UTM Educational Restaurant

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Restaurant Welcome to the Educational Restaurant

The Educational Restaurant, a part of the Division of Food and Beverage at UTM, is a unique training unit. Located on the University Mong-Há Campus, it provides a practical educational setting where the restaurant’s professional staff guides and supervises undergraduate students. Our mission is to inspire and educate Macao’s future managers and hoteliers to apply theories in practice and gain fundamental knowledge of the Food and Beverage industry. We are dedicated to creating an optimal learning environment focusing on management, customer service, teamwork, consistency, delicious food, and respect for individual and cultural differences. The Educational Restaurant is known for its diverse selection of traditional Macanese, Portuguese, and Western dishes, each with a modern flair not found anywhere else.

macau tourism school restaurant

Yogurt baguette

Chorizo bread, german malt bread, tomato bread, macanese cuisine à la carte, main courses, hours and contact.

Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday (Closed on Sunday and Macao Public Holiday)

  Saturday only Macanese Buffet

Lunch 12:00-15:00 (Last order 14:00)

Dinner 18:30 - 22:00 (Last order 21:00) 

Tel : (853) 8598 3077 / 1416 / 1446

Email : [email protected]  

  (Sunday and public holidays are by appointment/reservation open for events, meetings, or functions and require a minimum spending)

Tel : (853) 8598 1416 / 1446

Email : [email protected]  

Address : Educational Restaurant, Macao University of Tourism, Colina de Mong-Há, Macau, China

Press / Events

CCTV programme -

CCTV programme - "Macao Two-Way Line"

Macanese dishes

Macanese dishes "born and bred" in Macau

Macanese cuisine culinary heritage master classes opening ceremony

Deprecated : Function utf8_decode() is deprecated in /var/www/html/www2/RESTAURANT/libraries/vendor/symfony/polyfill-iconv/Iconv.php on line 454 Macanese cuisine culinary heritage maste…

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tourism Education and Training Base

Deprecated : Function utf8_decode() is deprecated in /var/www/html/www2/RESTAURANT/libraries/vendor/symfony/polyfill-iconv/Iconv.php on line 454 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Ar…

[In Foshan Daily]

Educational Restaurant, Macao University of Tourism, Colina de Mong-Há, Macau, China

From the Macao Ferry Terminal, you can take bus No. 12 and get off at the closest bus stop on Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira (in front of the TDM "Television of Macao" building). Upon arrival, it will take approximately 10 minutes to walk up the hill to the restaurant. Also take bus No. 5X, 17, 23, 25, 25B and get off at Forte Mong-Ha then take 8 minutes to walk up the hill to the restaurant. You could also take a taxi, Taxi Hotline: 2881-2345.

UTM News Portal

IFTM Educational Restaurant remains Macao’s sole venue awarded Michelin Green Star

macau tourism school restaurant

The IFTM Educational Restaurant has been awarded – for a second consecutive year – a Michelin Green Star for commitment to sustainable gastronomy. The restaurant remains Macao’s only establishment to boast such an accolade.

The recognition is featured in the Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau 2022 fine-dining handbook, released earlier this month.

The IFTM Educational Restaurant also retained its Bib Gourmand status for the 2022 edition. The Michelin Guide awards Bib Gourmand status to dining establishments that provide a high-quality 3-course meal for MOP400 or below.

According to Michelin, the IFTM Educational Restaurant was again recognised with a Green Star, for “delivering culinary excellence with outstanding eco-friendly commitments”.

Michelin introduced the Green Star category to its Hong Kong and Macao regional guide in 2021. The IFTM Educational Restaurant was immediately awarded the accolade.

“After we got the Michelin Green Star last year, we had a few costumers that asked about it, and many people congratulated us for our effort to promote sustainable cuisine,” says Chef Hans Rasmussen. He heads the IFTM Educational Restaurant.

“The importance of the Green Star is the awareness it creates about IFTM’s endeavours regarding sustainable gastronomy,” adds Chef Rasmussen. “This achievement is not by the restaurant alone: it would not have been possible without the help of the IFTM Environmental Management System Committee, which has proposed and supported the implementation of many of the green measures, infrastructure projects and other initiatives we are adopting in this field.”

After getting the Michelin Green Star in early 2021, the teams at the IFTM Restaurant and the Environmental Management System Committee continued to push fresh ‘green’ initiatives. Last summer, the Institute introduced a growing plot with aquaponic system, to widen the type of herbs and vegetables it produces in-house for use at the restaurant. The plot complemented an existing rooftop garden were vegetables and herbs are grown.

Aquaponic systems couple aquaculture (i.e., the harvesting of aquatic animals) with hydroponics (i.e., the cultivating of plants in water). In aquaponic systems, the nutrient-rich aquaculture water is reused to feed the hydroponically-grown plants.

Also in 2021, the IFTM Educational Restaurant brought into its kitchen technology of the leading food waste management system Winnow. It uses artificial intelligence to improve efficiency and maximise use of all ingredients.

Bib Gourmand status renewed

The IFTM Educational Restaurant has been featured in the Bib Gourmand category of the Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau every year since 2013. In Macao, only 7 establishments were awarded Bib Gourmand status in 2022.

Chef Rasmussen says the IFTM Educational Restaurant provides consistent “good value” to customers: that has been recognised by inspectors of the Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau in edition after edition.

“We have a solid team consisting of students, service staff and chefs, that is dedicated to being part of the restaurant’s development journey, creating a good customer experience,” he points out.

The IFTM Educational Restaurant is located on the Mong-Há Campus, and provides a selection of Macanese and Western dishes. Students, coached and supervised by staff members from the restaurant, can acquire valuable experience of serving customers in a real-operation environment. Such experience widens student understanding of the tourism and hospitality industry, which ultimately helps them to sharpen the management skills taught in the classroom, and prepares them to take on managerial positions in future.

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澳旅大教學酒店 – 望廈迎賓館致力將可持續發展的理念融入其日常營運當中,除了有效減少環境足跡,更能讓住客及未來的酒店業管理專才了解實踐環保及可持續發展的重要性。

澳旅大 設立國際旅遊與款待研究中心 ,致力為澳門旅遊業發展和政策制訂提出建議。中心主任 李力東教授表示, 期望透過開展對旅遊 業 帶來的影響、勞動條件和旅客模式的實證研究,促進旅遊業可持續發展。同時,中心亦持續與不同院校開展合作項目,研究方向包括 大灣區目的地品牌 塑造 和人 潮 管理 。


一 項以澳門經驗為基礎的研究顯示,旅遊業多元化能有效帶動消費者需求並吸引來自更遠地區的旅客,包括那些對目的地核心產品仍較陌生的客源市場旅客。這項澳門旅遊學院學者參與的研究將資本形成、就業和價值創造等不同範疇的產業部門數據作為衡量多元化的指標。


澳門旅遊學院學者蘇碧瑜博士與澳門大學蕭志成博士合作完成研究並撰寫研究論文。論文以《Does diversification drive tourism demand? A structural change perspective: Evidence from a casino destination(多元化能否推動旅遊業需求?結構性變革視角:來自博彩旅遊目的地的證明)》為題,刊登於《International Journal of Tourism Research》五月至六月號上。












蘇碧瑜、蕭志成:《Does diversification drive tourism demand? A structural change perspective: Evidence from a casino tourism destination(多元化能否推動旅遊業需求?結構性變革視角:來自博彩旅遊目的地的證明)》,《International Journal of Tourism Research》,2023年第25卷第3期,第293頁至304頁 https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2566

編輯:研究中心 | 澳門旅遊學院與《商訊》之合作項目



該項研究由澳洲the University of Queensland的Elizabeth Agyeiwaah博士、加納Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies的Frederick Dayour博士及澳門旅遊大學的周勇博士合作完成。項目題為《How does employee commitment impact customers’ attitudinal loyalty?(員工投入度如何影響客戶忠誠度?)》,於《Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights》上發表。











澳洲The University of Queensland商學院旅遊學課程講師Elizabeth Agyeiwaah博士擁有香港理工大學旅遊管理博士學位。就讀期間,她受聘於澳門科技大學擔任助理教授。

加納the Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies研究、創新和諮詢總監Frederick Dayour博士擁有英國University of Surrey頒授的旅遊和酒店管理博士學位。他同時兼任南非University of Johannesburg旅遊與酒店管理學院高級研究員。


Elizabeth Agyeiwaah、Frederick Dayour和周勇,《How does employee commitment impact customers’ attitudinal loyalty?(員工投入度如何影響客戶忠誠度?)》,2022年發表於《Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights》,第五卷第二期,第350-376頁 https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-09-2020-0169

編輯:研究中心 | 澳門旅遊大學與《商訊》之合作項目


《Journal of China Tourism Research》十月刊上發表的一篇研究報告揭示了粵港澳大灣區陷入疫情危機期間,“適應性協同管理”在平衡疫情防控措施與促進旅遊業復甦之間扮演的關鍵角色。澳門旅遊學院三名學者參與了該項研究,研究團隊指出,在互動和反復學習的支持下,從政府內部協作到區內政府間合作等一系列體制安排的互相融合,提升了所作決策的質量,加強了各方學習和適應疫情的能力。


這篇題為《Adaptive Co-Management for Regional Tourism Governance Under the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Greater Bay Area, China(中國大灣區新冠肺炎疫情期間區域旅遊業治理的適應性協同管理)》的研究報告強調,澳門和廣東省等大灣區內城市的參與者和機構利用適應性協同管理有效地帶領區域擺脫疫情陰霾的方式。這包括最初受疫情影響推行封城政策後,在旅遊模式轉型的支撐下,逐步恢復珠澳跨境往來的舉措。











澳門旅遊學院副教授李湘萍博士為旅遊企業管理及文化遺產管理課程主任。她擁有美國Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University頒授的酒店和旅遊管理博士學位,其研究興趣包括可持續旅遊發展、目的地行銷和旅遊行為。

溫艷瓊、李傑、劉名珍和李湘萍: 《Adaptive Co-Management for Regional Tourism Governance Under the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Greater Bay Area, China(中國大灣區新冠肺炎疫情期間區域旅遊業治理的適應性協同管理)》,2023年發表於《Journal of China Tourism Research》線上刊 https://doi.org/10.1080/19388160.2023.2266556

澳旅大講師李重科撰文介紹如何透過免費的互動平台Tableau Public,將數據轉換成可視化圖表,從而更深入直觀地了解數據。


澳門旅遊大學學者和校友發表新學術論文,揭示了大型活動與人權狀況相關研究領域的空白。該研究報告題為《Human Rights and Mega-Events: A Systematic Literature Review(人權與大型活動:系統文獻綜述)》,去年10月在學術期刊《Event Management》上發表。



研究參考了三個學術資料庫平台的資料:Scopus、Web of Sciences和Google Scholar。研究人員收集了127篇與大型活動人權問題相關的學術文章並進行分析。他們列出了18個研究主題建議並分為六個不同組別。










澳門旅遊大學導師莊允諾擁有澳洲Charles Sturt University會計碩士學位,專注於專業會計教學,擁有豐富的工作經驗,並曾在香港浸會大學和香港中文大學任職。

唐智棋、吳志偉和莊允諾:《Human Rights and Mega-Events: A Systematic Literature Review(人權與大型活動:系統文獻綜述)》,2023年發表於《Event Management》,第27卷,第6期,第851頁至第875頁 https://doi.org/10.3727/152599523X16836740488031




該研究《Cannot wait to share? An exploration of tourists’ sharing behavior during the ‘traveling to the site’ stage(迫不及待地分享?探討旅客在‘前往目的地’階段的分享行為)》發表在學術期刊《Current Issues in Tourism》上。研究團隊介紹,鑒於現有文獻存在的空白:該研究很可能是首個以旅客在旅途中使用社交媒體“分享”為主題的研究。












李璽、謝佳雨、陳小連:《Cannot wait to share? An exploration of tourists’ sharing behavior during the‘traveling to the site’ stage (迫不及待地分享?探討旅客在‘前往目的地’階段的分享行為)》於2022年發表於《Current Issues in Tourism》第25卷第22期,第3640頁至3656頁 https://doi.org/10.1080/1743873X.2022.2134019。




UTM is dedicated to enhancing its educational offerings by incorporating field trips that complement classroom learning. A recent tour of MGM Cotai for Hotel Management undergraduates was one of many initiatives designed to prepare students for the practical demands of future careers in hospitality and tourism

As part of an effort to show the connection between academic theory and application of such knowledge in real-world settings, a group of 17 undergraduates from UTM toured the MGM Cotai resort. The July 10 visit aimed to offer Year 3 students from the Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management programme (Chinese medium) an in-depth understanding of facilities management at a leading integrated resort.

The visiting students – drawn from those enrolled on their degree programme’s Facilities and Properties Management course – were led by Instructor Albert Chuck Chung Yin. Representatives from MGM’s facilities management and sustainable development teams acted as guides on the tour, which focused on key areas such as the resort’s electricity supply, water management, and air conditioning systems.

MGM Cotai is the only large-scale integrated resort in Macao to achieve the prestigious and highest three-star rating under the “China Green Building Label” certification scheme for Green Building Design and Building Operation. MGM says this achievement underscores its commitment to environmental stewardship. The visit provided a unique opportunity for the students to observe first-hand how MGM’s ‘green’ principles are applied in a practical setting.

Throughout the tour, students engaged actively with the MGM representatives, posing numerous questions about the resort’s sustainability practices and operational intricacies. The company representatives responded with detailed explanations, offering the students valuable insights into the complexities of managing such a large-scale property.

Students reported that the experience had opened their eyes to the real-world challenges and potential solutions to be applied in facilities management, giving them a new perspective on how theory can be utilised in the workplace.

Editor: UTM Public Relations Team







去年,研究團隊以《Temple Keepers in Religious Tourism Development: A Case in Macao(宗教旅遊發展大局下的廟祝:以澳門為例)》為題,在《Journal of Heritage Tourism》發表研究結果。









李俊豐和譚秀嫦,《Temple Keepers in Religious Tourism Development: A Case in Macao(宗教旅遊發展大局下的廟祝:以澳門為例)》,2023年發表於《Journal of Heritage Tourism》,第18卷,第1期,第67至83頁https://doi.org/10.1080/1743873X.2022.2134019。



李頴詩博士、Ubaldino Sequeira Couto博士、Fernando Lourenço博士及澳門旅遊大學畢業生胡靜雯(Wu Cheng Man)和麥芷睛(Mak Chi Cheng)合作完成了該項研究,並於去年在學術期刊《Event Management》上發表學術論文《Virtual Music Concert Attendance Motives and Experience Through the Lens of Uses and Gratification Theory(以使用與滿足理論探討觀眾參與虛擬演唱會的動機和體驗)》。












澳門旅遊大學副教授Ubaldino  Sequeira  Couto博士是創新款待管理學院旅遊會展及節目管理課程主任,負責研究生課程開發。他擁有英國利茲貝克特大學頒發博士學位,研究興趣包括節慶及活動、土生葡人身份認同,以及與活動、旅遊業和款待業相關的教育經驗學習。

澳門旅遊大學副教授Fernando Lourenço博士擁有英國曼徹斯特城市大學創業和可持續發展教育博士學位,研究興趣包括創業、永續發展、教育、創造力、旅遊和社會科學。他積極參與支持本地創業和促進創意產業發展的工作。

胡靜雯(Wu Cheng Man)和麥芷睛(Mak Chi Cheng)是澳門旅遊大學創新款待管理學院旅遊會展及節目管理理學士學位課程畢業生。

李頴詩、Ubaldino Sequeira Couto、Fernando Lourenço、胡靜雯(Wu Cheng Man)和麥芷睛(Mak Chi Cheng): 《Virtual Music Concert Attendance Motives and Experience Through the Lens of Uses and Gratification Theory(以使用與滿足理論探討觀眾參與虛擬演唱會的動機和體驗)》,2023年刊登於《Event Management》,第二十七卷,第三期,第607頁至624頁,線上平台:https://doi.org/10.3727/152599522X16419948695134。




該項研究由澳旅大副教授龔永珩博士和美國丹佛大都會州立大學Donald Chang教授合作完成。學術論文《The Influence of Materialism and Environmental Concern on Travel Motivations and Environmentally Responsible Behavioral Intention(唯物主義和環境關注對旅遊動機和環境責任行為意向的影響)》在期刊《Journal of China Tourism Research》上發表。







龔永珩博士和Donald Chang教授表示,旅遊業者需要了解促使人們採取積極的環境責任行為的要素,並了解對環境可持續旅遊活動感興趣的特定消費者群體。“之前的研究顯示,隨著旅客對環境關注的提升,旅遊業和酒店業可將‘綠色’活動視作推廣工具,透過強調這些‘綠色’活動對自然環境的影響,鼓勵旅客融入負責任旅遊業。”他們認為。




美國丹佛大都會州立大學商學院Donald T. Chang教授擁有美國密蘇里哥倫比亞大學行銷學博士學位,其研究興趣包括旅行研究、跨文化比較和行銷管理。

龔永珩和Tung-Zong (Donald) Chang,《The Influence of Materialism and Environmental Concern on Travel Motivations and Environmentally Responsible Behavioral Intention(唯物主義和環境關注對旅遊動機和環境責任行為意向的影響)》,2023年於《Journal of China Tourism Research》線上平台:https://doi.org/10.1080/19388160.2023.2232530。

由港澳兩地研究人員,包括兩名澳旅大學者組成的研究團隊進行的一項研究中,探討了澳門參與葡語系國家的飛機融資租賃交易的可行性。研究團隊提出了將澳門定位為參與者,有利於開拓更多中國與全球葡語系地區之間的直航航線。 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇



澳門旅遊大學的創業科目致力培養學生的創新創業思維及實踐技能,除了支援他們的創業生涯,亦展示就業以外的其他發展可能性,包括創業和內部創業。創業科目負責導師羅導謙博士鼓勵學生,除了創業外,他們也可以嘗試成為內部創業者 (intrapreneurs)。這些員工的角色包括建立新願景、發現機會、創造資源、創新及領導,通常擔任創新主任、產品開發總監、研發總監、策略計劃經理,甚至是行政總裁。

馬來西亞校友陳喜傑先生(Mr. Tan Hee Keat) 2023 年畢業於廚藝管理學士學位課程,畢業後在本澳中小企八目烘焙(BAMU Bakery)擔任一名甜品師。近年來,這間公司不斷擴張旗下品牌,包括創立竹子餐酒館(Bamboo Bistro)和咖啡店Le Blanc,亦與乜象(Whatelephant)等IP進行跨界合作。


Keat利用這次契機協助公司參與募集,和同事合作制定商業方案和演示,提案引進一間提供新鮮且獨特口味組合的義式冰淇淋店Travessa Gelato(巷子意式冰淇淋)。

期間,Keat運用到修讀創業科目時學習的關鍵知識,包括如何制定商業計劃、開發商業模式以及創建有效的簡報和議案,並向羅導謙博士尋求建議。最終,Keat的方案脫穎而出成為優選項目,他亦藉此晉升為 Travessa Patisserie的店長及甜品副廚。

Keat 的歷程充分展現澳旅大的畢業生可以探索多種多樣的職業道路,包括就業、創業和企業內部創業,把所學知識得到實際應用,從職涯中得以成長和突破。

撰文:羅導謙—澳旅大副教授 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇

澳旅大畢業生譚家龍今年到韓國參加亞太地區酒店、餐飲與旅遊教育協會(APacCHRIE)國際會議,以單一作者身份獲得青年會議的最佳論文獎。他的研究以社交媒體Tik Tok為主體,探討不同類型的旅遊主題短視頻對觀看者會帶來的不同效應,指出除非觀看者已有特定前往的旅遊目的地或搜尋目標,否則介紹目的地之人文景觀、文化、歷史等類型的短視頻會更受歡迎,亦更有可能引起觀看者對前往該旅遊目的地的興趣;相反而言,僅強調低價、促銷類別的短視頻則偏向影響已有目標的受眾。

Visit focused on an exhibition showcasing 18th-19th century Chinese and Western artworks, including those by George Chinnery and Lam Qua

In a bid to cultivate an appreciation for the arts among its students, UTM recently organised a tour to the Macao Museum of Art for undergraduates enrolled in the “Appreciation of Chinese and Western Arts” course. The visit, which took place on 22 June, included the ongoing exhibition “Focus: Integration of Art between China and the West in the 18th-19th Centuries”.

The tour, led by UTM Instructor Ms. Yolanda Pun Oi Ian, was specifically designed for students in bachelor’s degree programmes (Chinese medium). The objective of the activity was to enhance participants’ ability to appreciate artworks while also providing insights into Macao’s urban landscape over two centuries ago.

The ”Focus” exhibition showcases a total of 300 paintings, including so-called ‘trade paintings’ or ‘export paintings’ in the style of British artist George Chinnery (1774–1852). There are also some originals by Chinnery himself. Export paintings were typically produced by Chinese artists for sale to Western customers, who took them home as souvenirs of their ventures in the Orient.

The showcase provides a comprehensive reflection on Chinnery’s artistic influence in the South China region, where he spent a significant part of his life. The works on display come from the collections of the Macao Museum of Art, the Guangdong Museum, and the Hong Kong Museum of Art.

Guided by a representative of the museum, students delved into the works of prominent 18th- and 19th-century artists, including Chinnery and Chinese artist Lam Qua (1801-1860). They explored the artists’ biographies and examined their sketches, watercolours, and oil paintings, which predominantly feature Macao’s streets and buildings, capturing the essence of the city’s past.

The museum representative provided detailed explanations of the artists’ techniques and the concepts underlying their works, enriching the students’ understanding of the creative processes involved.

Reflecting on the visit, participating students said the tour was highly beneficial for their personal development. They noted that it had enabled them to appreciate artworks from various perspectives, thereby enhancing their cultural awareness.

The initiative was part of UTM’s long-standing commitment to an education model that integrates theory with practice. By facilitating site visits, UTM aims to expand students’ horizons and foster a broader mindset, enriching their academic and personal development.

應屆畢業生孫榕慊成功獲加拿大、英文、澳洲等地的名校的錄取 通知。 她建議有意到海外繼續升學的本科生及早開始準備,並強調做好周詳規劃和相當重要











澳門旅遊大學世界旅遊教育培訓中心成立於2016年,一直透過與聯合國旅遊組織等機構合作提供旅遊教育培訓,讓世界各地的旅遊官員和專業人士增進知識和技能。主任黃惠婷表示,隨著澳旅大掛牌成為“粵港澳大灣區旅遊教育培訓基地” 的依託單位,近年中心致力推動粵港澳大灣區的專業培訓和人才培養工作;五年間在大灣區延伸多個合作基地,包括在橫琴、廣州、順德、珠海,並會因應各地具體需求提供培訓。黃惠婷認為,澳門有獨特的地理優勢,期望中心發展成為面向國際展示澳門和國家發展狀況的平台。








撰文:澳旅大教務部 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇





下午就是廚藝課的時間,他在Fauchon L’école上甜品課和烹飪課,並學會了“處理食材的新方法”。

交流活動也包括參觀項目,他到訪了當地知名的葡萄酒零售商Caves Pierre Noble、Beyer Artisan Chocolaterie、以及歷史悠久的Hôtel de Bourgtheroulde等。活動亦設工作訪,讓參與者與當地專業麵包師和芝士專業人士交流,在品嚐過程中學習怎樣欣賞和搭配。



王明浩指出,他在澳旅大的第一年已經圓滿了他的夢想。“有些我夢寐以求的事竟然在大一就可以完成了!例如與名廚戈登拉姆齊(Gordon Ramsay)進行問答環節和前往法國進行交流。”








來自香港的中華基督教青年會小學的學生與其家長,今年 3月亦來到澳旅大開展獨特的文化和美食的親子之旅。參與的學生和家長在活動中親手製作深受歡迎的經典澳門甜品——木糠布甸和朱古力松子曲奇,對澳門豐富多彩的美食文化底蘊有更深刻的體會。



她表示,“澳旅大的研學活動時長可由一天到一個月不等,都可以自由規劃。主題方面,除了大家比較熟知的酒店、旅遊、餐飲、會展等等,也可以覆蓋至藝術、資訊科技、高端服務、中葡平台,甚至財務領域。” 因此,研學旅行的對象十分廣泛,並不局限於學生群體,澳旅大近年成為不少領導主管人員研修培訓的熱門目的地,為來自各地專業人士開展研修培訓。







四位享譽國際的女主廚到澳門旅遊大學向本澳逾百位廚藝學生、廚師、烹飪協會會員及業界人士展示烹飪技巧,並分享她們的勵志故事。來自泰國的主廚Chudaree ‘Tam’ Debhakam是現時全球矚目的年輕女主廚之一,為全球首位米芝蓮二星泰國女主廚,並榮獲米芝蓮指南年輕主廚大獎。她與學生分享了她的人生經歷,為新生代帶來啟發。













UTM invited an industry professional to share with students his experience in organising large-scale sports, cultural and entertainment events

On 4 July, Macao University of Tourism held a seminar on “The Management of International Sports Events and Large-scale Cultural & Entertainment Events”, inviting a professional from the hospitality industry to discuss the latest development trends of the sector. This seminar aimed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the latest developments in the event industry and to broaden their horizons so that they can better plan the direction of their career development in the future.

The seminar was hosted by UTM’s Dr. Irene Chan Cheng Chu, Coordinator for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (Chinese medium). Mr. Kenneth Wan, Vice President (Events and Entertainment) of SJM Resorts S.A., was invited to deliver the talk, for students from UTM bachelor’s degree programmes using Chinese as the medium of instruction.

During the seminar, Mr. Wan shared that holding international sports events and large-scale cultural and entertainment activities requires careful planning and coordination. In order to hold such events successfully, organisers should be equipped with excellent organisational and management skills. They should be able to coordinate the resources of different parties, and constantly optimise and improve the process: this is essential for the success and safety of an event, as well as for providing the audience with an unforgettable experience.

UTM is fully dedicated to supporting the Macao SAR Government’s “1+4” industries. Through advancing the quality of education, the University aims to nurture talents who can contribute to the goal of developing Macao into a “City of Sports” and a “City of Performing Arts”.






研究團隊成員還包括兩位英國學者,分別是University of Essex的宋漢群博士(音譯)和Manchester Metropolitan University的Erose Sthapit博士。研究結果去年發表於《International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management》,論文題為《Robotic service quality, authenticity, and revisit intention to restaurants in China: extending cognitive appraisal theory (中國餐館的機器人服務質量、真實性和重訪意向:擴展認知評估理論)》。










宋漢群(音譯)博士是英國Essex Business School商學院管理與行銷系的學者。他擁有澳洲昆士Griffith University頒授的博士學位,目前的教學範圍涵蓋營運和供應鏈管理、數位行銷和社交媒體以及消費者行為。


Erose Sthapit博士是英國Manchester Metropolitan University行銷、零售和旅遊系高級講師。他擁有芬蘭University of Vaasa行銷學博士學位;專注於旅遊業消費者行為的研究。

宋漢群、楊惠君和Erose Sthapit:《Robotic service quality, authenticity, and revisit intention to restaurants in China: extending cognitive appraisal theory(中國餐館的機器人服務質量、真實性和重訪意向:擴展認知評估理論)》,2023年發表於《International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management》線上平台:https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-11-2022-1396。


一項澳門旅遊大學學者和博士生進行的研究發現,目的地管理機構應利用TikTok、YouTube Shorts 或 Instagram Reels等時下流行的線上短視頻分享平台進行旅遊宣傳。研究團隊總結道,此類平台能使觀眾對視頻所述之目的地產生積極觀感,提升觀眾希望到實地參觀的意願。

該項研究由澳旅大副教授李湘萍博士、博士生邱良偉(音譯)和曾在澳旅大任教、現任韓國首爾慶熙大學副教授的Choi Suh-hee博士合作完成。

研究論文《Exploring the influence of short video platforms on tourist attitudes and travel intention: A social–technical perspective(探索短視頻平台對旅客態度和旅行意願的影響:社會技術視角)》今年於《Journal of Destination Marketing & Management》三月刊發表。澳門旅遊大學為論文校對工作提供資助。









李湘萍是澳門旅遊大學副教授及旅遊企業管理課程主任。她擁有美國維吉尼亞理工學院暨州立大學(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)酒店與旅遊管理博士學位,其研究興趣包括旅遊業永續發展、目的地營銷、旅客行為與旅客體驗。

Choi Suh-hee博士是韓國首爾慶熙大學地理學系副教授,她曾任教於澳門旅遊大學。她擁有美國印第安納州Purdue University頒發酒店與旅遊管理學博士學位。其研究興趣包括旅遊流動性、公共外交、移民休閒、認真休閒和遊客體驗等領域。

邱良偉、李湘萍和Choi Suh-hee,《Exploring the influence of short video platforms on tourist attitudes and travel intention: A social–technical perspective(探索短視頻平台對旅客態度和旅行意願的影響:社會技術視角)》,於2024年發表在《Journal of Destination Marketing & Management》第31卷:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2023.100826。

澳門旅遊大學與東方葡萄牙學會(IPOR)於7月9日在澳旅大望廈校區簽署合作協議,進一步深化雙方自1998年以來建立的合作關係。東方葡萄牙學會會長Dra. Patrícia Ribeiro表示,學會相當重視與澳旅大多年來的合作關係,未來除了會繼續合作提供葡語課程外,還會探討共同開展相關文化活動及研究的可行性。


撰文:鄺嘉敏、馮潔心—澳旅大講師 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇




“國家體制與澳門特區研究” 和“澳門研究”科目是澳門旅遊大學為一年級新生設立的必修科目,内容涵蓋“歷史”、“法律”及“粵港澳大灣區“三個部分。有別於傳統課堂教學,從2022/23學年開始,課程導師帶領學生走出教室,親身探索,讓學生身臨其境地增進對澳門歷史和社會文化的了解。是次參觀於本學年第二學期進行,課程教學團隊為七班共約230名英文學制學生組織了參觀澳門博物館的系列活動。





撰文:游靖霖—澳旅大旅遊企業管理學生;羅毅新—澳旅大創意旅遊與智慧科技學院副教授 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇





第一部分由美高梅兩位代表帶領:美高梅公共關係總監龔善欣女士,和 2017屆澳旅大校友、美高梅人力資源助理發展及培育經理湯偉鍵先生。

湯先生介紹了美高梅中國控股有限公司於澳門的兩間酒店,以及拉斯維加斯母公司美高梅國際酒店集團的概況及公司架構,母公司在美國擁有超過 30 處酒店及物業。此外,美高梅品牌亦進入了中國內地的酒店市場。









撰文:澳旅大講師李涴潁 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇





撰文:何文正—澳旅大創新款待管理學院何文正講師 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇

UTM undergraduates hosted the “Be-Free Dinner” on 13 June. It featured ‘intentionally poor service’, to emphasise how quality service should be provided. The thought-provoking event at the UTM Educational Restaurant was an early sellout

Good customer service is so important for restaurants that clients can take it for granted. To highlight the role of quality service in the dining sector, a group of UTM students employed a quirky concept: hosting a dinner offering purposely bad service.

The “Be-Free Dinner”, on 13 June at the UTM Educational Restaurant, was arranged by students enrolled on the Tourism Event Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme (Chinese medium).

During the dinner, students-turned-wait staff intentionally ignored customers and failed to respond to their requests, with food service being notably slow. Guests were even required to clear their own plates, often under the disdainful gaze of the student servers. This deliberate disregard for conventional service standards was not meant as a prank, but to provoke thought and discussion among guests about the value of quality customer service.

To provide bad service intentionally, students first had to understand what constitutes good service. This deepened their comprehension of the service process and its critical role in customer satisfaction.

The evening was enlivened by performances from local act The Cotton Kids and the Portuguese folk music ensemble Grupo de Fado e Música Popular Portuguesa.

The dinner was sponsored by SengPan Coffee, 趣舍, and 雲朶咖啡.

There was huge interest in the event, with tickets selling out by early June. Attendees expressed curiosity and excitement about experiencing the ‘impolite’ service. Guests said they appreciated the thought-provoking nature of the event.

The students, under the guidance of UTM Lecturer Mr Derek Fong Chi Kuong, spent over three months preparing to get their ‘wrong’ dinner just right. They reported that, despite the challenges, the planning and execution of the event provided invaluable practical experience. It allowed them to take their ideas from conception to reality, applying their classroom knowledge, particularly in hosting catering events, to a real-world situation.

Students described it as an unforgettable experience – for them as well as the guests – and one that significantly enhanced their understanding of customer expectations and service standards, better equipping them for future careers in the events sector.

Content: Chao Hio Teng, Year 2 student on the UTM Tourism Event Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme Editor: UTM Public Relations Team



澳旅大與中山大學旅遊學院合作,於6月25日在望廈校區共同舉辦“會展研究學術論壇”,邀請海內外學者共同探討會展研究的發展和最新趨勢。論壇得到在會展領域備受認可的學術期刊 Event Management Journal (China Region) 的大力支持。參與論壇的博士生表示獲益良多,並了解到更多行業新知,有助其日後開展其他合作研究項目。澳旅大於新學年推出全新國際會展及盛事管理碩士學位課程,欲了解更多入學及課程資訊,請瀏覽澳門旅遊大學招生網:https://www.utm.edu.mo/admission/。



撰文: 姚敏如 —澳旅大創新款待管理學院 副教授 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇



澳旅大酒店管理理學士學位課程畢業生Le Ngoc Bao Han來自越南,作為國際學生,她表示在澳旅大的四年獲得了寶貴的經驗及知識,將學以致用投身酒店款待業。

編輯:澳旅大公關範 疇



UTM held two seminars discussing “The Future Development of Social Media & E-commerce”, on 11 and 12 June. Professionals from the hospitality industry were invited to share with students enrolled in the bachelor’s degree programmes (Chinese medium) information about the latest developments in the industry, as well as the strategies and skills linked to social media marketing and e-commerce.

The aim of the seminars was to provide students with in-depth understanding of the current status and trends in their respective fields of study, while continuously enhancing their practical capabilities, so as to prepare them for future employment and career development.

The seminars featured Mr. Miguel Lei, Assistant Vice President of SJM Resorts, as the guest speaker, and were successfully held under the guidance of Dr. Irene Chan Cheng Chu, Coordinator for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (Chinese medium).

During the seminars, Mr. Miguel Lei discussed and analysed the current situation and trends of social media marketing and e-commerce with the students, and some daily examples were discussed in detail. He believes that social media and e-commerce are about strategically displaying products to customers, and creating unique content for customers based on their preferences. Students actively engaged and gained valuable insights during the seminars.

Through establishing cooperation with different enterprises, UTM enables students to fully understand the dynamics of different industries, cultivates talents with solid theoretical foundation and strong practical ability, and provides students with off-campus practice opportunities, laying the foundation for students’ future employment and development, and cultivating more high-quality human resources for the society.


國際物流與運輸學會(The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport International)是世界上最大的和最具影響力的物流與運輸專業組織團體。學會於1919年在英國成立,於1926年被授予英國皇家特許狀(Royal Charter)。目前學會在30多個國家和地區設有分支機構,全球會員逾33,000人,皆爲物流與運輸各個領域、各個層次的管理人員。澳門分會成立於2014年,旨在推動澳門及大灣區物流與運輸業的發展。學會通過舉辦各類專業活動、培訓及研討會,促進業界交流與合作,提升區域內物流與運輸行業的整體水平。



撰文:澳旅大創新款待管理學院酒店管理課程主任 — 管潔琦博士 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇








近日,澳門旅遊大學42名學生成功取得阿里雲雲計算助理工程師ACA認證(Alibaba Cloud Certificate Associate – Cloud Computing),涵蓋學士學位和碩士學位課程學生,該認證為資訊科技行業的專業認證。澳旅大與阿里雲學院的合作計劃“阿里雲高校賦能計劃(AAEP)”自2021年起試行,於2023/2024學年正式將AAEP項目列入其資訊科技相關課程。學生表示旅遊相關行業須具備不同領域的基礎知識,認為資訊科技的課程有助開拓思維,建立不同的邏輯架構及信息歸類等能力。


澳旅大作為在亞洲領先的旅遊教育院校,吸引來自越南的Ton Nu Kieu Trang和Le Ngoc Bao Han,以及來自尼泊爾的Anjol Bhattarai跨越地域界限來到澳旅大升學。由於學習表現出色,三人均獲發獎學金。澳旅大期望透過不同獎學金計劃吸納世界各地學生,推動國際間的交流合作。





他們在中學時期參與全國職業院校技能大賽(中職組)並獲得優異成績,李凱特和林家豪於2022 年參賽,在酒店服務賽項獲得一等獎,而蔡同學則於 2023 年參賽,同樣在同一類別獲得一等獎。這些獎項不僅認可他們的付出和才華,更作為敲門磚,讓他們以免考途徑成功入讀深圳職業技術大學,助力升學歷程和職業發展。



林家豪也表示同意: “可以做到遇事不慌,了解最基本的待客知識。”



澳門旅遊大學與深圳職業技術大學攜手共建“深澳旅遊教育合作中心”。揭牌儀式於4月29日舉行。雙方將共同強化旅遊教育內容的創新,推動旅遊教育事業的繁榮發展。 雙方共識將以“澳門職業技能認可基準(MORS)”作為“合作中心”首推項目,有計劃地開展師資培訓、行業培訓、交流互訪、資格認證等工作。







撰文:澳旅大講師—李小葉 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇

在國家的“一帶一路”倡議下,越來越多學生來華留學。其中,澳旅大的國際化旅遊教育不僅吸引本地及其他亞太地區的學生,一直以來亦吸引來自其他不同地區的學生入讀,其中包括來自英屬維爾京群島,入讀旅遊零售及市場推廣管理學士學位課程的Adante Brian George,以及來自肯亞,入讀酒店管理理學士學位課程的Catherine Nkatha Thuranira。


 Pisitpong Boonmak透過澳門基金會“一帶一路”獎學金從泰國來澳留學,成為首位在澳旅大升讀學位課程的泰籍學生。在澳旅大就讀期間,Pisitpong透過“3+1”雙學士學位計劃到理諾士國際酒店管理學院西班牙校區完成了一年課程,最後成功取得兩間學校的學位。從“一帶一路”沿線國家走向國際,他的求學經歷深刻體現了澳門在當中的獨特定位,以及澳旅大為推動國際交流所作出的積極貢獻。

A field trip provided Macao University of Tourism undergraduates with practical knowledge on the pivotal role of merchandising when it comes to resort retailing and marketing operations at The Venetian Macao and The Londoner Macao properties

  A group of students from the Chinese-language stream of Macao University of Tourism’s (UTM) Tourism Retail and Marketing Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme recently had a field trip to The Venetian Macao and The Londoner Macao, to boost their knowledge of merchandising.

Two representatives from the retail operations department of Sands China Ltd. – the operator of The Venetian Macao and The Londoner Macao – led the visitors on their tour. They were Retail Operations Merchandising Manager Ms. Mandy Leong and Retail Operations Assistant Merchandising Manager Ms. Vivian Chong. Ms. Chong is an alumna of UTM, having graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science in Tourism Retail and Marketing Management.

The visit took place on 12 March. It was for Year 2 students enrolled in the Merchandise Management course, and was arranged by Lecturer Ms. Belina Lei.

Ms. Leong and Ms. Chong covered several topics during the field trip, including brand positioning and differentiating merchandising strategies for the respective target markets of The Venetian Macao and The Londoner Macao.

The Sands China representatives highlighted The Venetian Macao’s merchandise development strategy to the UTM group, including its use of the resort’s Venice theme. This included utilising colours typically associated with Italy and Venice, and elements such as gondolas, Venice carnival masks, tricorne hats, and Venetian costumes.

The next part of the visit involved a discussion of definitions related to merchandising, covering topics such as: merchandise development, the role of merchandise assortment planning, the corporate-level buying process for sourcing merchandise, the levels of production and distribution required for merchandise used within the hospitality industry, various buying strategies, namely wholesale or consignment, pricing and promotion strategies, display strategies, and the role of gift shops.

The representatives from the Sands China retail operations department emphasised the importance of merchandising in resort retailing, and pointed out its essential role in different corporations. They highlighted that people involved in merchandising-related work needed strong communication skills, as such work required liaison across multiple teams within an organisation, including management, marketing, operations, finance, design, and the supply chain.

Ms. Leong and Ms. Chong also discussed the fundamentals of merchandising procedures, including areas such as the function of merchandise, intellectual property, regular replenishment, stock turnover rates, and sales forecasting.

Students participating in the visit said it had helped them to advance their knowledge of merchandising.

Among them were Kenny Lam, Joyce Chan, Leslie Cheong, and Phoebe Cheong. They said the field trip had given them a better understanding of the importance of regularly refreshing product displays in a souvenir shop, in order to boost sales.

The students also stressed the importance of providing products that can attract consumer traffic. Additionally, they highlighted – as noted in a group report about the field trip – the need to feature a portfolio of products capable of catering to customer groups with different spending power.

The Tourism Retail and Marketing Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme is to be rebranded in the upcoming academic year as the Marketing and Brand Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme. The revised curriculum will focus on marketing and branding theory and practice, equipping students with essential skills for future careers in these fields.

Content: UTM Lecturer Ms. Belina Lei Editor: UTM Public Relations Team

瑞士蒙特勒工商管理大學的金融學 講師 Gedeon Tumong 先生 應邀至澳旅大分享有關酒店定價和獲利的知識  

澳門旅遊大學於4月19日邀請到瑞士蒙特勒工商管理大學的金融學講師Gedeon Tumong先生來校進行一場關於酒店定價和獲利的專題講座。是次講座由澳旅大副教授蘇碧瑜博士與講師龔健博士主持。



Gedeon Tumong先生獲美國佛羅里達州席勒國際大學頒授的工商管理碩士學位,並持有由紐約證券交易所和美國證券交易委員會發出,有關市場情報及金融監管的證書。另外,他曾任職於國際組織,如聯合國。




撰文: 澳旅大 蘇碧瑜副教授、龔健講師 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇


澳旅大管理及專業發展學院與聰穎教育集團合作,舉辦了一場有關托福(TOEFL)及托業(TOEIC)語文認證的說明會,向出席的30多名本地中學代表講解兩項考試的優勢、應試內容及考試資助等。澳旅大除於去年9月正式成為TOEFL iBT考試服務中心外,更自2017年起提供TOEIC考試及培訓班,致力推動人才發展。



The training session provided students on UTM’s Tourism Retail and Marketing Management programme access to new skills including smartphone photo-editing for marketing purposes. A store tour offered insights into Apple Store’s handling of retail customers

A total of 21 UTM students attended in March a “Take photos with iPhone” workshop at the Apple Cotai Strip store located in The Londoner Macao integrated resort. The training was conducted by specialised staff from Apple.

The activity was for Year 2 students in the Chinese-language stream of the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme, namely those taking the course on Merchandise Management. UTM Lecturer Ms. Belina Lei accompanied the group.

The workshop aimed to equip students with up-to-date skills relevant to retailing and marketing. During the session, students learned how to capture and edit photos using software on their smartphones, particularly for marketing purposes.

Following the workshop, the UTM group enjoyed a tour of the Apple Cotai Strip store, gaining deeper insights into Apple’s retailing culture, particularly its emphasis on the user-friendliness of its products. The tour provided students with a glimpse of how the brand creates a store environment that encourages interaction between customers and products.

The overall activity at the Apple Cotai Strip store allowed students to apply creative and innovative knowledge discussed in the classroom. It offered them a fresh perspective regarding concepts featured in the Merchandise Management course syllabus, including store spacing, store design, product knowledge, and the importance of social media platforms in retailing.

Students who participated in the activity praised the arrangements for the workshop.

Among them were Georgia Chu, Yan Leong, Clara Zhong, and Kiki Loi. They described the workshop and store tour as “impressive” for increasing their awareness of the importance that the Apple brand places on customer experience.

The students praised Apple’s store concept of simultaneously “open and inclusive spaces” where consumers can freely experience and explore products. “The store design allows a smooth flow of people, helping to manage large numbers of customers and maintain order within the store,” they added in a report about the activity.





撰文:澳旅大創新款待管理學院 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇


撰文:林浩平-澳旅大講師 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇

為響應世界閱讀日,澳旅大圖書館舉辦圖書館周活動,包括於氹仔校區圖書館舉行的“尋找土生菜的足跡” 分享會。活動由澳旅大教學人員高迪龍及羅嘉露主講,兩名講者同時為土生文化研究學會創辦成員。講座上除分享了土生菜的歷史、特色,還有不少趣聞,會後更設小食分享,讓出席學生品嚐由教學餐廳提供的土生菜品小食。


澳門旅遊大學旅遊會展及節目管理三年級學生於近日舉辦名為“EDI – Coloride Carnival”的活動,通過嘉年華的形式,推廣平等、多元、包容(Equity, Diversity and Inclusion,簡稱EDI)文化。



活動的成功舉辦有賴本地企業的贊助支持,包括澳門花酒酒業·澳門花酒廠、Camper露舍、 瑜玥~Nature Beauty & Handmade、Pi & The Grind、Topmakeup、Zipcity澳門飛索、力澳廣告、星域設計有限公司、初心音樂、澳門工藝有限公司、Starrymakerr、Of Cuz及 Bricolage 等贊助商的鼎力支持。活動淨收益將全數捐贈予澳門扶康會。

撰文:澳旅大旅遊會展及節目管理課程大三B班學生 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇

澳旅大副校長呂劍英博士及創新款待管理學院院長李頴詩博士近日發表論文, 探討 郵輪乘客在岸上遊覽的偏好。研究指出,郵輪乘客,尤其追求真實體驗的旅客,在考慮郵輪停靠港週邊遊的時候,普遍而言更著重“易達性”。研究結果突顯了澳門對停靠鄰近港口,如香港的郵輪旅客的吸引力。




撰文:陳昭宇-澳旅大講師 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇

澳旅大講師陳正珠博士、陳昭宇博士及碩士生郭俊成,共同研究旅遊景點的聲音設計和管理如何影響遊客體驗。研究發現,對比起充斥“不愉悅”或“平淡無奇”聲音的環境,遊客更傾向在有著“悅耳動聽”聲音的環境下延長逗留時間。該研究論文獲大學資助,並在今年3月刊載於期刊《Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research》。




應課程導師李卓博士的邀請,澳門產品設計協會會長黃嘉順先生協同協會的五個澳門本土知名品牌及設計公司,分別是茶甡、Loksophy Design、OlO Design、MJade 和Jump Off與學生進行分享,並深入探討不同議題。各企業代表從不同的視角出發,結合各自品牌的主要客戶群及目標市場的實際市場狀况與品牌歷史,將產品設計的知識與營銷知識融會貫通,寓教於學。學生們反響熱烈,充滿興趣。


Loksophy Design的創辦人兼創意總監洪家樂則從設計公司的角度以生動且貼切的方式講述了創意策略與設計執行的區別,並以實例對比的方式向學生指出更容易在大衆市場中取得成功的產品例子。在短片分享的環節中,學生更直觀地看到了Loksophy Design公司成立至今大多數的產品設計,其多樣性及豐富程度讓學生感受到設計公司的更多可能。

而OlO design的創辦人黃倩琦女士分享了其品牌的主打產品和設計概念,讓學生體會到設計概念是產品設計過程中必不可少的重要一環。正如設計圖中展現出來的獨特風格,OIO的產品大多能夠讓受眾瞬間感受到生活中容易被忽略的“小確幸”。而以生活中的小物件入手的設計思路也打開了學生的靈感閥門。


最後,Jump off的創意總監、澳門產品設計協會會長黃嘉順先生就自己的品牌作出分享。他將團隊設計的主打背包產品帶來現場,並親自演示了不同的佩戴方法,有趣的演示令同學們眼前一亮。他亦講述了品牌的創立背景,鼓勵同學們抓住現有資源,積極學習,勇於嘗試。他強調,產品是屬於品牌的續航力,好的產品可以讓品牌走得更遠;差異化的產品可以讓品牌更有辨識度,更有市場價值。產品設計與定位是屬於品牌經營中最基本,也是最必要的一環,管理好一個品牌需要從多維度的策略與定位去執行。



撰文:戴語婷— 澳旅大旅 遊 零售及市 場 推廣管理大三學生 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇

Designer and business owner Ms. Sanchia Lau was a guest speaker at UTM, engaging with undergraduates from the Chinese-medium stream of the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management programme. During her talk, she covered topics including merchandise design and production

A group of 23 UTM students recently attended a guest lecture on merchandise development and manufacturing. Local entrepreneur Ms. Sanchia Lau was the invited speaker, via her role as chief executive of WAS Macau International Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd.

The event was for Year 2 students enrolled with the Chinese-medium stream of UTM’s Bachelor of Science in Tourism Retail and Marketing Management programme. In particular, the talk was aimed at students taking the course in Merchandise Management. Lecturer Ms. Belina Lei acted as host, and the event took place on 6 March at the Forward Building on UTM’s Taipa Campus.

The lecture offered attendees practical insights on concepts featured in the Merchandise Management course.

Ms. Lau studied fabric design at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, in the United Kingdom. She also studied fashion design at Beijing’s Central Academy of Fine Arts. She is the founder and chief designer of the brand “SANCHIALAU”, under her own name. Her work includes fashion design, interior design, and art-related projects, and her project portfolio features a wide range of clients, from shopping malls and governmental bodies to the educational sector.

The guest talk allowed students to learn more about merchandise development and production. Ms. Lau discussed examples of private-sector businesses making use of art and culture themes for design purposes, to enhance the appeal of their products or services. She stressed the importance of developing innovative concepts when it came to merchandise design. She also emphasised the need to ensure intellectual property ownership and protection. In Ms. Lau’s words, nowadays even a pattern used for fabric was eligible for intellectual property protection.

The event was wrapped up with a question-and-answer session and group discussion. The latter was valuable for the students as they prepare for a final project on the Merchandise Management course. For that project, students must first research shopping-related behaviour of tourists to Macao, and how it influences local retailers’ business decisions. Subsequently, UTM students have  to propose a product range for a retail brand, develop specific product categories, and recommend relevant sales strategies. The project aims to help undergraduates apply course-gained knowledge to a practical retail-industry scenario.

Kim, one of the students at the guest lecture, appreciated the insights shared by Ms. Lau. She said the guest speaker had emphasised the importance – for business success – of being able to establish good communication with partners, conduct multi-party discussions, and cooperate with various entities. Ms. Lau had also discussed practical challenges faced by young entrepreneurs, including the potential for financial difficulties at the start-up stage, and how to seek funding from public departments, said Kim.

Student Niko noted the focus on procurement as an indispensable process for merchandise development and production, during Ms. Lau’s talk. He learned from the guest lecturer’s insights that the entire procurement process – from market demand analysis to procurement decisions, supplier selection, contract signing, order placement, and acceptance of orders at the warehouse – needed to be carefully assessed by entrepreneurs.

The Merchandise Management course covers concepts such as pricing, inventory control, planning, cost-effectiveness, and vendor relationships. The course aims to examine the role of merchandising at the retail level, including merchandise flow, assortment planning, and the use of technology in merchandising.

Content: UTM Lecturer Ms. Belina Lei, School of Tourism Management Editor: UTM Public Relations Team


撰文:陳昭宇-澳旅大講師;關志和-講者 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇


編輯:澳旅 大 公關範疇













撰文:覃毓思—澳旅大數碼營銷與分析理學碩士學位課程學生 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇

Ms. Melissa Chung, Director of Spa and Leisure at Macao’s Studio City integrated resort, shared insights on recreation and leisure management in an exchange session with UTM students

Students enrolled with the Chinese-medium stream of UTM’s Bachelor of Science in Tourism Event Management programme recently had a chance to deepen their knowledge of recreation and leisure management. Ms. Melissa Chung, Director of Spa and Leisure at Macao’s Studio City integrated resort, offered valuable knowledge on the topic during an exchange session held at the University.

The event, organised by UTM Instructor Ms. Alison Lau Fong Peng, who teaches the Recreation and Leisure Management course, took place on 13 March. It offered students a chance to move beyond textbook theories and gain practical insights into Ms Chung’s area of expertise.

Ms. Chung shared her thoughts based on her extensive industry experience of over 18 years, including details on the evolution of the spa and recreation sector in Macao.

She elaborated on four key aspects: facilities management, staff training, scheduling and resources management, and in particular, customer service. She emphasised the importance of staying ahead of competitors by ensuring equipment is up to date, that service standards are continuously enhanced, and that innovative ideas are implemented to cater to a diversity of market segments.

Ms. Chung also underscored the importance of community engagement and environmental sustainability in operations, on top of maintaining profitability. She additionally shed light on her vision for the industry.

In closing, she emphasised three ideas: the importance of thorough research for success in the spa and recreation sector; the necessity of consistently enhancing the customer journey; and the imperative of fostering innovation to stay ahead in a competitive landscape.




撰文:澳旅大世界旅遊教育及培訓中心 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇




宣講會邀請到理諾士國際酒店管理學院教育顧問及校友大使Kavi Khemlani先生,及森梅教育集團港澳地區招生負責人尹尚女士,為出席的學生介紹該合作項目。






撰文:澳旅大酒店管理課程主任 – 管潔琦 編輯:澳旅大公關範疇



澳旅大教授溫艷瓊參與的研究獲國家自然科學基金委員會支持,探討了美學在酒店服務中的作用。該論文去年已獲刊載於 Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 。

《澳門旅遊大學法律制度》今(4月1日)起生效,澳門旅遊學院重新命名為澳門旅遊大學,葡英名稱分別為Universidade de Turismo de Macau及Macao University of Tourism,縮寫改為UTM。此外,配合是次更名,澳門旅遊大學官方網站及電郵地址的域名即日起更改為utm.edu.mo,取代舊有的iftm.edu.mo。舊域名將保留一段時間至2025年12月31日。

葡萄牙密利拿莊園 與澳旅院 葡萄酒品嘗學會 合作,舉辦 品酒晚宴講解葡萄酒及美食搭配

附屬澳門旅遊學院學生會之葡萄酒品嘗學會獲邀於3月7日在澳門雅辰酒店為葡萄牙密利拿莊園舉辦之品酒晚宴講解葡萄酒及美食搭配。是次晚宴主題為“品鑑密利拿莊園佳釀 六道美饌品酩薈宴”,以葡萄牙密利拿莊園的上等葡萄酒搭配由澳門雅辰酒店大廚精心設計的現代西菜。



撰文:何文正 – 澳旅院講師 編輯:澳旅院公關範疇


澳門旅遊學院與瑞士教育集團(Swiss Education Group)推出“4+1碩士直通車”計劃,為有意到海外升學的澳旅院學生提供三所瑞士教育集團旗下院校的“直接入學”途徑。

三所院校分別為瑞士酒店管理大學(Swiss Hotel Management School)、瑞士凱薩里茲大學(César Ritz Colleges Switzerland)及瑞士美食藝術管理大學(Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland)。

澳旅院在氹仔校區舉行宣講會,向學生講解學院與瑞士教育集團現有的合作計劃,並邀請正於瑞士酒店管理大學修讀碩士學位課程的學生Jerry Zhang分享。




撰文:管潔琦-澳旅院酒店管理課程主任;高迪龍-澳旅院旅遊會展及節目管理課程主任 編輯:澳旅院公關範疇

澳旅院旅遊零售及市場管理理學士學位課程的兩名學生,早前到意大利時裝品牌杜嘉班納(Dolce&Gabbana )門店完成為期六個月的實習。品牌特意為學生準備一場簡單而隆重的實習畢業典禮,對他們的工作表現表示肯定及嘉許。學生在分享時表示,學習到品牌的歷史、文化以及與客戶溝通的技巧,獲益良多。澳旅院持續鼓勵學生到不同機構實習,不僅能在專業環境中學以致用,還能深入了解企業管理理念和理論。

撰文:馮潔心 — 澳旅院講師 編輯:澳旅院公關範疇


撰文:王俊亿教授和陳昭宇博士—澳旅院旅遊管理學校 編輯:澳旅院公關範疇

澳門旅遊學院近日舉辦客席講座,主題圍繞奢華款待,並邀請到 瑞士格利昂高等教育學院 學者 Dr. Estelle Dinh 與學生分享業界如何建立品牌與客戶之間的情感聯繫。

2024年3月12日,澳門旅遊學院邀請到瑞士格利昂高等教育學院學者Dr. Estelle Dinh主講有關“旅遊款待中的奢華客戶體驗”的講座,提及多個定義奢華款待的元素。她在講座中鼓勵學生在日後職涯中可以嘗試有關發展方向。

瑞士格利昂高等教育學院成立於1962年,在豪華款待管理學科中屬於全球領先。主講嘉賓Dr. Dinh是奢華品牌和市場營銷、奢華服務設計和奢華服務禮儀等方面的專家,曾舉辦有關歐洲、中東及其他亞洲地區的奢華品牌和市場營銷及奢華服務等主題的大師班。

講座期間, Dr. Dinh介紹“奢華”的概念,為更強調服務的品質而非數量,尤其注重細節、個性化服務和獨特難忘的瞬間,以建立一種情感上的紐帶。

Dr. Dinh表示,奢華品牌不僅提供商品或服務,更多的是打造獨特的生活模式,滿足顧客的內心追求,建立與顧客的情感聯繫。


撰文:嚴乙倫—澳旅院講師 編輯:澳旅院公關範疇

澳門旅遊學院教學餐廳連續第四年榮獲米芝蓮綠星,為澳門唯一,顯示其 “永續美食”的理念備受肯定。教學餐廳總經理李漢斯表示,教學餐廳維持一貫標準,運用各項舉措推廣永續理念,包括創新科技、有機產品,以及教育下一代。

編輯:澳旅院公關範 疇


澳旅院葡萄酒品嘗學會參與了一項 “ 永利臻典 – 中國葡萄酒大賽 ” 的活動:由知名酒評人王孜和 Jane Anson 主持的大師班。

附屬澳門旅遊學院學生會之葡萄酒品嘗學會多位學生獲永利澳門邀請,參與於永利皇宮舉行的“永利臻典 – 中國葡萄酒大賽”系列活動,向兩位著名葡萄酒專家及作家學習中法葡萄酒知識。

由知名酒評人王孜帶來的“西遊記 – 中國葡萄酒的國際步伐、影響及潛力”大師班於3月3日舉行,講授中國葡萄酒的歷史以至走向世界之發展過程,為學生們帶來啟發性的一課。

王孜為《中國葡萄酒的復興》一書的作者,該書獲有“國際酒業奧斯卡”之稱的Louis Roederer 2019年度最佳酒類書籍獎,並獲2020年度Gourmand Awards酒類書籍全球最佳獎。

波爾多葡萄酒權威專家及《Inside Bordeaux》的作者Jane Anson於3月4日主持了另一場大師班,講解法國波爾多葡萄酒之特色及近十年之發展趨勢。


撰文:何文正 – 澳旅院 講師 編輯:澳旅院公關範疇





資料來源:澳門旅遊學院環境管理體系委員會 編輯:澳旅院公關範疇


撰文:梁嘉豪—澳旅院藝術及創意課程主任 編輯:澳旅院公關範疇

澳門旅遊學院與瑞士教育集團(Swiss Education Group)近日簽訂補充協議,共同推出“4+1碩士直通車”計劃。集團旗下三所知名高等院校參與計劃,包括瑞士酒店管理大學(Swiss Hotel Management School)、瑞士愷撒里茲大學(César Ritz Colleges Switzerland)、瑞士美食藝術管理大學(Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland),三所大學分別位列QS 2023世界大學“款待及休閒管理”學科排名全球第3、6及8位。




澳門旅遊學院於2022年底與澳洲頂尖學府之一的昆士蘭大學簽署合作協議,推出“1+1雙碩士學位課程”,為學生提供更多元化的學習模式。澳旅院近日邀請到昆士蘭大學大中華區域事務經理Michael Chen為學生介紹雙碩士學位課程的內容,包括當地的生活、就學、職業環境;申請、畢業條件以及學分互認等各方面的詳情;亦邀請了首名申請該課程,現正於昆士蘭大學修讀第二年課程的學生李敏怡分享。


Guest lecturer Ms. Chris Kuan, a Senior Manager at Galaxy Entertainment Group, shared insights on the significance of customer experience management, with a focus on “big data”

On January 18, IFTM hosted a guest lecture on customer experience management, targetingYear 1 students in the Chinese-medium stream of the Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management programme.

IFTM Instructor Ms. Daney Qiao Danyi, who teaches the Introduction to Business Management course, organised the event and invited industry professional Ms. Chris Kuan, a Senior Manager at Galaxy Entertainment Group, as the speaker. Ms. Kuan shared valuable insights on the concept of customer experience management, emphasising its significance in contemporary business.

The lecture particularly focused on the increasing role of “big data”. Ms. Kuan discussed how companies utilise big data and other new technologies to enhance communication with customers and improve the quality of service provided to them.

Her presentation also explored current practical applications for concepts related to customer experience management.

Ms. Kuan’s extensive professional experience in the hotel industry allowed her to offer undergraduates anecdotes drawn from real life. Students posed a number of questions that contributed to the session’s lively atmosphere.

The undergraduates present expressed their appreciation to the guest speaker. Several observed that learning more about the relationship between a business and its customers would equip them with valuable skills for a career in the tourism and hospitality industry.

The guest lecture was part of IFTM’s commitment to combining academic theory with industry practice, offering students holistic preparation for the challenges and dynamism of the tourism and hospitality sector. Guest lectures by industry professionals ensure undergraduates receive relevant and up-to-date insights, reinforcing IFTM’s status as a leading institution in tourism and hospitality education.



澳旅院旅遊企業管理畢業生陳希蕾的畢業論文獲“旅遊教育學生峰會”(TEd Summit)最佳論文獎項,其後持續對論文作出深化,並於去年12月發表到國際期刊Tourism Recreation Research。陳希蕾現時正在英國薩里大學修讀國際酒店管理碩士課程。她認為,澳旅院提供的研究資源豐富,使她打下了紥實的研究基礎;學院的國際化學習環境,亦讓她赴英升學時更容易適應新環境。

Guest lecturer Ms. Angelina Wu shared her valuable industry experience with IFTM undergraduates, focusing on tour guides’ contribution to Macao’s culinary culture and the city’s tourism and hospitality industry

Ms. Angelina Wu Wai Fong, President of the Macau Tourist Guide Association, delivered a guest lecture on 10 January to students enrolled in IFTM bachelor’s degree programmes (Chinese medium). She shared insights on her extensive experience participating in food festivals and serving as a member of the Macao SAR Tourism Development Committee. The talk was initiated by adjunct faculty Mr. Chan, for students who are studying the Tourism Economics undergraduate course.

Ms. Wu said food festivals were pivotal in promoting Macao’s culinary culture and emphasised their ability to capture attention and promote engagement among locals and tourists. She expressed her association’s commitment to supporting Macao in becoming a leading Asian destination for food-related tourism, by promoting unique culinary experiences that showcase the city’s multicultural heritage.

Emphasising the role of tour guides as ambassadors for the city, Ms. Wu noted that they were often the first people visitors met. Tour guides play a crucial role in representing Macao’s rich cultural tapestry, she added.

The guest lecture provided students with an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Macao’s food festivals and tourism development. It enhanced students’ awareness of the importance and contributions of professional tour guides to this field. Ms. Wu’s sharing further heightened students’ awareness of the value and potential development of the tour guide profession, as well as the significant role and influence that tour guides play in the tourism industry.




享譽全球的名廚兼餐廳主理人戈登拉姆齊(Gordon Ramsay)訪問澳門期間,澳門旅遊學院修讀廚藝管理學士學位課程的學生適逢其會,與校友獲邀與這位名廚答問交流。學生表示機會難得,尤其可以與國際級名廚面對面,向其提出各方面的疑問並獲解答。同時亦有學生表示戈登拉姆齊為自己選讀廚藝專業的原因,是次活動更是讓她獲益良多。














The Director of IFTM’s School of Hospitality Management hosted a dinner for students and coordinators of those of the School’s academic programmes delivered in the Chinese language

On November 16, Dr Clara Lei Weng Si, the Director of IFTM’s School of Hospitality Management, hosted a dinner at the Educational Restaurant with invitees including student representatives from those of the School’s bachelor’s degree programmes that are delivered in the Chinese language.

Also guests at the dinner were: Dr Jenny Guan Jieqi, Coordinator for the Hotel Management Programme; Dr Ubaldino Sequeira Couto, Coordinator for the Tourism Event Management Programme; and Dr Irene Chan Cheng Chu, Coordinator for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (Chinese medium).

The gathering provided a friendly platform for students of various intake years to communicate with each other and with the leadership of the School of Hospitality Management, away from the classroom environment. Students discussed with the School Director and the Programme Coordinators, their experiences of education at IFTM, addressing challenges the undergraduates faced. The interactions contributed to the effort to improve the overall educational environment at the Institute.

Entrepreneur Mr. Joel Madeira led discussion on Macao’s place in digital marketing, highlighting the importance of original content and tailor-made strategies

In a bid to keep pace with the evolving landscape of digital marketing in Macao, IFTM organised an insight-sharing session for Year 2 students from the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management Programme (Chinese medium). The special guest for the session was Mr. Joel Madeira, founder and director of Curio Digital Marketing, a firm providing customised digital marketing services.

IFTM Lecturer Mr. Ford Lei Chong Fo, who leads the Institute’s course on digital marketing, facilitated the event. It took place on 8 November.

The session aimed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of digital marketing for various enterprises within the Macao market, said Mr. Lei.

During the session, Mr. Madeira discussed a range of topics with the students, including challenges faced by businesses and a detailed case analysis of Macao enterprises. Emphasising the importance of original content production and strategic product display, Mr. Madeira shared insights drawn from his extensive experience, asserting that providing customised social media planning and creating tailor-made content for customers are key strategies in the dynamic realm of digital marketing.

He also underscored the concept that “content is king,” stressing its crucial role in the success of digital marketing initiatives.

Students taking part in the session said it enriched their understanding of digital marketing. They found Mr. Madeira’s lecture to be lively, interesting, and directly applicable to their coursework. Many emphasised the practical value of the knowledge acquired, and conveyed their gratitude for the chance to learn from a seasoned professional in the field.

Starting from next academic year, the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme will be rebranded as the Marketing and Brand Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme. An overhauled curriculum will be implemented, aiming to give students an in-depth understanding of marketing and branding theory and practice, and equipping them with the essential skills for a career in these fields. The new programme will be available in either English or Chinese, like its predecessor.













林靜芝博士解釋:“除了提升學員的職業技能,我們亦致力讓MORS此一澳門品牌踏出澳門,為學員提供更多機會。”談到金襟針大賽的重要性,她指,“我們籌辦這個比賽的初衷是讓業界人士挑戰自己,同時互相學習,從而提升自己的技能和增加信心。” 新的就業機會


來自澳門美高梅的Addiebelle Adaptante Arroco在調酒員工種中贏得金襟針。她在去年參賽前並沒有實際的調酒工作經驗,但透過比賽,尤其是疫情期間,她已累積到一系列的技能。對於自己獲獎,她稱:“我感到非常高興。”她指出這是她第二次參賽了,“這次得獎也許會為我在非博彩領域提供新的就業機會。”




澳門旅遊學院邀請奢侈腕錶製造商伯爵區域經理蒙玉甯(Lucinda Paula Monteiro)於10月29日舉行講座,向學生深入介紹了組織各個級別的工作所需的關鍵技能,並討論到品牌文化的重要性。出席講座的包括酒店管理理學士學位課程、旅遊會展及節目管理理學士學位課程、廚藝管理理學士學位課程以及旅遊企業管理學士學位課程的學生。是次講座由澳旅院講師李涴潁策劃,目的為深化修讀“商業管理學概論”課程學生對相關課題的知識。


澳門旅遊學院舉辦講座,邀請英國薩里大學Iis Tussyadiah教授主講,主題圍繞人工智能在酒店及旅遊業的應用,期間與澳旅院一眾碩、博士學位學生展開深入探討。Tussyadiah教授指出,應用人工智能理應帶來便利,但業界亦需要時刻注意各項潛在的危機。強調應以業界的可持續發展為考慮方向,使人工智能和旅遊業界的互聯締結永續的發展方式。


澳旅院市場營銷與品牌管理學士學位學生日前與本地設計師品牌合作,推出了六場關於澳門本地品牌創建和運營的直播。直播平台是學院的iRetail Lab Instagram,邀請到進駐零售實驗室的品牌在直播間與觀眾分享各品牌的創立故事。講師李重科指出,學生自行籌備直播除了可讓他們更直接了解到零售實驗室各品牌的創立初衷,體會品牌營運的細節外,亦可讓他們體驗到直播產業的運作,並明白直播並不僅僅是聊天,而是需要大量前期準備工作以及後期數據分析,才能獲得成效。





現時迅速發展、藉由視覺驅動的社交媒體營銷於近年備受關注。澳旅院學者陳正珠博士和陳昭宇博士進行的一項新研究探討餐廳在社交媒體營銷中,運用策略性設計和應用視覺元素以激發觀眾的興趣、慾望和行動。研究發現,當需要運用較多圖像於社交媒體營銷時,應選用畫面簡潔及靜態的圖像,以強化營銷效果。是次研究與香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院副教授梁堯忠博士合作進行,研究論文“The more the better? Strategizing visual elements in social media marketing”由澳門旅遊學院資助,並於著名期刊Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 三月刊中發表。

澳門旅遊學院文化與遺產管理理學士學位課程大三學生張浩雲的一篇學術研究論文日前刊載於Journal of Education, Humanities, and Social Sciences。該論文透過類比、案例分析、文獻回顧等探討達文西(1452-1519)如何在創作中完美融合科學和藝術。張浩雲於2022年9月至12月間參與了一個由集思學院PATH Academics提供的線上科研項目,該論文即為項目的部分內容。

澳門旅遊學院學生參加在新葡京酒店舉辦的葡萄酒大師班,向兩名頂級侍酒師Pierre-Marie Pattieu和Arnaud Bardary親身學習,進一步了解侍酒師行業、細節、及其於國際酒店和餐飲行業中所佔的重要地位。大師班於10月20日舉行,約15名澳旅院學生出席,亦有不少學院講師及其他高等院校學生到場參與。除為參加者提供知識外,大師班更是為加深參加者對侍酒師在美食和葡萄酒世界中所扮演的角色而設。

澳旅院於11月3日舉辦了“青年電商創(就)業機遇 澳門跨境電商青年人才培訓營”,並邀請到資深電商人單靖宇主講,和與會者分享電商直播間內的運作策略和邏輯。澳旅院講師李重科帶領修讀數碼營銷課程的大二學生到場參與,指出數碼營銷與電商直播兩者有很多相通的概念知識,如內容營銷、數據分析、社交媒體直播策略等,他認為是次培訓有效增加學生在相關方面的實務知識。










酒店管理學生Cathy Thuranira感謝有關活動安排,她說:“首先,我要感謝所有組織我們參觀澳門上葡京的工作人員。對於我們大部分學生來說,這是第一次進入如此高水準的度假村,真是令人興奮!這次機會讓我們大開眼界,了解了我們未來想在哪裏工作。這活動值得定期進行,不僅是為了參觀,而且更是為了學習。再次非常感謝這次活動安排。”

酒店管理學生梁曉燁表示:“感謝大家的熱情接待,也非常感謝澳門上葡京團隊的安排,讓我了解熱線中心服務和客房預訂部門在酒店中的重要作用及享用酒店安排的具澳門特色的小食茶點,其中The Karl Lagerfeld和Palazzo Versace Macau這類國際知名品牌酒店商業模式給我留下最深刻的印象,提高了我對時尚設計酒店和奢華細節的認識。”


旅遊會展及節目管理學生Kyla Marie Jimenez Estrada分享:“今天的行程非常豐富,介紹了酒店的功能,例如舉辦不同類型的活動。我很榮幸能從是次參觀透過業界專家學到很多東西,這對我有很大幫助。此外,各種酒店客房及其主題的展示也給我留下了深刻的印象。”

廚藝管理學生Vanessa Kam Ribeiro表示:“我們對澳門上葡京、當奧豐素1890、味賞餐廳和The Karl Lagerfeld的參觀是一次深入美食、酒店和設計領域的非凡之旅。從學習咖啡製作和探索當奧豐素1890熱鬧的廚房,到體驗The Karl Lagerfeld的精緻奢華,這次參觀之旅為我們未來在酒店業的職業生涯提供了寶貴的見解和靈感。”


廚藝管理學生John Nathaniel Esguerra Españo表示:“是次參觀咖啡沖泡活動很成功,讓學生獲得了身臨其境的教學體驗。透過實地考察、專家講座和咖啡品嚐,學生對沖泡咖啡背後的藝術和科學有了更深入的了解。在可持續性和社會責任上,該活動向學生灌輸了道德意識,使他們能夠作為咖啡消費者做出明智的選擇。總括來說,這次活動不僅瞭解到咖啡豐富的歷史和文化,還激勵了新一代咖啡愛好者探索和欣賞精品咖啡的世界。”


澳門旅遊學院文化遺產管理課程四年級的學生於2023年10月27日參加了名為Cultural Heritage in a Dynamic and Fast Changing City – Hong Kong的講座。是次講座作為非物質文化遺產課程的一部分,由陳昭宇博士主持,邀請了來自香港大學的黎志邦客席助理教授分享。講座圍繞香港和香港仔的發展史、香港漁業的非物質文化遺產元素和漁民社區非物質文化遺產的當代保護三個方面進行,拓展了學生專業知識的同時,也為學生對非物質文化遺產的保護提供了新思路。




在實地調研中,學生們通過案頭研究、對當地非遺相關者的深度訪談和參與式觀察等方式,全面調查了調研中涉及到的非遺項目的現狀。在調研的最後一天,學生們在佛科院分享了他們此行的收穫,將理論知識和在佛山實踐所學相結合,並就保護這些非遺項目提出了自己的建議和保護措施,以期對佛山非遺的研究和實踐給予啟發。正如其中一位澳門同學陶嘉淳分享,“我們要繼續弘揚非遺的傳統,永遠將非遺的精神繼承下去,發揚光大。” 另外一名同學姚怡至補充道,“在佛山為期五天的研學讓我有機會深入地了解當地的非遺文化,提供了一個將課堂上學到的非遺基本概念、保護方法和影響分析活學活用的平台。這幾天的同吃同住也拉近了我們每個人的關係,這些收獲對於已經邁入大四的我是難能可貴的。”








在10月底公佈的2023上海軟科世界一流學科排名中,澳門旅遊學院在“旅遊休閒管理”學科位列全球第42名,比去年的51 – 75名有顯著提升,彰顯了其於該學科領域中的地區和國際影響力。






澳門旅遊學院世界旅遊教育及培訓中心聯同聯合國世界旅遊組織合作舉辦第十五屆培訓課程,以“發揮會展及美食影響力 推動可持續旅遊發展”為題,一連六天的課程於9月18日起開展,與東盟成員國聚焦探討結合會展及美食的旅遊發展。 首三天的課程以專家學者的演講、討論及會議的方式進行;其後兩天的課程與世界旅遊經濟論壇同場舉行,學員獲安排出席論壇;而最後一天學員前往大型企業實地考察,參觀企業在會展方面的最新建設及創新技術,並獲邀深度體驗本澳文化。




On August 2, 2023, a group of IFTM students from the Practicum course in the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management programme (Chinese Medium) conducted a mystery shopper visit to several premium boutiques at Wynn Macau and One Central Macau. The visit was organized and led by Ms. Athena Wong, an IFTM alumna and an adjunct faculty member.

This visitation is a vital component of the programme as it provides students with the opportunity not only to apply their theoretical knowledge but also to assess the relevance of various theories in the context of Macao. It allows them to gain insights into the differences in service quality of different brands.

“The students were very excited to have these chances because they were convinced that the knowledge learnt from lectures is applicable in real-life situations,” Ms. Wong said. “Meanwhile, they had the chance to discuss their experiences right after their visits and to give comments among themselves on the service level of each brand.”

Ms. Wong further explained that the course covered several key aspects, one of which was client experience, comprising four pillars: welcome, relationship building, commercial aspects, and lasting impression. “Students receive training in client experience literacy through classroom sessions, group activities, role-playing exercises, and lectures before embarking on the mystery shopper visits. They were also introduced to specific criteria for evaluating client experiences,” Ms. Wong recapped. She also underlined that the key difference is that during lectures, students were taught how to conduct sales. On the contrary, they are clients during the visits. “Therefore, they have gained an understanding of providing a satisfactory client experience before evaluating whether standards have been met in realistic scenarios,” Ms. Wong concluded.

“Most of the students are working professionals, enabling them to integrate their real-life experiences into the theoretical knowledge gained from their lectures. Their input is regularly incorporated into class discussions,” Ms. Wong added. Ms. Wong elaborated on the mission, stating that there were five criteria for evaluation: reception, relationships, persuasion, impression, and stimulation. Each student was provided with a checklist for record-keeping. the first four criteria consisted of 33 items, accounting for 70% of the checklist. Ms. Wong explained that these items effectively covered the majority of the retail industry, despite variations in service quality among different brands.

The remaining 30% was allocated to the fifth criterion – the overall client experience. Ms. Wong also added that while classroom lectures were comprehensive, actual visits offered students a realistic perspective on the services clients receive.

IFTM is renowned not only for its programs conducted in English as the medium of instruction but also for a series of higher-education programmes taught in Chinese. These Chinese-language programmes include Tourism Events Management, Hotel Management, and Tourism Retail and Marketing Management, the latter being the programme that conducted this mystery client experience. On one hand, the Chinese programmes provides students with a clearer understanding of their theoretical knowledge. On the other hand, students are equipped with business communication skill in English as an integral part of their curriculum. These programmes are taught by quality academic faculty from a variety of countries and regions, alongside adjunct faculty with extensive industry and managerial experience. The featured mode of education at IFTM – blending theories with practice – is unyielding.

Graduates from the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management programme acquire in-depth expertise in various areas, including knowledge and skills of retail business, marketing, management, interpersonal analytical skills.

巴西旅遊部長塞爾索.薩比諾(Celso Sabino)帶領代表團於9月21日到訪澳門旅遊學院望廈校區。部長一行參觀了學院的教學酒店望廈迎賓館、教學餐廳及其他培訓設施。期間,巴西代表團與澳旅院院長黃竹君博士及其他學院代表會面,並對學院的工作有更深入的認識。


澳門旅遊學院於波蘭合辦國際學術會議 (ICE2023)

由波蘭維斯瓦河酒店管理學院(Vistula School of Hospitality)主辦,澳門旅遊學院作為協辦單位之一的“第六屆會展及節目國際學術會議-在波蘭掀起波瀾:變革性會展活動(The 6th International Conference on Events (ICE2023) – Making Waves in Poland: Transformational Events)”於2023年9月3至6日在波蘭華沙成功舉行。會議吸引了來自世界各地17個不同國家和地區的70多名人士參與,探討會展及節目管理的最新研究成果和發展。


下屆國際會議將於 2025 年重返亞洲,由中國北京第二外國語大學 (BISU) 主辦。有關 ICE 會議系列的更多資訊,可到訪會議的官方網頁:www.makingwavesinevents.org。


如有垂詢,請聯繫旅遊會展及節目管理課程主任高迪龍博士,[email protected]





除了解陶瓷工藝本身之外,師生團還走訪了景德鎮周邊地區,包括景德鎮陶瓷發祥地 – 瑤里古鎮及有著古徽州傳統文化的古縣婺源鎮等地區,深入當地社區,感受這片土壤裡面沿襲的傳統生態及徽派建築的美學價值。此次訪學無論是從傳統村落、古建築到非遺技藝的多變形式,還是從文化景觀上,都讓澳旅院的學生們全面體會到陶瓷非遺的價值所在。最後,此次活動得到了來自景德鎮陶瓷大學國際學院院長張婧婧、景德鎮中國陶瓷博物館副館長馮少俊、江西省民間文藝家協會主席孫立新等人的接待和大力協助。








澳門旅遊學院與香港及澳門區托福考試的代表聰穎教育將於 2023 年 8 月 31 日在澳門旅遊學院望廈校區舉行合作協議簽署儀式。此次簽約目的為確立澳門旅遊學院正式授權於美國教育測驗服務社(ETS),在澳門舉辦網上托福考試(即 TOEFL iBT)。澳旅院亦開辦托福應試準備班,為考生提供全面且優質的英語及應試課程。澳旅院除有可靠的英語師資外,大部分課程亦以英語教授。同時,學院越見廣泛的全球認可度及國際國內網絡,將使學院成為突出的托福應試中心。



IFTM students have managed to double their sales compared to expected at a pop-up store operation at the Educational Restaurant, which is part of a course assignment.

The achievements were made by a group of second-year Tourism Retail and Marketing Management (Chinese Medium) students studying the Marketing Channels and Distribution course. The course was formulated to educate students about the strategies available to conduct multi-channel marketing practices. The course also covers knowledge from upstream to downstream exposure, such as choosing the optimal distribution channel and product delivery to customers. Site visits and projects, among other elements, are part and parcel of the course.

Students have picked local retail brands from the iRetail Lab of IFTM and sold their products. At the end of the pop-up operation, one group of students made nearly MOP6,000 in revenue, nearly double of their estimated revenues of MOP3,000.

Menna Wong Choi Lin, a student-operator of the project, acknowledged the project for providing her with valuable knowledge about the products they sell, stock preparation, and workforce management.  “As most of us are working students and we had noontime and evening sessions at the pop-up store, the former session was tough on our human resources,” Menna told IFTM News Portal. She also learnt how to acquire products, market products, and understand marketing trends. “It surely has helped me incorporate my theoretical knowledge.”

Jesse Ho Ka Hei, another student in the course, expressed that they learnt from the course lecturer, Ms. Daney Qiao Danyi, sharing of her experience and professional analysis, as well as inviting industry practitioners to share their experiences. They were able to use classroom knowledge flexibly with their team members to build up the pop-up store step by step, allowing them to understand the knowledge points more thoroughly.

On the other hand, Daney believed that this project would help students shape their future careers and realise their entrepreneurial dreams. “I saw happy faces on participating students [after the pop-up sale],” she said, adding that they showed a much stronger sense of engagement than in other written course assignments. She suggested that students who want to start their own businesses have already experienced what entrepreneurship is like, and they may have a clearer idea if they really want to be entrepreneurs in the future.

Students conducted various analyses to prepare for their project. They analysed the restaurant, focusing on its Michelin green star status and use of self-grown ingredients. “We have also analysed the current retail status Macao, such as the consumption preferences of tourists,” Menna added. Menna’s group chose organic body care products brand The Moss and crystal jewellery brand Crstfa . They met with brand owners at a site visit, liaising with them and familiarizing themselves with the products.

Additionally, Daney organized a field trip to visit local brands O.N.E. Products and Cloé Jewelry & Art . The trip helped students understand the challenges of establishing a brand, the impact of the epidemic, and how the owners changed their business models and strategies to cope with environmental variables during challenging times.

In the operations, Daney disclosed that the students had well-incorporated their theoretical knowledge and real-life work experience so as to smooth the progress of the project. She did not see the confusion and hustle that she estimated would happen.

Daney added that she was considering negotiating with larger brands to expand the course project to allow students to stage their pop-up sale in a real shopping mall setup.

澳門旅遊學院於 2023 年 8 月 18 日舉行了 2023/2024 學年開學禮,歡迎新一屆的學士及碩士課程新生入學。典禮上,院長黃竹君博士歡迎新生,並對他們選擇了排名亞洲第一及世界前十的旅遊教育高等院校引以為榮。此屆為新冠疫情後首個新學年,澳旅院除迎接來自世界各地的新生外,亦迎來新開設的數碼營銷與分析碩士課程及國際酒店及旅遊管理哲學碩士課程。

澳旅院於〈中國旅遊學術研究國際影響力評價—基於2001-2021年SSCI旅遊類論文統計研究〉當中的「2001—2021 發表 SSCI 旅遊論文 h 指數≥ 7 的機構及其 g 指數」榜單中,於122家大中華區院校中排名第六,且排名為榜上三家澳門院校中最高,標誌著澳旅院學者的論文常被引用且受同儕認同。

資料來源: :中國旅遊研究院旅遊學術評價研究基地,等. 中國旅遊學術研究國際影響力評價——基於2001—2021 年SSCI旅遊類論文統計研究 [J]. 旅遊學刊, 2023, 38(3): 147- 162.


澳門旅遊學院派出兩支隊伍參加由澳門會議展覽業協會主辦的2023澳門大專院校學生會議活動策劃比賽,分別獲得亞軍及最佳 PPT 簡報設計獎,與及優異奬,當中亞軍隊伍成員黃晨瑋更贏得唯二最佳演講者殊榮。亞軍隊伍會於2023年11月代表澳門,到泰國曼谷出戰2023亞洲會展青年挑戰賽。澳旅院一直秉持理論與實踐相長的教學理念,為學生爭取大量實戰經驗,除可為澳門及學院爭光,亦為學生提供磨練與交友的機會。


Traditional District Fair Organiser Encourages IFTM Students to Be Persistent

Mr. Lei Cheok Kuan, curator of two traditional district fairs in Macao, delivered a guest lecture on May 3, 2023, where he encouraged IFTM students to be persistent in pursuing beneficial goals.

Mr. Lei, the Executive Director of the Industry and Commerce Federation of Macau Central and Southern District, has successfully organized two well-known fairs aimed at revitalizing the city’s traditional districts – the “Hong Kung Night Market” and the “Arraial na Ervanários” (Fair at Rua dos Ervanários).

During his guest lecture, Mr. Lei used “Hong Kung Night Market” as an example for the student to understand the reasons behind organizing thematic events, the process involved, and the challenges faced. He also explained his rationale for selecting Rua de Cinco de Outubro as the event location, reasons for naming it “Hong Kung Night Market”, solutions to noise, hygiene and parking issues, etc.

“Arraial na Ervanários” attracted numerous photography enthusiasts through the colourful painted facades of the surrounding buildings and also incorporated augmented reality (AR) technology to enhance visitor experiences, thereby boosting the sales of shops in the vicinity. Mr. Lei emphasized that these achievements were not the result of individual efforts but rather the collaborative work of a team, which included several dedicated and hardworking young individuals. Mr. Ray Chan Cheuk Wa, the adjunct faculty member for the course, highlighted that one of the team members was a graduate of the Institute whom he had previously taught.

Furthermore, Mr. Lei encouraged students to persevere and remain committed to noble intentions. He suggested that if an event benefits society as a whole, one should not shy away from taking responsibility and overcoming challenges. He emphasized that giving up at the first sign of opposing opinions would yield no fruitful results.

Mr. Lei also advised students to maintain momentum if an event gains support from the majority of people, while reminding them of the importance of clearly communicating the reasons and benefits to those who hold opposing views. He believed that if an event proves effective in generating benefits, public support will eventually follow.

Following the lecture, Mr. Lei patiently answered numerous questions posed by the students. The students, acknowledging the valuable insights gained, expressed that they had acquired a significant amount of high-quality insider knowledge. They mentioned that the guest lecture enhanced their understanding of the tourism economy, tourism event organization and processes, and the practical aspects of presenting the tourism industry. They further noted that listening to the lecture helped them better comprehend the textbook knowledge they had learned.

IFTM has consistently prioritized assisting its students in translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills. This process would not be possible without the generous contributions of numerous industry and thought leaders who share their experiences with IFTM students through guest lectures and seminars. These activities have proven effective in nurturing adaptable students for a more competitive society. Students have broadened their horizons, not only for their future careers but also for their lives as a whole.

澳門旅遊學院 學生在首屆「中國大學生旅遊管理虛擬仿真大賽」 獲取佳績









2023年7月16至22日,11位來自中國內地及香港特區的高中生,參加澳門旅遊學院舉辦以英語進行的暑期研學遊—「Travelling in English」。學生除了在澳旅院校園活動、學習及完成小任務外,也要製作英語劇本及演出。活動期間,學生參觀了澳門的世界遺產,了解澳門長久的中西文化交流歷史;也參觀了澳門倫敦人,考察度假村內外的運作,及向營運管理人員發問。整個活動互動有趣,也讓學生在課室以外學到重要的知識技巧,開拓視野。



IFTM Tourism Event Management Students Inspired in Meeting with Horologist Expert

IFTM’s Tourism Event Management programme revolve around MICE events, to nurture students with the expertise to achieve marketing and publicity results, among other goals, through events.

On 15 June 2023, a group of fourth-year IFTM students in the Tourism Event Management Programme led by Ms. Joe Vong Teng Pui, lecturer of the course “Special Topics in Event Management”, visited a horology expert in Macao to discuss the possibilities of organising a watch expo in Macao, among other topics.

The group of students from the Bachelor of Science in Tourism Event Management (Chinese) programme paid a visit to local timepiece expert Mr. Francisco Cunha. Mr. Cunha is a 2023 member of the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG) Academy, a 2017 Foundation High Horology Certificate Expert, as well as co-founder and principal instructor at MWKC Macau Horologic Tuition Centre. He has been invited to several high-end international watch exhibitions and lectures for numerous watch brands.

During the meeting with the students, Mr. Cunha revisited the development of luxury timepiece shows and introduced their current situations. Meanwhile, he also explored the plausibility of holding a high-end chronometer show in Macao, starting with the Geneva Watches and Wonders show. Chronometers, meetings, and exhibitions are not far apart. There are a multitude of horology shows and events held around the world each year, with many of them in Europe, in particular Switzerland, the sanctum of the world’s chronometer enthusiasts and manufacturers. Such events are an unrivalled channel for promoting a city, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors and exhibitors worldwide and having a significant impact on the local economy.

Students have understood the industry much more deeply after Mr. Cunha’s introductory session and raised a lot of questions in an attempt to drill even deeper into the concept. To these questions, Mr. Cunha gave elaborations on his earlier explanations, in addition to revealing his perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing Macao in the areas of fostering and organising high-end watch activities.

The meeting with Mr. Cunha was initiated to refine students’ global mentality and horizons by orchestrating education opportunities with international perspectives. Similar arrangements are highly encouraged by IFTM, as they comply with the institute’s philosophy of blending theoretical knowledge and practical experience to garner all-round pedagogical results.



修讀澳旅院 “遊客管理” 科目的學生分別於2023年4月17及18日前往澳門銀河綜合度假城“銀河藝萃”藝文空間。學院講師梁嘉豪先生帶領學生到該藝文空間參觀“夏日戀曲” 藝術家駐場壁畫現場創作及展覽,邀請到“銀河藝萃” 藝廊經理林毓珊女士及其團隊圍繞展出之壁畫為學生進行導賞,以及於導賞結束後就 “遊客管理” 議題進行分享和討論。


澳旅院畢業生、澳大利亞墨爾本大學法學院博士生唐智棋於澳旅院吳志偉講師及莊允諾導師帶領下,完成檢視127篇關於奧運及世界盃足球賽等大型活動的研究記錄,並找出這些活動與人權狀況的關係。除此之外,該論文更成功登上澳大利亞商學院院長理事會期刊品質列表(Australian Business Deans Council——ABDC)A級期刊《活動管理》(Event Management),足證澳旅院不斷進步的教研水平。

IFTM Hotel Management Students Practice Banquet Hosting Skills at Home Base

A group of Year-2 students from the IFTM Hotel Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme (Chinese medium) recently organized a wine dinner at the IFTM Educational Restaurant on April 3, 2023, to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting.

Mr. Derek Fong Chi Kuong, lecturer of the Food and Beverage Management course, explained that the objective of the Hospitality Management programme is to equip students with knowledge about various types of receptions, their organization processes, and the challenges they entail. The wine dinner provided an opportunity for students to prepare and organize a dinner according to the requirements of the course.

As the students proceeded with the dinner organization, a charity sales activity took place on March 20, 21, and 23 at the Mong-ha and Taipa Campuses. The activity aimed to raise funds for the dinner, promote the event, and support charitable causes. Students sold homemade desserts, drinks, and boxed lunches prepared by Dream of Sexagenarian Eatery.

Dream of Sexagenarian Eatery is a social enterprise owned and operated by the Macau Special Olympics. The eatery’s mission is to provide job opportunities that highlight the values of individuals in their 60s and offer them a platform to shine, similar to the renowned Japanese stadium. The eatery receives financial support from the Social Welfare Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Government.

The wine dinner featured five courses paired with three different wines. Amuse-bouche and pre-dinner cocktails were also served as part of the delightful reception. The dinner welcomed 60 attendees from both within and outside the institute, including Dr. Irene Chan Cheng Chu, coordinator for Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (Chinese medium) in the School of Hospitality Management and School of Tourism Management, and Dr. Cindia Lam Ching Chi, Director of the School of Continuing Education.

At the conclusion of the dinner, the students expressed their gratitude to the guests for their support. They also shared the challenges they encountered during the dinner organization process and the valuable experiences gained from overcoming those challenges. Additionally, they discussed their expectations for the future development of the food and beverage and banqueting industries. The event successfully raised MOP8,343.5 for the eatery.

「琴澳人才行」暨濠琴文旅·融合新機活動於2023年3月21日假橫琴粵澳深度合作區舉行,活動由合作區經濟發展局主辦、珠海大橫琴發展有限公司、澳門旅遊學院承辦。是次活動吸引了20 名琴澳人才齊聚合作區交流經驗,共同探討兩地文旅會展商貿產業的合作和發展。座談會上,參加者表示活動令他們更深入地瞭解橫琴文旅商貿會展産業發展現狀及趨勢,並相信琴澳兩地能夠攜手把合作區打造成為國際知名、宜居宜業宜遊的文旅商貿會展產業新高地。

澳旅院 大一 生 藉 參觀澳門博物館 深入瞭解澳門歷史

“ 國家體制與澳門特區研究”是澳門旅遊學院為本院一年級新生新開設的必修課程。課程內容全面涵蓋了澳門地區的歷史、文化、法律及治理體系,為學生瞭解該地區經濟活動所處的社會文化經濟背景奠定良好基礎。



有鑒於是次探索的成功,課程有計劃在來年將“走出課堂”的做法逐步擴大到“法律”、“大灣區”等學習單元。 通過博物館參觀、嘉賓講座、企業參訪等多種形式,並將其與課程評估有機地結合起來,以更好地達到本課程的學習效果。




IFTM Alumna Shares Her “Life without Limits” Experiences in the Event Industry

On April 24, 2023, an IFTM alumna returned to the Institute for a guest lecture recapping her seven years’ experience in the event management industry, and she advised IFTM students to keep the momentum going.

The sharing session was held in the presence of Dr. Clara Lei, Director of the School of Hospitality Management, Dr. Ubaldino Couto, Coordinator for the School’s Tourism Event Management Programme, and Dr. Irene Chan, Coordinator for the School’s Bachelor’s Degree Programmes taught in Chinese.

Ms. Zoe Huang Ying, a Tourism Event Management Programme graduate, has led a splendid life since completing her studies at IFTM. Her life over the last seven years has been described as “life without limits” by her.

Following her studies at the Institute, Zoe began working for a company she liked very much, which allowed her to do what she wanted. Of course, this freedom was limited in terms of commercial operations and business decisions.

She began as a party planner and worked her way up to becoming a wedding planner. Her employers have allowed her to continue her education and training while working full-time at the company. Zoe, for example, has taken courses in wine appreciation, floral arts, and wedding planning to better understand her clients’ needs and provide appropriate services to them. She was certified by Weddings Beautiful, an international licencing entity for skilled wedding planners.

During the sharing session, Zoe also shared her experiences in planning some spectacular weddings and occasions. Some of her previous clients requested that weddings be held in fields, farmland, and shipyards, among other unusual locations. She emphasised that the main reason for clients’ choice of wedding locations or venues was emotional appeal rather than display of flamboyance or tackiness. As a result, a wedding planner should understand the reason for each occurrence and the uniqueness of each wedding.

Emphasising the significance of a wedding planner, Zoe stated that these professionals should be there to solve – rather than cause – problems for their clients: the marrying couples. She also stressed the importance of creating and maintaining a romantic atmosphere throughout the wedding.

Students actively raised questions for Zoe during the question-and-answer session near the end of the lecture, and she answered them with her own insights, benefiting all students.

A group of Year 1 students in the IFTM Tourism Event Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme (Chinese Medium) conducted a night tour of visiting heritage monuments of Macao as a project for their ‘Introduction to Business Management’ course. The project aimed to propose a creative theme and route for a night tour, allowing students to put what they had learned in the classroom while learning more about the unique features of Macao into practice.

Students were asked to work in groups to come up with a proposal. The winning proposal, voted by the whole class, featured movies and heritage sites in Macao. The winning route connects Camoes Garden, Ruins of St. Paul, Travessa da Paixão, Senado Square, St. Augustine’s Church and the Dom Pedro V Theatre. Before site selection, thorough research works on movies that were filmed in Macao was conducted. World heritage sites that have been used for filming some of the world-renowned movies were then selected. For example, Camoes Garden was one of the filming places for Bruce Lee’s movie Fist of Fury in 1972. Travessa da Paixão was one of the filming places for the Hong Kong movie Isabella in 2006. Students used their creativity to theme the night tour with the movie to demonstrate how these heritage sites can contribute to creative works, showing the different sides of these treasures.

Throughout the process, the students gained experiences in problems they may face in the real world in planning, organising, leading and controlling – the 4 functions of management – and learned how to solve such problems. The project also drew the attention of the students to the unique heritage of Macao, and to ways of promoting and protecting that heritage.

三位澳門路易威登的代表為澳旅院學生進行了一場客座講座, 主題為「奢侈品牌如何在執行其營銷策略的同時維護客戶關係」。路易威登澳門零售總監Arthur Lupker先生及同為澳旅院畢業生的Giles Leong先生及Celia Shi 女士,皆鼓勵同學要保有好奇心及其在工作中的重要性。不單因為公司著重此質素,更因為具有好奇心的人,會更主動學習而成為更優秀的人才。兩位畢業生亦表示,澳旅院的教育為其現時工作打下紮實的基礎。

本地餐飲業者及學生於2023年4月20日參加了首場由澳門旅遊學院持續教育學校與永利餐飲學院合辦的「美食名廚大師技藝展示系列」之「泰國東北-依善菜主題工作坊」,由來自泰國東北部烏隆府的Num Weerawat Triyasenawat大廚進行展示,與參加者們交流廚藝心得。工作坊系列由4月至6月初舉行,涵蓋國內外不同菜系,強化澳門「聯合國教科文組織:創意城市,美食之都」的身份。




Industry Expert Shares Experiences and Gives Talk to IFTM Students on Improving Brand Image through Customer Service

IFTM always strives to build students’ ability to practice what they have learnt in classes to minimise the gap between book knowledge and real-world practice. To maintain the balance between theory and practice, the Institute often hosts talks by inviting different industry professionals and successful alumni to share their expertise, experiences and advice with current students. The Institute takes account of the students’ competitiveness for future career opportunities and professional development.

IFTM adjunct faculty, Ms Daney Qiao, has invited Mr. Vincent Chan, General Manager of the Rainbow Group, to share with Year 2 students from the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management Programme (Chinese medium) his expertise and work experiences in improving brand image through services. The sharing corner was held at the iRetail Lab on 28 March 2023. The guest speaker, Mr. Chan, who has been working in the retail industry for over 20 years, concluded the change of attitude and experiences that he had working as an employee from day one until reaching today’s position.

In the sharing talk, Mr. Chan combined his expertise with practical examples to explain and show students the importance of eye-catching displays in a retail store. He emphasised that retailing is not only about the sale of goods but also about consumer demand. Thus, he brought out the importance of providing satisfactory services to consumers, which will result in the trust and loyalty of the consumers to the business.

Besides, this valuable talk aimed to provide participating students with a more profound and straightforward approach to understanding the retail industry, primarily to provide an opportunity to the industry practitioner who can better integrate their theoretical knowledge learnt during lectures with real examples and experiences.

Power BI是一款功能強大的商業智慧工具,它使企業用戶和個人用戶能夠輕鬆地訪問、轉換和視覺化資料。同時,Power BI還允許用戶連接到各種資料來源,允許來自多個資料來源的統一視圖。這使得用戶更容易發現趨勢,識別異常,和發現機會。


MyIFTM 是為澳門旅遊學院的學位課程在校學生開發的手機應用程式,方便用戶透過智能手機安全和便捷地獲取學院最新的資訊及服務。在校學生們除了可以利用程式查詢課表、出席率和成績及論文計劃書外,還可以用作支付費用、申請各種所需證明等多元化資訊服務。此外,學院並將於2023年持續改進、完善應用程式及延伸內建的功能模組,為師生提供更全面的服務。

On 24 February 2023, students in Tourism Retail and Marketing Management (Chinese medium) Bachelor degree programme were invited to attend the ‘Sour Graphik: Foober Adventure – a solo exhibition of Mr. Ng Man Cheng .’ as part of the Macao Young Artists Scheme. Mr. Ford Lei Chong Fo, the ‘Retail and Marketing Commerce Programme’ course lecturer, explained that the event was an opportunity for students to understand better how local designers establish their brands and overcome challenges. The exhibition showcased Mr. Ng’s portfolio and works, highlighting the potential for artistic creativity among the younger generation. Participating students gained new perspectives on conducting marketing plans for future clothing brand development.

During the visit, Mr. Ng shared the background and inspiration of his brand and emphasized that there are no limits to design or products. He encouraged students to consider multiple product values when creating marketing plans. He believed the visit was a platform for young artists to interact and stimulate their innovative ideas while building international arts and cultural exchange channels to enhance Macao’s status as the Art Capital for young artists.

Mr. Ng guided students through the exhibition and explained the philosophy and concept behind his creations. He combined his design career’s inspirations and experiences to discuss the importance of concept creation in the product development. Mr. Ng stressed that having unique features and value propositions can bring out a brand’s unique spirit and create a lasting impression.

Additionally, Mr. Ng shared his insights on the local art industry and  discussed the prospects of today’s design industry in Macao. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to assist the creative industry and design education by holding his solo exhibition and introducing his works to IFTM students. The aim was to boost their knowledge of the design industry.

Knowledge and skills acquired at the Tourism Retail and Marketing Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme (Chinese Medium) have assisted a third-year student, Ms. Joan Fu Ka Kei exceling in her work at a global luxury fashion brand.

Having enrolled in the programme at IFTM in 2020, Joan joined her current employer in May of the following year. She started as a Sales Executive and have climbed up the ladder steadily, which brought her to her current position overseeing the operations of two shops. Commenting on how the curriculum has raised her up, Joan pointed to a lot of areas that has cultivated her capacity and capability. She emphasised that each course did have a role in her career development. Despite being a programme in Chinese Medium, English is a compulsory course in the programme. “The English lecture every week has educated me in terms of managing job interviews and writing work emails,” Joan recalled. “The curriculum meets the needs of my job.”

In addition to the English lectures, Joan also mentioned the management course. “The course has taught us practical skills on how to incentivise others and to design incentive programmes at workplace. These skills are very useful,” Joan said. With that said, on the pragmatic side, Joan pointed out that in previous course projects or group assignments, she has often been chosen as the leader. With greater opportunities initiating communications and coordinating work, she found these experiences rather helpful in her workplace. “At my workplace, we often have promotional or special projects, in which I can utilise my capabilities acquired at the Institute, such as planning projects, arranging manpower, and designating tasks,” Joan explained.

Overall, in Joan’s opinion, the entire curriculum of the programme in which she is studying is delicately arranged and appropriate for the working professionals. “All knowledge learnt can be applied at work,” Joan commended. When trying to conclude her comments, Joan made special emphasis that her comments were all genuine.

There must be some reasons behind Joan’s opting to enrol in the Chinese medium programme at IFTM, and she explained why. The main reason behind her decision was that she wanted to improve herself both academically and professionally. She disclosed that when she graduated from secondary school, she went to Taiwan for university education. However, she did not find that engaging, so she returned to Macao after the end of the first year. The reason why she decided to further her education at IFTM is that she found education crucial to life. “After working for several years in the insurance sector – and having experienced fierce competitions in society – I discovered education very important, and choosing a quality institution is as critical,” Joan recapped.

Striking a balance between working and receiving formal education is a delicate art, which requires the utmost of attention. In Joan’s opinion, however, another factor prevails: willpower. “IFTM has high standards. Assessments and examinations do not give way to my full-time job,” she said, implying that the burden was as heavy on both sides of her balance.

On suggestions to retail sector expectants, Joan pointed out that personal attitude is critical. “I suggest them having broader horizons and cultivate both their academic knowledge and pragmatic capabilities,” she concluded.










黃燕妮博士與陳冠廷講師於2023年3月16日帶領澳門旅遊學院廚藝管理課程的四年級學生參觀位於澳門上葡京綜合度假村的葡式餐廳 – 味賞。味賞主廚André Filipe Ferreira Lai 示範了薯絲馬介休和特式柑橘吉士球這兩道展現葡萄牙美食的傳統和創新特色的招牌菜。此外,主廚亦分享其在烹飪行業的專業知識和葡萄牙美食背景的知識。學生們在主廚的指導下嘗試製作特式柑橘吉士球,度過了一段美好的時光。行程的最後,學生們更參觀了澳門卡爾拉格斐奢華酒店的客房,其裝飾帶有西方和中國元素,如帶有荔枝紋皮革、黑色、金色和充滿活力的紅色的裝飾及中式瓷器。



澳門旅遊學院講師陳昭宇博士和陳正珠博士合作進行了一份針對智慧城市發展的學術研究「智慧城市與生活質素:市民對智慧城市發展支持度的量化分析」,針對一組智慧城市生活質素 (SCQOL)領域考察了旅遊目的地及快速發展中的智慧城市 – 澳門,並驗證了它們對市民在智慧城市發展上的態度、看法及對以人為本的智慧城市發展(SCD)的支持的影響。

2023 澳門旅遊學院就業發展日得到粵港澳大灣區企業鼎力支持,於活動日招聘具熱誠、良好態度及知識豐富的澳旅院學生。與此同時,參與企業亦欣賞澳旅院的國際氛圍及是次活動的良好互動。參與學生亦認為機會難逢,感獲益良多。


喜訊 ! 澳門旅遊學院師生合作論文再次發表在國際學術期刊

得益於澳門旅遊學院對學術研究能力的高度重視,學院鼓勵師生共同合作發表期刊論文。於2020年完成學院的旅遊零售及市場推廣管理學士學位課程(中文學制),江慧萍同學與李俊豐客席副教授合作下,于國際知名學術期刊“Journal of China Tourism Research”(中國旅遊研究)上發表對澳門生態旅遊的研究成果。江同學目前是澳門聖若瑟大學的一名在讀碩士生,她認為本次學術研究經歷能進一步了解澳門生態旅遊情況,思考更多研究的可行性,有助於她今後的學術研究和職業發展。

在採訪中,趙博士首先指出 「旅遊+」是世界旅遊發展的趨勢,其目的是推動旅遊業與其他行業的互動和合作,從而實現效益的倍增。澳門在「旅遊+教育」、「旅遊+體育」、「旅遊+大健康」等方面存在較大的發展潛力。學院提供了廣泛的旅遊相關學科的學位和專業課程,如文化、遺產和旅遊活動管理。這有助於學生掌握所需的專業知識和技術能力,為將來成為行業領袖做好準備。


趙博士提出,面對行業的加速發展和變化,學院對課程內容和設施進行了優化和革新。 零售實驗室iRetail Lab於2021年啟動,以促進學生在電子商務和數字營銷方面的學習。隨後於2022年成立的構想實驗室 Ideation Lab,強調創業創新及科技和旅遊的融合。這兩個實驗室都有助於提升學生和公眾在「旅遊+」方面的科技思維。

此外,澳門旅遊學院的學位課程理論和實踐並重,通過創業課程、課程實習和其他職前培訓機會、內部和部門工作經驗、項目工作等,學生於畢業時即具備較強的職場競爭力。 他強調了多元化和真實學習環境的重要性,不僅有利於學生將書本知識付諸實踐,亦可以增加他們的學習投入度。


澳門旅遊學院與兩所隸屬於森梅教育集團的瑞士頂尖院校 -格里昂高等教育學院(Glion Institute of Higher Education GIHE) 和理諾士國際酒店管理學院(Les Roches Global Hospitality Education)簽署新的課程銜接協議,讓酒店管理學士學位課程學生於澳旅院完成 3 年學習後,於兩校的任一個校區(瑞士、西班牙或英國)繼續完成其學習要求後,便可同時獲頒瑞士院校和澳旅院各自之學士學位證書(雙學士學位)。GIHE 和 Les Roches 在 2022 年 QS 世界大學學科排名“款待與休閒管理”學科中分別排名第四及第五位。

同時,學院於2022年12月與澳洲昆士蘭大學商學院簽署了雙碩士課程合作協議,一同推進「1+1雙碩士學位課程」的合作項目。為符合條件的澳門旅遊學院學生提供了一個藉著學分互認以完成昆士蘭大學旅遊、酒店與會展管理碩士學位課程的機會,並可同步在最短兩年內完成澳門旅遊學院的碩士學位課程。昆士蘭大學在世界頂級大學中名列前茅,包括在 2023 年 QS 世界大學排名中名列第 50 位,在 2023 年泰晤士報高等教育世界大學排名中名列第 53 位以及在 2022 年軟科世界大學旅遊與酒店管理學科排名全球第 8位。





中國藝術科技研究所乃中國文化部直屬管理單位,旨在普及藝術教育、提高民眾藝術素質、規範社會藝術教學標準及推動社會藝術教育健康發展。其於2004年在全國開展「社會美術水平考級」活動,各地嚴格按照考級管理規定進行美術考級工作,並聘請著名美術家擔任評審專家,考級單位覆蓋全國30個省、自治區以及香港、澳門特別行政區。考試涵蓋三大類,共十一個專業,包括:中國畫(花鳥、山 水、人物),書法(軟筆、硬筆書法),西畫(素描、速寫、水粉、水彩、油 畫、漫畫)。以考級形式作為藝術教學的輔助評估手段,有助提高藝術愛好者的興趣及對自我藝術水平的檢測;更有助於開拓社會藝術教育的新途徑。澳門旅遊學院作為本地獲授權的教學及考試單位,將繼續推動本地藝術教育的發展。



Microsoft Excel 作為電子試算表應用程序十分普及,無需進一步介紹。隨著您對它的了解越多,您應該同意它是一個專為計算而設計的應用程序,擁有數百個不同函數。然而,如果您用試算表來管理數據,時間久了還是會有問題的。原因之一是 MS Excel 只能接受有限數量的行和列。有限數量到底是多少呢?試試在 MS Excel 中按 Ctrl + 下箭頭 找出答案!

標準 MS Excel 工作表的“結尾”停在單元格 XFD1048576 (最後一個單元格的引用位置),即每一工作表有 1,048,576 行和 16,384 列( 了解更多 )。儘管您可以使用的總行數非常大(超過一百萬),原則上無論變量(列)的數量如何,每筆記錄通常也需完整使用一整行。這意味著 MS Excel 最多只能存儲 1,048,576 筆記錄。然而,尤其是在數碼時代,一百萬筆記錄並不是什麼大事。任何一間酒店客房內的智能傳感器都可以產生百萬級別的數據記錄。舉例來說,有一家擁有 1,000 間客房的酒店。無論客房是有人住還是空著,前台經理每天都可獲取最少1,000條記錄來追踪客房的各種使用狀態。假設該酒店已經經營了十年。其數據庫便最少需要維護 3,650,000 筆記錄(1,000 個房間的3,650 天)。撇開每筆記錄的變量(列)不談,這個場景很容易就超出了 MS Excel 行數限制的三倍。在市場上要找到一間擁有 1,000 多間客房、經營十年、同時對其業務數據作分析有要求的酒店並非難事。有些同學可能會建議使用多個 MS Excel 檔或工作表來繞過限制。但是,在這樣的安排中,MS Excel 中的許多關鍵功能將變得不靈活(如Pivot Table未能直接存取多個文件)。在複雜化的操作環境下,您的公式中也往往會更頻繁地出現錯誤。

相反,數據庫應用程序通常不受這些限制,有利於長期的數據管理策略。桌面級數據庫應用程序如 Microsoft Access 的文件大小限制為 2GB。此限制對於為桌面級產品是可以接受的( 了解更多 )。伺服器級的數據庫應用/系統,如 MySQL 、 MS SQL 等可提供更大的數據存儲空間(例如, MySQL 默認的表格大小限制為256TB,即256,000GB)。儘管如此,請不要忽略 MS Access 的重要性。對於中小型企業的使用者和數據庫原理的同學而言 MS Access 是非常合適的。此外, MS Access 亦可配合將來的發展升級到伺服器級的數據庫格式繼續運作( 數據庫遷移 )。

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林浩平先生 澳門旅遊學院講師


澳門旅遊學院與法國頂級烹飪學校Ferrandi Paris合作,於11月26日至30日期間,在學院舉辦為期一週的法國經典菜式烹調課程。該短期培訓包括兩個開放予公眾的工作坊,以及僅供學院廚藝管理學士學位課程學生參與的培訓課程。


IFTM welcomed in late January 2 retail industry professionals, who jointly gave a guest lecture on the latest trends in luxury shopping. The event was pitched to students enrolled in Chinese-language bachelor’s degree programmes at the Institute, and aimed to add to their knowledge of emerging consumer behaviour and marketing methods in retailing.

One of the speakers was Ms. Annie Kuong, a senior boutique sales executive working for an international maker of luxury jewellery and watches. The other was Ms. Joanna Leung, a top executive at a high-end department store operator in the Mainland.

Ms. Kuong is from the Taiwan region and moved to Macao 5 years ago. She has worked for several major international brands, including IKEA, a large-scale retailer of ready-to-assemble furniture, luxury jewellery brand and retailer Graff, and Montblanc, a branded retailer of luxury watches and writing pens.

During her presentation, Ms. Kuong explained to students the main differences between luxury retailing and mass consumer retailing, giving examples from her professional experience. She also discussed topics such as how to create consumer demand, how to manage and promote differentiated customer service, and how to identify potential sales opportunities.

The senior boutique sales executive talked about how advertising, marketing, shopping mall layouts and delivery methods, all played a role in increasing sales. Ms. Kuong said that luxury brand shop premises dealt with every important detail: from shelf positioning to the colours of the décor, through to the way that product display was arranged. Such steps were carefully designed to attract customer attention, and to arouse their interest in making a purchase.

As part of her presentation, Ms. Kuong highlighted to students the importance of managing customer expectations, cultivating customer loyalty, and managing properly budgets and supply chains.

During the event, she provided some career advice to undergraduates. Ms. Kuong said fresh graduates should take on opportunities to try new things, rather than merely focusing on salary level. She stated that, as graduates accumulated more work experience, their respective salary level would go up accordingly.

In her concluding remarks, Ms. Kuong told students they should understand that retailing was more than just conducting commercial transactions: a successful salesperson must have good observational skills, in order to anticipate an individual consumer’s needs, and to be ready to adapt their service to clients in relation to their purchasing power and varying consumption patterns.

Retailing in the ‘metaverse’

During the second part of the event, guest lecturer Ms. Leung discussed trends emerging in luxury retailing. She oversees luxury retailing operations at 61 department stores in China.

She explained how the outlook of Mainland consumers affected their purchasing behaviour and consumption patterns regarding luxury goods. She pointed to the rapid growth of this market segment in the Mainland, and analysed the differences between existing offline and online sales channels.

Ms. Leung talked about consumer segmentation and the identification of different groups with distinct preferences. She highlighted the importance of targeted sales in luxury retailing via differentiated channels, each with a distinct offering.

Ms. Leung also discussed business strategies for the ‘metaverse’: an emerging virtual reality world focused on social connection, where users can interact and experience things almost as they would in the real world. Strategies for the metaverse included investment in virtual shopping, and making increased use of smart technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality, Ms. Leung said.

Students attending the guest lecture praised the richness of its content, and expressed their interest in the concepts newly-presented to them. By exploring emerging trends in retailing, undergraduates could get a better grasp of potential career paths upon graduation, including in new areas related to digital retailing, they reported.

根據學院最新的澳門旅遊學院畢業生就業調查數據指出,回覆調查的畢業生當中約23%於去年擔任“高級”職位。調查涵蓋2018年或之前畢業的校友。 同時,另一份2020/2021學年畢業生就業調查中可見,64%學院學士學位畢業生已獲聘,其中75%從事全職工作。13%學院學士學位畢業生選擇繼續升學深造,6%畢業生同時工作和升學。

IFTM’s Educational Hotel, Pousada de Mong-Há, welcomed on 20 April the “Portucau 1995” event, aimed at celebrating Macao’s unique Sino-Portuguese cultural heritage. It was put on by Year 2 students from the Chinese-language stream of the Hotel Management Bachelor’s Degree Programme, as part of the requirements for the course on Food and Beverage Management.

The name “Portucau 1995” was formed by combining the words “Portugal” and “Macao” – or “Macau” as typically rendered in Portuguese –, and the year IFTM was established. The event was inspired by the centuries-long cultural exchanges between the 2 places.

The building housing Pousada de Mong-Há is testimony to such exchanges. It was a Portuguese military barracks in the later stages of Portuguese administration of the city. The complex has retained its Portuguese architectural style, and is unique in Macao.

“Portucau 1995” participants had a number of opportunities to learn more about Macao’s ‘East-meets-West’ culture. The event included a tour of the Pousada de Mong-Há, with a commentary on its architectural features – including “eco-friendly” ones – as well as a dinner consisting of authentic Portuguese cuisine. In addition, people taking part in the event could learn more about traditional Portuguese costume. There was also a lucky draw, adding to the fun.

Guests were very enthusiastic about “Portucau 1995”, and highly appreciated the activities and service provided by the students. Several noted the IFTM undergraduates had done a good job in promoting Macao’s culture and history.

The net proceeds of “Portucau 1995” were donated to Anima Macau. The charity supports animal welfare and works to raise awareness about animal rights, as well as to prevent animal neglect and abuse.

Organising the event was a great opportunity for students to put to use knowledge gained in the classroom. It also allowed undergraduates to improve their teamwork skills, providing them with valuable hands-on experience and a great sense of satisfaction in being able to host a successful event.






學院20位學生於2018年6月8至14日參加在雲南省昆明市舉行的 “彩雲風情 ― 雲南苗彝風情體驗” 活動。該活動由雲南財經大學主辦,是國家教育部推出的 “港澳與內地高等學校師生交流計劃” (簡稱“萬人計劃”) 的一部分,旨在使港澳師生了解祖國豐富的歷史文化及發展現狀。

學院於5月9 日舉辦了一場公開講座,主題為“粵港澳大灣區發展背景下澳門珠海合作探討”。主講嘉賓保繼剛教授認為,珠海和橫琴的發展補足了澳門土地短缺的問題,珠澳兩地可共同努力,進一步吸引旅客和提升城市地位。保繼剛教授現為中山大學旅遊學院院長和教授,以及擔任聯合國世界旅遊組織旅遊可持續發展管理與監測中心主任。


Check out our latest issue

Pousada de Mong-Há serves as the school’s educational hotel

The meteoric rise of Macao’s top hospitality school

Last year, the Macao Institute for Tourism Studies cracked the top 10 in global tourism school rankings and soared to number one in Asia. Here’s how the forward-looking school prepares students for the future, while respecting the past.

Macao Institute for Tourism Studies

The first time Otilia Novo entered a professional kitchen, her supervisor gave her a straightforward task: prepare soups and stocks. Seems simple enough, she thought. But there was a catch. She had to prepare them for all of Wynn Macau – an integrated resort with a dozen dining outlets and 1,000 rooms.

Eight years ago, that was far beyond anything Novo had ever done, but it didn’t take her long to settle into a rhythm. After all, she had been tested in the line of fire and readied for the rigours of life in the culinary world long before this day, the first of a six-month internship with the hotel giant. 

She had made it through the Macao Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM)’s exacting culinary management programme. “After a while, I understood it was the same process [we followed at IFTM] and was able to apply what I learned in school,” she says.

Otilia Novo

A 2015 graduate of the programme, 31-year-old Novo now works as a culinary trainer at the Wynn Food & Beverage Academy, putting new food service workers to the test. She is one of IFTM’s many success stories, a living symbol of its rapid emergence as Asia’s leading hospitality school.

A thoroughly international industry

Over the past four years, the institute has surged up the global rankings. In 2019, it was 33rd in the QS World University Rankings of tourism schools. This year, it ranked 10th. That puts IFTM among the best programmes in the world. It also positions the school at the top of the charts for Asia, two spots ahead of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

IFTM’s president, Fanny Vong, says the ascension has been decades in the making. With the programme’s progressive, student-centred approach, it shows no signs of slowing, either.

“At the very conception of this institution, back in 1995, we were very clear about our mission to be a tourism and hospitality education provider for the region,” Vong explains. 

Now, the school’s dream has become reality thanks to the school management’s clear understanding of the nature of tourism.

Fanny Vong, president of IFTM

“Tourism is an international industry. You have to develop [students] to have worldviews that can allow them to work in diverse settings – multicultural settings,” she emphasises. To do that, Vong and her staff have expanded IFTM’s international network and encouraged their 1,700-plus students to tap into it early and often.

“We work with over 160 universities and institutions across about 30 countries,” she says. “Globally, we have more than 750 internship providers, so our students are able to use this as a springboard to get international experience.”

Recently, the school upped the ante with a dual master’s programme.

Called “1+1”, it allows hotel management graduate students to complete one year of their studies in Macao and the second at the University of Queensland, in Australia. At the end of this programme, they get two master’s degrees – one from each school.

“The world is getting smaller. We don’t want students to only know about [life and work] in this part of the world,” Vong says. “And it’s very important [for graduates] to network. The people you meet in your master’s programme can become your business partners in the future.”

Sturdy foundations for growth

The school’s Educational restaurant serves as a testing ground for new ideas

Undergraduate students get similar opportunities at IFTM, too. Run in partnership with Les Roches and the Glion Institute of Higher Education – both top-10 hospitality schools in the QS rankings – the “3+1” dual bachelor’s programme allows students to finish their degrees in Spain, Switzerland or the UK.

Justin Kwong, a 29-year-old first-year hotel management student, intends to take advantage of the 3+1 programme. In fact, he says options like these helped make applying for IFTM a no-brainer for him.

Born in Guangzhou and raised in Macao, Kwong decided to go back to school after spending a decade working in bars and restaurants across China and Macao. “The aim is to work in international hospitality investment and offer training [for service workers in Macao],” he says.

Before taking the next step in his career, Kwong felt he needed to “gain more theoretical knowledge” about management principles. 

At IFTM, he’s taking courses in marketing, economics and more. It’s all taught in English, something he believes will help open doors in the future. For now, Kwong’s picking up the book-based knowledge he couldn’t access when he was on the job in cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen.

“We’ve learned basics like how to write business emails, prepare for interviews and plan your career,” he says. “The marketing courses are helping me find the root of problems, I’ve learned how to write financial statements, and now I can tell if a company will be successful just by looking at its paperwork.”

What Kwong has learned in one year has already been put to use at Spacebar Café, the classic cocktail bar on Rua da Esperança that he runs alongside his friend, Andy Lai.

“The coursework has helped me understand how the industry really works,” he says.

Developing a workforce of the future – without forgetting the past

Henrique Ngan

As the government presses ahead with economic diversification, Macao is seeing the growth of new industries that require manpower equipped with different skillsets. Those calls for change have resonated at IFTM.

Henrique Ngan, the director of IFTM’s Centre For Teaching And Learning Enhancement, admits that the school is “constantly revising programmes because the market is always changing”. What doesn’t change, he explains, is the school’s approach to student development.

“We don’t work for the rankings – we try to prepare our graduates for the market,” he declares.

The current market, of course, requires digital competence, no matter what industry graduates enter. Robotics, AI, “the ability to apply data science – even the government wants this from hires,” says Ngan.

“There’s no escaping it – technology is going to affect every aspect of our life,” says Vong, echoing Ngan. “We try to prepare our students for the future by equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in an increasingly complex and tech-oriented tourism industry.”

Last year, IFTM launched a master’s degree in smart technologies in hospitality and tourism. In August, the school will likely launch a master’s degree in digital marketing and analytics, too.

Ngan says that the school has spent significant time and resources upskilling its staff, too.

For example, IFTM has organised training in text and data mining for staff in order to boost their tech skills. Meanwhile, the school’s connections with the city’s integrated resorts have helped its faculty perform high-level research, often incorporating new or transformative technology and big data.

While digital innovations shaping tomorrow’s world have taken the lion’s share of attention, IFTM also uses practical experience to develop more well-rounded graduates and support heritage preservation.

The school’s lauded IFTM Educational Restaurant – the city’s only recipient of a Michelin green star, a distinction given to restaurants excelling in their approach to sustainability – serves as a testing ground for ideas. Ngan says the culinary programme has organised workshops and competitions, collected disappearing recipes from Macanese households and begun producing cookbooks to help Macao hold on to its roots.

For students like Novo, perks like these have been priceless.

Novo says her experience at IFTM was “half theory, half practical”, running the gamut from learning how to prepare and cook meat, seafood, baked goods and major global cuisines at a high level – to courses on kitchen management, food product knowledge and nutrition.

On top of her six-month stint at Wynn Macau, Novo also took part in – and won – several cooking contests, including some organised by IFTM. In 2013, she won the inaugural Young Macanese Cooking Competition. The next year, she won gold at the European Union’s Tasty Europe Cooking Competition (held in Macao). In 2017, shortly after graduating, she won IFTM’s 10th Young Chef Competition.

While the city’s integrated resorts remain a key employer for IFTM graduates, Ngan believes the school’s recent emphasis on entrepreneurship should encourage students to branch out on their own – like Kwong has with his bar.  

“Ultimately, we believe we can help improve the brand image of the whole Greater Bay Area,” says Vong. “We’re trying to raise the bar for everyone.” 

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La Familia minchi

13 Must-try signature dishes in Macao

Get to know Macao, one bite at a time

Tatum Ancheta

Travel is back, and with strict Covid-19 restrictions now lifted for Hong Kong and Macao, there’s no better time to take a weekend trip to the Las Vegas of Asia. There’s plenty of things to do and see around town, but the bustling city’s food and drink scene has long been heralded as one of the region’s best. Diverse and steeped in heritage, Macao has become a UNESCO designated Creative City of Gastronomy, easily making it one of Asia's leading culinary destinations. From affordable street eats to Michelin-starred restaurants and artisanal cafes to avant-garde dining, there's plenty to explore. To help you eat your way around Macao, h ere's a guide to traditional dishes that you must absolutely try when you're in town.

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Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

Steamed rice rolls with eggs and shallots

Steamed rice rolls with eggs and shallots

Compared to the steamed rice rolls that we are used to having in Hong Kong, Macao's version takes a very different approach by pouring a rice-flour mixture over a wet cloth and steaming it with beaten eggs and shallots, before the mixture is hand-rolled and cut into bite-sized pieces. The dish actually resembles an omelette; yellow on the outside with a smooth texture on the inside, all melting easily in your mouth. To spice things up, you can also dip it in sesame sauce, soy sauce, and sweet sauce for extra flavour. Add this treat to your eating itinerary when you visit Macao and head to Lun Kee Cheung Fun Rice Roll, a small eatery located near the Ruins of St Paul's that serves this dish as one of the specialties.  

Lun Kee Cheung Fun Rice Roll, G/F, 26 Beco do Tarrafeiro, Patane, Macao, +853 2895 6563, Facebook

Pork chop bun

Pork chop bun

One of the most popular snacks in Macao is the pork chop bun, a local delicacy also known as the Macanese hamburger. Various eateries prepare it in many different ways, but most traditional joints use seasoned fried pork chop that's crispy on the outside but juicy on the inside, sandwiched between a plain bun or baguette. You can find one of the best pork chop buns in Tai Lei Loi Kei, a local cafe that’s been operating for more than 50 years in Taipa Village. They're popular with locals and tourists alike, and was even recommended by the late Anthony Bourdain.

Tai Lei Loi Kei, 35 Rua Correia da Silva, Taipa Village, Macao, +853 2882 7150, www.taileiloi.com.mo

Crab congee and crispy dace balls

Crab congee and crispy dace balls

As a city surrounded by water, Macao has abundant access to seafood, and one of its most iconic seafood dishes is crab congee. The porridge is slow-cooked with rice and crab, allowing the sweetness of the crustacean to create a creamy aromatic broth. For a crunchy contrast, order a side of fried dace balls to complete the experience. A lot of restaurants in Macao serve crab congee fresh and piping hot, but one local favourite is One Brother Food (一哥美食), located near Portas do Cerco, the historic Border Gate in the north of Macao.  

One Brother Food (一哥美食), Shop C-D, 8 Rua Sete do Bairro da Areia Preta, Iao Hon, Macao, +853 2841 3330

Portuguese egg tart

Portuguese egg tart

When travelling to Macao, it's almost a prerequisite to taste and take home a box of their famous Portuguese egg tarts. This sweet local treat was inspired by Portugal's pastel de nata, which British pharmacist-turned-baker Andrew Stow introduced to Macao after giving it a unique Macanese spin. Portuguese egg tarts have a soft, delicate custard filling – made with cinnamon, lemon zest, and sugar that makes its top layer look like burnt crème brûlée when baked – encased in a crunchy, textured pastry shell. Today, you'll find these yellow treats baked daily at Lord Stow's Bakery, the original shop Stow opened on Coloane Island in 1989.

Lord Stow's Bakery, 1 Rua do Tassara, Coloane Town Square, Macao, +853 2888 2534

Handmade ice cream

Handmade ice cream

You'll find ice cream stores everywhere in Macao, but for an authentic taste of the city, you can't miss the classic handmade ice cream served by a few long-standing stores still operating today. Be sure to drop by Lai Kei Sorvetes, one of the oldest ice cream stores in the city, where you can order signature red bean popsicles and ice cream – in scoops or sandwiches – in various flavours like peanut, coconut, sesame, and more. If you’re in Taipa, head to the decades-old shop Mok Yi Kei, known for their signature durian ice cream and agar jelly. If you like coconut flavours, be sure to visit Cocos Hung Heng in Rua da Tercena, which has been operating since 1869 and is famous for their coconut products, including their homemade coconut ice cream. 

Lai Kei Sorvetes, 12 Av. do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida, Macao, +853 2837 5781, Facebook ; Mok Yi Kei 9 Rua do Cunha, Taipa, Macao, +853 6669 5194; Cocos Hung Heng, 14 Rua da Tercena, Macao, +853 2892 0944, i.yp.mo/honghengcocos /


One of Macao's most iconic dishes that blends Chinese and Portuguese culinary influences is the humble minchi. This comforting and flavourful dish mixes minced beef or pork, diced fried potatoes, onions, and soy sauce together and is usually served with fried egg and rice. Almost every local Macanese restaurant serves minchi on the menu but to try one of the most traditional – and arguably one of the best – takes on the delicacy, you’ll have to go to La Famiglia in the Taipa Village or the canteen-style restaurant Riquexó in Sidónio Pais. 

A Vencedora 264 Rua do Campo, Macao, +853 2835 5460; Riquexó, 69 Avenida Sidónio Pais, Macao +853 2856 5655 ; La Famiglia, 76 Rua dos Clérigos, Taipa Village, Macao, +853 2857 6131, Facebook

Salted cod cakes 

Salted cod cakes 

From humble family-run eateries to high-end Portuguese restaurants, you're bound to find salted cod cakes, also known as pastéis de bacalhau, in various forms in Macao. This local treat is made from a combination of salted cod, mashed potato, onion, egg, herbs, and fried until golden brown. Try these delicious croquettes in the Michelin Guide-recommended restaurant Antonio, located in the historic heart of Taipa Village.  

António, 7 Rua dos Clerigos, Old Taipa Village, Taipa, Macao, +853 2888 8668, antoniomacau.com

African chicken

African chicken

African chicken – an African-influenced Portuguese delicacy – is one of Macao's national dishes. A Macanese take on the chicken curry, the dish is made of barbecued chicken topped with a thick sauce cooked with coconut milk, peanuts, and a whole host of delicious spices. Today, restaurants in Macao serve it in varying ways – some with less sauce, some with a more spicy stew – but for a traditional style, you can head to Riquexó, a cosy Macanese restaurant that serves African chicken with barbecued poultry poured with a thick flavourful sauce. They usually serve it with french fries, but you can also have it with rice too.

Riquexo, Songbo Village, 69 Av. de Sidonio Pais, Macao +853 2856 5655

Spicy fish bun

Spicy fish bun

Often overshadowed by its pork chop counterpart, the spicy fish bun is yet another classic Macanese creation that deserves its own spot on your must-eat list. The heartwarming street food uses the same type of bun but swaps out the heavier meat with sardines slathered with  Macanese curry sauce, giving it a flavourful bite when you dig in. Just like the pork chop bun, there are countless stalls and stores serving spicy fish buns around Macao, but two of the most popular destinations for it among locals are Hon Kee Cafe in Coloane and Padaria Wai Kei.

Padaria Wai Kei, G/F, Block 13, Tung Wah Sun Chun, 320-326 Estrada Marginal da Areia Preta, Macao, +853 6630 5790; Hon Kee Cafe, 26 Lai Chi Vun, Coloane, +853 2888 2310

Stuffed crab shell

Stuffed crab shell

If you love crab congee, another signature crab dish that is a must-try is the Portuguese stuffed crab shell. The fragrant stuffing is a delicious mixture of crab meat, bread crumbs, eggs, onion, garlic, parsley, a hint of cachaça or vodka, and a touch of lemon juice, making it equal parts appetising and fulfilling. For a taste of this delicacy, head to Henri’s Galley, located just north of the Sai Van Lake.

Henri's Galley, 4 Avenida da República, Macao, +853 2855 6251

Sautéed clams with white wine sauce

Sautéed clams with white wine sauce

Another seafood dish to dig into is the sautéed clams with white wine sauce, a Portuguese starter mastered by Macanese chefs. Made with fresh clams with olive oil, garlic, cilantro, and white wine, this simple recipe allows the natural sweetness of the clams to shine through while the garlic and cilantro add a fragrant layer of aroma. None do this dish better than the Michelin Guide-recommended Antonio, located in the old town of Taipa.

Antonio, 18A-18B, Rua dos Clerigos, Taipa, Macao, +853 2888 8668

Caldo verde

Caldo verde

Portuguese green cabbage soup – also known as caldo verde – is a hearty and comforting dish that will warm you up especially during the colder months. Cosy up with a large bowl of this green soup made with kale, potatoes, garlic, onion, chicken broth, and some flavourful chorizo which gives the dish just the right amount of kick. Because caldo verde is a Macao staple, you’ll find it at almost every Macanese-Portuguese restaurants, but some favourites include those served at Henri’s Galley and Antonio.

Henri's Galley, 4 Avenida da República, Macao, +853 2855 6251; Antonio, 18A-18B, Rua dos Clerigos, Taipa, Macao, +853 2888 8668

Hand-beaten coffee

Hand-beaten coffee

Our last recommendation isn’t so much a dish, but it’s definitely still worthy of being mentioned when we talk about must-try food and drinks in Macao: hand-beaten coffee. If you’re visiting Coloane, other than making a trip to Lord Stow’s Bakery for their wonderful Portuguese egg tarts, be sure to take a short detour to check out Hon Kee Cafe. The establishment has been around for decades and uses a very special ‘hand-beating’ method of brewing coffee, which involves whisking it for over 400 times. The result is an exceptionally smooth beverage – served both iced or hot depending on your preference – that’ll keep you energised throughout the day too.

Hon Kee Cafe, 26 Lai Chi Vun, Coloane, +853 2888 2310

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16 Must Eat Food in Macau

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We always find Macau an interesting place with its nostalgic old charm and culture similar to Hong Kong yet without the mounting pressure of Hong Kong life. Not to forget the yummy food Macau has to offer!

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12 Must Visit Macau Attractions

20 must visit hong kong attractions, 17 must eat food in hong kong, 1. lord stow portuguese egg tart (安德鲁葡挞).

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The name Lord Stow’s has become synonymous with the best Portuguese egg tarts in Macau. Buttery flaky pastry shell and rich creamy custard filling, Macau’s version differ from most egg tarts sold elsewhere. Miss it and you will regret.

We recommend eating steaming hot egg tarts straight from the ovens of Lord Stow’s Bakery because they taste twice as nice when piping hot.

  • Rue Do Cunha Food Street ( Google Map )
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  • 1 Rua da Tassara, Coloane Island, Macau (Original Shop) ( Google Map )

2. Chan Kong Kei Roast Duck (陳光記飯店)

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With more than 50 years of experience serving one of Macau best roast duck, marinated in special homemade black pepper sauce. Its distinct flavour and the juiciness of the meat immediately surprises your taste buds compared to other roast duck. One of the places we don’t mind eating twice in a trip!

Avoid arriving during peak lunch or dinner time as the queue can be long, we usually visit prior lunch or in the evening.

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Address: Rua Do Dr. P José Lobo 19 地址: 罗保博士街19号地下

Opening Hours: Daily 10 am to 9pm

What to Order : Roast Black Pepper Duck

Getting There : Bus – 2, 3, 3A, 5, 7, 10, 10A, 11, 18, 21A, 26A, 33. Stop at Senado Square. With Senado Square on your left side and Leal Senado Building on your right side, walk straight, cross Av. da Praia Grande ( Name of the road ), keep walking straight and turn to Rua Do Dr. P José Lobo on your right side. (Google Map)

Price: Around USD8 / RM30 per person

3. Sei Kee Cafe 世記咖啡 Pork Chop Bun

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Pork Chop bun is another food you shouldn’t miss in Macau. The famous one used to be Tai Lei Loi Kei however when we tried 世記咖啡 pork chop bun, we had to bid good bye to Tai Lei Loi Kei. Crunchy on the outside and soft inner bun and well marinated and tender pork chop bun is to die for. Get a bottle of their coffee or milk tea to pair with the bun.

The tiny shop is located at the end of an alley opposite Rua do Monte, turn in after BCM Bank. It took us some time to find it as well.

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Address: G/F, Edf Cheong Son, 7-15 Patio Da Palha, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro

4. Kam Wai Beef Offal (錦華牛雜)

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Kam Wai Beef Offal is located in Senado Square offers a variety of beef offals braised for hours in a curry broth, fish balls, vegetables. Beef Offal is common street food in Hong Kong & Macau yet not everyone knows how to cook them. Offal tends to have an unpleasant taste if is not well clean and prepared. Add a dose of spicy sauce to give the dish a kick.

macau tourism school restaurant

Address: 14, Largo de São Domingos, Macau ( Google Map )

What to Order: Beef Offal

Price: Around RM20 (USD5 / SGD8)

5. 華麗燒烤 Chicken Drumstick & Skin

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華麗燒烤 is not located within the tourist attraction zone however this small and unappealing shop of 28 years attracts steady local crowds queuing patiently for their barbeque chicken skin, drumstick and wings. The chickens are perfectly marinated that the flavours have penetrated into every part of the meat and the skin. Guilty as it seems, the chicken skin usually sells out very fast and you will know why once you tasted it.

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Address: 60 R. de Marques de Oliveira, Macau ( Google Map )

What to Order: Chicken Skin, Chicken Drumstick, Chicken Wing

Opening Time: 6 pm to 1 am. Closed on Sunday

6. 贏到粥 Hot Pot Clam

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Hidden in the alley, Hot Pot Clam is relatively unknown to tourist. The restaurant gets busier late at night where regulars head to the shop for their 卜卜蜆, a clam broth steamboat. Apart from the 卜卜蜆 steamboat base, you can order meats, vegetables and other toppings to go with the steamboat.

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Address : Fong Son San Chun Iii, no.104-124, Rua da Escola Nautica, Macau ( Google Map )

What to Order: 卜卜蜆

Opening Hours: Daily 6.00 pm to 2.00am

7. 長洲平記 Mango Mochi

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This dessert originates from Chang Zhou in Hong Kong but now finally opened their first shop in Macau. The mochi is soft and delicate with a big chunk of fresh mango or durian inside.

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Address: R. de Horta e Sousa, Macau ( Google Map )

What to Order: Mango Mochi, Durian Mochi

8. Nan Peng Cafe Sandwich (南屏雅敘 )

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Adorned by locals Nan Peng is one of the oldest Cha Chan Teng in Macau that serves simple yet delicious breakfast for decades. The signature Nan Peng sandwich comes with a thick yet fluffy omelette, a generous amount of hams and pork char siew. The shop is located nearby Sofitel Macau Ponte 16.

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Address: 85, Rua de Cinco de Outubro, Macau ( Google Map )

Opening Hours: 7 am to 6 pm

What to Order: Nan Peng Sandwich

Price: Around 25 MOP (RM12 / SGD5)

9. Gelatina Mok Yi Kei Serradura (莫義記)

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Gelatina Mok Yi Kei is an 80 years old ice cream shop renowned for their Serradura Pudding and Musang King Durian Ice Cream. Serradura also is known as sawdust pudding is one of Macau’s iconic dessert, is made from a combination of whipped cream and crumbled Marie biscuit. While surprisingly Macau doesn’t produce durian yet they are selling durian by-product commonly, I would have thought it is their local fruit if I’m not from Durianland (Malaysia).

Address: 9A, Rua do Cunha, Taipa ( Google Map )

Opening Hours: Daily 9:00 am to 9:00 pm

What to Order: 榴莲雪糕 ( Durian Ice Cream ) and 木糠布丁 ( Serradura Pudding )

Getting There: Stop at Rua de Cunha ( 官也街 )

Price: Around USD5-10 / RM20-RM40 per person

10. North by Square Eight (食・ 八方旗下北㕑)

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North by Square Eight in MGM Macau features a wide range of cuisine from Northern & Central China. The interior contemporary design was inspired by Beijing’s Courtyard Houses with artworks by Macanese artist Victor Marreiros. One of their signature dishes is the glutinous rice dumplings filled with Red Bean paste stuffing (MOP 30). The texture is silky smooth and softly wrapped with perfectly cooked red bean paste.

Also, the food portion at North by Square Eight is quite big so it is recommended to order a few and share. Other recommended food are Shaanxi Flat Noodles tossed with Garlic, Chili and Soy Sauce, Beijing styled chilled Marinated baby cabbage with sesame sauce and Pork meat & chives dumpling.

macau tourism school restaurant

Address: MGM Macau – Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau ( Google Map )

Opening Hours: Daily 11 am to 1 am

What to Order: Glutinous rice dumplings filled with Red Bean paste stuffing; Shaanxi Flat Noodles tossed with Garlic, Chili and Soy Sauce; Beijing styled chilled Marinated baby cabbage with sesame sauce; Pork meat & chives dumpling

Full Review: North by Square Eight Restaurant

11. Lemoncello Gelato

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Thick, creamy and lots of flavours especially on a hot day are the reasons that drives Lemoncello Gelato to be one of the hottest street food in Macau. The shop propelled to fame when they are included as one of Macau local street food to try in the Michelin guide book.

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Address: Trav. Se11 R / C, Macau, China

What to Order: Gelato

Opening Hours: Daily 11 am to 10 pm

12. Leitaria I Son (義順牛奶公司)

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Leitaria I Son originates from Macau with branches in Hong Kong is famous for their deliciously smooth and fragrant milk custard. This reasonably priced and popular dessert is a steamed blend of milk, sugar, and egg white. Creamy and smooth with just the right amount of sweetness.

There are a variety of toppings available but we do recommend to try the double-boiled steam milk and ginger milk custard. The original shop has relocated from the fountain of Senado Square to alley nearby the St. Dominic’s Church. Another branch is located at Broadway Macau opposite Galaxy Macau.

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Address: 381 Av. de Almeida Ribeiro, Macau ( Google Map )

Opening Hours:  Daily 930am to 11 pm

What to Order: Double-boiled steam milk 双皮奶; Ginger milk custard 姜汁撞奶

13. Nam Ieong Beef Koay Teow (南洋粿條麵食)

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A combination of Teochew and South East Asia noodles and broth is what makes Nam Ieong crowded during lunch and dinner time. A familiar taste of Vietnamese pho however topping up are Teochew style minced pork and pork ball makes it slightly differ with a more flavourful and sweeter broth. A generous topping of semi-cooked tender beef slices makes the noodle even more appetizing.

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Address: 77A R. da Praia do Manduco, Sao Lourenco / 下環下環街77號A ( Google Map )

Opening Hours : Mon to Sat 0830 to 200pm / 330pm to 600pm. Closed on Sunday

What to Order: Beef Koay Teow Soup, Mince Pork & Pork Ball Soup

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Located near Senado Square 勝利茶餐室 attracts their patrons with reasonable priced and big portion food. Expect the cha chan teng to be packed throughout the day. Regulars usually drop in for their toast, beef steaks and milk tea while tourist might order their pork chop buns (Trust us 世記咖啡 pork chop bun is better).

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Address: 94 R. dos Mercadores, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro ( Google Map )

Opening Hours: Daily 7.30 am to 1000pm

15. Margaret Cafe e Nata ( 玛嘉烈蛋挞 )

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Tucked away in one of Macau’s lively pedestrian back alleys, situated close to St Paul Ruins & Senado Square Margaret’s Cafe is well-known for their great Portuguese egg tarts. Compared to Lord Stow’s egg tart, Margaret’s egg tart has more flaky crust while Lord Stow’s boast a creamier custard.

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Address: Edif. Kam Loi, Nam Van Area ( Google Map )

Getting There: Bus – 2, 3, 3A, 5, 7, 10, 10A, 11, 18, 21A, 26A, 33.

1. With Senado Square on your left side and Leal Senado Building on your right side, walk straight, cross Av. da Praia Grande ( name of the road ), keep walking straight and turn to Rua Do Dr. P José Lobo on your right side, and then turn to an alley on the left side once you turn in to Rua Do Dr. P José Lobo. 5 minutes walk.

Price: around MOP7 each ( Approx RM3 / USD1 )

16. Golden Tang Dessert 糖朝盛世

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Golden Tang Dessert features a variety of fresh mango dessert and drinks. They have 4 branches in Macau and the one we went to was nearby 华丽烧烤, so you can try both stalls together. Their signature dish is 楊枝金撈 a mango dessert consist of sweet mango chunks, mango puree, sago, coconut milk and pomelo bits. Also, try their Durian version 招牌榴莲飘香 which is equally delicious.

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Address: 31 R. da Restauracao, Macau (opposite Maxim bakery) ( Google Map )

Opening Hours: 2.30 pm to 1.00 am

What to Order: 楊枝金撈; 招牌榴莲飘香

Price: Around 40 MOP (RM20)

1. Seng Cheong Crab Porridge (城昌饭店)

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Crab Porridge is one of Macau’s iconic dish and Seng Cheong is the famous one cooked in 3 types of crab and it is often crowded with customers. Although the crab size is reasonable (crab claw as big as an iPhone 6)with crab meat quite abundance in the porridge, however, we personally find the taste mediocre.

If you happen to know a better crab porridge, do let us know so we can try it on our next Macau trip.

Address : 28-30 Rua do Cunha, Vila de Taipa / 氹仔舊城區官也街28-30號

Opening Hours : 1200pm to 1130pm

2. Tai Lei Loi Kei (大利来记)

macau tourism school restaurant

Tai Lei Loi Kei used to be the most famous pork chop bun in Macau unfortunately with more competitors popping up with better version pork chop bun, Tai Lei Loi Kei has lost its No 1 position. The bun is too hard and dry while the pork chop is just normal.

  • Chan Kong Kei Roast Duck 陳光記飯店
  • dining in Macau
  • Gelatina Mok Yi Kei
  • Golden Tang Dessert
  • Lord Stow Portuguese Egg Tart
  • Margaret Cafe e Nata
  • must eat in macau
  • Nam Ieong Beef Koay Teow
  • North by Square Eight
  • Seng Cheong Crab Porridge

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macau tourism school restaurant

6 Must Eat Food in Macau

New Posts Updates on Macau : 1. 16 Must Eat Food in Macau 2. 12 Must Visit Macau Attractions 1. Lord Stow’s Bakery ( 安德鲁葡挞 ) The name Lord Stow’s has become synonymous with the […]

Hi, would like to ask short pant or sandal allow to enter casino? Any rules to follow? Can’t wait to try the best food at Macau.

Hi Suet Ying, most common casino has no strict restriction on clothing

🙂 okie, thank you. Look forward your next destination and article.

hi..any free hotel shuttle bus travel between Macau Island and cotai? thanks..

hi if i first time vist macau is there anything i neef to look out for. thank

Secondly i saw you mentioned all the places for the food. But all in english with no chinese address. For the local people in macau we ask them will they able to understand it.

In macau normally stay one day visit enough and is there any shopping around or street market around.

Many thanks

Hi, you will be able to find them via google map.. I would say 3 days 2 nights is better

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Where Macao’s top chefs eat out: Iconic Portuguese restaurants, casual cafes and secret local spots

Where Macao’s top chefs eat out: Iconic Portuguese restaurants, casual cafes and secret local spots

UPDATED: 22 Dec 2023, 6:53 am

Ever wondered where chefs like to eat when they’re not in their kitchens? We asked three chefs from Michelin-starred restaurants – Senior Chef Justin Paul of Golden Peacock, Executive Chef Chan Tak Kwong of Wing Lei, and Head Chef Simon Li of The Kitchen – to share their go-to restaurants in Macao.  

From celebratory spots to casual eateries, family-friendly establishments and perfect date-night venues, the award-winning chefs dish on the most delectable meals in town. 

Chef Justin Paul, Golden Peacock

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Justin Paul helms The Venetian Macao’s Michelin-starred restaurant Golden Peacock . Having honed his culinary skills in fine-dining kitchens across Asia for the past two decades, he’s been with The Venetian for more than 13 years.

In 2013, he took the reins at the hotel’s Indian restaurant – considered by many to be one of the best in the city. Though currently closed temporarily due to the pandemic, the restaurant plans to reopen later this year. 

Originally from the southern Indian state of Kerala, Paul is an advocate of ‘artisanal’, authentic Indian cooking and prides himself in showcasing his home country’s culinary variety at Golden Peacock.

His passion has paid off: Golden Peacock received its first Michelin star in 2014, only nine months after it opened, and has retained it every year since. We caught up with Paul to ask him where he likes to eat when he’s not working, and here’s what he said: 

Lotus Palace  

“I am a big fan of Chinese food, and Lotus Palace is excellent for that,” Paul says. “It offers a myriad of dishes from all across the country, all beautifully presented.”

Set within The Parisian Macao, it’s also a great place “for a lavish family dinner or a formal get-together with friends, as there really is something for everyone on the menu,” says Paul. “What’s more, the atmosphere is highly refined, the service always on point. It’s a fantastic spot to celebrate a special occasion.”

Among Paul’s favourite dishes are the barbecued baby duck, and sweet and sour pork. “You can see that a lot of work goes into their preparation, and the combination of flavours is always excellent.” 

Fernando’s Restaurant

Fernando's restaurant

For a more Portuguese experience, Paul always returns to Fernando’s . “It’s probably one of the best-known Portuguese restaurants in Macao, and for good reason,” he says. “The food is simple but always excellent. I love authentic cooking, and Fernando’s nails it.”

But Paul also appreciates the atmosphere at this long-standing establishment, which has been around since 1986. “The alfresco garden, Mediterranean vibes and the proximity to Hac Sa Beach all make it a place like no other,” he says. “I often go there at the weekend with my two daughters, and spend the afternoon just relaxing.”

With a menu of Portuguese classics – from chorizo and fried squid to shrimp in clam sauce, codfish and pork ribs, just to name a few – there’s plenty to choose from, though Paul’s go-to’s are the suckling pig and roasted chicken, which he washes down with a pint of Super Bock, a Portuguese beer. “Everything is hearty and made-to-order, not to mention incredibly well-priced,” says Paul. “Fernando’s is a real gem.”

A Tasca do Luís

For a casual, lively evening, Paul loves A Tasca do Luís . A hole-in-the-wall local eatery that recently relocated from Taipa to the Macao Peninsula, the restaurant has been around for years yet remains a “secret spot” among local Macao residents, he says. “It serves a mix of Portuguese and Macanese food, in unpretentious settings,” Paul says. “For a truly authentic Macanese culinary experience, it doesn’t get better than this.”

Besides the food – African chicken with duck rice or bacalhau (dried salted cod), two of Paul’s favourites – what the chef most likes about A Tasca do Luís is the jovial atmosphere. “The owner spends the evening serenading his guests with his guitar,” Paul says. “There’s a lot of singing, and music, and a generally relaxed, low-key atmosphere that makes you want to go back time and again.”

Chef Chan Tak Kwong, Wing Lei

Chef Chan Tak Kwong, Wing Lei

Affectionately known as “Chef Tak”, Chan Tak Kwong has led Wynn Macau’s two-Michelin-starred restaurant Wing Lei since 2006. Passionate about food from childhood, Tak cut his culinary teeth in Hong Kong as a kitchen apprentice while still a teenager. 

He later moved to Japan then China, mastering the cooking styles of Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen along the way. His extensive knowledge of China’s regional styles of cooking has served him well at Wing Lei, where he upholds the traditions of Cantonese cuisine. 

When he’s not working, however, chances are you’ll find him eating at fine-dining Italian restaurants or chowing down on street food at some of Macao’s best-known stalls and cafes enjoying Portuguese egg tarts, pork chop buns, almond cookies, beef jerky and curry fish balls.

 “I believe my own cooking perspective and technique can be enhanced by trying all kinds of different foods,” he says. “Which is why I often eat out.” 

Here’s where Chef Tak likes to dine out around Macao: 

Ristorante il Teatro at Wynn Macau 

For special occasions, Tak heads down the hall to sister restaurant Il Teatro , where he enjoys the atmosphere, decor, food and service. “I like that I can enjoy both dinner and the Performance Lake show simultaneously.” 

His favourite dishes on the extensive Italian menu are the grilled Sicilian octopus, four-cheese ravioli and signature tiramisu – “the perfect triumvirate of a good Italian meal.” Besides the food and the charming atmosphere, it’s the passion of Chef de Cuisine Nicholas Olivas that makes this one of Tak’s top choices. 

“Olivas thinks nothing is more satisfying than the opportunity of sharing his passion and tradition of Italian cuisine to his guests and team,” Tak says. “His food is always delicious because of that – and the fact they use the freshest seasonal ingredients from all around the globe, of course.”

Fong Kei Restaurante

Fong Kei Restaurant

Big birthday bash on the horizon? Then Fong Kei Restaurante, located in the Outer Harbour, is Tak’s top choice for Chinese food. “This is the place you come to for an informal gathering of friends or a boisterous celebration,” he says. 

The spacious dining area is ideal for that, as is the wide selection of seafood and wok-fried dishes on offer. “There’s something for everyone,” Tak says. The fact that the chefs are good friends with Tak is another plus: “I always know I’ll have a good time there.”

Café Rose Garden 

For a casual get-together, nothing beats Cafe Rose Garden, says Tak. “The cosy environment and good service make this a great spot to dine with friends,” he adds. “I often come here on my days off.” 

His order is pretty much the same every time: sardines, a Portuguese salad and garlic bread. “You can’t go wrong if you order those dishes,” he says. “They’re absolutely delicious.”

Simon Li, The Kitchen 

Chef Simon Li

A native of Hong Kong, Simon Li started cooking when he was just a teenager. He has spent half of his 30-year career with the Grand Lisboa Hotel and Hotel Lisboa, having joined the group in 2006. Li played an instrumental role in opening their Michelin-starred steakhouse, The Kitchen , as Senior Sous Chef in 2008. 

And in 2011, he became Chef de Cuisine for Guincho a Galera at Hotel Lisboa, where he had the opportunity to travel to Portugal and train with award-winning chef Vincent Farges . Li rejoined The Kitchen in 2019 as Head Chef, bringing with him new inspiration from his travels. 

When not working, he will “venture out to other restaurants and markets to find inspiration,” he says, looking especially for Cantonese and Thai dishes – his favourite. 

“Macao has a great food scene,” he says. “Whether you are walking through the streets of the Macao Peninsula, Taipa Village or Coloane, you will discover the remarkable East-West heritage of Macanese, Portuguese and Chinese food, and too many Michelin-starred restaurants to count.” 

Here are three of his favourite restaurants in the city: 

Educational Restaurant at IFTM 

Set within the Macau Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM) campus, the Educational Restaurant serves authentic Macanese and Portuguese dishes prepared by up-and-coming hospitality students. 

Li appreciates that the restaurant is committed to sourcing organic food and adopting sustainable practices whenever possible. 

“All herbs and vegetables are grown locally at IFTM, and the school also recycles food waste for fertiliser and practices crop rotation for a more sustainable future,” he says. “It’s an inspiring place to come eat at, not to mention receive thoughtful and attentive service from a future generation of hoteliers, which is truly unique to Macao.” 

His musts on the menu are the “Impossible Minchi”, African chicken or Portuguese seafood rice with homemade chilli sauce. “They’re all signature Macanese dishes, and done exceedingly well,” he says. “It is a wonderful place to celebrate special occasions together with friends, family or colleagues.”

Cooked Food Area at Mercado de S Domingos Municipal Complex

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“This is a great place to experience the street food of Macao in a very clean, indoor environment with hawker stalls,” Li says. “You can walk from stall to stall, and order a variety of local dishes at very affordable prices. It is a really good way for local chefs and entrepreneurs to continue cooking local specialities in a clean location at prices that everyone can afford.”

His go-to? Wonton noodles, clay pot rice, egg waffles, milk tea and tong sui (a sweet soup or custard-like dessert). “I like to bring friends from Hong Kong here to enjoy a really local Macao experience, or stop by for a snack before heading to the wet market in search of fresh ingredients.”

Lung Wah Tea House

Located next to the Red Market, Li enjoys dining at Lung Wah Tea House because it tells the story of Macao’s past. “It is one of the few traditional tea houses remaining in the city,” he says. “As you walk up the flight of stairs, you will see old pictures of Macao on the wall, and almost imagine it as it was 50 years ago. It is a very nostalgic and peaceful place.”

Besides the charming and historical atmosphere, Li comes here for the Cantonese dim sum, usually on a weekend morning with family and friends. “They are famous for their spare ribs, barbecue pork buns and beef balls,” he says. 

“In the early 1960s, the owners hired chefs from Hong Kong to create the most authentic dim sum in Macao, and as someone from Hong Kong, I really appreciate how they still continue to honour the classic Hong Kong dim sum cooking traditions.”

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Macao Institute for Tourism Studies

Inspiration Building in Mong-Ha Campus IFT

The Macao Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM) is a public institution of higher education located in Macau. The institution offers degrees in tourism, heritage, and hospitality. Besides accepting local and international students, it also receives exchange students for a one-semester study. Students from Mainland China, Canada, South Korea, USA, and many European countries have participated in the Macao Institute for Tourism Studies’ exchange programmes.

IFTM’s Educational Restauran t is a training unit for IFTM’s bachelor degree students, especially those specialised in hotel management, event management and culinary arts management. The restaurant is open to public for lunch and dinner times and dishes served there are varied, with a focus on local and Portuguese creations. Signature dishes include Macanese dishes bafassá pork, michi–made with vegan Impossible Meats–Portuguese dishes caldo verde, seafood rice, amongst others. The institute is divided into different campuses: one in Mong-Há and one in Taipa side.

Opening hours: School – Monday–Friday, 8:00am–10:00pm

Restaurant – Monday–Friday – 12:30pm–10:30pm

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Where to Eat in MACAU • Top 5 Restaurants for Any Budget (From Street Food to Luxurious!)

Where to Eat in MACAU • Top 5 Restaurants for Any Budget (From Street Food to Luxurious!)

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If you’re a long-time The Poor Traveler follower, you’ve probably noticed that although we have been travel blogging for the past 14 years, we have never tackled the food scene in Macau. Even our previous Macau Travel Guides lacked a “Where to Eat” section, something that is a staple in all the other guides.

There’s a very simple explanation for it. When we’re in Macau, our itinerary is so packed that we don’t pay much attention to where we would be eating. Often, we’d just pick a food place that is closest to where we were. Thus, on our most recent trip, we were so excited to finally have a taste of Macau’s gastronomy and gain a much deeper appreciation of it. We weren’t alone this time around. We were led by our new friend Ken, a Macau local who works for the Macau Government Tourism Office . Needless to say, along with delicious food, he fed us with lots of insightful insider tips.


Taipa Food Street

Budget level: Affordable Best for: Street food raiders

The first entry on this list isn’t a specific restaurant but a cluster of food kiosks along Macau’s go-to foodie alley, Taipa Food Street ( Rua do Cunha )!

Taipa Food Street

Located at the heart of Taipa Village, it is easily accessible from Cotai Strip. From The Venetian Macau Resort , it should take around 20 minutes on foot. But don’t worry, much of the walking trail is covered and equipped with travelators, too. But what’s so special about this place?

Taipa Food Street is flanked with food stalls, cafes, and restaurants –- some with Michelin distinctions — serving a wide range of Macau favorites, including those that are rooted in Chinese, those heavily influenced by the Portuguese, and those that mix these two traditions. In other words, it can give you a small taste of Macau’s two worlds.

Much of the street food here is prepared on the spot, ensuring freshness and quality. Many of them are relatively inexpensive. I’m saying “relatively” because while you will still find these dishes for cheaper at other spots in the city, you can conveniently find them all here at Taipa Food Street. Also, for us, Filipinos or Southeast Asians, they are still pretty steep, but within the Macau and Hong Kong context, these can be considered average.

Café Vong Kei Taipa Village

If you’re coming from the side of The Venetian, the first that will greet you is a home-grown favorite called Café Vong Kei and its giant bottle of milk tea, dripping on the side of a colorful, whimsical corner building. As you might have guessed, it’s popular for its, well, milk tea (MOP 24, PHP 168, USD 3).

But if milk tea isn’t your cuppa tea, don’t worry, its iced coffee (MOP 24, PHP 168, USD 3) is also a bestseller.

They also serve snacks including the ubiquitous pork chop bun (MOP 48, PHP 336, USD 6), a pork chop so big it looks like it’s about to jump out of the bread. It’s juicy and peppery, complemented by the crispy pastry.

Cafe Vong Kei Pork Chop Bun

But if a big chunk of meat is too heavy, you can order just the bread called pineapple bun (MOP 18, PHP 126, USD 2.25). It has sweet, creamy custard inside. It probably takes its name from its pineapple-like crusty appearance.

Don’t be discouraged by the long line to the takeout counter because it moves quickly. The staff whips out bun after bun and bottle after bottle almost non-stop.

CAFÉ VONG KEI Address: 60, 60號 R. Correia da Silva, Macao Open: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Another brunch/snack place that you might want to check out is Sei Kee Café . It has at least 2 outlets in Taipa Village, with its main branch earning a Michelin citation from 2019-2021. Just like our previous stop, it’s best known for its coffee, tea, and pork chop bun.

Sei Kee Cafe Taipa Village

As you walk deeper into the area, you’ll be bombarded by two very distinct food scents that fill the air. The first one is from the many stalls that serve bowls of stew made with beef offal (MOP 55-100, PHP 385-700, USD 7-12.5).

Yes, cow’s innards in hot, thick, savory sauce. It’s so incredibly popular, you’ll find people just standing in the corner finishing their serving of it.

macau tourism school restaurant

The other scent is more inviting for us – the sweet aroma of egg tarts (MOP 11, PHP 77, USD 1.37 per piece). You’ll find it on display at various shops. Undoubtedly, however, the most trusted of them is Lord Stow’s Bakery , which was established in Coloane in 1989. Since then, it has opened countless stores all over the world, including this one at the Taipa Village.

Now that we’re already talking about desserts, let’s end this tour with Mochi Macau . Although it’s being marketed as Mochi Macau (MOP 18, PHP 126, USD 2.25), we were told that its name is Cheung Chau Ping Kei , which started in Hong Kong but opened a branch here in Taipa in 2015. The fruit filled varieties like strawberry, durian, and this mango mochi seem to be the crowd-pleasers, but we prefered the red bean version.

Mochi Macau Taipa Food Street

Lei Ka Choi

Budget level: Low cost Best for: Families and budget travelers on a big group Cuisine: Cantonese

If you’re traveling with family or a big group, one shop that our new friend Ken from Macao Tourism recommended with all his heart was an unassuming local restaurant called Lei Ka Choi . And when he said local, he meant almost everyone dining here was a Macau resident. And it’s true, we were the only foreigners when we visited.

Lei Ka Choi is considered a dai pai dong , which surprised me because I thought dai pai dongs are outdoor setups, similar to what I saw in Hong Kong. Apparently, dai pai dongs in Macau used to be set outside too, but the government wanted them to convert to indoor type for sanitation reasons. But over the years, the dai pai dong label stuck.

Lei Ka Choi’s claim to fame is its hot pots, which are basically a type of dish composed of raw proteins – usually thin slices of beef but it can also be seafood – that you’re supposed to dip in boiling hot broth.

Beef Hot Pot Lei Ka Choi Macau

A fatty beef hotpot set meal (MOP 238, PHP 1666, USD 29.50) seems to be the most popular. You can order more ingredients but with extra charge. Don’t be intimidated by the prices. Hot pots are a group thing, so every order is good for multiple persons.

The most expensive item on their menu is the dragon king seafood hotpot (MOP 788, PHP 5500, USD 97.90), composed of oysters, abalones, prawns, squid, fish, scallops, mussels, and other seafood with mushrooms. Mind you, we were a big group at the time, but we weren’t able to finish them all, not because they were not good – they were excellent, so fresh and delicious – but there was just too much food on the table.

Lei Ka Choi Macau Seafood

It’s not all hot pot though. In fact, of all the things served to us that night, the two dishes that made the best impression were not the dipping kind.

The first was the baked sea-salt snail whole chicken (MOP 258, PHP 1799, USD 32.05). Yes, a massive whole chicken – head, tail, and all – stuffed with snails and seafood! This was oh so immaculate. I’ve never had chicken this juicy. It was almost buttery and so packed with umami.

Whole Chicken Lei Ka Choi Macau

My other favorite was an appetizer called secret braised black tofu with mullet roe (MOP 108, PHP 756, USD 13.41 per 8 pcs). It looked crispy and spicy but it wasn’t. It was soft and so moist and tasty.

Braised Black Tofu Lei Ka Choi Macau

No wonder these two are also their best-selling dishes, sometimes even overshadowing the hot pots!

But oh, we also enjoyed the beef soup and razor clam appetizer. But I failed to get the names of these dishes.

Lei ka Choi Macau

All these are best rinsed with gulps of Macau beer!

LEI KA CHOI Address: Rua da Bacia Sul, 313 號地鋪T Vai Choi Garden (Bloco C), Macau Operating hours: 6:00 PM – 4:00 AM

Restaurante Litoral

Budget level: Mid-range Best for: Romantic dates, families, foodies Cuisine: Macanese (Portuguese-Cantonese)

Restaurante Litoral Macau

Before we dig into the next set of dishes, let’s first talk about Macanese cuisine. The word “Macanese” can mean two things. For us outsiders, it can refer to anything that is related to Macau, like the Macanese pataca or Macanese streets. But among Macau locals, it is more nuanced and often indicates the blending of Southern Chinese and Portuguese heritage. It can refer to a specific language, people, and cuisine.

You see, Macau was under Portuguese rule from 1557 to 1999. And in those 440-odd years, it is no wonder Portuguese influences have seeped into the local culture quite deeply in parts, including the food.

One of the oldest fusion cuisines in the world, Macanese cuisine uses the spices that the Portuguese accumulated from all over the world – Africa, Southeast Asia, and India – mixed with Chinese ingredients, and prepared or cooked Portuguese-style. It is common to see coconut milk, cinnamon, tamarind, and turmeric in Macanese dishes, even though in reality, these are not very common in Cantonese kitchens.

And this unique and eclectic take on gastronomy is highlighted here at Restaurante Litoral , a Macanese institution not too far away from Ama Temple.

Our guide Ken pre-ordered the dishes for us, starting with three appetizers:

  • Pasteis de bacalhau (MOP 88, PHP 616, USD 11 per 6 pieces), which are cod fish cakes, sort of like fish croquettes. It was light, but we could still sense the delicate taste of the cod.
  • Vinagrete de lulas (MOP 108, PHP 756, USD 13.50), which is squid in vinegar. I loved, loved, loved this. The mollusk was so fresh, there wasn’t any tinge of any funky smell, and the raw onions totally worked well with it.
  • Chamussa (MOP 88, PHP 616, USD 11 per 6 pieces), which are samosas filled with beef curry.

Chamussa and Pasteis de bacalhau Restaurante Litoral Macau

For the mains, we had galinha Africana (MOP 218, PHP 1526, USD 27), which is half-chicken marinated in and doused with a concoction of spices, served with potatoes, olives, and pickles. It reminded me of piri-piri chicken, which is also African Portuguese, but this one’s wetter, greasier, and stronger and more varied in flavor.

Of course, it’s not a complete meal without proper carbs. For that, we had Portuguese fried rice or arroz chau chau a Portuguesa (MOP 138, PHP 966, USD 17.15).

Fried Rice Restaurante Litoral Macau

For dessert, we had serradura or Macau pudding (MOP 38, PHP 266, USD 4.72), which is typically made with chilled layers of creamy mousse, condensed milk, and crushed Marie biscuits. The biscuit crumbs on top earned it its other nickname sawdust pudding . Litoral’s version is not that sweet, which is how I usually like my desserts.

Serradura Macau Pudding Restaurante Litoral

RESTAURANTE LITORAL Address: Rua do Alm. Sergio, 261號a Operating hours: Lunch: 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM Dinner: 6:00 PM – 10:30 PM

Hawker Hawker

Budget level: Splurge Best for: Families, friends, co-workers Cuisine: International buffet (Asian, Portuguese, and Macanese dishes among others)

Hawker Hawker Buffet Macau

Many of the luxury hotels in the Cotai Strip have a fantastic collection of in-house restaurants. At the Studio City complex, the options are plenty. But one of the most popular is Hawker Hawker at W Hotel !

It’s a fantastic buffet restaurant that gave us one of our best meals, not just because of the food but the overall dining experience.

Hawker Hawker W Macau Buffet

The atmosphere inside Hawker Hawker is very festive. It’s more like a family-friendly bar than a proper buffet. Everywhere you see wine glasses and bottles clanking and customers laughing and having a good time. It’s perfect for those who are celebrating an occasion.

The cuisine here is international. There’s a lot of local Cantonese favorites, but you’ll also spot tom yum in one corner, and sashimi in the next, and Portuguese dishes in another. And yes, as a true-blue carnivore, I gravitated towards the red meat section where I snatched slices of roast beef sirloin and Portuguese suckling pig. Yes, hypertension, here we go!

Hawker Hawker Roast Sirloin

The chefs and staff make sure everything is fresh by putting just the right amount on display and constantly refilling them, especially the raw seafood section, which has its own walk-in room, as though you’re at the market.

Hawker Hawker Macau Fresh Seafood

They also have a table of delectable desserts with Macanese egg tarts as the centerpiece, of course!

We really had fun here at Hawker Hawker! And if you want to experience this too, here’s a tip. You can get 18% OFF if you book with Klook!

The cost will be reduced to only MOP 439 (PHP 3062, USD 54.50) for weekend lunch buffet or MOP 574 (PHP 4000, USD 71.29) for dinner buffet, inclusive of service fee. That’s a massive discount!


HAWKER HAWKER Address: Floor 2U, W Hotel, Studio City, Macau Lunch Hours: 12:00 pm–3:00 pm Dinner Hours: 6:00 pm–10:30 pm Dress Code: Smart Casual

Special thanks to Ate Janelle, a Filipina who works here at Hawker Hawker, for taking great care of us! She’s one of the many OFWs who are part of the workforce here in Macau, and we met a lot of them!

Hawker Hawker Macau Staff

Palace Garden

Budget level: Splurge, fine-dining Best for: Romantic dates, families, luxury travelers Cuisine: Cantonese (Taishi)

And now, we’ve come to the most expensive item on this list!

Ken wanted us to try a variety of Macau restaurants. From street food to local hotpot spots to all-you-can-eat buffets to Macanese heritage restaurants. But before we left, he also wanted us to see the higher end of Macau’s dining scene, and for that, he took us to the Grand Lisboa Palace Resort , also in Cotai.

Palace Garden Macau Reception

It is here that we found ourselves in the middle of one of the most lavish restaurants I’ve set foot in – the Palace Garden . It is helmed by Head Chef Ken Chiong, who marries a more sophisticated Cantonese cooking with western ingredients.

We don’t normally dabble our toes into fine-dining territory, but this would certainly be one to remember. The interiors were grandiose and ornate. At the main dining area, one wall is dressed in a 35-meter Suzhou silk mural with stunning embroidery of chrysanthemums. One private room is decorated with intricate butterfly patterns. It’s opulence, Macau-style!

Palace Garden Macau Main Dining Interior

As for the food, we were served a 6-course Executive Lunch Set Menu . After setting the 3-sauce plate with citron sauce, hot sauce, and XO sauce, we had a really promising amuse-bouche.

Palace Garden 3 Sauces

But the meal proper started with colorful duo: a playful green pork dumpling topped with abalone and black caviar and an appetizingly yellow crystal blue prawn dumpling . Everything just tasted so fresh and put-together, if you know what I mean. The abalone, in particular, had just the right brininess and chewiness.

Palace Garden Abalone and Blue Shrimp Dumpling

For the soup, we had a giant crabmeat and conpoy dumpling in supreme broth , and supreme indeed. It was one of the best broths that ever graced my palate. It was clean, bright, and very elegant. Like, oh my goodness. The crabmeat and scallops also had the perfect texture. They were intact inside the dough, but easily breaks apart with a soft bite.

Palace Garden Crab Meat Scallop Soup

Next was another duo – the crispy bird nest and Australian scallop roll , which I wasn’t that much of a fan of; and the wagyu beef bun with black pepper sauce , which reminded me of the homey meat buns that I enjoy in Macau and Hong Kong, only more refined. It’s very well-balanced, with the right amount of sauce, bread, and seasoning.

And the beef party wasn’t over just yet because the next one was beef slow stewed with wild honey and supreme soy sauce . Everything about this was on point. The beef was not too tender that we’d lose the texture, and the sauce was not too sweet that we’d lose its flavor. It had the right balance of sweet and salty that permeated deep into the meat, accentuated by the burst of mild tanginess from the cherry tomato.

Palace Garden Macau Beef

Next to be served was duo vermicelli stewed with shredded roast duck and mushrooms . The duck got lost in the mix, but it was smokey, which was my favorite flavor profile. The veggies added crunch to the graceful noodles.

Duo Vermicelli Noodles with Duck Palace Garden Macau

And for dessert, we had sweetened gorgon fruit and fresh lily bulb double boiled with osmanthus . Not really a fan of hot desserts, but the little fruits were soft and smooth and the osmanthus gave it an irresistible aroma. Still not my fave, but I liked it.

By the way, through all of this, our tea cups were constantly refilled. Tea pairing is a thing here. I do love tea, but my palate is still pretty untrained, so I can’t say much about it except that I did enjoy every thing that poured into my cup.

Palace Garden Macau Tea Pairing

Overall, I quite enjoyed this lunch. Everything was clean, resplendent, vibrant, and masterfully done. But that crabmeat-conpoy soup and the beef were my absolute favorites. Just divine, those two.

This set lunch menu usually costs MOP 638 (PHP 4466, USD 79.25) plus 10% service charge. For tea pairing, additional MOP 168 (PHP 1176, USD 20.89) per person will be added. They also have a lunch tasting menu version for double the price.

Dinner menus have eight courses, and as of today cost MOP 2388-3688 (PHP 16,716-25,816; USD 296.65-458) per person, without drinks and exclusive of the 10% service charge.

PALACE GARDEN Address: Shop 306, 3F, Grand Lisboa Palace, Grand Lisboa Palace Resort, Rua do Tiro, Cotai, Macau Lunch Hours: 12:00 PM – 2:30 PM Dinner Hours: 6:30 PM – 10:00 PM Open: Wednesdays-Mondays Closed: Tuesdays Dress Code: Smart Casual (For men: with ankle length trousers, no sandals, no open shoes, no sleeveless tops)

Where to Stay in Macau

Studio City Macau Hotel Room

Here are some of the top Macau hotels that are close to the restaurants mentioned in this article.

  • The Venetian Macao , close to Taipa Food Street. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • W Macau – Studio City , where you’ll find Hawker Hawker. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Studio City Hotel , close to Hawker Hawker. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Grand Lisboa Palace Macau , the home hotel of the Palace Garden. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Greenery Inn , closest hotel to Lei Ka Choi restaurant. Check Rates & Availability! ✅
  • Riviera Hotel , close to Restaurante Litoral. Check Rates & Availability! ✅

Search for more Macau Hotels!


How to Get to Macau

Philippine Airlines offers direct flights from Manila to Macau! So if you haven’t booked a ticket yet, consider flying with PAL. One thing I love about PAL is the generous baggage allowance that automatically comes with each booking. For Macau flights, check-in baggage can weigh 25 kg maximum for Economy passengers.

Philippine Airlines Flight

That’s on top of the 7-kg carry-on baggage allowance . Often, although some flights with low-cost carriers really do appear cheap, when you start adding baggage allowance, the total cost gets close (sometimes even exceeding) PAL’s prices.

Another reason we prefer PAL is its four-star service and delicious inflight meals and unlimited drinks on board, which are already included in the booking.

Philippine Airlines In-flight Meal

Visit philippineairlines.com to search for flights to Macau!

Updates Log & Acknowledgment

2024 • 02 • 07 – Original posting

Special thanks to the Macau Government Tourism Office for making our most recent trip possible.

That’s all for now. Remember, plan smart, travel safe, and make every trip WORTH IT!

More Tips on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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macau tourism school restaurant

Now it’s time to take you all to a virtual culinary tour in Macao. Macau or Macao, do you know that now the official name is Macao? Although Macao is a popular travel destination, AnakJajan found out that many of you are clueless on where and what to eat in Macao, aside from sightseeing or casino, there are actually many delicious MUST TRY food that you can find in Macao.

macau tourism school restaurant

To answer those questions, here you go, a complete list of tasty findings AnakJajan found from our recent trips. Hopefully it can help to satisfy your hungry tummies when you visit Macao.

macau tourism school restaurant

Soon AnakJajan will share complete list of Macao Travel Guide as well, with complete list of recommended places to visit for your itinerary, but for now, let’s start with the food first because a holiday with empty tummy won’t be fun isn’t it?! 😀

macau tourism school restaurant

In this post, AnakJajan are going to share various tasty food in Macao from street food, old-school restaurant, small food stalls, cafe, to hotel All-You-Can-Eat buffet.

macau tourism school restaurant

NOTE: all of these recommendations below are gathered from our two last trips to Macao in 2017 and 2018, so please note that changes on the shop/ price may occur. For Halal/ Moslem friendly restaurant, check the list at the bottom of this blog post. Let’s start the virtual culinary tour!

下環街市熟食中心 Cooked Food Area at S. Lourenco Municipal Market Complex Let’s start with a humble place with lots of options. On the second floor of traditional market building, there’s a food center filled with approximately around 30 stalls serving majority local classic food that are affordable.

macau tourism school restaurant

During our visit, AnakJajan opted for Oxtail Macaroni Soup with Pork Chop 31MOP, it comes in huge portion and generous chunks of oxtail, the taste was enjoyable with tomato based soup and meat was tender. Then we also got Xiao Long Bao Dumplings 13MOP from dimsum stall which was tasteful.

macau tourism school restaurant

Lord Stow’s Bakery Macao Hands down to the BEST PORTUGUESE EGG TART by Lord Stow’s Bakery!!! Seriously a visit to Macao won’t be complete without having it, it’s so so good we wouldn’t mind visiting Macao just for these shiny golden goodness.

macau tourism school restaurant

The buttery flaky tart shell, the milky eggy creamy filling with nice caramelization on the surface, everything was perfectly made and well-balanced. The hot freshly baked ones are the best, for different eating sensation, put it on the fridge for yummy cold version.

Tai Lei Loi Kei Pork Chop Bun is one of the popular local food in Macao and one of the famous one you can find easily is Tai Lei Loi Kei. One of their outlets is located strategically near St. Paul Ruins, you can find them inside The Venetian too.

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Simply go for their signature Pineapple Pork Bun, the pineapple bun or polo bun has this nice crumbly crust on top, then the pork chop was big juicy tasty and well marinated without any unpleasant smell.

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Isaac Toast Macao Isaac Toast is actually a toast specialty shop originated from Seoul, South Korea but since it’s SO SO GOOD and it has an outlet in Macao, why not giving it a visit?!

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Me and Mr. Jajan have been craving for Isaac Toast forever and we couldn’t be more happier to know the fact that it’s available in Macao, without hesitation we put Isaac Toast in our itinerary and my oh my, their toast tasted just as good as we remembered.

macau tourism school restaurant

The bread was perfectly toasted, uber buttery with generous juicy filling, irresistibly good! Their Bulgalbi MVP Toast MOP49 is a must order!

Nam Peng Cafe / 南屏雅敘 After a deep search on Google, AnakJajan found this gem called Nam Peng Cafe that happens to be the oldest cafe in Macao offering old-school Cha Chaan Teng or diner food.

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With their old school diner-like decor, visiting Nam Ping feels like we’ve traveled back to the past, from the decor, the food display, the menu design, you’ll get a nice nostalgic feeling there.

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On our visit, AnakJajan ordered a few of their signature items. The most outstanding dish would be their Nam Peng Sandwich with generous Omelette, Ham & Charsiu MOP25. AnakJajan also had Egg Tart, Iced Milk Tea, and Hot Milk Coffee which were classic and enjoyable.

Mandarin Oriental – Vida Rica Bar In the mood for a fancy drink with fancy view? Head over to Vida Rica Bar in Mandarin Oriental for unique cocktail and beautiful view of Macao Tower.

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One of the must order cocktail is called Legend of Kremelin MOP98 and the presentation is ON POINT!! Beautifully served on book-like box and “perfume” spray filled with liquor.

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Xin 鮮 – Cotai Central All You Can Eat (AYCE) restaurant always excites our tummies. If you love AYCE and Hotpot, you gotta give Xin a visit.

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The Chinese Hot Pot restaurant features vast array of fresh seafood, meat, vegetables, as well as cooked dishes and dessert. In terms of taste, it was super satisfying and filling, price might be more on the high side MOP258 lunch or MOP398 dinner/ person, but considering the premium ingredients, it’s totally worth trying.

榮暉咖啡美食 Wing Fei Offering local comfort food, AnakJajan randomly stumbled upon this restaurant when we decided to skip hotel breakfast to try local food.

macau tourism school restaurant

We decided to give the old-school restaurant a try since they serve dimsum in the morning. We over ordered and got 9 items in total. The seasoning was kinda clean but fresh and meaty, personally it wasn’t the best for us but enjoyable enough especially the siumay & water chestnut cake.

360 Café – Macao Tower

Scrumptious All-You-Can-Eat buffet meal with beautiful city view from above. 360 Café is a revolving restaurant and it rotates fully every one-and-half-hour.

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Personally the food was enjoyable, but of course the best part is the view, you’ll get a 360 degree of city view just by sitting and eating the food. The price for lunch is 278MOP adult/ 228MOP children, and for dinner is 500MOP adult/ 400MOP children with Complimentary Seafood Platter.

Le Chinois – Sofitel Hotel The trendy looking Cantonese restaurant in Sofitel offers All-You-Can-Eat on dinner time for 288MOP adult/ 188MOP children where we can order freshly cooked Cantonese style seafood dishes from appetizer, soup, mains, rice, noodle and dessert.

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Seafood was fresh, the seasoning was well-balanced, it makes a great dinner option for family.

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文藝門 A Porta Da Arte For good coffee and nice cozy vibes, give 文藝門 A Porta Da Arte a visit. The coffee was legit good, but the best part would be the store, you’ll get a nice nostalgic vibes since it’s situated in previously old textile shop if I’m not mistaken.

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醒餐廳酒廊 Beer Temple Restaurant & Lounge Beer Temple is one of the new and hip place to go for good food and drinks. As the name suggests, you can find hundreds of beer option there.

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As for the food, expect to find one-of-a-kind modern fusion dishes. One of their signature menu that instantly caught our eyes was their Salted Egg Pizza, the pizza dough was nicely made with thin crust, then the salted egg was savory creamy buttery complemented nicely by creamy mozzarella cheese and tangy fresh cherry tomatoes.

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食飽里 Furu Furu 食飽里 Furu Furu is managed by the same group as Beer Temple, therefore you can see some similarity of their menu. The newly opened hip place offers modern fusion dishes with unique twist, some of their food are very interesting and different, in a good way. One of the memorable menu would be their Tempura Fish served with jellied fresh greens, presentation wise was unique followed by interesting but enjoyable taste.

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海灣咖啡屋 Cafe Litoral If we have to recommend only one restaurant in Macao, Cafe Litoral would be the one you simply MUST VISIT!! Specializes in Macanese Cuisine, we can say that the food there is a beautiful marriage between Western and Eastern cuisines.

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The restaurant has a nice homey vibes, their African Chicken 210MOP and Clam dishes are must order.

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Rossio – MGM Hotel Ok, last Hotel All-You-Can-Eat Buffet recommendation, Rossio in MGM Hotel offering delectable fresh seafood buffet, yes you read it right, unlimited of fresh Lobster, Crab, Shrimp, Sushi, as well as other dishes like grilled Mediterranean specialties.

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Their AYCE Lobster was no doubt the main highlight there, it’s fresh, huge and tasty! On the hotel lobby, there’s a huge tank of aquarium, make sure to give it a visit.

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觀海軒 Kwun Hoi Heen – Grand Coloane Resort If you happen to be in Coloane area, Kwun Hoi Heen a visit for legit good Chinese cuisine. Their dimsum simply was the most delicious dimsum we’ve ever had in Macau! Everything was nicely executed, the dimsum were juicy, fresh and beautifully seasoned.

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Tapas de Portugal As the name suggests, this restaurant offers Portuguese style tapas. The taste simply brings back our good memories in Spain, great food plus nice homey Portuguese style decor.

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澳門長洲糯米糍 Mochi Macau – Old Taipa Village Lots of love for these freshly made mochi filled with fresh fruit, the mochi was uber soft and not overly sweet. Our favorite would be their Mango & Durian Mochi 15MOP/pc.

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Halal/ Moslem Friendly Restaurant As requested, here are the list of Halal or Moslem Friendly restaurants in Macao: Golden Peacock (with HALAL cert/Indian) Location: The Venetian Macao (near to South Lobby) Address: Estrada da Baia de Nossa Senhora da Esperanca Casino, Level1, Shop 1037 Tel: +853 8118 9696 Time: 11:00am – 03:00pm (Lunch) 06:00pm – 11:00pm (Dinner) Taste of India (with HALAL cert/Indian) Location: Opposite Ascott Hotel Address: Avenida Sir Anders Ljungstedt No.22AD, Vista Magnifica Court Tel:+853 2872 8413 Time: 12:00pm – 03:00pm (Lunch) 06:00pm – 11:00pm (Dinner) Loulan Islam Restaurant (with HALAL cert/Xinjiang) Location: Intersection of Avenida Almeida and Rua Cinco de Outubro Address: Rua do Teatro, second shop Tel: +853 2853 0264 Time: 11:00am – 02:00am Dong Lai Shun Muslim Restaurant (Beijing) Location: Behind L’Arc Hotel Address: G/F, Kuong Fai Medical and Rehabilitation Centre, 484 R. Cidade de Coimbra, Alameda Dutor Carlos d’Assumpção Tel: +853 2875 5705 Indian Spice (Indian) Location: Opposite shop-lot of the Kun Iam Statue at Peninsula Macao Address, 39, Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcau, Vista Magnifica Court BG/RC Tel: +853 2872 2784 Indian Spice Express (opened by Indian Spice/Indian) Location: Food Court of The Venetian Macao The Venetian Macao Resort, Shop 2513 Tel: +853 2886 6894 Indian Garden (Indian) Location: Taipa Nova Taipa Garden, Flores, Shop 18, G/F, Bloco 27, Rua de Seng Tou Tel: +853 2883 7088 Loly Indonesian Food (Indonesian) Location: Rua da Erva No. 40, Loja A, R/C E S/Loja Tel:+ 853 2855 7318 Time: 11:00am – 10:00pm (Tuesday – Sunday) Café Panorama Location: Grand Coloane Resort, 1918 Estrada de Hac Sa Tel: +853 8899 1020 Time: 07:00am – 12:00am

Of course other than the list above, there are still many delicious places AnakJajan have not explored yet. Will definitely update the list next time if we have the chance to visit Macao again, meanwhile if you have any great recommendation, don’t hesitate to share it on the comment section below. Next post will be Macao Travel Guide – Recommended Places to Visit, stay tuned!

Check link below for more Macao Travel posts   https://anakjajan.com/category/location/macau/

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where to eat what to eat macau

Where and what to eat in Macao

Have you tried Macanese food? Being the first and last Portuguese colony in China guarantees that the cuisine you can now find in the Special Administrative Region of Macao will be reflective of its roots. The end result, Macanese food , is the culinary child of southeastern Chinese and Portuguese cuisines along with Asian influences.

If you’re spending a day or two in the Vegas of the East, gambling and UNESCO Heritage sites are not the only things Macao can offer. Macanese cuisine is also worth the experience and a good way to get to know Macau’s history and culture. Here’s a list of where and what to eat in Macau as recommended by travel bloggers:

Date updated:

Where to eat in Macau and must-try dishes

1. ristorante litoral – macanese food.

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One of the things I was keen to try during our full-on day trip to Macau was Macanese food, a fusion cuisine born of the island’s history as a Portuguese colony. This rich and delicious cuisine combines not only Portuguese and Chinese ingredients, techniques, and flavours but also those from other countries which Portugal colonized including India, Africa, South America, and Malaysia.

Our local expert recommended a visit to Ristorante Litoral, a restaurant serving family recipes in the Macanese tradition.

Our lunch included fresh-from-the-fryer lamb samosas followed by “ Galhina Africana ” (barbequed chicken in a rich coconut and peanut sauce), and “ Minchi con Arroz e ovo estrelado “, a delicately spiced minced beef and potatoes dish topped with a fried egg, and served with rice – this last one considered to the national dish of Macau.

Recommended by: Kavita of Kavey Eats [Follow on Facebook ] RISTORANTE LITORAL Address: Rua do Almirante Sérgio, 261-A, G/F, Barra, Macau

2. Antonio – Macanese food

antonio's restaurant facade macao

Macanese food is credited with being the first truly fusion food that ever existed with the original Portuguese colonial traders arriving in the little Chinese port with their goods from Europe and their trading across the world and incorporating them into their Portuguese heritage used to cooking with Chinese utensils.

One of my favorite Portuguese restaurants in Macau is Antonio. He is not only a fabulous host, always popping by to say hi or even cooking some dishes tableside himself, but also quite authentic.

The restaurant is located in Taipa and is widely lauded as the best-known Portuguese in the city. Here you can find traditional Portuguese dishes like those based on the famous codfish, or other dishes that are very popular in Macau, like the Bacalhau a Braz (egg, potato, onion, and codfish scramble of sorts) or codfish croquettes.

What makes a visit to Antonio extra special is also the decor and the ambiance of the place, spread over three floors and which includes some traditional Portuguese elements like the omnipresent rooster or the blue tiles. If you are there in the summer, take a seat on the outdoor balcony.

Recommended by: Mar of Once in a Lifetime Journey [Follow on Facebook ] ANTONIO Address: Rua dos Clerigos No. 7, Old Taipa Village, Taipa, Macau

3. Ali Curry House – Traditional Portuguese Food

Bacalhau Com Natas

Bacalhau Com Natas . Codfish with cream. And potato. And a guaranteed food coma. I can feel my eyes closing and the smile beginning even as I type this many months after our quest to find traditional Portuguese food in Macau .

We actually started with grilled sardines. Pretty good, and a hint of Portugal, especially when they’re washed down with bottles of Super Bock and local Macau lager.

We found this restaurant through TripAdvisor – and came here specifically for the Bacalhau Com Natas – which is for me, the ultimate comfort food. We’re sat outside Ali Curry House, which is strangely named, seeing as they specialize in Portuguese Food, which isn’t traditionally curry. Still, it was worth the walk. We had a seat outside with a red and white checked tablecloth, some good Portuguese style food and excellent service.

Recommended by: Sarah of A Social Nomad [Follow on Facebook ] ALI CURRY HOUSE Address: Avenida da Republica no 4-K, Macau, China

4. Macau’s back streets – Curry Fish Balls

fish balls in a bowl Macau

It is sometimes hard to see past the celebrated Portuguese influences in Macanese Cuisine , but at street level, you still find the popular staples of Cantonese cuisine, as well as those from the mainland. And one of the most common street snacks has to be “Curry Fish Balls”, which are so popular through Hong Kong and Macau, that they can even be found at the heated counters of the local conveniences (e.g. Circle K).

However, my favourite ever fish ball curry, and probably one of my favourite curry experiences of all time (I love curry) was found in the back street leading down from ‘Igreja da Sé Cathedral’ in the Historic Center of Macao. Where the small shop called Kam Wai Beef Offal dishes out some of the best bowls you can ever find.

And while the kiosk is famous locally for Beef Offal, there are all sorts of meat options available on the menu, to be smothered in the curry. Including fishballs of course, but some more tourist-pleasing bites like sausages and meatballs. Just point out your meats of choice, and they’ll be dished out in a takeaway cup, drowned in curry sauce.

To make the most of the visit I always ask for extra curry, and then I’d drink it straight from the tub when back at the hotel. Expect to pay between 20 Mops, and up to around 50 max. As it will depend on the size of tub and choice of meats.

5. Margaret’s Café e Nata – Egg Tarts

Margaret cafe pastel de nata Macau

Portuguese tarts are really famous in Macau and one of the places I would definitely recommend is Margaret’s Café e Nata. Their egg tarts are authentic and not just some normal egg tarts that you can get in all stores. I love how the pastry is super crispy and has a heavy fill of egg in it. The combination of both is just perfect especially if you have it with coffee.

The only throwback to this is that you have to be stuck in a long queue and the service is poor. If you can see through this, I will definitely recommend this store for amazing egg tarts. Well, you know what they say “ Good things come to those who wait ”.

The location is about 6 minutes walk from Senado Square which is a hotspot for tourist for shopping and also the famous Ruins of St’s Paul. I would recommend you to visit the café when you are around that area. You can choose to take away or have it there but the place is really limited. If you want to skip the queue, the trick is to go 30 minutes before the store opens. Sometimes, you already have queues there on peak season.

Recommended by: Ee Sing of Ee Sing’s Traventures [Follow on Facebook]

6. Lord Stow’s Bakery – Portuguese Egg Tarts

lord stowe pastel de nata macau

Have you ever thought of eating a typical European dessert in the middle of the Asian metropolis Macao? Well, due to its history, the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, an autonomous territory on the western side of the Pearl River estuary in East Asia, still has lots of Portuguese influences that can be felt anywhere, just like while eating dessert.

The typical Portuguese dessert pastel de nata (Portuguese egg tart) can be found in several restaurants and cafés around Macao. This egg tart pastry is topped with cinnamon and super yummy!

The best place to have a taste of it is at Lord Stow’s Bakery. Visiting Stow’s unassuming bakery today and sampling one of his pastel de nata-inspired tarts – with their flaky pastry crusts, delicious egg custard centres and crispy crème brulee tops – provides a window in the baker’s legacy, nearly 10 years after his death. A piece of history that tastes oh so good.

Recommended by: Clemens of Travellers Archive [Follow on Facebook ] LORD STOW'S BRANCHES Original Bakery: 1 Rua do Tassara, Coloane Town Square, Macau

Cafe: 9 Largo do Matadouro, Coloane Village, Macau

Garden Cafe: G/F C Houston Court 21 Largo do Matadouro, Coloane Village, Macau

7. Tai Lei Loi Kei – pork chop buns

pork c

If you haven’t tried eating a pork chop with a bun then I suggest that you head to Tai Lei Loi Kei for their famous tender and succulent pork chop buns. The pork is imported from Brazil mixed with their homemade marinated sauce. However, the classic version (toasted) is only available from 2 PM. Should you arrive there earlier, fret not because you can still order the polo version (pineapple bun). Both sell for MOP 33. Their branch in Taipa can be walked from Galaxy Macau.

Alternative: Sei Kee Cafe’s pork chop bun

8.  Koi Kei Bakery – Almond Cookies

A third alternative for egg tarts would be Koi Kei Bakery but they are more famous for their almond cookies, egg rolls, and crunchy peanuts.

The almond cookies and egg rolls come in different variants but I highly recommend that you try the original versions first.

The branch on the way to the Ruins of St. Paul (from Senado Square) has lots of products available and the best part is you can have a free taste before buying so that can really help you with which ones to buy.

Koi Kei is a popular shop for food souvenirs and they also sell different varieties of meat jerky ( bakkwa ).

Michelin starred restaurants

Robuchon au Dôme  and The Eight , both found in the Grand Lisboa, plus Jade Dragon located at The Shops at the Boulevard, City of Dreams, are the only restaurants in Macau with three Michelin stars.

Robuchon is a flagship from the famous chef, Joël Robuchon, and is perfect for haute cuisine and wine lovers while contemporary Cantonese is what makes The Eight famous. Jade Dragon offers fine dining Cantonese fusion.

Check here for the list of remaining Michelin-starred restaurants in Macau .

Buffet options in Macau

If you like to get the most bang for your buck and you like indulging in buffets, here are some recommended buffets in Macau you can choose from.

Cheap and budget eats in Macau

  • Street Food 

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From Senado Square to the Ruins of St. Paul, there are myriad shops, kiosks, and carts selling street food. Some are even giving free taste! Try peanut porridge, peanut candies, food on skewers, almond cookies, meat jerky, curry noodles, congee, and bubble milk tea.

  • What to try: Tau Fu Far (soybean dessert)
  • Location:  19D Rua da Madeira, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, Macau

2. Wong Chi Kei

  • What to try: Guangdong noodles
  • Location: 17 Largo do Senado, Macau

3. Oja Sopa de Fita Cheong Kei

  • What to try: Shrimp Roe Noodles
  • Location:  G/F, 68 R. da Felicidade, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro

4.  San Long Kei Mei Sek

  • What to try: Crab roe noodles
  • Location:  Rua Sul do Patane, No 29, Centro Comercial Wa Pou, Macau

5. Yee Shun Milk Company (Leiteria I Son)

  • What to try: Steamed Milk pudding
  • Location:  381 Av. de Almeida Ribeiro

6. Gelatina Mok Yi Kei

  • What to try: Durian Ice cream, Serradura
  • Location: 9 Rua do Cunha, Taipa village

7. Dai Gwan

  • What to try: Black pepper pork pie
  • Location:  1 Rua do Monte

8.  Cafe T.H.S. Honolulu

  • What to try: Coffee, breakfast
  • Location:  9 Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral, Macau, China

How to get to Macau

By air: You can fly into Macau via Macau International Airport ( MFM ) located in Taipa, through direct flights from the region and through connecting flights if coming from Europe, the Americas, and other parts of Asia.

By sea: From Hong Kong , visitors can take a ferry via TurboJet or Cotai Water Jet which lasts from 45 minutes to an hour. Ferry terminals are Shun Tak Centre in Hong Kong Island, China Ferry Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, and Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal in New Territories.

Ferry Service is also available from Shenzhen to Macau.

By bus: There are air-conditioned buses that ply the route from Guangdong to Macau via The Border Gate and Cotai Frontier Post. There are also buses from Hong Kong.

Getting Around Macau

Aside from walking a lot, visitors can make use of the free casino shuttle buses . Schedules and routes are usually posted on the hotel website. There are local buse s that run throughout Macao Peninsula, Coloane, and Taipa. Click here for bus schedules and payment details .

Taxis are available throughout Macau but note that drivers often have difficulty speaking English so bring a map and/or Google Translate.

Where to Stay in Macau

Klook pass macao.

Have you tried Macanese cuisine?


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Darlene is currently on the road again and traveling full-time after being an expat/overseas Filipino worker in Qatar. She's rediscovering what it means to travel solo and in her 30s while working on her blogs.

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Jewel Food Court: Changi Airport Singapore (Food Republic)

Pingback: 10 tips for how you can travel macau on the cheap, september 5, 2018.

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I’ve only ever known Portuguese egg tarts when it comes to Macanese cuisine so it’s refreshing to learn about more local cuisine. I’ll be sure to check Ristorante Litoral and Antonio when in Macau!

macau tourism school restaurant

Kavita Favelle

September 4, 2018.

Lovely post, and relived some of our trip. As well as Ristorante Litoral, which I recommended, we also visited Antonio’s, Lord Stow’s, Tai Lei Loi Kei and Koi Kei!

macau tourism school restaurant

I’ll make sure to try Ristorante Litoral and Antonio on my next visit! Thanks for contributing 🙂 Macanese food is indeed one of the best fusion cuisines.

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  • Food guides for travelers /

10 must-try foods and drinks in Macau

10 must-try foods and drinks in Macau

Table of contents

  • 1. Portuguese egg tart, Macau's sweet icon
  • 2. Minchi, the ultimate local comfort food
  • 3. Congee, a Chinese crowd-pleaser with a myriad of toppings
  • 4. Milk tea, Macau's alternative to coffee
  • 5. Dim Sum, essential Cantonese
  • 6. African chicken, creamy and full of flavor
  • 7. Almond cookies, unmissable pastry to taste and bring home
  • 8. Char Siu, Cantonese-style barbeque
  • 9. Wonton noodles, China's favorite kind of soup
  • 10. Serradura, a delicious Portuguese gift to Macau

A former Portuguese colony, Macau is a special administrative region (SAR) on the south coast of China. The city is relatively small but the world's most densely populated. You probably know Macau as a top gambling destination. However, there is much more to explore than casinos. Macau is a melting pot of cultures that offers a unique cultural experience to those willing to explore. From magnificent Portuguese and ancient Chinese temples to breathtaking attractions and mesmerizing festivals, Macau has something for any tourist. 

And if you call yourself a foodie, Macau will not disappoint. Did you know that Macanese cuisine is considered the first-ever fusion cuisine? Macanese cuisine flavors, the city's plethora of fine-dining restaurants, cozy eateries, and exciting street food scene earned Macau the status of UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. Not to get lost among all the culinary offers, read our curated list of 10 must-try foods and drinks in Macau!

Photo from Restaurant Guru

A Chinese dessert served fresh from oven. Tart shells are filled with rich egg custard and go right to the oven. In Hong Kong cuisine, shortcrust pastry or puff pastry is generally used for the base of a tart.

Crunchy on the outside and creamy on the inside, Portuguese egg tart is a symbol of Macau, just like its prominent landmark, The Ruins of St. Paul's. Although the pastry originated in Portugal, this egg tart has a distinctive version in Macau. The main difference from its older brother is that the Macanese tart is less sweet and eggy. 

Could you even consider visiting Macau if you haven't lined up for a few egg tarts at Lord Stow's Bakery & Cafe?  This spot is legendary as that's where Macau's recipe for the Portuguese egg tart was born.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

Meat is a hearty and fulfilling main course, packed with robust flavors. It can be prepared in various ways, such as grilled, roasted, sautéed, or braised. The dish can involve different types of meat like chicken, beef, pork, lamb, or game. Seasonings and marinades can enhance their natural taste, making them tender and juicy.

Minchi is one of the signature dishes of Macanese cuisine. And just like Macanese cuisine has roots in various culinary traditions, so does minchi. The word comes from the English word "mince," as the original recipe includes minced meat , usually beef or pork. The meat is fried with soy and Worcestershire sauces and served with fried potatoes topped with egg. Nothing complex, yet this local dish is an aromatic perfection of home-style cooking.

Every household and restaurant in Macau has its recipe for minchi. But the one you should definitely check out when in town is Belos Tempos . With a casual atmosphere and reasonable prices, Belos Tempos offers time-tested recipes to win your heart and stomach. 

Photo from Google

It's well-known that rice is a staple in Asia. And Macau is not an exemption. One of the most beloved rice dishes in the region is congee, a Chinese rice porridge eaten mainly for breakfast but also as an afternoon or late-night meal. Unlike many other rice recipes, congee takes longer to cook and requires more water. This technique makes the texture soft and creamy. From sweet to savory, you will find various congee toppings in Macau. Choose from exotic century egg and pork intestines, or go for more conventional beef, crab, and fish toppings. 

If you wish for a 100% authentic experience, head to one of the places locals frequent. One of them is a humble eatery in the historic center, Seng Kei Congee . Offering Cantonese specialties for breakfast and early lunch, this cafeteria serves one of the best congees in town.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

When exploring the rich history and culture of the city, sometimes you only need a snack on the go and a drink to keep you energized. Among the most beloved beverages in Macau is milk tea . As simple as the name suggests, it is just tea with sweetened cow milk brewed in a clay pot. Today there are different variations, including the mega-popular bubble tea, and cold milk tea with tapioca. But to truly dive into Macau traditions, try the authentic beverage that people in Macau have been sipping for centuries. It is a standard option at Macau cha chaan tengs, affordable cafes typical in Macau and Hong Kong. Every place has its recipe and secret techniques. Drink it cold or hot; pair it with a pork chop bun or an egg sandwich. Milk tea is a part of Macanese culture that you shouldn't miss out on!  

To enjoy a glass of authentic milk tea and retro vibes, head to one of the oldest cha chaan things in Macau, Nam Ping .

Photo from Foursquare

It is a steamed, fried or baked small-portioned dish served in steamer baskets. It consists of various buns, dumplings and rice noodle rolls filled with a range of ingredients. Usually it is eaten for breakfast or lunch.

Dish sum is a quintessential Chinese meal traditionally eaten for breakfast and brunch, widespread in the South. Thousands of dim sum types include dumplings, rolls, cakes, and so much more. Basically, dim sum is a range of sweet and savory small plates served with tea. Some of the dim sum must-tries in Macau are xiao long bao, steamed dumplings with broth; delicate rice noodle roll; turnip cake, and barbeque pork bun. 

You can find the dim sum in many Macau restaurants, from casual eateries to three-star Michelin restaurants. Are you looking for exquisite gastronomy? There is no better place than The 8 Restaurant with three Michelin stars. With mindblowing design and artistic presentation, The 8 Restaurant   serves some of Macau's most creative and unique dim sum.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

Another Macanese specialty not to miss is African chicken, barbecued poultry topped with a delectable creamy sauce. That sauce, cooked with coconut milk and chili, makes African chicken one of the must-try foods in Macau. Despite what the name suggests, this recipe originated in the SAR. However, the spices such as Piri Piri pepper come from the African Continent. 

Book a table at Restaurante Litoral to taste one of Macau's most flavorsome African chickens. This home of Macanese cuisine offers family recipes with flawless service, a mix that is hard to beat.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

Walking the streets of Macau, you will notice that pastry shops are a big part of local gastronomy. People in Macau have a sweet tooth too! And among the multitude of traditional  pastries and sweets, the renowned almond cookie stands out. Funny enough, its original recipe didn't contain almonds, only mung bean flour. But its almond shape gave the biscuit its name. However, today almonds are commonly used in these biscuits. 

Apart from being a must-try food to eat in Macau, almond cooky is the ultimate edible souvenir to bring home. Find one of the oldest pastry shops, Pastelaria Fong Kei , on the vibrant Rua do Cunha in Taipa. Not just a bakery but a part of Macau's culinary heritage, Fong Kei has been baking almond cookies since 1902.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

A traditional Chinese, particularly Cantonese, dish - barbecued pork. Typically it is a pork shoulder cut in long boneless strips seasoned with honey, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, five-spice powder and rice wine, roasted over an open fire. May be served with rice, noodles, or alone as a main dish.

Who doesn't love some perfectly roasted BBQ? When in Macau, do it like Cantonese and taste char siu. To prepare it, chefs source high-quality pork, season it with five-spice powder and glaze it with honey, fermented bean curd, soy sauce, and hoisin sauce. Then, the seasoned pork spends enough time in a rotisserie to make it juicy on the inside and caramelized on the outside. Restaurants often serve char siu with fluffy steamed rice. You will also see street vendors selling this aromatic delicacy all over the town.

Should you wish to discover this must-try food in an exquisite setting, make a reservation at Jade Dragon . Sophisticated diners chose this restaurant with three Michelin stars for its unparalleled service, lavish design, and, most importantly, the refined culinary experience.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

It is impossible to imagine Chinese cuisine without noodles, a dish cherished among locals and foreigners alike. Whether spicy Sichuan dan dan noodles or meaty zha jiang mian from Beijing, noodles are eaten all across China and around the globe, too. While you can find hundreds of different noodles in Macau, arguably the most beloved in the area is wonton noodles . Served in a bowl of vegetable broth with shrimp wontons and egg noodles, this is a must-try food when you are looking for something hearty and easy on the stomach. 

With an array of eateries offering this dish, one that earned some of the most praise is Wong Chi Kei . This long-established restaurant with more than half a century of history has two other branches in Macau.

Photo from Foursquare

Serradura is a layered dessert born in Portugal and introduced in Macau during colonial times. It means "sawdust" in Portuguese for the finely crumbled tea biscuits . It is easy to make and requires only a few ingredients, which doesn't make it any less saught-after. Layers of crushed biscuits alternate layers of whisked cream. Then, the dessert needs around five hours in the fridge to be served cold. Yum!

Today serradura might be even more popular in Macau than in its country of origin. So it won't be hard to find it around town. You can finalize your meal with serradura in most Portuguese and Macanese restaurants. For example, try  Espaço Lisboa in Coloane, a charming Portuguese restaurant mentioned in the Michelin guide. 

The Portuguese egg tart sounds like an absolute must-try, especially at Lord Stow's Bakery & Cafe. I can't wait to indulge in this sweet icon and discover more fusion dishes that have made Macau a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.

Great food and best restaurants in Macau

Chinese restaurants in Macau

Tasty dishes and restaurant features in Macau


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2 Two MICHELIN Star restaurants

7 one michelin star restaurants.

Beluga – located at the National Hotel, near the Red Square, Beluga offers one of the finest selections of caviar and vodka in the whole of Russia. While experiencing the authentic soul of this historical place, gourmets can discover and enjoy the elegant and delicate cuisine of chef Evgeny Vikentiev. Biologie - Chef Ekaterina Alehina offers her guests a journey through a personal cuisine, with a strong accent on sustainability, focusing on organic products. You can also find the chef’s artistic personality in the restaurant itself, which is decorated with her own paintings and furniture she made herself. Grand Cru – “Bienvenue” to this establishment, with a cozy atmosphere, proposing first class modernized classic French cuisine and one of the best wine lists in Moscow. The Alsatian chef David Hemmerle brings an enjoyable piece of French finesse to Moscow. Sakhalin – Located on the 22nd floor of an imposing building, Alexey Kogay’s cuisine has a pleasant selection of first-class seafood from Russia, including products caught off the namesake island. This elegant and trendy restaurant offers also an impressive view of the city. Savva – Chef Andrei Shmakov knows how to mix classical techniques and modernism to offer a subtle Russian cuisine. The elegance of the restaurant and the high-quality service makes it a not-to-be missed spot for Muscovite gourmets.

© White Rabbit

Selfie – Chef Anatoly Kazakov is a fine chef at the forefront of modern gastronomy. This restaurant proposes creative dishes, where the main stars are the ingredients, uplifted to their best by the chef’s techniques. White Rabbit – Chef Vladimir Mukhin’s cooking is as impressive as the wonderful view offered by the panoramic glass roof. This young chef makes you enjoy a cuisine as modern as personal, that knows how to enhance local products. An experience between discovery and nostalgy.

News & Views

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The MICHELIN Guide’s Next Stop: Province of Québec

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53 restaurants spotlighted in the first selection of the MICHELIN Guide Istanbul

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  1. Macau's Best Cultural Restaurants

    macau tourism school restaurant

  2. 澳門旅遊學院教學餐廳

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  3. Macao Institute for Tourism Studies

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  4. 澳門旅遊學院教學餐廳

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  5. 近近哋嘆米芝蓮 澳門旅遊學院學煮非洲雞

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  3. Exploring Portuguese Food in Macau 🇵🇹🇲🇴 Modern Cuisine Brunch

  4. 1993 macau tourism office cup

  5. Praha Restaurant at Harbour View Hotel Macau

  6. Macau Street Food Staples (Senado Square, dumplings, waffles, etc.)


  1. UTM Educational Restaurant

    The Educational Restaurant, a part of the Division of Food and Beverage at UTM, is a unique training unit. Located on the University Mong-Há Campus, it provides a practical educational setting where the restaurant's professional staff guides and supervises undergraduate students. ... Macao University of Tourism, Colina de Mong-Há, Macau ...

  2. IFTM Educational Restaurant

    Saturday. 12:00-15:00. 18:30-22:00. Sunday. closed. IFTM Educational Restaurant - a Bib Gourmand: good quality, good value cooking restaurant in the 2024 MICHELIN Guide Macau. The MICHELIN inspectors' point of view, information on prices, types of cuisine and opening hours on the MICHELIN Guide's official website.

  3. IFT Educational Restaurant

    IFTM Educational Restaurant is another training unit for IFMT's (Macao Institute For Tourism Studies) bachelor degree students, especially those who specialized in hotel management, event management, and culinary arts management.Located on the school's premises, it offers a wide selection of both gourmet and traditional dishes for everyone to try.

  4. IFTM Educational Restaurant remains Macao's sole venue awarded Michelin

    IFTM Educational Restaurant remains Macao's sole venue ...


    Claimed. Review. Share. 315 reviews. #29 of 825 Restaurants in Macau $$ - $$$, European, Portuguese, Vegetarian Friendly. Colina de Mong-Ha, Macau 999078 China. +853 8598 3077 + Add website. Closes in 13 min See all hours. Improve this listing.


    IFTM Educational Restaurant, Macau: See 315 unbiased reviews of IFTM Educational Restaurant, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #29 of 957 restaurants in Macau. ... Training restaurant for students at this school. Food is good and the plate is decorated very nice. I would recommend friend to have a try. Read more. Written May 3, 2018.

  7. 澳門旅遊學院教學餐廳

    澳門旅遊學院教學餐廳 - a 必比登推介:具質素且經濟實惠的美食 restaurant in the 2024 MICHELIN Guide 澳門. The MICHELIN inspectors' point of view, information on prices, types of cuisine and opening hours on the MICHELIN Guide's official website

  8. IFTM Educational Restaurant endeavours to keep Macanese cuisine alive

    As a training facility of the Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, the restaurant helps hospitality and culinary arts students gain real-world experience ... After establishing a trading outpost ...

  9. The meteoric rise of Macao's top hospitality school: IFTM

    The school's Educational restaurant serves as a testing ground for new ideas Undergraduate students get similar opportunities at IFTM, too. Run in partnership with Les Roches and the Glion Institute of Higher Education - both top-10 hospitality schools in the QS rankings - the "3+1" dual bachelor's programme allows students to ...

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  12. IFTM Educational Restaurant

    Saturday. 12:00-15:00. 18:30-22:00. Sunday. closed. IFTM Educational Restaurant - a Bib Gourmand: good quality, good value cooking restaurant in the 2024 MICHELIN Guide Macau. The MICHELIN inspectors' point of view, information on prices, types of cuisine and opening hours on the MICHELIN Guide's official website.

  13. Where do Macao's top chefs eat out?

    Educational Restaurant at IFTM Set within the Macau Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM) campus, the Educational Restaurant serves authentic Macanese and Portuguese dishes prepared by up-and-coming hospitality students. Li appreciates that the restaurant is committed to sourcing organic food and adopting sustainable practices whenever possible.

  14. Macao Institute for Tourism Studies

    The Macao Institute for Tourism Studies is located in Mong-Há and features a restaurant open to public during weekdays, where students learn the craft. ... The Best Thai Restaurants in Macau. Restaurants. Lifestyle. Categories. Wellness; Weddings; Family; People; ... School - Monday-Friday, 8:00am-10:00pm. Restaurant - Monday-Friday ...

  15. Where to Eat in MACAU • Top 5 Restaurants for Any Budget (From Street

    Where to Eat in MACAU • Top 5 Restaurants for Any ...


    IFTM Educational Restaurant. Unclaimed. Review. 315 reviews. #29 of 821 Restaurants in Macau $$ - $$$, European, Portuguese, Vegetarian Friendly. Colina de Mong-Ha, Macau China. +853 2851 5222 + Add website. Opens in 16 min See all hours. Improve this listing.


    Halal/ Moslem Friendly Restaurant. As requested, here are the list of Halal or Moslem Friendly restaurants in Macao: Golden Peacock (with HALAL cert/Indian) Location: The Venetian Macao. (near to South Lobby) Address: Estrada da Baia de Nossa Senhora da Esperanca Casino, Level1, Shop 1037. Tel: +853 8118 9696.

  18. Where and what to eat in Macao

    Try peanut porridge, peanut candies, food on skewers, almond cookies, meat jerky, curry noodles, congee, and bubble milk tea. What to try: Tau Fu Far (soybean dessert) Location: 19D Rua da Madeira, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro, Macau. 2. Wong Chi Kei.

  19. 10 must-try foods and drinks in Macau

    8. Char Siu, Cantonese-style barbeque. 9. Wonton noodles, China's favorite kind of soup. 10. Serradura, a delicious Portuguese gift to Macau. A former Portuguese colony, Macau is a special administrative region (SAR) on the south coast of China. The city is relatively small but the world's most densely populated.

  20. Best Brunch in Macau!

    Belon, Banyan Tree Macau: Best Brunch in Macau! - See 163 traveler reviews, 222 candid photos, and great deals for Macau, China, at Tripadvisor. Macau. Macau Tourism Macau Hotels Macau Bed and Breakfast Macau Vacation Rentals Flights to Macau Belon, Banyan Tree Macau; Things to Do in Macau Macau Travel Forum Macau Photos Macau Map

  21. Macau street restaurants Stock Photos and Images

    Find the perfect macau street restaurants stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Available for both RF and RM licensing.

  22. Ferry from Chek Lap Kok?

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  23. How Do the Representatives of Small and Micro Restaurants Perceive Food

    With data from a sample of 200 Dutch restaurants, which were collected through surveys and analyzed with regression analysis, we came to two key findings. ... A case of Macau. Waste Manag. 2021, 130, 107-116. [Google Scholar] ... Mise-en-place circular economy policies and waste management practices in tourism cities. Sustainability 2021, 13 ...

  24. 69 culinary hotspots in the very first MICHELIN Guide Moscow

    2 Two MICHELIN Star restaurants ARTEST Chef's table - Offering foodies a visual and immersive experience, thanks to the very special design of the small restaurant, Artem Estafiev's Chef's table, focuses on fermentation, contrasting flavors and extremely variable textures. Certainly one of the most modern cuisines in Moscow. Twins Garden - Twin brothers Ivan & Sergey Berezutsky ...