Jude And Scotty Are Still Here… Just! “We Loathe Each Other”

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Just as Judith Lucy opened her new show about surviving covid, she came down with… covid. She’s back on her feet and touring again with Denise Scott in Still Here .

DNA: We’ve had Lucy and Ethel, Thelma and Louise, Cagney and Lacey, Grace and Frankie. Where do Jude and Scotty fit in that rarefied group?

At the very top! Scotty and I have been in this ridiculous business for so long. Look, the fact we’re both still alive and still performing and still selling tickets is something to celebrate. Hence the name of the show.

There’s something wonderful about a close, genuine friendship between two women. Those couples were brilliant performers, but the key to their success was an undeniable genuine friendship, genuine relationship, genuine love for each. Dare I say, you two get on as well as Lucy and Ethel ever did?

No, we loathe each other, Ian, and we can’t talk about it openly because we have to keep living this lie that we’re actually friends. At the start of every year I ring up Julia Morris, Kitty Flanagan, Ann Edmond, Celia Pacquola, Hannah Gadsby – I’ve tried them all and they just won’t say yes. So, I’m forced to work with this dead albatross around my neck, Denise Scott. In all seriousness, yes, we are genuinely very close old friends. And you know what? If there’s one thing people always say about the show it’s, “Oh, my God, the chemistry you two have!” And you’re right. You can’t fake that. We are genuinely really good friends, and we genuinely make each other laugh and we genuinely enjoy having a dinner and a wine together after the show.

W-i-n-e or w-h-i-n-e?

Both. A lot of both.

Surely you annoy each other from time to time. When you’re about to go on stage and you just can’t face each other for that brief moment, how do you gather yourselves and perform as though nothing’s wrong?

See, that’s never a moment! Of course, there are times when we give each other the shits, but it’s never that moment. And we never feel like that before we walk on stage, or when we’re on stage. Quite honestly, I’m more likely to think that when we’re walking to a restaurant and I have to deal with the slowest walker on the face of the earth as she shuffles along beside me because of her arthritis .

judith lucy and denise scott tour 2022

What you do is impeccably scripted, but not always. There are off-the-cuff moments that bring the house down. But can you sometimes ad lib your way into a corner from which there is no return? Or from which there is no return with dignity?

I said goodbye to dignity many, many years ago, Ian. I very much script my stuff, so does Scotty. We both love talking to the audience and because we’ve both been doing it for so long we’ve both got real relationships with our audiences, separately and together.

You know what, the worst thing that can happen when you’re talking to the audience is, yeah, it goes a bit pear-shaped, and then you just go back on script. We talk to the audience in this show as we always do and because we’ve done the show a few times now there’s a great balance of script and looseness. I don’t think I’ve ever painted myself into a terrible corner. If things are really going to shit, you just get back on script.

What material is going over well for you both right now?

All of it, Ian, all of it. Look, you can spend hours writing a perfectly crafted joke and yet two of the biggest laughs in the show – well, let’s just say one involves a, er, I’m not even gonna give that away – two of the biggest laughs in the show involve props that are really, really dumb. Sometimes that’s disheartening but, frankly, Ian, we’ll take any laugh we can get.

I’m amazed at the depth of honesty to which you stoop. You’ll stop at nothing to mine for laughs. Do you have no shame? Are there limits to what you won’t reveal?

There are very few things I haven’t shared with my audience, from death and adoption and breakups, to dry vaginas and my vulva portrait. So it would appear there’s very little I won’t discuss but there’s no better defence than being completely open. I choose what aspect of a particular story I wanna tell. I’m not giving away quite as much as people maybe think I am.

Ever said too much?

Occasionally I’ve made the mistake of talking about something on stage when it was just too raw. Audiences just know, they can sense where you’re at. They want you to come out and be completely relaxed with your material.

I’ve been asked a lot over the years: “Is your stand-up cathartic?” No, it’s not because I’m not trying to work out any of my problems on stage. If I were doing that, it wouldn’t be very funny. I always remember getting up on stage and talking about finding out I was adopted only two weeks after I found out. I was still completely out of my mind. Unsurprisingly, that whole story was met by mystified silence. I was clearly too distraught to talk about it.

In Judith Lucy Versus Men , who won?

Look, I did. The tour went really well and I made quite a bit of money [ laughs ]. What’s absolutely hilarious, Ian, is that the show was horrendous story after horrendous story about my love life. At the end, I got the audience to vote on whether I should get back on the pony or just give up. Every single night, despite listening to the tragic history of my love life, people voted that I should get back out there. But in my own head, Ian, I’d decided I was done. But, as luck would have it, someone has come along! His name is Michael.

Is he worried about becoming fodder for your show, like previous partners?

No, he’s not, because, fingers crossed, he’s not planning on spending two years stealing money from me. If you don’t wanna be mentioned in my show, don’t be an asshole. It’s really that simple.

Still Here – talk about an appropriate title for the new show!

Oh, boy. We had to cancel the last four shows in Adelaide. We were meant to do a show that night. I thought I had a bad cold. I’d done two negative RATs – we all know they’re a complete waste of time. That afternoon it became a chest infection. Then the stage manager said this sounds really serious and took me to emergency. I had to isolate in Adelaide. I’m still exhausted from covid, but I’ve just done a whole fucking comedy festival.

How many vaccinations had you had?

Do you think you still felt the full force of covid?

I don’t have anything to compare it to, so hard to say, apart from those few scary hours where I had a very tight chest and I was in emergency and people were doing tests on me. The worst part for me has been the exhaustion. I haven’t been able to shake it. Mind you, I’d be exhausted at this point in the tour anyway. Covid made it worse.

That was research a touch too far.

Yeah. The show is a terrifying documentary for people who didn’t endure the two-year nightmare of lockdown in Melbourne. Sydney got a taste of it at the end.

Still Here with Judith Lucy and Denise Scott plays Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart, Townsville, Bendigo, Newcastle.

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The Art House Presents


Denise Scott and Judith Lucy know what the whole country is wondering, how did they cope with a global pandemic and the endless lockdowns of the last two years? Well, it turns out they were in lockdown together dealing with the same big questions as everyone else: how many meals can I eat in one day? Do I have a drinking problem? (Specifically, if I go to the toilet in the middle of the night and on my way back to bed I stop and have a gin and tonic, does that mean my drinking problem has gotten worse? Or does it mean I'm living my best life?) Will I ever wear a bra again? Should I trim my goatee or go the full on beard?

Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play – think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High – that is not only full of shameless gags but sees them confronting their greatest fear. Intrigued? Don’t be. Just buy a ticket.

Directed by Stephen Nicolazzo

“It’s prime theatrical stand-up from two living legends.” ★★★★★  The Age, 2022

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Judith Lucy and Denise Scott: Still Here | Melbourne International Comedy Festival review

Judith Lucy and Denise Scott: Still Here

Melbourne International Comedy Festival review

Sitcom writers have historically made great efforts to contrive situations to trap characters together. Now Covid’s done the job for them.

Judith Lucy and Denise Scott imagine being locked down together in this sprightly stage return, climbing the walls with boredom, pickling themselves in wine and charting their physical and mental deterioration. It’s a bit Waiting For Godot, but in the era of Uber Eats.

They describe themselves as national treasures, and the status is undisputed. It comes from decades of unvarnished honesty about their lives, which continues to be writ large here. ‘Could they possibly have any more hair-removal gags?’ asks Lucy after one such barrage. The question is definitely rhetorical.

Despite the audience’s familiarity with these comedy countessas, it still remains possible to be surprised by the filth they come out with, or the graphic description of bodily functions. 

An undercurrent of mortality, death and decay is always present – as well as a reminder that there was much about Melbourne’s draconian lockdowns to be depressed about. Far from bringing things down, the acceptance of the inevitable adds punch to their irreverent gags.

Much of what they cover resonates, from the misery of Zoom gigs to ill-advised new lockdown hobbies. Especially with the sizeable portion of their audience who share their menopausal demographic. But everyone here in Melbourne can relate to feeling the full force of the misery-inducing stay-at-home rules.

Lucy and Scotty also share the sort of decades-long friendship where they can openly bitch about each other without consequence. One of the funniest segments of the consistently entertaining 70 minutes comes as Lucy describes how her so-called friend abandoned her on the Adelaide leg of the tour quicker than you can say ‘positive Covid test’. Occasionally this tips into self-indulgence, but never for too long.

They promise to ‘sprinkle showbiz stardust’ on the coronavirus experience – what else would you expect from a Dancing With The Stars contestant like Scotty? They deliver that through a few sketches of a more theatrical tone such as the scene recreating the awkward liturgical dancing of their youth, which varies the energy compared to their dialogues. And yes, the nude suit makes a reappearance, just when you thought you might finally have wiped the mental image of the last time Lucy wore it.

The duo’s delight at being out of the house is the perfect pairing with their dry wit and world-weary acceptance of their physical decline. Luckily, their comic instincts are suffering no such depreciation, and the result is a frank, funny and facetious show.

• Judith Lucy & Denise Scott: Still Here is on at the Arts Theatre Melbourne at 6.45pm (5.45pm Sundays, no show tomorrow) until April 24 before continuing its national tour.

Review date: 17 Apr 2022 Reviewed by: Steve Bennett Reviewed at: Melbourne International Comedy Festival

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Fringe review: Judith Lucy & Denise Scott – Still Here

You can thank two years of Melbourne lockdowns for yielding the comedy gold Judith Lucy and Denise Scott deliver in their hilarious, Beckett-crossed-with-Flying-High-infused show. ★★★★★

judith lucy and denise scott tour 2022

Liturgical dancing, chairacise in luridly-coloured, home-crocheted active wear, excessive drinking and excessive body hair, Norman Swan as the object of sexual desire: Still Here has it all.

I imagine calling these two national treasures consummate professionals might invite further lashings of satire from Jude and Scotty, but that’s exactly what they are. Their hour-long show delivered to a packed and enthusiastic audience in the Garden of Unearthly Delights’ Babylon was seamless, and kept the belly laughs coming from start to finish.

Two armchairs and plentiful props furnish a fictional re-creation of the pair in endless lockdown (“Waiting for COVID”) inside their shared apartment. Jude has learned to play a tiny harp and Denise has acquired fluency in Mandarin – and then, off they go, unstoppable.

It’s the gusto with which these two women embrace topics most of us think about but avoid discussing in polite company that tickles ribs; they push things right to the edge of appropriateness while somehow making you feel safe along with the laughter, as if you’re spending an evening with several bottles of wine and a couple of beloved aunties.

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As they and their devoted fans grow older, it isn’t just the comedy they provide but a certain relief that comes from being able to laugh at the indignities that come with ageing, especially for women, and at the COVID-induced struggle for mental and emotional equilibrium that almost everyone will recognise, especially for lockdown-depleted Melbournians. Jude and Scotty are providing a service, really. The show should come with a Medicare rebate.

Their glittering showstopper of a number that concludes their act unleashed a well-earned torrent of cheers, applause and love.

The predominance of greying heads in the audience marks the devotion these two women have earned over the decades with the irresistibly irreverent and relatable material they’ve consistently delivered over the years. But there were enough post-generation-Xers in the audience to ensure that – despite their arthritic knees, bushfire-igniting, post-menopausal vaginas and beautician-neglected-goatees – Jude and Scotty will still be here far into the future. Or for as long as they can be arsed to keep touring, anyway.

Judith Lucy & Denise Scott: Still Here is at the Garden of Unearthly Delights until March 20.

Read more 2022 Adelaide Fringe stories and reviews  here .

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I imagine calling these two national treasures consummate professionals might invite further lashings of satire from Jude and Scotty, but that’s exactly what they are. Their hour-long show delivered to a packed and enthusiastic audience in the Garden of Unearthly Delights’ Babylon was seamless, and kept the belly laughs coming from start to finish.

Two armchairs and plentiful props furnish a fictional re-creation of the pair in endless lockdown (“Waiting for COVID”) inside their shared apartment. Jude has learned to play a tiny harp and Denise has acquired fluency in Mandarin – and then, off they go, unstoppable.

It’s the gusto with which these two women embrace topics most of us think about but avoid discussing in polite company that tickles ribs; they push things right to the edge of appropriateness while somehow making you feel safe along with the laughter, as if you’re spending an evening with several bottles of wine and a couple of beloved aunties.

As they and their devoted fans grow older, it isn’t just the comedy they provide but a certain relief that comes from being able to laugh at the indignities that come with ageing, especially for women, and at the COVID-induced struggle for mental and emotional equilibrium that almost everyone will recognise, especially for lockdown-depleted Melbournians. Jude and Scotty are providing a service, really. The show should come with a Medicare rebate.

The predominance of greying heads in the audience marks the devotion these two women have earned over the decades with the irresistibly irreverent and relatable material they’ve consistently delivered over the years. But there were enough post-generation-Xers in the audience to ensure that – despite their arthritic knees, bushfire-igniting, post-menopausal vaginas and beautician-neglected-goatees – Jude and Scotty will still be here far into the future. Or for as long as they can be arsed to keep touring, anyway.

This article is republished from InReview under a Creative Commons licence. Read the original article .

InReview is an open access, non-profit arts and culture journalism project. Readers can support our work with a donation . Subscribe to InReview’s free weekly newsletter here .

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The Art House presents

Judith Lucy and Denise Scott - Still Here

30 Sep 2022 Showing at The Art House Theatre

Info Cast & Creatives Reviews

The Art House Presents


Denise Scott and Judith Lucy know what the whole country is wondering, how did they cope with a global pandemic and the endless lockdowns of the last two years? Well, it turns out they were in lockdown together dealing with the same big questions as everyone else: how many meals can I eat in one day? Do I have a drinking problem? (Specifically, if I go to the toilet in the middle of the night and on my way back to bed I stop and have a gin and tonic, does that mean my drinking problem has gotten worse? Or does it mean I'm living my best life?) Will I ever wear a bra again? Should I trim my goatee or go the full on beard?

Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play – think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High – that is not only full of shameless gags but sees them confronting their greatest fear. Intrigued? Don’t be. Just buy a ticket.

Directed by Stephen Nicolazzo

“It’s prime theatrical stand-up from two living legends.” ★★★★★  The Age, 2022

Cast & Creatives

Starring Judith Lucy and Denise Scott

“Despite the audience’s familiarity with these comedy countesses, it still remains possible to be surprised by the filth they come out with” ★★★★ Chortle, 2022

“Either of these performers is capable of tickling an audience pink; together, you can expect to be red raw.” — The Age

WINNER – People's Choice Award, Melbourne Comedy Festival 2017

The Art House Theatre

Fri 30 Sep 2022 - 8PM

Important Information

Duration: 70 minutes, no interval Occasional course language Recommended age: 15+

Adult: $54.00 Art House Member: $47.00

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DIRECTED BY STEPHEN NICOLAZZO “It’s prime theatrical stand-up from two living legends.” ★★★★★ The Age, 2022 After kicking off a national tour of their new show Still Here in February to packed houses and rave reviews, Australia’s comedy icons Judith Lucy and Denise Scott are heading to Sydney next month, adding a new show due to overwhelming demand. With two shows at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney on Friday 10 June and Sunday 10 July, plus two at the Concourse on Saturday 11 June, a new show has been added at the Concourse on Sunday 12 June. Still Here then continues its hilarious march around the country, heading to Newcastle, Hobart, Perth and Townsville after Sydney. Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play – think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High – that is not only full of shameless gags but sees them confronting their greatest fear. Intrigued? Don't be. Just buy a ticket. “At last something to shave my face for! Can’t wait to embrace Scotty, some show business and our audience-not literally obviously that would be repulsive for everyone involved.” – Judith Lucy “Judith has frozen shoulders, can’t use her arms. I have arthritic knees, can’t use my legs. I’m excited to be Jude’s arms. She’s thrilled to be my legs. We’re ecstatic to be back, together as one, on stage loving ourselves and our audiences sick.” – Denise Scott

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Judith Lucy & Denise Scott Announce National Tour

The last time Jude and Scotty teamed up and hit the road it was 2017 with 'Disappointments'.


Denise Scott and Judith Lucy know what the whole country is wondering, how did they cope with a global pandemic and the endless lockdowns of the last two years? Well, it turns out they were in lockdown together dealing with the same big questions as everyone else: how many meals can I eat in one day? Do I have a drinking problem? (Specifically, if I go to the toilet in the middle of the night and on my way back to bed I stop and have a gin and tonic, does that mean my drinking problem has gotten worse? Or does it mean I'm living my best life?) Will I ever wear a bra again? Should I trim my goatee or go the full on beard?

Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play - think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High - that is not only full of shameless gags but sees them confronting their greatest fear. Intrigued? Don't be. Just buy a ticket.

The last time Jude and Scotty teamed up and hit the road it was 2017, a simpler time. Their critically acclaimed, smash-hit show Disappointments, sold more than 70,000 tickets nationally and won the 2017 Melbourne International Comedy Festival's People's Choice Award. They can't wait to be back out there.

"At last something to shave my face for! Can't wait to embrace Scotty, some show business and our audience-not literally obviously that would be repulsive for everyone involved." - Judith Lucy

"Judith has frozen shoulders, can't use her arms. I have arthritic knees, can't use my legs. I'm excited to be Jude's arms. She's thrilled to be my legs. We're ecstatic to be back, together as one, on stage loving ourselves and our audiences sick." - Denise Scott

For show dates go to - https://comedy.com.au/tour/judith-lucy-denise-scott-still-here/

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judith lucy and denise scott tour 2022

Did you know Melbourne had the longest lockdown in the world? Judith and Denise know because they were fucking there. And so, of course, were the Melbourne audience at the opening night of their two-woman return-to-comedy show, Still Here .

The performing arts has gone in-and-out of existence in Melbourne over the past two years and reflections on lockdown and the pandemic have appeared in various forms over that time. Festivals popped up in person and online and while we’re not out of the woods yet, at least we’re out of our houses.

Judith Lucy and Denise Scott have a lot to make fun of looking back at 2020 and 2021 – foregrounding the fact that they haven’t been able to work at all and in their advancing years, having more time to reflect doesn’t always lead to great outcomes. Denise is stuck at home with her husband of 41 years, who refuses to listen to her when he’s preparing for a colonoscopy. And Judith’s only adventures are a back-alley haircut and occasionally seeing her physical therapist, the only form of male attention she’s had for two years.

I’m glad we’re at the stage where we can laugh about lockdowns and curfews and the loopholes for not wearing a mask outdoors – coffee and jogging. Though occasionally some of the jokes made me wince because a lot of the pandemic hasn’t been funny and maybe it is “too soon”.

The pair are raucous and entertain with dance numbers and costume changes and witty one-liners all topped off with a Stephen Sondheim song. Director Stephen Nicolazzo keeps everything on track, turning Jude and Scotty’s anarchic stage presence into a tight 60 minutes of fun. They’re still here and Australian audiences will be thoroughly entertained, even though only Melbourne can appreciate all the jokes.

Still Here is still here in Melbourne until April 24 th and then tours to Sydney, Brisbane,Hobart and Perth , with some regional dates scattered in between.


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'Still Here': Judith Lucy & Denise Scott are taking over Perth Concert Hall

judith lucy and denise scott tour 2022

After kicking off a national tour of their new show Still Here in February to packed houses and rave reviews, Australia’s comedy icons Judith Lucy and Denise Scott are heading to Perth Concert Hall next month.

judith lucy and denise scott tour 2022

Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play – think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High – that is not only full of shameless gags but sees them confronting their greatest fear.

“At last something to shave my face for,” Lucy says.

“Can’t wait to embrace Scotty, some show business and our audience-not literally obviously that would be repulsive for everyone involved.”

“Judith has frozen shoulders, can’t use her arms,” Scott adds.

“I have arthritic knees, can’t use my legs. I’m excited to be Jude’s arms. She’s thrilled to be my legs. We’re ecstatic to be back, together as one, on stage loving ourselves and our audiences sick.”

Still Here is at Perth Concert Hall on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 August. For tickets and more info head to perthconcerthall.com.au

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Judith Lucy & Denise Scott

Presented by Token Events and GIppsland Performing Arts Centre

Event Date 2022-11-12T08:30:00

Don't miss these two living legends as they hit GPAC for the first time in their show,  Still Here  !

Saturday 12 November | 7.30pm | GPAC Theatre

Denise Scott and Judith Lucy know what the whole country is wondering, how did they cope with a global pandemic and the endless lockdowns of the last two years?

Well, it turns out they were in lockdown together dealing with the same big questions as everyone else: how many meals can I eat in one day? Do I have a drinking problem? (Specifically, if I go to the toilet in the middle of the night and on my way back to bed I stop and have a gin and tonic, does that mean my drinking problem has gotten worse? Or does it mean I’m living my best life?) Will I ever wear a bra again? Should I trim my goatee or go the full on beard?

Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play – think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High – that is not only full of shameless gags but sees them confronting their greatest fear. Intrigued? Don’t be. Just buy a ticket.

“At last something to shave my face for! Can’t wait to embrace Scotty, some show business and our audience-not literally obviously that would be repulsive for everyone involved.” –  Judith Lucy

“Judith has frozen shoulders, can’t use her arms. I have arthritic knees, can’t use my legs. I’m excited to be Jude’s arms. She’s thrilled to be my legs. We’re ecstatic to be back, together as one, on stage loving ourselves and our audiences sick.” –  Denise Scott

WINNER – People’s Choice Award, Melbourne Comedy Festival 2017

“It’s prime theatrical stand-up from two living legends.” ★★★★★  The Age,  2022

★★★★★  InDaily,  2022

“Despite the audience’s familiarity with these comedy countesses, it still remains possible to be surprised by the filth they come out with” ★★★★  Chortle,  2022

“Either of these performers is capable of tickling an audience pink; together, you can expect to be red raw.” —  The Age

Directed by Stephen Nicolazzo

Saturday 12 November

7.30PM GPAC Theatre

Additional Information

Duration:  70 minutes 

Age restrictions:  Recommended for ages 15+

Warning: Occasional course language

COVID Refund Policy:  Refunds are not available to ticketholders for any performance date they are unable to attend due to COVID isolation. 

judith lucy and denise scott tour 2022

STILL HERE: Judith Lucy & Denise Scott

by Newcastle Live 23 June 2022, 8:24 am

judith lucy and denise scott tour 2022

Civic Theatre Newcastle

Saturday, 25 June 2022

7:30 pm - 8:40 pm

From the organiser...


Newcastle Civic Theatre Sat 25 Jun, 7:30PM

TICKETS FROM 🎟️ https://cmdy.live/JS22Newcastle

Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play about how they coped with a global pandemic and endless lockdowns. Think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High – that is not only full of shameless gags but sees them confronting their greatest fear. Intrigued? Don’t be. Just buy a ticket.

“At last something to shave my face for! Can’t wait to embrace Scotty, some show business and our audience – not literally obviously that would be repulsive for everyone involved.” – Judith Lucy

“Judith has frozen shoulders, can’t use her arms. I have arthritic knees, can’t use my legs. I’m excited to be Jude’s arms. She’s thrilled to be my legs. We’re ecstatic to be back, together as one, on stage loving ourselves and our audiences sick.” – Denise Scott

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judith lucy and denise scott tour 2022

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Judith Lucy & Denise Scott – Still Here

Canberra Theatre Centre , Civic Square, London Circuit, Canberra

Judith Lucy & Denise Scott – Still Here

Ticket Information

  • Tickets from : $54.90 each
  • Additional fees may apply
  • Wed 23 Feb 2022, 7:30pm
  • Thu 24 Feb 2022, 7:30pm
  • Fri 25 Feb 2022, 7:30pm


  • comedy.com.au

Token Group

Denise Scott and Judith Lucy know what the whole country is wondering, how did they cope with a global pandemic and the endless lockdowns of the last two years? Well, it turns out they were in lockdown together dealing with the same big questions as everyone else: how many meals can I eat in one day? Do I have a drinking problem? (Specifically, if I go to the toilet in the middle of the night and on my way back to bed I stop and have a gin and tonic, does that mean my drinking problem has gotten worse? Or does it mean I’m living my best life?) Will I ever wear a bra again? Should I trim my goatee or go the full on beard?

Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play – think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High – that is not only full of shameless gags but sees them confronting their greatest fear. Intrigued? Don’t be. Just buy a ticket.

“At last something to shave my face for! Can’t wait to embrace Scotty, some show business and our audience-not literally obviously that would be repulsive for everyone involved.” – Judith Lucy

“Judith has frozen shoulders, can’t use her arms. I have arthritic knees, can’t use my legs. I’m excited to be Jude’s arms. She’s thrilled to be my legs. We’re ecstatic to be back, together as one, on stage loving ourselves and our audiences sick.” – Denise Scott

WINNER – People’s Choice Award, Melbourne Comedy Festival 2017

“Either of these performers is capable of tickling an audience pink; together, you can expect to be red raw.” — The Age

Directed by Stephen Nicolazzo.

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    The last time Jude and Scotty teamed up and hit the road it was 2017, a simpler time. Their critically acclaimed, smash-hit show Disappointments, sold more than 70,000 tickets nationally and won the 2017 Melbourne International Comedy Festival's People's Choice Award. They can't wait to be back out there. "It's prime theatrical stand ...

  4. Judith Lucy & Denise Scott: Still Here

    12 January 2022 Performance. Kicking off in Canberra this February, Australia's comedy icons Judith Lucy and Denise Scott are hitting the road with a brand new show and a huge national tour. The last time Jude and Scotty teamed up and hit the road it was 2017 - a simpler time. Their critically acclaimed, smash-hit show Disappointments, sold ...

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    11 Aug 2022 to 1 Dec 2022. The Art House Presents. JUDITH LUCY AND DENISE SCOTT - STILL HERE. Denise Scott and Judith Lucy know what the whole country is wondering, how did they cope with a global pandemic and the endless lockdowns of the last two years? ... Tour Dates and Locations You may also like... Pete Helliar Gives Zero Flips. 19 Jul ...

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    Judith Lucy and Denise Scott imagine being locked down together in this sprightly stage return, climbing the walls with boredom, pickling themselves in wine and charting their physical and mental deterioration. ... entertaining 70 minutes comes as Lucy describes how her so-called friend abandoned her on the Adelaide leg of the tour quicker than ...

  8. Fringe review: Judith Lucy & Denise Scott

    You can thank two years of Melbourne lockdowns for yielding the comedy gold Judith Lucy and Denise Scott deliver in their hilarious, Beckett-crossed-with-Flying-High-infused show. ★★★★★

  9. Judith Lucy and Denise Scott

    Denise Scott and Judith Lucy know what the whole country is wondering, how did they cope with a global pandemic and the endless lockdowns of the last two y ... "It's prime theatrical stand-up from two living legends." ★★★★★ The Age, 2022. Cast & Creatives Directed by Stephen Nicolazzo. Starring Judith Lucy and Denise Scott. Reviews

  10. Denise Scott

    Here's my portrait of Judith Lucy and me on tour. Tonight is our FINAL performance of Still Here. In Warrnambool. We... I know who knew I was an artist? Here's my portrait of Judith Lucy and me on tour. Tonight is our FINAL performance of Still Here. In Warrnambool. We wrote the show over Zoom during Melb lockdowns....


    DIRECTED BY STEPHEN NICOLAZZO "It's prime theatrical stand-up from two living legends." ★★★★★ The Age, 2022 After kicking off a national tour of their new show Still Here in February to packed houses and rave reviews, Australia's comedy icons Judith Lucy and Denise Scott are heading to Sydney next month, adding a new show due to overwhelming demand. With two shows at the ...

  12. Judith Lucy & Denise Scott announce national tour

    10 January, 2022 Aussie Theatre Cabaret. Kicking off in Canberra this February, Australia's comedy icons Judith Lucy and Denise Scott are hitting the road with a brand new show and a huge national tour. The last time Jude and Scotty teamed up and hit the road it was 2017 - a simpler time. Their critically acclaimed, smash-hit show ...

  13. Judith Lucy & Denise Scott Announce National Tour

    Judith Lucy & Denise Scott Announce National Tour The last time Jude and Scotty teamed up and hit the road it was 2017 with 'Disappointments'. By: Stephi Wild Jan. 10, 2022

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    Did you know Melbourne had the longest lockdown in the world? Judith and Denise know because they were fucking there. And so, of course, were the Melbourne audience at the opening night of their two-woman return-to-comedy show, Still Here. The performing arts has gone in-and-out of existence in Melbourne over the past two years and reflections on lockdown and the pandemic have appeared in ...

  16. 'Still Here': Judith Lucy & Denise Scott are taking over Perth Concert

    After kicking off a national tour of their new show Still Here in February to packed houses and rave reviews, Australia's comedy icons Judith Lucy and Denise Scott are heading to Perth Concert Hall next month. Join Jude and Scotty for what could loosely be called a play - think Waiting for Godot meets Flying High - that is not only full ...

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  18. Judith Lucy & Denise Scott

    She's thrilled to be my legs. We're ecstatic to be back, together as one, on stage loving ourselves and our audiences sick." - Denise Scott. WINNER - People's Choice Award, Melbourne Comedy Festival 2017 "It's prime theatrical stand-up from two living legends." ★★★★★ The Age, 2022 ★★★★★ InDaily, 2022

  19. Judith Lucy & Denise Scott

    Join Denise Scott and Judith Lucy for work in progress showings of their latest hour before it tours Australia wide in 2022. The last time Jude and Scotty teamed up and hit the road, it was 2017, a simpler time.

  20. STILL HERE: Judith Lucy & Denise Scott

    JUDITH LUCY & DENISE SCOTT STILL HERE Newcastle Civic Theatre Sat 25 Jun, 7:30PM TICKETS FROM 🎟️ https: //cmdy.live ... Thelma Plum to kick off tour in Newcastle, Now Say It Back. Trending Hot . CAN'T TRUSS IT: Public Enemy cancels Newcastle Show. Entertainment. Latest. Hot .

  21. Judith Lucy & Denise Scott

    Judith Lucy & Denise Scott - Still Here, Denise Scott and Judith Lucy know ..., Canberra Theatre Centre, Canberra, ACT, 23 February 2022 - 25 February 20 ... Wed 23 Feb 2022, 7:30pm ; Thu 24 Feb 2022, 7:30pm ; Fri 25 Feb 2022, 7:30pm ... Dead Inside World Comedy Tour - Canberra. Llewellyn Hall, Canberra, ACT.

  22. Judith Lucy & Denise Scott

    More information about upcoming dates for Judith Lucy and Denise Scott Still Here and ticket purchases can be found at the below links. NEWCASTLE Dates: Sat 25 Jun ... !date 25/06/2022 -- 30/08/2022 %wnnewcastle. 217478 - 2023-06-16 07:35:19 ... Thu 28 Nov. Cold Chisel - The Big Five-0 50th Anniversary Tour.

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    Buy tickets for Judith Lucy & Denise Scott - Disappointments from Ticketmaster AU. View 2023 show dates for Comedy events