, making it a popular destination for river and ocean cruises. Visitors can enjoy scenic views of the countryside while stopping at historic ports and cultural attractions along the way.
  • Medical tourism – Russia has a reputation for its world-class medical facilities and expertise in specialised medical treatments. Visitors can take advantage of medical tourism to access high-quality healthcare and wellness services.
  • Sports tourism – Russia has hosted many international sporting events, including the 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2014 Winter Olympics. Visitors can participate in sports activities or attend sporting events, such as soccer matches, ice hockey games, and skiing competitions.

These are just a few of the many types of tourism available in Russia, and the country’s diverse attractions and activities make it an ideal destination for all types of travellers.

Economic Impacts of tourism in Russia

Tourism has become an increasingly important contributor to Russia’s economy, generating significant economic impacts at both national and regional levels. Here are some of the key economic impacts of tourism in Russia:

  • Job creation – Tourism is a major employer in Russia, with the industry providing direct and indirect employment opportunities for millions of people. This includes jobs in hotels, restaurants, transportation, retail, and other tourism-related sectors.
  • Economic growth – Tourism generates significant economic growth in Russia, contributing to the country’s GDP and generating tax revenues for the government. In 2019, tourism contributed 3.7% to Russia’s GDP and supported 5.5 million jobs.
  • Foreign exchange earnings – Tourism is an important source of foreign exchange earnings for Russia, as international visitors spend money on accommodation, food, transportation, and other tourism-related activities. In 2019, tourism generated over $11 billion in foreign exchange earnings for Russia.
  • Regional development – Tourism can have a significant impact on regional development, particularly in less developed areas of the country. By attracting tourists to these areas, tourism can stimulate investment in infrastructure and support local businesses, creating new opportunities for economic growth and job creation.
  • Stimulating other sectors – The tourism industry also stimulates other sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, handicrafts, and cultural industries. This can help to diversify the economy and create new opportunities for local communities.
  • Improved quality of life – Tourism in Russia can also improve the quality of life for local residents by creating new job opportunities, generating tax revenues for public services, and supporting the development of new infrastructure and facilities.

Overall, tourism plays an important role in Russia’s economy, generating significant economic impacts at both national and regional levels. As the tourism industry continues to grow, it is expected to become an even more important contributor to Russia’s economic development.

Social impacts of tourism in Russia

Tourism in Russia 

Tourism can have both positive and negative social impacts on a destination, including impacts on local communities, cultural heritage, and social structures. Here are some of the key social impacts of tourism in Russia:

  • Cultural exchange – Tourism can promote cultural exchange and understanding between visitors and local communities, helping to preserve and promote cultural heritage. This can include cultural events, traditional music, dance, and crafts.
  • Employment opportunities – Tourism in Russia can create new job opportunities for local residents, particularly in rural areas where other employment opportunities may be limited. This can help to improve the standard of living and reduce poverty.
  • Community development – Tourism can contribute to community development by supporting the development of local infrastructure and services, such as roads, healthcare facilities, and schools. This can improve the quality of life for local residents.
  • Preservation of cultural heritage – Tourism can support the preservation of cultural heritage sites, traditions, and customs. This can include the restoration of historic buildings, preservation of traditional crafts, and promotion of local cultural events.
  • Environmental impact – Tourism can have negative environmental impacts, including pollution and degradation of natural habitats. This can harm local communities and wildlife.
  • Social disruption – Tourism can also cause social disruption in local communities, particularly in areas with high levels of tourism activity. This can include overcrowding, noise pollution, and loss of privacy.
  • Pressure on resources – Tourism in Russia can place pressure on local resources, such as water and energy, which can create conflict with local residents and affect the sustainability of the destination.

Overall, tourism can have both positive and negative social impacts on a destination. To maximise the positive impacts and minimise the negative impacts, it is important to develop sustainable tourism practices that prioritise the well-being of local communities and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage.

Environmental impacts of tourism in Russia

Tourism can have significant environmental impacts on a destination, both positive and negative. Here are some of the key environmental impacts of tourism in Russia:

  • Carbon emissions – Tourism in Russia can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, particularly through air travel and transportation. This can contribute to climate change and impact local ecosystems.
  • Water usage – Tourism can increase demand for water, particularly in areas where water resources are already limited. This can lead to water scarcity and impact local ecosystems.
  • Waste generation – Tourism can generate significant amounts of waste, particularly in areas with high levels of tourism activity. This can lead to pollution of local waterways and harm local wildlife.
  • Land use – Tourism in Russia can lead to increased development and land use, particularly in areas with high levels of tourism activity. This can lead to habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.
  • Natural resource depletion – Tourism can increase demand for natural resources, such as timber, food, and water. This can lead to depletion of these resources and harm local ecosystems.
  • Wildlife disturbance – Tourism in Russia can cause disturbance to local wildlife, particularly in areas where wildlife is a key attraction for tourists. This can lead to habitat destruction and impact the ecological balance of the area.

Overall, tourism in Russia can have significant environmental impacts on a destination, particularly in areas with high levels of tourism activity. To minimise the negative impacts and promote sustainable tourism practices, it is important to prioritise environmental protection and conservation in tourism planning and management. This can include promoting eco-friendly accommodation, encouraging responsible behaviour among tourists, and implementing policies to reduce carbon emissions and waste generation.

Tourism in Russia 

FAQ’s about tourism in Russia 

Now that we know a bit more about tourism in Russia, lets answer some of the most frequently asked questions on this topic:

Do I need a visa to visit Russia?

Most foreign visitors to Russia require a visa. However, some countries have visa-free agreements with Russia, and citizens of those countries can visit without a visa for a limited period.

What is the best time of year to visit Russia?

The best time to visit Russia depends on your preferences and the activities you plan to do. The summer months of June to August are the most popular for tourism, but the winter months can also be a magical time to visit.

What is the currency used in Russia?

The official currency of Russia is the Russian ruble (RUB).

Is it safe to travel to Russia?

Overall, Russia is a safe country for tourists, but like any other country, it is not completely immune to crime. Tourists should take common-sense precautions and stay aware of their surroundings.

What language do people speak in Russia?

The official language of Russia is Russian. English is also widely spoken in major tourist destinations, but it is still a good idea to learn some basic Russian phrases before visiting.

What are the most popular tourist destinations in Russia?

Some of the most popular tourist destinations in Russia include Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Golden Ring, Lake Baikal, the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the Caucasus Mountains.

What is the cost of living in Russia?

The cost of living in Russia can vary depending on the city and the type of lifestyle you lead. In general, major cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg can be quite expensive, while smaller cities and rural areas are more affordable.

Can I use my credit card in Russia?

Credit cards are widely accepted in major tourist destinations in Russia, but it is still a good idea to carry cash as a backup.

What is the public transportation system like in Russia?

Russia has an extensive public transportation system, including metros, buses, trams, and trains. The metro systems in Moscow and St. Petersburg are particularly efficient and affordable.

What are some unique cultural experiences to have in Russia?

Some unique cultural experiences to have in Russia include attending a ballet or opera performance, visiting a traditional Russian bathhouse (banya), sampling local cuisine, and learning about Russian art and history at museums and galleries.

To conclude- Tourism in Russia

So, that sums up this article about tourism in Russia. In the vast expanse of Russia, every corner narrates tales of history, culture, and natural splendour. From imperial cities to sprawling tundras, the country’s diverse tapestry invites travellers to explore and rediscover. As the curtain falls on our exploration of Russian tourism, one truth remains evident: Russia’s allure, both timeless and ever-evolving, ensures it remains an unforgettable destination on the world’s travel map.

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Russia Tourism

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russia tourism 2019

  • Denis Tolkach 3 &
  • Vadim Pshtyka 4  

The Russian Federation (Russia) is located in Northern Eurasia, occupying most of northeastern Europe, and whole of northern Asia (Fig. 1 ). At 17,075,400 km 2 (6,592,849 mi 2 ), it is the largest country in the world and is the ninth most populous nation with 142.3 million people. Russia’s economy largely relies on export of commodities such as oil, natural gas, coal, steel, and aluminum. The GDP of Russia was US$3.97 trillion ($27,044 per capita) in 2019 (CIA 2021 ).

figure 1

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Andreeva, E. 2011. Tourism in the USSR: Organizational structure of tourism and international exchange in the second half of twentieth century. In Global changes and cultural transformations in contemporary tourism , ed. T.V. Cherevichko, 98–102. Saratov: SGU.

Google Scholar  

CIA. 2021. The World Factbook – Russia. Retrieved from .

Government of Russian Federation. 2019. Tourism development strategy until 2035 . Moscow: Government of Russian Federation.

Ministry of Education and Science. 2021. List of peer-reviewed journals in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of candidate of science or doctor of science must be published (as of 12.07.2021).

UNWTO. 2021. UNWTO tourism highlights, 2020 edition . . Accessed 08 July.

Zorin, I., V. Kaverina, and V. Kvartalnov. 2005. Tourism as a sphere of business . Moscow: Finance and Statistics.

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James Cook University, Cairns, Australia

Denis Tolkach

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University in Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad, Russia

Vadim Pshtyka

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Correspondence to Denis Tolkach .

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School of Hospitality Leadership, University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI, USA

Jafar Jafari

School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Honggen Xiao

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The University of Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast, Australia

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Tolkach, D., Pshtyka, V. (2023). Russia Tourism. In: Jafari, J., Xiao, H. (eds) Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer, Cham.

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Received : 18 August 2021

Accepted : 06 February 2023

Published : 09 September 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

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Russia tourism and leisure sector report 2019/2020.

Russia’s vast territory, wide range of tourist attractions and proximity to European and Asian markets offer strong growth potential for the country’s tourism sector. However, high entry barriers, underdeveloped transport infrastructure and worsening ties with the West have kept the country off the tourist radar for years. The hosting of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, however, was a game changer for the sector, helping Russia record a double-digit growth in international tourist spending. The number of foreign tourists visiting the country increased for the first time in three years in 2018. In addition, the recovering economy is having a positive effect on Russian incomes and they are spending increasing amounts of money on travel abroad. Both France and Russia registered as the countries with the highest growth in outbound tourism spending in 2018, according to data from the WTO.   

This report provides a complete and detailed analysis of the tourism sector for Russia. EMIS Insights presents in-depth business intelligence in a standard format across countries and regions, providing a balanced mix between analysis and data.

What this report allows you to do:

  • Understand the key elements at play in the tourism sector in Russia
  • Access forecasts for growth in the sector
  • View passenger traffic for the sector in Russia
  • Crystallise the forces both driving and restraining this sector in Russia
  • Ascertain Russia’s position in the global sector
  • Build a complete perspective on sector dynamics, investment and employment
  • Assess market share by type of tourism (e.g. business, leisure, inbound, outbound)
  • Understand the competitive landscape and who the major players are
  • View M&A activity and major deals
  • Gain an understanding of the regulatory environment for the sector in Russia
  • Build a clear picture of trends and issues for tourism infrastructure and accommodation.

See below for a complete table of report contents:

Russia Tourism and Leisure Sector Report 2019/2020 - Page 1

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Russia Tourism and Leisure Sector Report 2019/2020 -  Page 3

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Russia Visitor Arrivals

  • Russia Visitor Arrivals recorded 8,210,405 person in Dec 2023, compared with 8,242,510 person in the previous year
  • Russia Visitor Arrivals data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1995 to Dec 2023
  • The data reached an all-time high of 30,792,091 person in Dec 2013 and a record low of 6,358,959 person in Dec 2020

View Russia's Visitor Arrivals from 1995 to 2023 in the chart:

Russia Visitor Arrivals

What was Russia's Visitor Arrivals in 2023?

Russia Visitor Arrivals recorded 8,210,405 person in Dec 2023, compared with 8,242,510 person in the previous year See the table below for more data.

Visitor Arrivals by Country Comparison

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10 most favorite tourist destinations in Russia - among Russians!

russia tourism 2019

Russia’s domestic tourism is continuously developing, although there are still problems with infrastructure, services and sometimes extremely expensive tickets, especially for long distance destinations. Some Russians have indeed never been abroad, but they have the world’s largest country at their disposal and usually arrange holidays on the Black Sea coast, in Caucasian mountains or save up to visit the two capitals, Moscow and St. Petersburg. 

St. Basil's Cathedral and Kremlin

St. Basil's Cathedral and Kremlin

We are used to saying that Moscow is not Russia . However, despite this, Moscow is still the center of everything, and the most popular destination of a domestic tourist. Visiting the capital is a sort of a ‘must-do’ experience for Russians from the other regions. And despite the fact that a ticket to Moscow will cost a Far East resident more than a ticket to a neighboring Asian country, a trip to Moscow is almost a pilgrimage. 

Beyond the obvious selfie on the Red Square, domestic tourists adore the GUM department store, the new Zaryadye Park, the Tretyakov Gallery, and among the must-visit places in Moscow are a theater, a circus and the Zoo. 

According to the Russian Union of Tourism Industry, more than 22 million tourists from across the country visited Moscow in 2019, including traveling for sports events, as well as on business trips.

3. St. Petersburg

The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

This city is often compared with Venice, Amsterdam and other historical European cities. And indeed, it was specifically built as a “window to Europe”, because Emperor Peter the Great wanted Russia to be more like a European country. 

About 9 million tourists from all around Russia visited the city in 2019. “When you come to St. Petersburg, it seems that there are more royal palaces than ordinary living houses, and you just can’t get enough of the beauty that surrounds you,” says Sasha from Moscow, who tries to spend one weekend a year in the northern capital. 

There are plenty of ways to get to St. Petersburg from Moscow, so there are almost never problems with tickets (unless big international events such as the annual Economic Forum).  As a rule, St. Petersburg is a destination for two- or three-day school trips. It’s a perfect place for historical and cultural enrichment. Here are 5 must-see places for your first visit. 

Lastochkino gnezdo castle (the Swallow's Nest)

Lastochkino gnezdo castle (the Swallow's Nest)

Crimea has always been a favorite resort for Russians - Chekhov and Tolstoy liked coming here, and its nice climate is perfect for recovering from a range of illnesses. Russian tsars had residences here, which were turned into Soviet sanatoriums . There is also the legendary ’Artek’ pioneer camp, which is still in operation. And in 2019, about 7 million Russians visited Crimea.

The peninsula has a big number of resorts all around its perimeter, but one of the most popular cities is Yalta , the ‘Russian Rivera’ and the main city of the southern coast. While in Sevastopol , you can not only have a rest, but also explore ancient history, as there is a museum on ruins of the Greek colony Chersonesus. At the same time, Sevastopol is a city with navy and military glory, that was under siege many times and successfully fought and defended the peninsula. 

Besides the great sea resort, Crimea also has mountains and its peak, Ai-Petri, is a great place for climbing - check out our video about this sight.

5. Vladivostok

Tokarev lighthouse

Tokarev lighthouse

For a Moscow citizen, a ticket to Vladivostok can cost as much as an all inclusive package tour to Turkey (and many Russians would actually choose Turkey), however, the idea of appearing on the other side of the world - and still be in Russia - is exciting. And it’s all about nature and the ocean there. In 2019, more than 4 million Russian tourists visited Vladivostok, and the number of foreign tourists is rapidly increasing every year.

“Comparing with the noisy, crowdy Moscow, just observing Vladivostok’s giant bridges and remote mayaks is a kind of meditation and an absolutely different feeling of your surroundings,” says photographer Gleb, who considers it lucky to have had a chance to visit Vladivostok on a business trip. 

Another appealing thing about the Far East of Russia is the seafood - ordinary citizens of central Russia don’t usually get to try Kamchatka crab at home, but here, it’s absolutely affordable. And moreover, there are also lots of museums, art galleries and many interesting sites to explore .

6. Caucasian Mineral Waters

Park in Zheleznovosk resort city

Park in Zheleznovosk resort city

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a group of resort cities in Stavropol Territory, among them are  Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovosdsk, Kislovodsk, Essentuki and Mineralnye Vody (most of the titles are somehow related to water).

“I love going to Kislovodsk, drinking mineral water and adoring the Caucasian Mountains,” says Vladimir, admitting that he doesn’t need to visit “any places abroad”. Vladimir is lucky - his work provides him a discount package tour to Kislovodsk.

It has to be said that prices there are not that cheap, however, these resorts offer a range of medical treatments and special water drinking programs. These places have been popular destinations since the 19th century, that Russian writer Mikhail Lermontov famously described in his novel ‘Hero of Our Times’ - and, in fact, Lermontov was killed in a duel in Pyatigorsk … In 2019, around 2 million tourists visited the resorts.

7. Altai Mountains

Mountain lake in the Altai

Mountain lake in the Altai

This is one of the most beautiful places in Russia, though not that easy to reach and still with a poor infrastructure. Going there, one should always take enough spare money and it’s best to arrange a car or hiking trip (here are some other tips ). Tourist agencies also offer exhilarating horse riding in the mountains. And all the lack of comfort and inconveniences will be forgotten after you follow along Altai’s Chuysky Trakt, one of the most picturesque highways in Russia .

“That’s probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to and the most unforgettable and extreme experience,” says Kira from Kuznetsk/Moscow, who went on a wild car trip.

By the way, Altai is also a land of Buddhism and shamans, and while visiting, you can see nomads in yurts, listen to the kaichi , local musical storytellers. 2 million Russians had the chance to do this in 2019.

8. Golden Ring

Suzdal's kremlin

Suzdal's kremlin

This is a touristic route and a group of ancient cities about 200-300 km outside of Moscow. About 300-500 thousand Russians visit each of the nine cities annually. When a big city inhabitant wants to escape and feel the atmospheric and authentic Russia, they come here. Forts and monasteries built in the 11-12th centuries, golden dome churches, the Volga River or huge lakes, endless fields or dense wood can all be found along the Golden Ring. There is an experience for all tastes there. Read more in our short guide to the Golden Ring cities .

Prices there are rather cheap and getting there is rather easy. To attract even more tourists, the local tourist boards recently set up a number of glamping hotels , which will make you feel closer to nature, while not foregoing any luxury!

“The first place that I took my Italian husband to in Russia after Moscow was Suzdal , I wanted to surprise him with the real Russia, to show him the wooden houses with carved window surrounds and he was absolutely amazed,” says Alina from Moscow, now living in Munich. Unfortunately, booking a hotel in Suzdal can sometimes be problematic, especially during official holidays in Russia - there are too many tourists who want to stay in this gingerbread fairy tale paradise! 

Editor’s Choice:

These two destinations are not represented among the most popular ones, because they are considered expensive, sometimes not comfortable and hard to get to. However, these places deserve a special mention, because secretly, all Russians dream of going there. 

9. Baikal 

Baikal in winter

Baikal in winter

This place never gets onto any top tourist destination lists. But when you ask a Russian where they would like to go before they die, it’s very likely that they will say: “Baikal”. The unique lake and a holder of numerous records regarding water amount, deepness and amount of animals and fish that one can encounter there… is a land of shamans and enormously beautiful nature. 

In summer, tickets there are rather expensive, but in winter, they are much more affordable. That’s what Vsevolod Pulya, our editor-in-chief did this year, and according to him, he left a part of his soul in the ice of Lake Baikal , which freezes in unusual and many kinds of shapes. 

Don’t forget to watch our travel documentary about Lake Baikal.

10. Kamchatka

A bear at the Kuril Lake in Kamchatka

A bear at the Kuril Lake in Kamchatka

The remote peninsula in Russia’s Far East is a dream of all the extreme seekers and nature lovers. It’s a land of Geysers, volcanoes and a wide range of activities . In summer, one can kayak, hike, fish, surf , see bears and whales. In winter, it’s mountain skiing and snowboarding. Despite a lack of proper infrastructure and having to rent an expensive helicopter ride to reach the top, nothing can express the emotions that one can experience sliding down right to the ocean. 

Vladimir and his friends used to travel a lot around the world, but several years in a row now, he visits Kamchatka one to two times a year. “Snowboarding in Kamchatka was so exciting and so different from what I’ve experienced before, that I just don’t want to go to the Alps or anywhere else and I save money the whole year to make another trip to this edge of the world,” says Vladimir.

However, visiting Kamchatka is very expensive! Plane tickets to get there and then renting helicopters, off-road vehicles, boats, as well as all the equipment will cost a small fortune, and moreover, prices for ordinary foods are, naturally, much higher there. Time to start saving!

READ MORE: How to get an e-visa to Russia and which cities you can visit with it

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Russia Travel & Tourism Economic Impact Factsheet

Discover the total economic contribution that the Travel & Tourism sector brings to Russia and the world in this data-rich, two-page factsheet.

Discover the total economic contribution that the Travel & Tourism sector brings to the Russia’s economies and to the world in this data-rich, two-page factsheet.

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Factsheet details

This factsheet highlights the importance of Travel & Tourism to Russia across many metrics, and features details such as:

  • Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment
  • Comparisons between 2019 and 2023
  • Forecasts for 2024 and 2034
  • International and domestic visitor spending
  • Proportion of leisure vs business spending
  • Top 5 inbound and outbound markets

This factsheet highlights the importance of Travel & Tourism to the Russia across many metrics, and features details such as:

  • Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment in the group and globally
  • Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment in the region and globally

This factsheet highlights the importance of T&T to this city across many metrics, and features details such as:

  • Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment in the city
  • Comparisons between 2019, 2020 and 2021, plus 2022 forecast
  • Proportion of the T&T at city level towards overall T&T contribution at a country level
  • Top 5 inbound source markets

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Where Russians Went in 2019



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Although Russian mass media glittered with headlines such as ‘Russians Exchange Turkey for Local Resorts’ or ‘East or West, Home is Best. More and More Russians Choose Local Resorts for Vacation’ in 2019, Turkey became a leader of the outbound tourism flow by a long shot. What is more, this is related to both data concerning the general outbound flow and the tourist flow in particular.

Where Russians went

According to the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, more than 48 million Russians went abroad in 2019, with almost 18 million out of them having a tourism purpose. In general, the outbound flow has grown by almost 8% within the year. Turkey provided almost one-third of the annual growth.

russia tourism 2019

Traditionally, bordering countries such as Abkhazia, Finland, Kazakhstan, China, and Ukraine are on top where Russians go mostly with private purposes (visiting relatives, shopping etc.).

Trips to post-Soviet states take a huge share of the outbound flow, equal to almost one third (31%) of all overseas trips from Russia. The next significant share of outbound tourism are bordering countries (Finland, China, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Mongolia), equal to 23% of all overseas trips in 2019.

Top 15 countries among Russians

Regarding trips for tourism purposes, top countries are notably different. The only permanent leader is Turkey, where the tourist flow from Russia grew by almost 18%. At year-end 2019, the most notable growth of the flow of Russian travelers, as compared with 2018, is shown by China (+26%), France (+25%), Montenegro (+24%), Italy (+20%), with the top five closed by Turkey (+18%).

russia tourism 2019

The detailed dynamics of the outbound flow from Russia is presented in the updated Russian Tourism Market Digest .

Turkey’s popularity story

We fell short to ignore the leader and decided to give readers of our blog a deeper exposure to traveling statistics in this country. In fact, Russian tourists have loved staying in Turkey for quite some time now because popular ‘all-inclusive’ conquered travelers’ hearts and is still a favorite type of leisure among Russians. For the last 6 years, the year of 2016 has been a ‘failure’ for the country when the tourist flow dropped multi-fold due to a conflict escalated between Russia and Turkey. The conflict was successfully resolved, and as early as the next year of 2017 the tourist flow increased almost 6 times and exceeded all forecasts.

While Turkey had Egypt as a very strong ‘competitor’ before 2016—nearly 2 million Russians annually chose that country for their vacation—today nothing prevents Turkey from enlarging the tourist flow, including one from Russia.

russia tourism 2019

Do you want to always be aware of traveling statistics in Russia?

  • Where do Russians usually go?
  • What is the dynamics of the outbound tourism flow?
  • How many Russians go abroad with travel and business purposes?
  • How is the online behavior of travelers changing?
  • What countries are on top of the Russian online search?
  • What events in Russia are worth attending for travel industry representatives?

You can find this and many other pieces of information in the quarterly issue of the Russian Tourism Market Digest .

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Head of Digital, editor-in-chief of the RMAA Agency Blog


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  • Number of inbound tourist arrivals in Russia 2014-2023

In 2023, approximately 8.2 million visits were made by foreign citizens to Russia, slightly less than in the previous year. In 2020, there was a significant decrease in tourist arrivals due to international border closures to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Over the observed period, the maximum foreign visitor number in Russia was recorded at nearly 26.9 million in 2015. 

Chinese travel behavior in Russia

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of Chinese tourists to Russia peaked at nearly 1.9 million tourist trips in 2019. Due to travel restrictions, the number of visitors from China decreased drastically 83 thousand in 2020. Tourism was the main purpose of travel for Chinese visitors in the country, occupying 64 percent of total trips in 2019, followed by employment and business travel. On average, the spending per tourist reached nearly 460 U.S. dollars per trip in 2019.

Is tax-free shopping available in Russia?

The tax-free program was launched in Russia in 2018 and was available in 16 regions of the country as of 2020. Tax-free shopping allows foreign travelers, except for those from CIS countries, to claim a value-added tax (VAT) back on every purchase worth at least 10 thousand Russian rubles made in stores participating in the program. In 2020, the total VAT reimbursement to tax-free shoppers in Russia reached approximately 550 million Russian rubles after the travelers purchased goods worth 16.4 billion Russian rubles in participating stores.

Number of inbound tourism visits to Russia from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000s)

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August 2024

2014 to 2023

Inbound tourism trips (visits) are defined by the source as "a trip made by a foreign citizen (national) to the Russian Federation, over the reference period, for any main purpose (business, leisure, or other personal purpose) other than to be employed by a resident entity (enterprise) registered in the Russian Federation. Trips of foreign service staff (crews) on public mode of transport, diplomats, national diplomats, consulate personnel, military personnel and their beneficiaries should not be included in the number of inbound tourism visits."

Other statistics on the topic Travel and tourism in Russia

Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

  • Countries with the highest outbound tourism expenditure worldwide 2019-2023
  • Leading outbound travel destinations in Russia 2022-2023
  • Number of outbound tourists from Russia 2023, by territory
  • Number of outbound tourism trips from Russia 2014-2023

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Statistics on " Travel and tourism in Russia "

  • Inbound visitor growth in CEE 2020-2024
  • Travel industry revenue distribution in Russia 2022, by segment
  • Tourism spending share in Russia 2019-2023, by purpose
  • Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in Russia 2019-2034
  • Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Russia 2019-2034
  • Travel transportation consumer price in Russia 2022, by type
  • Outbound travel expenditure in Russia 2011-2023
  • Outbound tourist flow growth in Russia 2022, by destination
  • European Union (EU) Schengen visas issued in Russia 2010-2023
  • International tourism spending in Russia 2011-2023
  • Domestic travel spending in Russia 2019-2034
  • Leading source markets for travel to Russia 2021-2023, by arrivals
  • Number of nature protected areas in Russia 2015-2023, by type
  • Estimated demand for inbound tourism in Russia Q1 2014-Q2 2024
  • Inbound tourist flow growth in Russia 2020-2023
  • Tourist flow in Moscow 2019-2023
  • Travel industry organizations distribution in Russia 2022, by segment
  • Number of tourism companies in Russia 2010-2022
  • Average monthly travel industry salary in Russia 2014-2022
  • Most popular travel websites in Russia 2023, by traffic
  • Number of package tours sold in Russia 2014-2022, by type
  • Value of package tours sold in Russia 2014-2022, by type
  • Package tour cost in Russia 2014-2022, by type
  • Most popular travel destinations on package tours in Russia 2022
  • Paid travel accommodation services value in Russia 2015-2022
  • Travel accommodation establishments in Russia 2023, by federal district
  • Total room area in travel accommodation in Russia 2013-2022
  • Number of visitors in hotels in Russia 2010-2023
  • Number of hotel visitors in Russia 2023, by travel purpose
  • Overnight accommodation cost in Moscow monthly 2020-2023
  • Hotel occupancy rate in Moscow 2023, by segment
  • Average daily hotel rate in Moscow 2023, by segment
  • Household expenditure on travel & recreation per capita in Russia 2014-2022
  • Reasons to not travel long-haul in Russia 2022
  • Intention to travel long-haul from Russia 2019-2022
  • Intention to travel to Europe in Russia 2019-2022
  • Summer vacation plans of Russians 2012-2023
  • Travel frequency for private purposes in Russia 2023
  • Average holiday spend per person in Russia 2011-2023
  • Attitudes towards traveling in Russia 2023

Other statistics that may interest you Travel and tourism in Russia

  • Premium Statistic Countries with the highest outbound tourism expenditure worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Inbound visitor growth in CEE 2020-2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel industry revenue distribution in Russia 2022, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Tourism spending share in Russia 2019-2023, by purpose
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in Russia 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Russia 2019-2034
  • Premium Statistic Travel transportation consumer price in Russia 2022, by type

Outbound tourism

  • Basic Statistic Outbound travel expenditure in Russia 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound tourism trips from Russia 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Leading outbound travel destinations in Russia 2022-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound tourists from Russia 2023, by territory
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourist flow growth in Russia 2022, by destination
  • Premium Statistic European Union (EU) Schengen visas issued in Russia 2010-2023

Inbound and domestic tourism

  • Basic Statistic International tourism spending in Russia 2011-2023
  • Basic Statistic Domestic travel spending in Russia 2019-2034
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound tourist arrivals in Russia 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Leading source markets for travel to Russia 2021-2023, by arrivals
  • Basic Statistic Number of nature protected areas in Russia 2015-2023, by type
  • Premium Statistic Estimated demand for inbound tourism in Russia Q1 2014-Q2 2024
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourist flow growth in Russia 2020-2023
  • Premium Statistic Tourist flow in Moscow 2019-2023

Travel industry

  • Premium Statistic Travel industry organizations distribution in Russia 2022, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Number of tourism companies in Russia 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Average monthly travel industry salary in Russia 2014-2022
  • Premium Statistic Most popular travel websites in Russia 2023, by traffic

Package tours

  • Premium Statistic Number of package tours sold in Russia 2014-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Value of package tours sold in Russia 2014-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Package tour cost in Russia 2014-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Most popular travel destinations on package tours in Russia 2022


  • Basic Statistic Paid travel accommodation services value in Russia 2015-2022
  • Premium Statistic Travel accommodation establishments in Russia 2023, by federal district
  • Basic Statistic Total room area in travel accommodation in Russia 2013-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of visitors in hotels in Russia 2010-2023
  • Basic Statistic Number of hotel visitors in Russia 2023, by travel purpose
  • Premium Statistic Overnight accommodation cost in Moscow monthly 2020-2023
  • Premium Statistic Hotel occupancy rate in Moscow 2023, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Average daily hotel rate in Moscow 2023, by segment

Travel behavior

  • Premium Statistic Household expenditure on travel & recreation per capita in Russia 2014-2022
  • Premium Statistic Reasons to not travel long-haul in Russia 2022
  • Premium Statistic Intention to travel long-haul from Russia 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Intention to travel to Europe in Russia 2019-2022
  • Basic Statistic Summer vacation plans of Russians 2012-2023
  • Premium Statistic Travel frequency for private purposes in Russia 2023
  • Basic Statistic Average holiday spend per person in Russia 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Attitudes towards traveling in Russia 2023

Further related statistics

  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourist arrivals for personal purposes in Belarus 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourist arrivals for personal purposes in Azerbaijan 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound visits to the UK 2019-2022, by age group
  • Premium Statistic Tourists from Asia in Spain 2016-2023, by origin
  • Basic Statistic Number of Thailand residents traveling to Australia 2012-2014
  • Premium Statistic Tourists from the Americas in Spain 2016-2023, by origin
  • Basic Statistic Number of Chinese residents traveling to Australia 2012-2014
  • Basic Statistic Non-resident Chinese visitor arrivals at national borders in the UK 2009-2018
  • Premium Statistic Italy: number of Austrian tourist arrivals in 2015, by month
  • Premium Statistic Inbound overnight tourist arrivals in Switzerland 2010-2018
  • Premium Statistic Monthly tourist visits from Europe to the UK 2018-2023
  • Basic Statistic Contribution to growth in tourist arrivals in Europe 2016-2020, by market
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Norway 2010-2020
  • Premium Statistic Number of inbound tourist arrivals in Belgium 2008-2020, by region
  • Premium Statistic Visitor arrivals in Mallorca 2022, by place of residence

Further Content: You might find this interesting as well

  • Inbound tourist arrivals for personal purposes in Belarus 2010-2021
  • Inbound tourist arrivals for personal purposes in Azerbaijan 2010-2021
  • Number of inbound visits to the UK 2019-2022, by age group
  • Tourists from Asia in Spain 2016-2023, by origin
  • Number of Thailand residents traveling to Australia 2012-2014
  • Tourists from the Americas in Spain 2016-2023, by origin
  • Number of Chinese residents traveling to Australia 2012-2014
  • Non-resident Chinese visitor arrivals at national borders in the UK 2009-2018
  • Italy: number of Austrian tourist arrivals in 2015, by month
  • Inbound overnight tourist arrivals in Switzerland 2010-2018
  • Monthly tourist visits from Europe to the UK 2018-2023
  • Contribution to growth in tourist arrivals in Europe 2016-2020, by market
  • Inbound tourism volume in Norway 2010-2020
  • Number of inbound tourist arrivals in Belgium 2008-2020, by region
  • Visitor arrivals in Mallorca 2022, by place of residence


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  1. Travel and tourism in Russia

    Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Russia 2019-2034 Premium Statistic Travel transportation consumer price in Russia 2022, by type

  2. Tourism in Russia

    The former is relatively insignificant for the Russian tourism industry, amounting for approximately 100 thousands pilgrims yearly. [16] The latter is more important. [citation needed] Orthodox Christianity being the most common religion in Russia, it also accounts for most religious monuments across the country. ... 2019 2018 2017

  3. Tourism in Russia

    In 2019, tourism contributed 3.7% to Russia's GDP and supported 5.5 million jobs. Foreign exchange earnings - Tourism is an important source of foreign exchange earnings for Russia, as international visitors spend money on accommodation, food, transportation, and other tourism-related activities. ...

  4. Outbound Tourism in 2019: Where Are Russians Travelling?

    With the Russian outbound travel industry growing steadily every year, we took a look at the figures for the first six months of 2019. From 1 January - 30 June 2019, Russian citizens made 19,891,000 trips abroad - 6% more than the same period in 2018, which was 9% more than in 2017, according to the Russian State Statistics Service Rosstat.

  5. Russia Tourism Statistics 1960-2024

    Russia tourism statistics for 2020 was 4,961,000,000.00, a 71.22% decline from 2019. Russia tourism statistics for 2019 was 17,235,000,000.00, a 8.01% decline from 2018. International tourism receipts are expenditures by international inbound visitors, including payments to national carriers for international transport.

  6. The Russian Outbound Tourism Market in 2019: An Overview

    Despite having faced some headwinds in recent years, Russia continues to have huge numbers of tourists flocking abroad for their holidays every year. In 2017, Russian trips abroad increased an impressive 25% compared to 2016. Last year, this number continued the positive trend, growing by a further 5.8%.

  7. Russia Tourism

    According to the World Tourism Organization, 24.42 million foreign nationals visited Russia in 2019. Total tourism receipts amounted to nearly $10.96 billion (UNWTO 2021).These inbound numbers are much lower than the 38.6 million by 2020 envisioned by the "Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in Russian Federation (2011-2018)" government strategy.

  8. International tourism, number of arrivals

    International tourism, number of arrivals - Russian Federation. World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files. License : CC BY-4.0. LineBarMap. Also Show Share Details. Label. 1995 - 2020.

  9. Russia Tourism and Leisure Sector Report 2019/2020

    Russia Tourism and Leisure Sector Report 2019/2020. Russia's vast territory, wide range of tourist attractions and proximity to European and Asian markets offer strong growth potential for the country's tourism sector. However, high entry barriers, underdeveloped transport infrastructure and worsening ties with the West have kept the ...

  10. The Russian Outbound Travel Market: Trends, Analysis & Statistics 2019

    The poll showed that 61% Russians who plan long-distance travels use the Internet to look for relevant information about a city or country where they are going to go. Most Russian tourists (66%) buy tickets online. This rate is much higher among the residents of Moscow and Saint Petersburg and reaches 89%. More than half of Russians (55%) pay ...

  11. Russia Visitor Arrivals [Chart-Data-Forecast], 1995

    Russia Visitor Arrivals data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1995 to Dec 2023. The data reached an all-time high of 30,792,091 person in Dec 2013 and a record low of 6,358,959 person in Dec 2020. CEIC calculates annual Tourist Arrivals from quarterly Tourist Arrivals. The Federal Agency for Tourism provides year-to-date Tourist Arrivals.

  12. 10 most favorite tourist destinations in Russia

    According to the Russian Union of Tourism Industry, more than 22 million tourists from across the country visited Moscow in 2019, including traveling for sports events, as well as on business ...

  13. Development and importance of tourism for Russia

    Development of the tourism sector in Russia from 1995 to 2020 ... In 2020, tourist receipts plummeted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the $17.24 billion billion (2019), only $4.96 billion billion remained. This is a 71 percent decrease in Russia. All data for Russia in detail. Year Number of tourists Receipts % of GNP; 2020:

  14. Russia Travel & Tourism

    Factsheet details. This factsheet highlights the importance of Travel & Tourism to Russia across many metrics, and features details such as: Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment. Comparisons between 2019 and 2023. Forecasts for 2024 and 2034.

  15. World travel market 2019. Russian Tourism Results 2018 and Outlook 2019

    According to the report International Tourism Results 2018 and Outlook 2019 prepared by UNWTO, world travel market has been demonstrating heady growth rates for the second year in a row. At year-end, the growth of the world travel industry market hit 6%, with 1.4 billion international trips. The outbound tourism market of Russia finished the year of 2018 with a humble (compared to growth rates ...

  16. Outbound tourism in 2019: where Russians went

    According to the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, more than 48 million Russians went abroad in 2019, with almost 18 million out of them having a tourism purpose. In general, the outbound flow has grown by almost 8% within the year. Turkey provided almost one-third of the annual growth.

  17. Incoming

    ATOR: incoming tourism to Russia reduced by 99,5% in 2022. According to the results of the three quarters of 2022, the inbound tourist flow to Russia amounted to 147,4 thousand trips of foreign citizens with a purpose of tourism. This is 99,5% less than in the same period in 2019 and even 16% less than in covid 2021.

  18. Tourists growth by season & destination Russia 2021

    The volume of domestic and foreign tourism in Russia increased in the summer of 2019 and the winter of 2020 compared to the respective seasons one year prior. In winter 2021, both national and ...

  19. Russia tourism spending share by purpose 2023

    Tourism spending share in Russia 2019-2023, by purpose. In 2023, leisure travel accounted for the largest share of the travel and tourism expenditure in Russia, at roughly 89 percent. The business ...

  20. Russia: travel & tourism total GDP contribution 2034

    Total contribution of travel and tourism to gross domestic product (GDP) in Russia from 2019 to 2034 (in trillion Russian rubles) [Graph], WTTC, April 18, 2024. [Online].

  21. Global destinations with the most Russian visitors 2021

    Travel destinations with the highest share of Russian visitors worldwide from 2019 to 2021 [Graph], World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism), March 24, 2022. [Online].

  22. Russia: international tourist arrivals 2023

    Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Russia 2019-2034 Travel transportation consumer price in Russia 2022, by type The most important statistics