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14 Best Places to Visit in Chad

A visit to Chad is not for the fainthearted. The country has been described as extreme in a continent that is full of destinations that will leave you out of your comfort zone. The country is certainly one that will leave you with memories, good and bad, that you will never forget.

Currently conflict in the country has made it simply to unsafe to visit but even in times of peace; this is a country for the travel hardened adventurer. Finding a comfortable hotel to spend a night is difficult, finding a road that is safe to travel on is even more so. The heat can often be unbearable with temperatures regularly exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. Oh and don’t forget that the police and military here are corrupt and will ask you for “gifts” as negotiation.

You may find yourself asking “well, why would anyone want to visit Chad?”. The answer could be the stunning terrain of the Sahara Desert which is some of the most oddly beautiful in the world, or the answer could be the animals that live in the Zakouma National Park. In all likelyhood however the reason for visiting a country like Chad is simply to experience what life is like in one of the most hostile and poorest parts of the world. A trip to Chad is far from a holiday but more of a life lesson.

Lets explore the best places to visit in Chad :

1. N’Djamena


The capital and largest city in Chad, N’djamena is a blend of modern and historic cultures. The population of N’Djamena is growing at an alarming rate due to many citizens of the country seeking the opportunities that come with life in the city.

Despite the modern appearance of some buildings, there are many mud-brick structures that will remind you that you are still in one of the world’s poorest countries. The nightlife here is truly amazing and the lively bars have to be powered by hundreds of generators that reinforce the national grid.

The national museum, which explores the history of Chad for the last several thousand years, and the central market are the two main attractions in the daytime.


Sarh was once the site of the French Colonial Fort Archambault. It is located on the Chari River, roughly 350 miles away from the capital city of N’Djamena.

The climate here is warm with a wet season which makes it perfect for cotton production; the city’s main export. Visitors will find that the city is served by an international airport and, although there are not many tourist sights as such, the city has a great performing arts scene.

Music and concerts will keep you entertained into the early hours in Sarh.

3. Faya-Largeau


Faya-Largeau is the largest city in the north of Chad and is one the very edge of the Sahara desert. The heat here is immense and temperatures rise above 40 degrees Celsius and regularly exceed this until October.

The annual rainfall in the city is about half an inch. The reason to visit here is the nearby rugged terrain of the Sahara desert.

If you can arrange a tour with a local guide then be prepared to be blown away by the harsh but beautiful Sahara desert.

4. Zakouma National Park

Zakouma National Park

Zakouma National Park, in the south-eastern region of Chad, covers an area of roughly 3,000 square kilometers. It is regarded as one of the last places in Central Africa that is truly a refuge for wildlife and it is considered to be one of the most successful conservation efforts in the area.

The park is teeming with rare and diverse species of mammals and birds. The Tinga Camp offers accommodation for up to 490 people and is in the heart of the best game viewing area in the park.

You can enjoy your dinner whilst enjoying the ambiance of the African bush.

5. Am Timan

Am Timan

Am Timan is the capital city of the Salamat region in Chad. The name translates to “mother of the twins” but the origin for the name remains unknown.

The city is very poor and underdeveloped but is known for hosting the biggest and most vibrant markets in the county as well as incredible holiday celebrations.

Conflicts in the area have affected cotton plantations and processing plants in the area but if you do find yourself in the city be sure to visit its market for the best shopping experience in the country.

Lake Chad

The city of Bol is served by its own airport and can be found in the Lac region of the country. It is mostly visited because of Lake Chad which is very close by. Lake Chad was once the largest freshwater lake in the world however it is slowly drying up and even vanished completely during the droughts of 1984.

In the dry season the lake usually occupies 10,000 square km but this can more than double in the wet season. A finger of this lake extends to Bol and is there all year.

Try to hire a boat and explore the lake to witness hippos, floating islands and rare birds.


The Ennedi region of Chadis home to the Ennedi Desert. The landscape is harsh, occupied mainly by scorpions and beetles but it is also home to some of the most beautiful and unusual rock formations in the world.

The landscape is mostly flat but jutting up regularly are large stone arches and jagged rock formations that are like natural works of arts.

The area is hard to reach and difficult to survive in, requiring carefully thought out plans and provisions, but those who venture here are rewarded with some of the most stunning natural landscapes in the world.

8. The Lakes of Ouinanga

Lakes of Ouinanga

Found in the Sahara Desert, the Lakes of Ouinanga consists of 18 lakes in total which are supplied by so-called underground fossil water.

The rain fell many thousands of years ago when the climate was much wetter than it is today. In fact the lakes now only receive 2mm of rainfall each year. Some of the lakes are salty whereas others are fresh and support life.

The lakes are Chad’s sole Unesco World Heritage Site.

9. Tibesti Mountains

Top view of Emi Koussi

The Tibesti Mountains are difficult to reach and explore but there are many things here that will reward adventurous travellers.

The highest peak here is the Emi Koussi which stands at 3,500m above sea level. The peak is actually a huge extinct volcano and only the experienced should consider climbing it.

For travellers there are many great things to do in the area such as watching camel racing, view ancient rock art and enjoy the nearby hot thermal springs.

10. Moundou


Moundou is the second largest city in Chad and lies on the Mbere River. The city is home to the Gala Brewery which has produced the most popular lager in the country since independence.

More than a million barrels of the nectar are produced each year. Tours of the brewery are available for visitors and a cold glass of the lager is a great way to cool down from the intense heat of Chad.

The city is also home of the Ngambi people.

11. Douguia


Douguia is as close as you will get to a tourist hotspot in the country of Chad. The city owes much of its tourist popularity to the Chari River on which it is situated.

A popular activity in the city is to take a tour with Boatman, a local who will take you on a river tour in a traditional canoe.

Along the way you will witness what life is like for local people as well as local bird and wild life.


Capital of the Ouaddai Region and served by its own airport, Abeche is the fourth largest city in Chad.

The city was the ancient capital of the country and has remnants littered throughout including mosques, sultan’s tombs and palace ruins. The ruins are kept safe behind a protective wall but the city has retained a lot of its ancient charm.

Whilst walking the ancient streets, you will encounter many tribespeople from the surrounding desert.

13. Aouk National Park

Aouk National Park

Aouk National Park is another of Chad’s wildlife sanctuary’s and although the park has not flourished with the same protection as Zakouma National Park it is still home to a vast and impressive mix of mammals and birdlife.

The park covers an area of around 7,500 kilometers and can be visited with a guide as part of a 4×4 safari excursion.

14. Goz Beida

Goz Beida

Goz Beida is a town in the Sila region of Chad. The town is best visited as a base for exploration of the nearby national park of the same name.

The Goz Beida National Park occupies an area of around 3,000 square kilometers and, although it has been affected by conflicts as well as illegal poaching and other atrocities, it is a haven for both rare and endangered species.

The town of Goz Beida has its own airport which is about 3 miles away from the town itself.

14 Best Places to Visit in Chad:

  • Faya-Largeau
  • Zakouma National Park
  • The Lakes of Ouinanga
  • Tibesti Mountains
  • Aouk National Park

11 Best Places to Visit in Chad

View to Boukkou lake group of Ounianga Serir lakes Ennedi Chad

Posted on September 9, 2022 |

The Republic of Chad is a landlocked country in Western Africa that borders the countries of Sudan, Niger, and Cameroon to the north and east. To the south, it borders the Central African Republic, Cameroon, and Nigeria. In the west, it borders the Niger River.

Chad’s climate is arid and semi-arid. Between 2000 and 2016, the population declined by 10%, from 14 to 12 million. Despite this, tourism is growing. In 2016, it was estimated that 100,000 tourists visited Chad, which is up from 80,000 in 2015 and 20,000 in 2010.

The high inflow of tourists has contributed to the country’s economy by creating jobs and increasing revenue. Tourists can enjoy Chad’s diverse landscape by hiking, biking, and visiting National Parks. They can also visit the famous site of Adré.

Adré is home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the N’Djamena Great Mosque, which stands 70 meters tall. Additionally, Chad’s capital, N’Djamena, has an interesting mix of French and Arabic influences. Overall, tourists will enjoy visiting Chad.

The best time to visit Chad is from December to April. This is the dry season when roads to national parks are passable and safari camps open. Otherwise, June to August is the best time to visit. Otherwise, March and May are the hottest months of the year. We’ve put together the places you don’t want to miss. Let’s dive in.

N’Djamena, the Capital City


For tourists, N’Djamena has lots to offer. There’s an open-air market that operates from dawn until dusk, which is a good place to find souvenirs. You’ll have to sort through a lot of trash to find the items you want, but it’s also a great place to watch people go by.

The capital and largest city of Chad, N’Djamena is a beautiful place to visit. It is experiencing rapid growth and has a quaint, upscale vibe. Many of the buildings in N’Djamena are made from mud bricks, and there is thriving nightlife. In the middle of the city, a central market serves as a focal point during the day.

The city’s historical buildings are beautiful and its market is a colorful and energetic place to spend the day. The city also features a museum with items dating back to the 9th century. You can also explore the city’s lively nightlife.

There are several cultural attractions in N’Djamena, including the National Museum. It has a diverse collection of items from the country’s history, including items from ancient Africa and the Sahara. You can also see traditional art in a small museum that is situated in the center of the city.

The Chadian capital is a fascinating city that boasts a blend of prehistoric and contemporary cultural norms. The western part of the city is dominated by colonial architecture, while the eastern part is a mix of indigenous and foreign localities. During the day, the central market is the main attraction of N’Djamena.

The Ennedi Plateau, One of the Top Tourist Attractions in Chad

Panoramic view to Teli lake group of Ounianga Serir lakes at the Ennedi Chad

The Ennedi Plateau is home to a series of ancient sandstone formations. One of these formations is the Ennedi Arch, which is 120 meters high and 74 meters wide. It is also home to cave paintings that date back over a thousand years.

It is located in the north of Chad and is surrounded by neighboring Niger. It is located at an altitude of 550 meters and is surrounded by rocky hills and vas dunes. This region is a great destination for nature enthusiasts.

In this vast expanse of desert, you can find some of the oldest rock art in the world, which dates back more than 7,000 years. These images were created by ancient people, who lived in this harsh environment. Many of these paintings still stand today, thanks to the desert’s dry climate. The desert also provides a rich environment for rock climbing, which is a popular activity here.

Ennedi Plateau is a fascinating place for nature lovers. This region is home to more than a hundred species of animals and plants, including crocodiles. It is also the last home of the endangered desert crocodile. You can also see Barbary sheep, a type of antelope, and camels.

It’s also home to many rock paintings that are considered important to human history. This area features some of the world’s most unique animals and is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Chad. It has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site, and this means that visitors can enjoy the beauty and rare animals of this region.

A trip to the Ennedi Plateau is one of the best ways to experience the beauty of the Sahara. This sandstone plateau is the highest point in the Sahara, with sandstone rock formations spanning across its length. A visit here will also allow you to see the renowned Toubou camel herders corralling their charges in the folds.

The Ennedi Plateau is an incredibly unique place to visit in Chad. It has incredible rock formations that are shaped by wind and water erosion. This unique environment supports rich flora and fauna. In addition to the rock formations, the area also boasts one of the most extensive collections of rock art in Africa.

Panorama inside canyon aka Guelta d-Archei in East Ennedi-Chad

The town of Fada is one of the best places in Chad for exploring the Sahara desert. The town of Fada is located near the desert pond, or guelta, which is an important source of water in the desert. It is home to endemic crocodiles of the Sahara. Visiting Chad is best done with a local guide, who can help you get around on a budget.

Located about a thousand kilometers north of the capital, Fada is an enchanting place to visit. It has strange rock formations and several cave paintings dating back to 5,000 years ago. Another place to visit in Chad is the Tibesti Mountains, which are located in the central Sahara desert in the Bourkou-Ennedi-Tibesti region. These mountains are renowned for their ancient cave paintings.

Fada, Chad is a small town with a relatively low elevation. Despite being only a few meters above sea level, Fada is the perfect place for families to spend a family vacation. Visitors can enjoy water sports, waterfalls, and caves here, as well as enjoy scenic road trips.

The city of Fada is the capital of the Ennedi-Ouest Region of Chad and is home to many ancient cave paintings and unique rock formations. The Telegraph has called Fada one of the world’s most beautiful geological wonders.

Goz Beida near Abeche Chad source wikipedia

Abeche is the cultural heart of Chad. It’s the fourth largest city in the country and is home to the ruins of former sultan palaces, mosques, and sultan’s tombs. The town was an important trading center and preserved the ruins of its past beauty. Abeche is also home to various tribespeople who come from the desert nearby.

It is well connected to the rest of Chad by air and offers a variety of things to see and do. The city is a fascinating place to visit if you’re interested in ancient history, architecture, and culture. You can visit the palace of the sultan, the mosque, and other historical buildings in the city. The city is also protected by a well-preserved wall, which provides a unique and interesting look into its past.

The fourth largest city in Chad and also the capital of the Ouaddai Region, Abeche is an ancient city with ancient tombs and fortresses. It is also a major city in Chad for cattle raising and has some of the largest markets in the country. The city also offers some of the country’s best shopping.

Tibesti Mountains

Abstract Rock formation at plateau Ennedi aka stone forest in Chad

The Tibesti Mountains are one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Chad. The highest peak is 3,445 meters above sea level and is home to the Toubou people. This region is ideal for hiking and mountaineering, and tourists can experience camel racing and ancient rock art.

You can also see ancient rock art in the mountains, which dates back up to 8,000 years. The Southeastern range of mountains also has the Aorounga Impact Crater, which was formed when a comet or asteroid hit the earth. It was later eroded by the wind from the northeast but retains its bulls-eye shape.

The Tibesti Mountains are home to the Toubou people, who live on oases found only in the mountain range. These communities harness the water from these gueltas, which are extremely variable. They graze livestock and harvest grain on the plateaus in winter and summer. The area’s high altitude keeps it cooler than the surrounding desert.

While the Tibesti Mountains are remote and difficult to reach, they offer many rewards for the most adventurous travelers. For example, if you are a climber, you can scale the tallest peak in the region, Emi Koussi, which is over 3,500 meters above sea level. The Tibesti Mountains are also home to hot thermal springs.

The Tibesti Mountains are home to a variety of plants and animals. You can observe Barbary sheep and Rhim gazelle. The Tibesti region also features beautiful rock art, which records the animal and human life that once thrived there. In addition, you can observe golden jackals.

Guelta d’Archei

View into the legendary Guelta d-Archei Ennedi massif Sahara Chad

The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Guelta d’Archei is a place where you can see the dromedaries, which are often brought to this oasis by herdsmen. Watch as the animals wander around in the canyon, looking for a quiet spot to drink.

It is possible to hike into the canyon to see the Guelta d’Archei. This canyon is 120 meters deep, and the walls are made up of vertical rock. The black waters are the excrement of thousands of camels over the centuries. They’re rich with fish, and crocodiles live at the gorge’s bottom.

Travel to Guelta d’Archei is a little bit difficult, as it is off the beaten path. However, a trip there is a wonderful way to experience the beauty of the Sahara desert. This oasis is surrounded by dunes and spectacular canyons. You can even spot herds of dromedaries.

Thousands of years ago, this vast region of the Sahara was lush and green, with lakes, savannas, and herds of iconic animals. Though the vast area is now a barren desert, small pockets of wildlife still occupy this region.

A journey across the barren landscape to reach Guelta d’Archei reveals some of the region’s most ancient rock paintings. Dating back to the middle Holocene, the ancient paintings depict everyday life and hunting activities. The paintings are a testament to the artists’ skill.

Guelta De Bachikele

Panoramic view to Teli lake group of Ounianga Serir lakes at the-Ennedi-Chad

Guelta de Bachikele is located 75 kilometers from Guelta d’Archei. This place is also one of the top places to visit in Chad for its enchanting landscape.

It is a natural oasis located in northern Tchad. It is not as famous as the Guelta d’Archei, but it is no less beautiful. The canyons are surrounded by palm trees and are a perfect place to soak your feet in. The canyons have rich vegetation and thousands of camels often stop to take a dip.

The area is home to a large number of relict species. Nile crocodiles are one of these relict species. Although these crocodiles are common in this area, their population is extremely small. This area is one of the few places in the world where they can be found.

The Guelta de Bachikele is not as famous as the Guelta d’Archei, but it is no less beautiful. The canyons are surrounded by palm trees and are a perfect place to soak your feet in. The canyons have rich vegetation and thousands of camels often stop to take a dip.

Arco de Aloba

Panorama inside canyon aka Guelta d-Archei in East Ennedi Chad

Located in northern Chad, Arco de Aloba is the oldest city in the country. It is home to the Nagambie people and also has a large Muslim population. It is also home to a large cotton research institute and a brewery, which was established in 1964. It is one of the most important commercial establishments in the country.

It is also home to secondary schools, hospitals, and regional air transportation. While you’re there, make sure to stop by the brewery, which produces millions of barrels of beer each year. This is a great way to cool off during the Chad heat.

The Aloba Arch is another must-see when visiting Chad. This natural arch, which spans 250 feet, is the second-tallest arch in the world. Located in the remote northeastern Ennedi Plateau, this arch was shaped by a unique combination of weathering and development mechanisms millions of years ago. The arch is a fascinating and unique sight to see. It was praised by Jay Wilbur, and he wrote a famous essay about it.

Lakes of Ounianga

Lakes of Ounianga Chad

The Lakes of Ounianga are a series of lakes in the Sahara Desert that are situated in North-Eastern Chad. The lakes lie within a basin formed by the mountains of West Tibesti and Ennedi East. The area is considered a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The lakes of Ounianga are located in a hyper-arid region of the Sahara, where rainfall is minimal, at only 2 millimeters per year. The lakes are a result of ancient water that flows from the basin beneath the sandstone cliffs and hills. This makes them the largest freshwater lakes in an arid environment. They are the remnants of a larger lake that once occupied the basin more than 5,000 years ago. As a result of climate change, the lake’s volume dwindled and the basin became fragmented.

Once a single connected freshwater lake, the Lakes of Ounianga Serir now consist of 16 lakes of varying sizes. Many of them are covered with reeds. The evaporation rate of Lake Yoa has reached 6,000 millimeters per year, which is more than two-and-a-half times the amount of rainfall in Cologne.

The lakes are protected from salt concentrations because of a unique geological mechanism. The sand tongues in the lakes play a vital role in keeping the water clean.

Zakouma National Park

Small herd of African elephants Zakouma National Park Chad

Zakouma National Park is spread across 3,000 square kilometers and is home to a wide variety of animals. Lions, leopards, rhinos, and elephants are some of the animals that can be found here. Chad is also home to many different types of birds.

The Zakouma Elephant National Park is home to one of Africa’s largest herds of elephants. The park is also home to half of the world’s population of the Kordofan giraffe, a critically endangered subspecies. This park is also a birder’s paradise, with over 400 species recorded. It’s also an important stopover for many species on their migration routes.

The park is a 3,000-square-kilometer protected area in southern Chad. It is the country’s oldest protected park, and African Parks and the Chadian government currently manage it. Visitors can view rare species of birds and mammals in this park, including the endangered black rhino.

Zakouma National Park is a wildlife haven that is not as developed as Emi Koussi but is still home to a variety of mammals and birds. You can take a guided tour of the park, or hire a 4×4 safari tour guide to explore the park on your own.

Chad National Museum

Chad National Museum

If you’re looking for a cultural break, the Chad National Museum is the perfect place to visit. Its collection includes artifacts from the Sahara, ancient Africa, and the Middle East. The museum also includes local items. The museum is popular with both locals and tourists.

The museum is located in the capital city of N’Djamena. The museum was originally established in late 1962 and moved to its current location in 2006. The museum has four basic exhibits, focusing on prehistoric, medieval, and recent human history. The museum also contains a skull of the sahelanthropus, a distant ancestor of humans that lived in the region seven million years ago.

The museum’s collection includes masks, weapons, and musical instruments. Other museums in the country include the Kotoko Museum, which houses pottery and architectural artifacts. Another museum is in Faya, which is one of the largest oasis towns in the world. You can visit the museum by car or on foot.

A visit to Chad is a great way to explore the country’s natural wonders and safari potential. From Lake Chad to the Ennedi Plateau, the country has a wide variety of animals to see, including lions, leopards, and rhinos. The country also has an interesting cultural heritage. Visitors can learn about the local crafts in Gaoui, as well as the prehistoric cave paintings in the country’s mountains.

If you’re looking for a unique vacation destination, Chad is worth a visit. This African country is known for its diverse culture and ancient history. The country is also home to the vast Plateau region, which is a huge plateau with caves, ponds, stone arches, and thousands-year-old petroglyphs. Whether you plan on going for a few days or weeks, there are many things to do in Chad.

When you visit Chad, you’ll enjoy ancient history and culture. You’ll also find an incredibly diverse geography with a vast plateau region that is home to caves, ponds, stone arches, and thousands of years of petroglyphs. Whatever your reason for visiting this country, it’s worth a trip.

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3 places to visit in chad

Shutterstock / Torsten Pursche

Chad has always been some place where travellers wave goodbye to their comfort zone and say hello to adventure. Even when it is safe to visit, which sadly it is currently not, the art of travel here is demanding in every sense of the word. This, though, is part of the country's allure, an opportunity to break emphatically away from all that you know, and come to a place that promises experiences, good and bad, that happen nowhere else. But if Chad is such a demanding place to travel, why ever bother? Picture sublime oases hiding in the northern deserts, stampeding herds of wildlife running through national parks and deep blues awaiting boats on Lake Chad – put simply, when Chad is accessible it's a country and an experience that can never be forgotten.


Must-see attractions.

Zakouma National Park

Zakouma National Park

This national park is a major Chadian success story. After poaching and civil war ravaged the area's wildlife, the animal population has been steadily…


Lake Chad was once one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. Its dry season area of under 10,000 sq km can rise to 25,000 sq km at the height of…


The Tibesti Mountains remain off-limits but Ennedi desert is just as weird and wonderful. Attractions include prehistoric cave paintings, slot canyons,…

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Tensions with its neighbour Libya have riddled Chad with bullet-holes in its infrastructure and living conditions.

The capital, N’Djamena, probably the only place that you will get to visit, is on the rebuild and the atmosphere there is upbeat. By and large, the people are friendly and relaxed but respect their local traditions and culture and will expect you to do the same. Though there is current stability, the area is volatile and that stability could deteriorate unexpectedly, particularly in border areas.

  • Capital: N'Djamena
  • Currency: Communauté Financière Africaine (BEAC) CFA Franc
  • Area: 1.284 million km2
  • Population: 15,48 million (2018)
  • Language: French (official), Arabic (official), Chadian Arabic (lingua franca trade language), Sara (in south), more than 150 different languages and dialects
  • Religion: Muslim 57%, Traditional 18.8%, Roman Catholic and Other 13.7%, Protestant 10.5%,
  • Electricity: in certain towns; mostly generator-powered



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3 places to visit in chad


Most destinations have different times of the year when they’re more or less popular with tourists. 

Peak Season

Shoulder Season

Off Peak Season

Climate Chart with avergae monthly temperatues and rainfall


The best time to visit Chad depends on your preferences and what you plan to do during your trip. Chad has a hot and dry desert climate with two main seasons: the dry season and the rainy season.

The dry season runs from November to April, and this is generally considered the best time to visit Chad. During this period, the weather is hot and dry, with very little rainfall. This makes it ideal for activities such as wildlife viewing, cultural tours, and outdoor adventures.

The rainy season runs from May to October, with heavy rains and high humidity. During this period, some roads may be impassable, and certain tourist attractions may be closed. However, this season can be a great time to visit if you are interested in bird watching or seeing the desert in bloom.

Overall, if you want to experience the best that Chad has to offer, it's best to visit during the dry season, from November to April.


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The cost of travel to Chad can vary depending on several factors, such as the time of year you visit, the length of your stay, your travel style, and the activities you plan to do. Here are some estimated costs to give you an idea:

  • Flights : Round-trip flights from major cities to N'Djamena, the capital of Chad, can cost anywhere from $800 to $1,500 or more, depending on the season and how early you book your flights.
  • Accommodation : In N'Djamena, budget accommodations like hostels and guesthouses can cost around $10 to $30 per night, while mid-range hotels can cost around $50 to $100 per night. Luxury hotels can cost upwards of $150 per night. Outside the capital, accommodations may be more basic and cheaper.
  • Food : Food in Chad can be very affordable, with street food and local markets offering meals for around $2 to $5. Restaurants and hotels can cost around $15 to $25 per meal.
  • Transportation : Public transportation in Chad can be very basic and not always reliable. Taxis are widely available, but you should negotiate fares before getting in. Car rentals with a driver can be expensive, but may be necessary for certain destinations. Expect to pay around $50 to $100 per day for a car rental with a driver.
  • Activities : The cost of activities can vary widely depending on what you plan to do. Entry fees to national parks and cultural sites can be around $10 to $20, while guided tours can cost upwards of $100 or more.

Overall, budget travelers can expect to spend around $40 to $50 per day, while mid-range travelers can expect to spend around $80 to $100 per day. Luxury travelers can expect to spend upwards of $200 per day or more.


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Here are some travel tips for Chad:

  • Research travel advisories : Before traveling to Chad, check the latest travel advisories from your country's embassy. Chad can be a challenging destination due to safety concerns, so it's important to stay informed.
  • Get the necessary vaccinations : Make sure to get all the necessary vaccinations before traveling to Chad. The country is at risk for several diseases, including yellow fever, meningitis, and malaria.
  • Be respectful of local customs : Chad is a predominantly Muslim country, so it's important to be respectful of local customs and dress modestly. Women should cover their shoulders and knees, and it's a good idea to avoid wearing shorts or revealing clothing in public.
  • Learn some French : French is the official language of Chad, so it's a good idea to learn some basic French phrases to help with communication.
  • Carry cash : Credit cards are not widely accepted in Chad, so it's important to carry cash with you. U.S. dollars and euros are both accepted, but be sure to carry small bills as larger bills can be difficult to change.
  • Be prepared for the weather : Chad has a hot and dry climate, so be prepared for the heat. Wear lightweight, breathable clothing, and carry plenty of water with you.
  • Respect the wildlife : Chad is home to several unique species of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and giraffes. If you plan to go on a safari or visit a national park, be respectful of the animals and follow the instructions of your guide.
  • Hire a reputable tour operator : If you're planning a trip to Chad, it's a good idea to hire a reputable tour operator who can help you navigate the country safely. Look for tour operators who have experience working in Chad and who have good reviews online.
  • Keep an open mind : Chad is a unique and often challenging destination, so it's important to keep an open mind and be flexible with your plans. Embrace the experience and enjoy all that this fascinating country has to offer.


Chad is divided into 23 regions, each with its own unique characteristics and attractions. Here are some highlights of the main regions of Chad:

N'Djamena : The capital city of Chad, N'Djamena is located in the southwestern part of the country. It is the largest city in Chad and the economic and political center of the country. Highlights include the National Museum of Chad, the Central Market, and the Grand Mosque.

Lake Chad Basin : Located in the southwestern part of Chad, the Lake Chad Basin is a beautiful natural area that is home to several unique species of wildlife, including hippos, elephants, and crocodiles. Visitors can take boat tours of the lake, visit the nearby Chari-Baguirmi region, or explore the historic city of Mao.

Tibesti : Located in the northern part of Chad, the Tibesti region is a beautiful desert area that is home to several unique geological formations, including the Tibesti Mountains and the Ennedi Plateau. Visitors can explore the area by 4x4, take camel treks, or visit ancient rock art sites.

Kanem : Located in the central part of Chad, the Kanem region is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Highlights include the historic town of Nokou, the ancient capital of Kanem-Bornu, and the annual Gerewol festival, which celebrates the beauty and strength of the Wodaabe people.

Chari-Baguirmi : Located in the southwestern part of Chad, the Chari-Baguirmi region is known for its beautiful landscapes, including the Chari River and several national parks. Highlights include the Aouk national park, the Zakouma national park, and the Bahr el Gazal nature reserve.

Guéra : Located in the central part of Chad, the Guéra region is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditional way of life. Visitors can explore the historic city of Mongo, visit local markets, and learn about the traditional craft of pottery-making.

Logone Oriental : Located in the southeastern part of Chad, the Logone Oriental region is known for its diverse wildlife and natural beauty. Highlights include the Manda national park, the Bamingui-Bangoran national park, and the Chinko nature reserve. Visitors can go on guided safaris, take bird-watching tours, or go fishing in the Logone River.

These are just some of the highlights of the main regions of Chad. Each region has its own unique attractions and experiences to offer, making Chad a fascinating and diverse destination.


Chad is a unique and fascinating country with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty. Here are some of the best things to see and do when visiting Chad:

Visit the Zakouma National Park : This park is located in southeastern Chad and is one of the largest and most beautiful national parks in the country. Visitors can go on guided safaris to see elephants, lions, giraffes, and other wildlife, or take a hot air balloon ride for a bird's-eye view of the park.

Explore the Ennedi Plateau : Located in the northeastern part of Chad, the Ennedi Plateau is a stunning natural area with beautiful rock formations, hidden caves, and ancient rock art sites. Visitors can go on guided treks to explore the area and see the beautiful landscapes.

Visit the capital city of N'Djamena : The largest city in Chad, N'Djamena is a bustling metropolis with a rich cultural heritage. Highlights include the National Museum of Chad, the Grand Mosque, and the Central Market.

Take a camel trek through the desert : Chad is home to vast desert areas, and visitors can take camel treks to explore the beautiful landscapes and experience the traditional way of life of the nomadic people who call this region home.

Attend a Gerewol festival : This annual festival, which takes place in the Kanem region, celebrates the beauty and strength of the Wodaabe people. Visitors can see traditional dances, music performances, and enjoy the colorful spectacle of the festival.

Explore Lake Chad : Lake Chad is a stunning natural area that is home to several unique species of wildlife, including hippos, elephants, and crocodiles. Visitors can take boat tours of the lake or explore the nearby Chari-Baguirmi region.

Visit the historic town of Nokou : Located in the Kanem region, Nokou is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is home to several historic buildings and cultural landmarks. Visitors can explore the town and learn about its rich history and cultural heritage.

These are just some of the best things to see and do when visiting Chad. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or nature, Chad has something to offer everyone.

3 places to visit in chad


Chad's cuisine is diverse and flavorful, with a mix of African, Arabic, and French influences. Here are some popular dishes to try when visiting Chad:

Chakalaka : a spicy vegetable relish made with onions, peppers, and tomatoes.

Couscous : a staple dish in Chad made from semolina grains and often served with a spicy meat or vegetable sauce.

Brochettes : grilled meat skewers, typically made with goat, beef, or chicken.

Maafe : a peanut-based stew made with beef or chicken and served over rice.

Salads : Chad is known for its fresh and colorful salads, often made with tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions.

Millet porridge : a popular breakfast dish made with millet flour and often eaten with milk or yogurt.

Pounded yam : a starchy side dish made from yam, typically served with a spicy soup or stew.

Chad is also known for its tea culture, and you'll find sweet, spiced tea being served everywhere from street vendors to fancy hotels. Be sure to try some while you're there!


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3 places to visit in chad


When visiting Chad, it's important to note that the country has limited tourist infrastructure and significant security challenges in certain areas. Traveling to Chad requires careful planning, including consulting with relevant authorities and obtaining updated travel advisories.

When visiting Chad for the first time, selecting the right area or region to stay in is crucial for a rewarding experience, considering factors like safety, accessibility to attractions, and available amenities. Here are some recommendations along with accommodation suggestions for each category: budget, mid-range, and luxury.

Stay in N'Djamena:

N'Djamena, the capital city of Chad, serves as the country's political, economic, and cultural hub, offering visitors a glimpse into Chad's diverse cultures, bustling markets, and historical landmarks.

Stay in Faya-Largeau:

Faya-Largeau is a town located in the northern part of Chad, known for its desert landscapes, ancient rock formations, and proximity to attractions like the Ennedi Plateau and the Tibesti Mountains.

Stay in Abeche:

Abeche is a historic town located in the eastern part of Chad, known for its ancient mosques, colorful markets, and cultural heritage, providing visitors with insights into Chad's rich history and traditions.

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When staying in N'Djamena or any other location in Chad, it's essential to remain vigilant, follow local laws and customs, and stay informed about the security situation. It's also advisable to travel with a reputable tour operator or hire a trusted local guide for added safety and assistance. Additionally, registering with your embassy or consulate and obtaining comprehensive travel insurance are recommended steps for visiting Chad.


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Chad Travel Guide

Chad Travel Guide

Travel & Tourism

Expensive, remote, and sometimes dangerous outside the capital, Chad can be a very challenging place to visit, but by investing in the effort and taking safety precautions, travelers may gain a memorable tourism experience. Located in the heart of Africa, Chad is known for its stark expanses of savanna dotted with traditional villages. N’Djamena, Chad’s capital and largest city, is one of the only urban areas in a country still dominated by a rural lifestyle. The gorgeous Tibesti Mountains and Lake Chad are two of Chad’s most notable natural landmarks. The latter, now only 5% of its former size due to climate change and population pressures, should be on every adventure traveler’s “what to see before it’s gone” list.

What to Do in Chad

1. Lake Chad:  Once one of the world’s largest lakes, almost as large as the Caspian Sea, Lake Chad has been affected more drastically by climate change than almost any other place on the African continent or in the world. As the region’s seasonal monsoons have changed course and farmers have used more water for irrigation, Lake Chad has shrunk to 5 percent of its former size in only 35 years. Despite the changes, it remains a popular fishing and boating spot. See it because it’s beautiful, see it because it’s off the beaten track, see it for the catfish, but see it soon—because in ten years it might be gone.

2. Markets:  N’Djamena has excellent shopping for tourists, and the best place to find carpets, clothing, tropical fruit, carvings, and more is the open-air market in the historic quarter of the city. The market, which operates daily from dawn to dusk, serves as a kind of magnet for the city’s knickknacks, but to find the choicest art and the good deals, you’ll have to sift through all manner of junk. Doing so in itself is an adventure, though, and the market affords some of the city’s best people watching as locals sell, haggle, and socialize.

3. N’Djamena’s Central Mosque:  The architectural, social, and religious center of N’Djamena, the central mosque can be seen from many parts of town. In addition to the mosque itself, the complex has a library, a lecture hall, and two schools, although visitors should be able to speak Chadian Arabic if they hope to benefit much from these facilities.

4. Stroll in N’Djamena:  It may lack the tourist infrastructure of Dakar or Nairobi, but N’Djamena positively buzzes with life, and even if you spend less time at museums and monuments, you’ll learn just as much by observing the people around you. One of the best places to do that is Avenue Charles de Gaulle, lined with embassies, high-end restaurants, and Victorian homes that recall Chad’s days of European rule.

5. Tibesti Mountains:  Although travel to the Tibesti Mountains is both difficult and dangerous at this time, the area has a stark, dramatic landscape of canyons and sheer rock faces topped by forest. The Toubou tribe still lives traditionally in villages within the range but tends to be hostile to visitors.

6. Zakouma National Park:  Poaching remains a problem in the park. The Chadian government and the European Union have recently restocked it, though, and it is once again one of the best places to spot herds of elephants, as well as wildebeests, antelopes, and lions.

The dry season (September to June) is the best for travel between cities, though it’s unlikely that tourists will be doing much of that in the near future. Rebel activity also increases during that time, so the period between June and August may be the safest one for visiting, if somewhat more inconvenient.

Getting In and Around

Visas:  With the exception of those from a few neighboring African countries, Chad requires a visa and valid passport of all visitors, who must then register with the national police within 72 hours of their arrival. Visas should be arranged for in advance.

Transportation:  Except for the main roads in N’Djamena, almost all roads in Chad are unpaved and poorly maintained, but driving is the only method of transportation available outside the capital. Roadside bandits target drivers, particularly those in foreign cars, and there are few gas stations or repair shops. Most of N’Djamena is accessible by foot or car, although a few taxis hang around the wealthier parts of town.

Safety and Security

Concerned about your safety as you plan travel to Chad? We at, together with our friends, family and colleagues, travel extensively throughout the continent. Here are the resources we consult when thinking of our safety in Chad:

•  UK Government Chad Travel Advice Guidance comment: Very timely and frequently updated. Perspective assumes that you ARE going to travel to Chad, and seeks to give you good guidance so that you understand the risks and are well informed.

•  U.S. State Department Travel Advisory on Chad comment: Can sometimes be considered as overly conservative and discourage travel altogether to destinations that many reasonable people find acceptably secure. On the other hand, they have the resources of the CIA to inform them, so they know things that the rest of us don’t know. See what they have to say about Chad.

Local Advice

1. Chad is home to more than 200 indigenous ethnic groups (many with their own languages), and a dialect called Chadian Arabic is used the most often as the lingua franca. Visitors can usually get by in French, especially in N’Djamena. Learn at least a few phrases before you go.

2. The majority of Chad’s population is Muslim, although social conventions, especially for women’s dress and behavior, are generally more relaxed than in North and West Africa. Make sure to eat with your right hand only; many Chadians, Muslim or not, consider it offensive to use one’s left hand, and the issue is almost certain to come up since most locals eat with their hands except in upscale restaurants.

3. As in Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea, the official currency in Chad is the Central African CFA franc, not to be confused with the West African CFA franc. Credit cards are rarely accepted. You can change money at the airport or the larger banks in N’Djamena.

4. Officially, all photographing in Chad requires a government permit. While this rule is unlikely to be enforced, particularly with foreigners, police may use it as an excuse to confiscate your camera or demand a bribe. If you plan on staying in Chad for a long period of time and taking many photos, you might consider getting the permit.

5. Especially during the wet season, malaria can be a major problem in Chad. Take antimalarial medications with you, along with insect repellent and mosquito netting, as many hotels do not have the latter.

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20 Top places to visit in Chad

Table of contents, 1. abeche city.

  • 2. The N'Djamena Grand Mosque
  • 3. The N'Djamena National Museum

4. The Grande Marche Central Market

5. lake chad, 6. shari river, 7. the sahara desert, 8. the tibesti highlands, 9. emi koussi, 10. tarso voon stratovolcano, 11. the ennedi plateau , 12. zakouma national park , 13. manda national park, 14. siniaka-minia faunal reserve, 15. fada archei faunal reserve, 16. faya oasis town.

  • 17. Guelta d'Archei 

18. Gaoui Village

19. lake katam, 20. lake yoa.

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20 Top places to visit in Chad

2. The N'Djamena Grand Mosque

grand mosque of ndjamena

3. The N'Djamena National Museum

ndjamena national museum

17. Guelta d'Archei 

mud built houses

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3 places to visit in chad

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Things to see and do in Chad

Attractions in chad, admire the artefacts at the national museum.

Housed in a purpose-built structure on the edge of the city, the National Museum at N'Djaména features a range of fine collections, which explore everything from folk art and to the traditions of the country's people. Outside stands an elegant modern sculpture of a tribesperson with the world in the palm of their hand.

Head to the camel races

Catch a glimpse of some of the best camel racing in the world in the Tibesti Mountains, home of the fierce Toubou tribe. This astonishing Saharan region of chasms and crags contains palm-fringed oases, ancient rock art, hot springs, and Emi Koussi, the country's highest peak, at 3,450m (11,300ft).

Marvel at an inland sea

Lake Chad must be seen to be believed. Not only was the lake the centre of Africa's lucrative salt trade, but it is also one of the largest fresh water lakes in the world. It is best visited between August and December, when the water level is highest and the occasional hippo or crocodile can be seen drifting by. Though spectacular, there are fears for Lake Chad, which has shrunk dramatically over the last 30 years due to climate change and the demands of agriculture.

Quaff cold beers on a brewery tour

Take a glug of cold beer at the Gala Brewery in Moundou, Chad's second largest city. Produced since independence, it is the country's most popular lager, with over one million barrels produced each year. Located in Chad's far south, Moundou is also home to the Ngambai people.

Relax in Douguia

With its beautiful location on the Chari River, Douguia was designed as a tourist centre and has indeed become something of a hotspot. Boatman take visitors out on the water in traditional pirogue canoes to explore the region, witnessing the everyday lives of locals, large flocks of birds, and hippos.

See the coloured lakes of Ounianga

A UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2012, the lakes of Ounianga are a series of 18 interconnected lakes that help form a surreal waterscape within the depths of the Sahara Desert. The colours can be astonishing, with the lake waters ranging from blue and green to red as a result of their varying chemical compositions.

Trek to Guelta d’Archei

Located in the striking Ennedi Plateau in Chad's northeast, the Guelta d'Archei is a long-used desert waterhole vital for the survival of a number of species in the area. The small population of Nile crocodile that remain here is probably the last in the Sahara.

Visit the ancient city of Abéché

A former capital of the powerful Ouadaï sultanate, Abéché has retained much of its ancient charm. The old city and its somewhat rundown sultan's palace, mosques and dynastic tombs remain behind a protective wall, while the cobbled streets are walked by nomadic tribespeople visiting from the surrounding desert.

Wander N'Djaména's distinctive quarters

Chad's capital is slowly regaining its reputation as one of Central Africa's liveliest cities. The historic quarter, with its colourful daily market, is fascinating place to examine Chadian rugs and jewellery up close. The Arab quarter remains understated and quiet at night, while the African quarter is alive with bars.

Witness Chad’s wildlife at Zakouma National Park

Zakouma National Park is located on an immense plain, across which the Bahr Salamat River and its tributaries flow from north to south. Refurbished and restocked with wildlife, visitors can see herds of elephant, as well as giraffe and lion, either on game drives or on ranger-guided walks.

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Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In Chad:

Enchanting wonders: exploring the gems of chad.

N'Djamena Places To Visit In Chad

Tucked away in the heart of Africa, Chad stands as a land of undiscovered beauty and hidden treasures. With its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and fascinating history, Chad is a destination that promises intrepid travelers an unforgettable adventure. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore some of the most captivating places to visit in Chad.

Map of Chad Showing Bordering Countries:

Places To Visit In Chad

Map Showing Chad Location In Africa:

Places To Visit In Chad

Countries Bordering Chad:

Chad is bordered by Libya to the north , Sudan to the east , the Central African Republic to the south , Cameroon to the southwest , Nigeria to the southwest (at Lake Chad), and Niger to the west.

  • Central African Republic

1. Zakouma National Park: A Wildlife Wonderland:

Places To Visit In Chad

Our journey commences at Zakouma National Park, a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. This protected area is home to a stunning array of African wildlife, including elephants, lions, giraffes, and a plethora of bird species. Embarking on a safari here is like stepping into the pages of a National Geographic magazine, where untamed nature reigns supreme.

Unique Experience: Witnessing the annual elephant migration in Zakouma is a breathtaking experience that will leave you in awe of the natural world.

3 places to visit in chad

2. Ennedi Plateau: A Desert Dreamland:

Places To Visit In Chad

Next on our adventure is the otherworldly Ennedi Plateau. This UNESCO World Heritage site boasts dramatic rock formations, ancient cave paintings, and desert landscapes that seem to belong to another planet. Exploring the labyrinthine rock arches and canyons is like wandering through an artist’s surreal masterpiece.

Hidden Gem: Don’t miss the Guelta d’Archei, a desert oasis that serves as a watering hole for camels and other wildlife, surrounded by towering cliffs. There’s also some elusive crocodiles..

3 places to visit in chad

3. N’Djamena: Where Past Meets Present:

Places To Visit In Chad

Chad’s capital city, N’Djamena, offers a fascinating blend of modernity and history. Stroll through the bustling markets, where vibrant textiles and local crafts tempt the senses. Dive into the city’s past at the Chad National Museum, showcasing artifacts that shed light on the region’s rich heritage.

Culinary Delight: Indulge in a taste of Chadian cuisine with dishes like Chadian-style grilled fish and millet porridge, giving your taste buds a delightful cultural experience.

3 places to visit in chad

4. Ounianga Lakes: Miracles in the Desert:

Places To Visit In Chad

Prepare to be enchanted by the Ounianga Lakes, a collection of turquoise-hued desert lakes nestled amidst the arid landscape. These shimmering oases seem like a mirage, a testament to the extraordinary beauty that nature can create even in the most unlikely places.

Unforgettable Moment: As the sun sets over the Ounianga Lakes, the colors play a symphony across the water’s surface, creating a magical scene that’s perfect for photography.

3 places to visit in chad

5. Gaoui: Ancient City of Sahelian Splendor:

Places To Visit In Chad

Our journey concludes in Gaoui, a historic town with adobe architecture that transports visitors back in time. The highlight here is the Gaoui Sultanate Palace, an architectural marvel that provides insights into the region’s rich history and cultural heritage.

Sunset Serenity: Climb to the top of Gaoui Hill for a panoramic view of the town and its surroundings, and witness a stunning sunset that paints the landscape in warm hues.

3 places to visit in chad

Did we mention the food? EAT!

Places To Visit In Chad food

Embarking on a culinary journey through Chad is like diving into a rich tapestry of flavors that have been woven over centuries. Chad’s cuisine is a reflection of its diverse cultures and geography, resulting in a fusion of ingredients and techniques.

Savory stews known as “dama” and “lahoh” made from millet flour are staples, often accompanied by locally sourced vegetables and meats. One cannot miss the aroma of “fitfitu,” a spiced bread dish that tantalizes the senses.

Sharing meals with locals under starlit skies, savoring the tender “boule” bread with aromatic sauces, and indulging in the ever-present tea culture are experiences that form an integral part of Chad’s cultural fabric.

In Chad, food isn’t just sustenance; it’s a gateway to understanding the heritage and traditions that have shaped this remarkable land.

3 places to visit in chad

Essential Things to Know Before Traveling to Chad:

Traveling to Chad, a unique and diverse country in Central Africa, requires careful planning and preparation. Here are some essential things to know before you embark on your journey:

  • Visa and Entry Requirements: Check the visa requirements for your nationality well in advance and apply for the appropriate visa. Make sure your passport has enough blank pages and is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date.
  • Safety and Security: Chad has regions with security concerns, including areas near borders and those affected by conflict. Stay updated on travel advisories, register with your embassy, and follow local guidelines. Avoid unnecessary risks and be cautious when traveling in remote or less-traveled areas.
  • Health Precautions: Chad is a region with health risks such as malaria and other tropical diseases. Consult a travel clinic for recommended vaccinations and medications. Carry insect repellent, use mosquito nets, and take necessary precautions to protect your health.
  • Language: French and Arabic are the official languages. Learning a few basic phrases can be helpful for communication, especially in rural areas where English might not be widely spoken.
  • Local Customs and Etiquette: Respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly, especially in more conservative areas, and ask for permission before taking photos of people or their belongings.
  • Currency and Money: The currency used is the Central African CFA franc (XAF). Cash is widely used, and ATMs might be limited, especially outside major cities. Carry enough local currency for your trip.
  • Infrastructure and Services: Chad’s infrastructure can be limited, especially in rural areas. Electricity and water supply might be inconsistent, and internet access could be limited.
  • Transportation: Transportation options can be challenging due to limited road infrastructure and security concerns. Domestic flights might be available between major cities, but road travel could be the main mode of transportation.
  • Accommodation: Accommodation options vary from basic guesthouses to more upscale hotels, especially in urban areas. Booking in advance is recommended, especially during peak travel seasons.
  • Weather and Clothing: Chad experiences a range of climates, from the arid Saharan regions to more temperate areas. Pack clothing suitable for the climate, and bring layers for temperature variations between day and night.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Chad is home to diverse ethnic groups and cultures. Show respect for local customs and avoid discussing sensitive topics. Be open to learning about the local way of life.
  • Local Laws and Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations, including those related to photography, public behavior, and the possession of certain items.
  • Health Related Considerations: Check for any travel restrictions, entry requirements, and health protocols. Stay updated with information from official sources and your airline.
  • Local Advice: Upon arrival, seek advice from fellow travelers, locals, or reputable guides about current conditions and the safest ways to explore the country.

Remember that Chad offers unique experiences and landscapes, but it also requires a higher level of preparation due to its challenges. Staying informed, respecting local customs, and prioritizing safety will contribute to a more enjoyable and enriching travel experience.

How to Get to Chad:

Getting to Chad involves international flights, as the country is located in Central Africa. Here’s a general guide on how to get to Chad:

1. International Flights: The main gateway to Chad is N’Djamena International Airport (NDJ), located in the capital city, N’Djamena. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Choose Your Departure City: Begin by selecting a departure city that offers flights to N’Djamena. Major international airports in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East typically have connections to Chad.
  • Book a Flight: Search for flights to N’Djamena International Airport (NDJ) from your departure city. Online flight search engines and travel agencies can help you find suitable options.
  • Flight Connections: Depending on your departure city, you might need to connect through major hubs like Addis Ababa, Cairo, Istanbul, or Paris. Connecting flights can have layovers, so consider the duration and comfort of these layovers when booking.

2. Entry Requirements and Visa: Check the visa requirements for your nationality before traveling to Chad. Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date. Apply for a visa well in advance if required.

3. Accommodation and Local Transportation: Upon arrival in N’Djamena, you’ll find various accommodation options, including hotels and guesthouses. Arrange local transportation to your accommodation in advance, and consider using reputable airport transfer services.

4. Travel Restrictions: Check for travel restrictions, entry requirements, and any health protocols before your trip. Stay updated with information from official sources and your airline.

5. Domestic Travel within Chad: If your destination within Chad is outside of N’Djamena, you might need to take domestic flights or use ground transportation to reach your final destination. Domestic flights within Chad are limited and may not be available to all destinations.

6. Consult Airlines and Travel Agencies: For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consult airlines, travel agencies, and official government sources. These sources can provide you with details about flight schedules, routes, and any travel advisories for Chad.

Remember that conditions can change, so staying informed and adaptable is important when traveling to Chad. Always prioritize your safety and follow local advice and guidelines.

How to Get Around Chad:

Getting around Chad can be a bit challenging due to limited infrastructure and vast distances, but with some careful planning and flexibility, you can navigate the country effectively. Here are the primary modes of transportation you can use to get around Chad:

1. Domestic Flights: Domestic flights are available between major cities in Chad. The main domestic airports include N’Djamena, Abeche, Moundou, and Sarh. These flights can save you time and effort, especially when covering long distances.

2. Road Travel: Roads in Chad can vary in quality, and travel by road can be challenging, especially outside urban areas. Here are some options for road travel:

  • Buses and Shared Taxis: Public buses and shared taxis are commonly used for local and intercity travel. While they might not always adhere to strict schedules, they are a cost-effective way to get around.
  • Private Taxis: You can hire private taxis for more convenience and comfort. Negotiate fares in advance, and make sure to confirm the price before starting your journey.

3. Motorcycle Taxis (Boda-bodas): In some urban areas, motorcycle taxis are a popular and efficient mode of transportation for short distances. Always prioritize safety by wearing a helmet.

4. River Transport: Chad has several navigable rivers, and river transport is used in certain regions. This can be an interesting and unique way to explore parts of the country.

5. Safety Considerations: Chad’s security situation can be complex, and traveling outside of urban areas can pose risks due to conflicts and security concerns. Always stay informed about the local situation, travel advisories, and follow local guidelines. Traveling with a guide, especially in remote areas, is advisable.

6. Language Considerations: French is the official language of Chad, and it’s beneficial to have at least a basic understanding of French, as it will aid communication with locals and transportation providers.

7. Local Advice: Upon arrival in Chad, seek advice from fellow travelers, expatriates, and locals regarding the best transportation options for your specific itinerary.

8. Patience and Flexibility: Keep in mind that transportation in Chad might not always run on a fixed schedule, and unexpected delays can occur. Be patient, allow extra time for travel, and remain flexible in your plans.

9. Travel Restrictions: Check for any travel restrictions, entry requirements, and health protocols before you travel. Stay updated with information from official sources and your transportation providers.

Remember that getting around Chad might require more time and effort compared to more developed countries. It’s essential to prioritize your safety, stay informed, and be adaptable to the local conditions for a smoother travel experience.

FAQ – Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In Chad and Traveling to Chad in General

Traveling to chad: frequently asked questions (faq).

1. Is it safe to travel to Chad? Chad has security concerns due to political instability and conflicts. Stay informed about travel advisories, register with your embassy, and avoid unnecessary risks. Traveling with a guide and staying updated on the local situation is advisable.

2. Do I need a visa to visit Chad? Most travelers to Chad require a visa for entry. Check the visa requirements for your nationality and ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date.

3. How can I get to Chad? You can reach Chad by taking international flights to N’Djamena International Airport (NDJ), the main gateway. Major airports in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East offer connections to Chad.

4. What’s the local currency in Chad? The currency used is the Central African CFA franc (XAF). It’s recommended to carry local currency, as cash is widely used and ATMs may be limited.

5. What languages are spoken in Chad? French and Arabic are the official languages. Learning some basic French phrases can help with communication, especially in rural areas.

6. How’s the transportation within Chad? Transportation options include domestic flights (between major cities), public buses, shared taxis, private taxis, and motorcycle taxis. Be prepared for varying conditions and limited schedules.

7. Are there health risks in Chad? Chad has health risks like malaria and tropical diseases. Consult a travel clinic for vaccinations and carry necessary medications. Protect yourself from insect bites using repellent and mosquito nets.

8. What about local customs and etiquette? Respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly, ask for permission before taking photos of people, and learn about the local way of life.

9. What’s the weather like in Chad? Chad has diverse climates, from desert to more temperate regions. Pack clothing suitable for the climate and consider temperature variations between day and night.

10. Are there Health related restrictions in Chad? Check for travel restrictions, entry requirements, and health protocols before your trip. Stay updated with information from official sources and your airline.

11. What’s unique about Chad’s culture? Chad is a melting pot of cultures and ethnic groups. Engage with locals, experience traditional ceremonies, and explore markets to understand the nation’s rich heritage.

12. How do I stay safe in Chad? Prioritize safety due to security concerns. Follow travel advisories, register with your embassy, and consider traveling with a guide, especially in remote areas.

13. Can I travel to Chad solo? Solo travel is possible but requires thorough research and preparation due to security concerns. Traveling with a group or a local guide can enhance safety and provide a more immersive experience.

14. What’s the best time to visit Chad? The dry season from November to March is generally the best time to visit, with more comfortable temperatures and fewer rain-related travel disruptions.

Exploring Chad offers a unique blend of adventure and cultural immersion. By staying informed, respecting local customs, and prioritizing safety, you can embark on a rewarding and enriching journey through this remarkable country.

Best Places To Visit In Chad: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Places to Visit in Chad

1. What are the must-visit places in Chad? Chad offers a variety of captivating destinations. Explore N’Djamena’s vibrant markets, experience the wildlife of Zakouma National Park, marvel at the Ennedi Plateau’s rock formations, and discover the Ounianga Lakes’ serene beauty.

2. Is Zakouma National Park worth visiting? Absolutely. Zakouma National Park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, home to elephants, lions, and diverse bird species. Embark on a safari to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

3. What’s unique about the Ennedi Plateau? The Ennedi Plateau is a geological wonder with sandstone formations resembling sculptures. You can explore hidden caves, discover ancient rock art, and immerse yourself in a surreal landscape that feels like another world.

4. Are the Ounianga Lakes worth the visit? Without a doubt. The Ounianga Lakes are an oasis in the Sahara Desert, featuring turquoise waters against a backdrop of golden sands. The lakes create a surreal scene that’s a photographer’s dream.

5. Can I experience local culture in Chad? Yes, Chad offers rich cultural experiences. Engage with locals in N’Djamena’s markets, witness traditional ceremonies, and explore villages to connect with the diverse ethnic groups that call Chad home.

6. What’s the capital city, N’Djamena, like? N’Djamena is a blend of modernity and tradition. Explore the Grand Marché for local crafts, visit the National Museum to delve into Chad’s history, and experience the city’s lively atmosphere.

7. How can I reach the Ennedi Plateau? Getting to the Ennedi Plateau might involve a combination of road travel and local transportation. Plan your journey with a reliable local guide or transportation provider.

8. Is Chad suitable for adventure seekers? Definitely. Chad’s landscapes offer opportunities for adventure, from safaris in national parks to exploring the Ennedi Plateau’s remote terrain. Be prepared for varying conditions and prioritize safety.

9. Can I capture unique photographs in Chad? Absolutely. Chad’s diverse landscapes, wildlife, and cultural interactions offer exceptional photography opportunities. Always ask for permission before photographing people, especially in rural areas.

10. How do I stay informed about local conditions? Stay updated with travel advisories, security information, and entry requirements from official sources and embassies. Connect with fellow travelers and consult locals for the latest information.

11. What’s the best time to visit Chad? The dry season from November to March is generally considered the best time to visit. During this period, the weather is more pleasant for outdoor activities, and wildlife is more active.

12. Can I visit Chad as a solo traveler? Solo travel is possible, but it’s advisable to plan ahead due to security concerns. Traveling with a group or local guide can enhance safety and provide a deeper cultural experience.

Exploring Chad promises unique and breathtaking experiences. By staying informed, respecting local customs, and prioritizing safety, you can embark on a journey that reveals the beauty, culture, and history of this captivating country.

You want more on Places to Visit in Chad? ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In Chad – Final Thoughts:

As we bid adieu to Chad, let’s carry with us the memories of N’Djamena’s vibrant streets, Zakouma’s wild encounters, Ennedi’s timeless wonders, Ounianga’s surreal beauty, and the echoes of history in Goz Beida.

Chad’s allure lies in its ability to transport us to another world, where nature and heritage blend seamlessly.

So, adventurers, heed the call of Chad and embark on a journey that promises not only breathtaking landscapes but also an understanding of a land that is as captivating as it is unexplored.

Places To Visit In Chad

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Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In Chad – By David John

5 Best Places To Visit In Chad: Cover Image by gva & nyt

Best Places To Visit In Chad: flickr images licensed under  CC BY 2.0 Courtesy: js

Additional images:  adobe  ·   colourbox  ·   istock  ·   pexels  ·   shutterstock  ·   unsplash   unless otherwise stated .

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Chad: Things to See and Do in N’djamena (Tourist Attractions)

N’djamena is a French word meaning “place of rest”, it is also the capital of Chad. N’djamena’s port is on the Chari River near the tributary of the Logone River and faces Cameroon near Kousseri City. Begin your trip by relaxing to a lovely pleasant atmosphere by the views of the magnificent Chari River from the terrace of the Meridien Chari Hotel. The semi-arid climate is usually between 58°F to 107°F. The wet season is short, between June and September and the long dry season is from October to May, with the highest temperatures between the months of March and June.

Local inexpensive restaurants are not easy to locate, most are in the rear of the shops though narrow alleyways. Most are crowded at lunchtime with locals. However, you will discover many other restaurants in the city ranging from budget to pricey.


Grande Mosquee:

The Grande Mosquee is at the city center and the striking minarets setting can be seen from afar. The landmark is also a great point of interest to help you get around town.

Grand Marche (Central Market):

The central market area has colonial architecture along the wide streets lined with minibuses, internet cafes, banks, embassies, airlines, supermarkets and patisseries. Located in the West side of N’Djamena, to the east of Grand Marche are mud brick houses of local residents, street stalls, African bars and small shops.

N’Djamena Cathedral and the Musée National:

Its located at the east-west points of Avenue Charles de Gaulle and Avenue FelixEboue. The Presidential Palace is located to the East.

Douguia is a tourist center, just north of N’Djamena. Here you can take a boat trip on the Chari River (featuring spectacular sunset views) which forms the national border with Cameroon.

Hadjer el Hamis:

Hadjer el Hamis is a unique place to visit and see the volcanic Elephant Rock. To get a closer look, hire a 4WD. The road is made of soft sandy rocks. If you dare to hike up to the legs of the elephant, ask to be shown the best path.

N’Djamena Restaurants:

Experience a variety of food from Arab, Chadian and Chinese cuisines.  Here are just a few:

Zakouma National Park:

Another great option is to visit the Zakouma National Park in March or April and see herds of elephants, lions, giraffes, monkeys and wildebeests, including many varieties of birds and antelopes. They like to gather near the water for a bit. In Bol, you can see hundreds of birds and a hippo or two and floating islands between November thru February.

How about the Nile Crocodile in Ennedi? Although the Tibesti Mountains are off limits, the desert of Ennedi is a uniquely different place to visit, with prehistoric cave paintings, unusual rock formations, slot canyons complete with ancient sea arches. Enjoy!

Categories Africa Central Africa Guides

Lady Babs

I enjoy working on all kinds of projects, such as CD and Product Reviews, health and beauty articles, food, recipes and home projects. Sometimes, arts and crafts. I am very capable of following specific directions. I can write using US English or UK English. I offer quality work and am very aware of deadlines and do my best to meet them. If I fail to do so, then I am still working on it or something in life has prevented it. Writing and Photography, has always been a passion for me. I've recently written and published a Cajun/Creole e-cookbook on amazon, as well as written CD Reviews for smooth jazz magazine. My first review was on the fabulous Wynton Marsalis and his family in New Orleans. Other CD REviews are John Carey - Oh So Funky and Jonathan Butler - Gospel CD Grace and Mercy. See writing samples. I've got the travel bug now, so I am presently, venturing off to write travel articles. Some from my previous travels and local bits. Including photos. Writing Is Exciting!

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3 places to visit in chad

Ennedi Natural and Cultural Reserve

3 places to visit in chad

Zakouma National Park

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  1. 14 Best Places to Visit in Chad

    4. Zakouma National Park. Zakouma National Park, in the south-eastern region of Chad, covers an area of roughly 3,000 square kilometers. It is regarded as one of the last places in Central Africa that is truly a refuge for wildlife and it is considered to be one of the most successful conservation efforts in the area.

  2. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Chad

    32. Speciality Museums. Though many of its artifacts have been lost over the years, the Musée National N'Djamena still makes for an interesting visit. 3. Guelta d'Archei. 12. Geologic Formations. Though Fada is rife with interesting geological formations, the Guelta d'Archei is its most famous. 4.

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    Guelta d'Archei offers an intimate look at the Sahara's ecosystem and stands as a testament to the beautiful places in Chad that await your discovery. Journey to Guelta d'Archei and witness the harmony between rugged landscapes and the gentle flow of life. 4. Guelta De Bachikele.

  4. 11 Best Places to Visit in Chad

    11 Best Places to Visit in Chad 13. The Ennedi Plateau is home to a series of ancient sandstone formations. One of these formations is the Ennedi Arch, which is 120 meters high and 74 meters wide. It is also home to cave paintings that date back over a thousand years.

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    33. National Parks. Zakouma National Park is one of the last remaining intact Sudano-Sahelian ecosystems in Africa. Due to its close proximity to the centre of the Chadian Basin, the terrain of the park is almost exclusively…. See way to experience (1) 2. Musée National N'Djamena (National Museum) 32. Speciality Museums.

  7. Chad travel

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    Luxury hotels can cost upwards of $150 per night. Outside the capital, accommodations may be more basic and cheaper. Food: Food in Chad can be very affordable, with street food and local markets offering meals for around $2 to $5. Restaurants and hotels can cost around $15 to $25 per meal.

  11. THE 10 BEST Places to Visit in Chad (UPDATED 2024)

    32. Speciality Museums. Though many of its artifacts have been lost over the years, the Musée National N'Djamena still makes for an interesting visit. 3. Guelta d'Archei. 12. Geologic Formations. Though Fada is rife with interesting geological formations, the Guelta d'Archei is its most famous. 4.

  12. Chad Travel Guide

    1. Lake Chad: Once one of the world's largest lakes, almost as large as the Caspian Sea, Lake Chad has been affected more drastically by climate change than almost any other place on the African continent or in the world.As the region's seasonal monsoons have changed course and farmers have used more water for irrigation, Lake Chad has shrunk to 5 percent of its former size in only 35 years.

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    2. The N'Djamena Grand Mosque. The N'Djamena Grand Mosque is located in the capital of Chad, N'Djamena, opposite the colourful central market. This is the main attraction of the African people. French colonialists built a Muslim shrine in 1978. Since then, to this day, many Muslims come to pray in the mosque.

  14. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Chad (Updated 2024)

    1. Zakouma National Park. 32. National Parks. Zakouma National Park is one of the last remaining intact Sudano-Sahelian ecosystems in Africa. Due to its close proximity to the centre of the Chadian Basin, the terrain of the park is almost exclusively flat with the exception of the beautiful granite inselbergs found in the south-west near Ibir.

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    This is the ROI FAYCAL MOSQUE build on the 70's but very modern and it surrounded by souk (Grand Marché) where you can... 4. N'Djamena Cathedral. 23. Churches & Cathedrals. 5. Lakes of Ounianga. 3. Bodies of Water • Points of Interest & Landmarks.

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    Things to Do in Chad, Africa: See Tripadvisor's 1,306 traveller reviews and photos of Chad tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend or in March. We have reviews of the best places to see in Chad. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  19. Our Top 5 Best Places To Visit In Chad:

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Places to Visit in Chad. 1. What are the must-visit places in Chad? Chad offers a variety of captivating destinations. Explore N'Djamena's vibrant markets, experience the wildlife of Zakouma National Park, marvel at the Ennedi Plateau's rock formations, and discover the Ounianga Lakes' serene ...

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    Hadjer el Hamis is a unique place to visit and see the volcanic Elephant Rock. To get a closer look, hire a 4WD. The road is made of soft sandy rocks. If you dare to hike up to the legs of the elephant, ask to be shown the best path. N'Djamena Restaurants: Experience a variety of food from Arab, Chadian and Chinese cuisines. Â Here are just ...

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  22. Places Of Interest In Chad: The Best Places To Go & Visit

    Journeys by Design Limited - UK registered office Telephone: + 44 (0) 1273 623 790 8-9 Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AD . Journeys by Design Limited - NYC representation office